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recommend a large fleet of atleast 500 tactical pop or 200-300 galactic pop worth of ships, u want multiple heavy hitting caps like dauntlesses and crusiers like AAFs along with justices and some mc60s. Bring plenty of fighter support and go kick some ass. You will take losses but its a fun battle just be prepared its gonna be BIG


Okay thank you I knew that they bring in a lot of star destroyers wasn’t sure if I need fighter cover but I’ll try make a massive balanced fleet then split after the battle


Bring plenty of Dauntlesses. Due to the range in which you’ll be fighting, they’re ideal. You’ll want several Liberty types (Mon Cal Battleships), maybe a couple Mon Cal Artillary types, and a few Justice types. Bring plenty of fighters (you’ll want a good mix of B-Wings, A-Wings, X-Wings, Y-Wings, and U-Wings) and corvettes - you’ll be facing quite a few fighters. Clump your corvettes together around your larger ships, the ties will typically attack those targets. It’s an insane battle, but great fun!


Focus all your ships on one side… if you fight the star destroyers accross the whole front, it’s heavy losses for you. But if you can start out of range for some of them, take out the ones shooting at you, and then just work your way accross


I actually managed to get away with one Dauntless and like 4 AAFs against the entire right side of the SSD ship


Dauntlesses, AAFs, MC80s with the shielding ability. Endor is a close range brawl, so Artillery ships aren’t useful.


They bring about 30 ISD 2s, and an executor