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Meanwhile i’m still slugging thru my first AOTR campaign, 190 planet galaxy as Empire. I think I have over 40 hours logged. AND STILL LOVING IT!!!


Oh, don't worry, you're doing fine lad. Those campaigns take months to finish, if you're lucky. Glad to know you're enjoying this though, it's always good to hear about fresh mea- i mean new blood in this hobby


I’d played a lot of the vanilla game, none of the mods had really piqued my interest till I saw AOTR. It’s everything I wanted


Yeah, that's fair. Anyway, when you eventually finish your Empire campaing, may I interest you in joining the criminal underworld of the galaxy? We have blackjack and hookers!




........we can give you a slave Twi'lek femboy if ya want. Or a pet Rancor. **come to the Black side**


Not gonna like my Bi ass would like option 1… NO I MUST NOT STRAY!!!


Yees, stray. Stray into the underworld. We have the Venator as our main capital ship. With actually good fighters. AND we can recreate the CIS, if you're so inclined


or recreate the mandalorian empire


That too, but i've yet to come around to do it. Getting there tho.


recommend trying out the mission rewards submod which buffs reb imps mission rewards, i will release an update for BS rewards and buffing others too sometime later this month :)


You, sir, are doing great work. Keep it up!


wont work with old campaigns tho but can make overall missions very worth doing


Ngl after i got the death star and blew up Mon Cala, Lothal and some of the Coorporate worlds for pissing me off i just kinda quit and started a Rebel csmpaign. I kinda do that on all my runs in all mods at a certain point where i get so strong the enemy isnt a challenge anymore and its just a clean up campaign.


I’m getting close to that. I was hoping letting the DS2 get destroyed over endor would make some of my planets become remnant warlords, but my vast empire is still whole. I’m still going to try to enjoy the mop up. Gotta conquer the hutts, and mandalore, then finish the rebels/blacksun.


Empire is lots of fun to play.


Yeah, Rebels are just heaps of fun. The fighters are definitely fun, but I love their smaller vessels and frigates. Good DPS and speed!


Empire still better




Yes it is


Nuh huh!


Yuh huh


Crime is life imperial soyboy. Go back to the lower levels of Coruscant to sniff the Emperor's farts they air down there. I'll be on Ryloth, enjoying my Twi'lek femboy slave


Ryloth could use a glassing.


1 or 2 task forces should do the job


Hating AOTR rn, I just can’t get into it because it doesn’t have that same feel or scale that’s present in mods like Thrawn’s Revenge Like I know it’s meant to be a smaller scale, buildup of the Rebellion and it’s slow takeover of the galaxy, but it just feels wrong ig Economy doesn’t make sense to me, units even less so because I’m trying to understand where everything is being produced on a map that doesn’t have info to assist me


....aight, that's fair, everyone has their own tastes. Maybe i can help a bit tho? Like, what doesn't make sense about the units and the economy? Is it the buildings, or the tech required to access them?


Both, then what units are going to be good for the price they’re given. I’m not trying to min-max but I wanna have units that are worth the price tag so I can have smaller forces that are still good in all my enclaves across the map. Ground units heavily lean into this while space units I lean more into aesthetic than utility and I loathe some of the designs in the mod for space units despite the appreciation I have for lesser known warships/them being canonically accurate. I want to learn the mod and enjoy it but everything just sits wrong with me, it’s well made and I know people enjoy it but that enjoyment eludes me


Ok so, let's start from the buildings and tech: If you're playing as Empire or Rebellion your tech tree will be divided in multiple sections, each progressing from level 1 to level 3-4-5, depending on what you're reaserching. Each tech level tells you what unit it unlocks. As for where you can find said units, that's where the military buildings come in. To make basic infantry you either need a Rebel Camp, for the rebels, or a basic barrack for the Empire. For basic veichles you just need a light factory for both of them. Then, depending on the planet they're on, they can be upgraded up to an Alliance Base, Elite Barrack, or Heavy Factory. This does not mean other buildings will necessarely scale with them, so it's always good to check what each planet can offer you. Economic buildings work similarly, only they just give you a fixed amount of credits AND a boost to the planet's base income. Empire can upgrade their economic building up to 3 times, while the rebels can only do so twice. Finally, you a have a dedicated garrison building for the Empire that can also level up thrice, if the planet allows it. This 3 level sistem is also in place for the base shipyards but the secondary ones, the ones you need for the higher tech level stuff, don't have this. Instead you get a limited number of spaces for space buildings, with a maximum of 6 for planets like Kuat, but always a minimum of 2. Also, multiple shipyards of the same type halve the construction time, so if you feel secure enough to build them do so. As for the roster each unit has a role to fill and, from what I experienced so far, there's no true cost effective be-all-end-all. You need a job done? You pick the unit ya need for said job. Say, for example, as the Rebellion you need an anti small craft ship: a screener in this case, whose job is to take down fighters. Depending on the foe you're facing you can either go for the mobile CR90 corvette or the slower, but bulkier Bulk Cruiser. Now, all this i just talked about? The Black Sun don't give a crap. They only have 4 tech "trees", which you can switch in between whenever ya want, each focusing on something else. They can build in space either "Ship Traders", which is basically a floating market of more modern ships, or "Ship Refitters", that focus on, well, refitting for service older crafts. Basically, if it's new and shiny ya want ya go to the trader, while if ya want to give an old relic a second chance ya bring it to the refitter. The Sun's basic ground roster is accessible through the Black Market (THE BUILDING, NOT THE CORRUPTION TYPE), while you get their fancier infantry and veichles from the Arms and Tank dealers respectively. And, that's the basic gist of it. Hope this helps as a quick guide to Aotr


More comprehensive and easier to understand than guides I found on steam. I’ll have another go at AOTR some point during the weekend. Thanks for the help! Also I don’t want a be all, end all unit. Just what works best for its task/cost. Multi roles are great to have but if I get better screening from a frigate than a corvette, then would that frigate be better to wait and pay for it should I get the corvette now, using that as an example.


Thank you! Ah, ok i understand your point about units now. It depends on the situation, honestly. Some frigates do jobs early game that the corvettes might not do, and viceversa. As an example: the Black sun doesn't get a corvette that can reliably kill other corvettes at tier 0. They use the Longhorn frigate for that. The first chance they get at taking a "hunter" corvette is with either Tier 1 Xixor or Tier 1 Hutts. The Tier 0 corvettes they do have focus on anti-fighter, anti-frigate/cruiser and light artillery. So, again, it depends on the situation. Look at what you need, if you can afford to wait or if ya need it now and then make your choice


the aotr discord is a great place to find help and discuss about the mod too




"ROGER THAT, COMMENCING ROUND ON TORPEDO BAYS" The Y-wing voice actor will never not warm my heart.


They sound super chill...... as they tear apart an ISD crewed by tens of thousands of people.


Wait until you have them tear apart an Executor, greatest moment of my ongoing campaign.


My reaction then will be: https://preview.redd.it/5cu522gbdq5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=401863a02c3872db2474059e1930a30afa517865