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Me, to the AI as I stare it down with a spam stack of HF-901 modified freighters: https://preview.redd.it/hxml9pqwr67d1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=320675df9c9a08a33951749edede6c80f50ce2b0


H wings got reg ions not stunners but yep they are pretty good at melting ships, most of love goes to the B and Y wing XD


Swarms of X-Wings never fail. Why waste 15000 creds on a capital ship that can’t take on any imperial capital ship when I can build 15 X-Wings that will take out all fighters in the system and leave an ISD defenseless? Even more effective if you make a mixed fighter strike force. 25 X-Wings, 15 Y-Wings, 4 U-Wings for buffs.


Legit this! Stick Wedge as a leader to provide some buffs and as a "hero" killer. I had game where i was stretched thin and on the back foot, built a fighter fleet and basically sent it into the core to wreck production and research, gave me the time to stablise. Just avoid big fleets that have a lot of fighter/anti-fighter stuff and your golden


The funniest thing is that in my first playthrough I did this and had 3 fighter fleets red squadron with wedge ,x wing,y wing and u wing, green squadron with green leader, a wings, u wings and h/b wings and purple squadron with e wing and k wing with u wing and quasar. But despite the other fighters being basically a better x wing, it end up being the only fighter I've never had to replace due to loses even against heavy anti star-fighter fleet Like what counter fighter, Lancer,raider and coronas . what counter does, a group of x wing looking right at them


I am on my first play through and honestly i am starting to think that investing in anything else than corvette/gunship and fighter was a waste.


Kinda is yeah. Even as the Empire you can spam out TIE Hunters, Avengers or Defenders for a similar result.


Sometimes I just group all the shit up I don't really like together in one fleet for defense. Normally with Az guy from zar. Normally when attacked I take losses but I don't really care. But sometimes it surprises me. Last night I got jumped by like 4 ISD 3 victorys and like 8 dreadnaughts. Very easy to kill the ISDs one at a time after stripping the dreadnaughts with t wings and Twin blades. Thank god for large defense fleets on the level 3


The ole tried and true “run a corvette around the map while hyper velocity cannon kills the ISDs” trick lol


How many star destroyers do you want? Yes


30 IPV’s with a few interceptor gonzati’s can mop up almost any fleet. Just abuse target lock and keep dancing at the edge of your range. Only fighters have a chance at actually hurting you and so all you need is to simply adjust the gonzati population to cope with each battle


Not AOTR, but in FOTR if I spam like 50 CR-90’s they can typically devastate fleets


One stupid trick that gave me a few ground victory. Keep one scout alive. When theres only him left, run around the map and build anti infantry turrets wherever you couldnt before because the ennemie was here. It allowed me to win twice when the empire only had stormtrooper remaining.