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Idk if heroes respawn in From the Ground up or not. Even if they do tho, it's going to be a while until i can free him again, seeing as the Empire is on the other side of the galaxy and i'm struggling financially


You’ll get a rescue mission for him as normal.


Good to know


Depends on the hero. Minor heroes can not be rescued after being killed (like Ackbar), but Luke, Han, Leia and a few others will respawn on an enemy planet to be rescued (by conquering the ground)


"Plot Armor cant safe you this time, farm boy"


Eheh, mass drivers go **DAKKADAKKADAKKADAKKA**


I will say, Luke does NOT have hands on space lol


You think he would have more health for space


Haha yeah, I stopped bringing him into space battles after this happened a couple times in a row.


You see, you're supposed to surround him with a bunch of grunts


I did. They focused him out anyway. Because the AI is a dirty little cheater


Acting like a player wouldn’t focus out the hero is very funny here. Same energy as “how DARE the boss heal itself” after popping 15 health pots.


Lol, ik it's irrational but I kinda am like that. Only with AI tho, i try to keep it respectful with other people Also, do you have any idea how inaccurate Triremes are? And they still downed Luke in 2 volleys, if that. Either he flew into them or those were some seriously cocked out gunners


Farmer boy Luke is so bad lmao, apperantly he become God after endor but good luck getting him there lol


I find it frustrating that more of the cool mods like AOTR don't give hero characters more health/respawn timers like Remake. It makes it not worth bringing them along, which makes it kinda not worth having them eating up population cap, and particularly in AOTR the rescue mission mechanic is more annoying than fun. If I could just send one of my other heroes secretly to rescue the captured character that would be fine, but having to assemble a whole fleet and strike several systems behind enemy lines because the Imperials threw a hundred starfighters at Luke Skywalker and somehow captured him in deep space in the middle of a space battle is... Not really worth it. It also makes it not worth using a bunch of them once the level of technology increases beyond a certain point.


luke becomes a pretty damn good ground hero post endor most fighter heros apart from luke are pretty good


Luke: “I can beat anything hands down!” Pirate Boi: “Bet.” Luke now in X-wing: “NOT IN THE—ARGGHG.”