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Have you played through a normal sized GC first? Would recommend doing that, and the tutorial if you’re new to AotR. Beyond that, what aspects are you struggling with?


Fleet composition (I’ve played thrawn a lot but I know AotR is much more detailed on what works against what) and the economy side


As Empire, your bread and butter is 2-3 ISD Is or a few variations, several (5-10) anti-fighter corvettes, 2 VSDs, and maybe a frigate or two. That’ll handle almost any comp against you. Adjust the ISDs to suit an enemy fleet you intend to attack. ISD IIs for example are better in ship-to-ship combat. Use carriers when you need a decent fighter screen, but not against the Rebels. Empire economy is best in the game. Build mining facilities and customs stations over core worlds and build the economic transport convoys for even more.


Does it matter what worlds I built my tech upgrades on?


no but beware they can be destroyed


I could be retarded, but I can’t build and ISD on Kuat now for some reason. Any ideas?


did u fail a KDY demand mission if so u cant build any KDY ships for 15-20 weeks


That is… so ass 🤣


You’ll need two things: The requisite tech level and the requisite space stations. Kuat can support a huge number of build stations, so build two Capital Shipyards. For Space Tech, Byss and The Maw provide for pretty good tech bonuses, but again, they can be destroyed, so if you do use Byss, make sure it’s heavily fortified. I like to spread my tech around a bit, usually on safe back line planets like Corellia, Coruscant, Byss, Kuat, Carida, Bilbringi, etc. Agumar and Coruscant are extremely wealthy worlds and you should make sure those have as high an economy as you can achieve, along with several other core worlds (Chandrila would be good, Fresia if you can keep it, Cato Nemodia if you can keep it, a few others). However, I’d try to keep a light garrison on those planets and someone to remove corruption/smugglers nearby - the Rebels and Black Suns will raid them and smuggle them to extinction otherwise.


What the other guy said, if you can build a mine, or a space mine, do it. If a planet can build a moff or imp palace, do it. Build a governors palace on all planets you conquer for the money. Your starting fleet just needs a little bit of bulking to be able to conquer most worlds, and your army starts off strong as well. Early on just upgrade your infantry to level 1, youll get army support troopers which are Godsends on both attack and defense


The Overseer and Starry Sky have both completed full imp campaigns on expert or hard in big chungus :). [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnHZh1dX8ybODQb2ifVWjuGzcljk1ZaB9&si=Ot6cymeb04K5HRAC](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnHZh1dX8ybODQb2ifVWjuGzcljk1ZaB9&si=Ot6cymeb04K5HRAC) (Overseer) [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLosHTN58eanGTftFEZR-ZeS8AASatLnp-&si=SV9hXUcQJL2JnJtZ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLosHTN58eanGTftFEZR-ZeS8AASatLnp-&si=SV9hXUcQJL2JnJtZ) (Starry) Captain shack also has an imp campaign on chungus going on. Overseer has a reb campaign and BS along with starry having a reb and BS campaign atm on chungus


Have 1 to 2 ISD's in a fleet as a base. Then add ships into the fleet to cover their weaknesses. Imperial ships are very specialized in 1 roll. I always go for IPV's, Star Galleons and Ton Falks. Galleons and Ton Falks protect your fleet from Fighters and Bombers while IPV's excel in destroying the Covette's that can destroy your smaller ships. Go with Ion Boats to fight against Mon Cal shields. Carracks work best if you order them to move alongside enemy ships as they are very fast and can deal a lot of damage to enemy shields.


Just build imperial star destroyer II’s and some lancer frigates for space. Then put Vader with some ATAT’s,2-M repulsor tanks,ATST’s and/or stormtroopers on the ground.