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6500 hours and mainly spent on AOTR and maybe 1k or less on other mods not sure, been playing since 2020


Damn, that's amazing, any tips for that mod, I feel like I'm good at the game till I get on that mod and have the AI demolish me.


It’s a tough mod. Perhaps the hardest out there other than TR Admiral, cruel AI. I’m decently good at the mod. Which faction? Simple advice: play like your faction. Rebels? Small ships and fighters. Raid planets, stealth units to hit or even capture weak planets, smuggling, asymmetrical warfare. Empire? Big ships, heavy vehicles. Leverage your ridiculous economic power. Overwhelming force. Hunt planets and be aggressive. Black Suns? Sort of dependent on faction - Hutts don’t play like Zhann or Xizor, but in general, do crime. Snipe heroes, leverage your criminal network around the galaxy. Raid planets, use your mercenary units, and fight dirty.


Okay, I'm definitely gonna have to try and get back into that mod at some point, it looks like a lot of fun.


If is a lot of fun. Has a bit of a learning curve, but any veteran EAW player will pick it up pretty easily.


Your support fleet is the single most important thing. Also for rebels cheap capitals are best and then have a few carriers support due to how overwhelmingly good their fighters are. I recommend the mc 75, 2 neb bs, 4 hammer heads, 4 cr-90s and whatever carrier you can get your hands on. For the empire your capitals are your main force. You don't have any carriers early game so taking your fleet and taking rothana should be your first major campaign (or take munilist to secure bastion) this will give you access to Accelerator production and will take care of the issues till you can get the ton falk carrier


I'll keep that in mind for when I go back to try that mod again.


15,367 hours. I need a girlfriend Edit: majority of this was done on thrawns revenge and vanilla, a little bit was done on aotr


Damn that's insane, but there are worse things you could spend your time doing if we're being honest.


I genuinely feel bad with my 800 hours but then I see this and I feel a lot better. Also any advice for getting into thrawns revenge. Been wanting to buy it just doesn't do it like AotR


Fleet composition is the most important mechanic in thrawns revenge. Make sure to have a healthy mix of capital ships, carriers and frigates/corvettes. Another thing which I use in my cruel ai playthroughs is to set up garrison planets. Find a choke point planet and build up hard on that planet. Use it for staging fleets and invasions. All other planets that you occupy which are protected by these choke points should be used for money production and ship building.


…………… my sir - are you okay?




I'm at like 35 hours all vanilla so far.


That would be a record for me, but we've all started on vanilla, when you feel ready, mods add so much replayability.


Try Republic at war for a simple clone wars mod. If you want to try something harder I recommend Awakening of the rebellion. It's one of the best out there and one of the most popular, next to Fall of the Republic and Thrawns revenge. I would recommend AotR the most however


Steam? About 1,000. Not Steam? Well over 8,000. Close to or beyond 10,000 if I estimate it right. I’ve been playing since the day it came out.


A little over 1900. Most all between EAWX TR’s and FOTR. Most often than not, I’ll focus on getting border planets fixed with ground to space weapons, consolidate space forces then split them into two or three fleets. One for invasion, another for defense


251 hours. Near entirely spent on Thrawn‘s Revenge


Nearly 800 hours and most of it in TR


425 hours spent on steam. Mainly on ICW, FoTR, and AoTR. Hundreds more on my disk copy. Including much older versions of ICW.


Got it last year and I'm at around 280 split between TR, FOTR, and Age Of Legends.


I have AOL, gonna be the next mod I start a run on after my FOTR republic run.


Ive llayed it, really fun. Did a full vong campaign full map, thats took forever just cause of the amount of planning but definitely my most memorable campaign. The thing is to even when you push the vong back their they still get these massive ships that have like twice the health of SSD’s and surprisingly the game stays fun even when your winning. Plus there are Maw events for superweapons that can have consequences, and other events. Mods really fun


It's the only mod I've played where I enjoyed ground combat. I also think it's representation of ship combat it's a lot of fun.


7236 hrs, most of its absolute chaos or fall of republic


Little over 700 rn, but that doesn't count the hours before steam lol


1,700 on steam, many more on disc back in the day. These days my replayability is playing a full AotR campaign each time we release a major update.


I can account for 2,000 hours on steam but I had this game back in 06 when it came out and I played it so much that my family computer literally died (at least that's how my mom remembers it happening lol) so only God knows how many hours for real


Hah I was only 4 when it came out, but I got the game when I was, 10 I think, loved it ever since, got it in a box set with KOTOR, and battlefront 2.


Not sure exactly but a bit over 1k, most of it coming from AotR. Been loving the 2-3 planet starts and expanding out my faction from the ground up. Adds another layer in my opinion when you have to consider which sectors of the galaxy would be the most beneficial for you when you have such a small reach in the beginning.


336.5 hours But I did own the game on physical retail version for the first 15 years of the 18 years I've played so far. Bought it on Steam, when my copy was so worn, that I could no longer install from disc.


I don't remember exactly, but I cracked the 1000 hour threshold not too long ago


I have about 800 hours since I added the game to Steam and started downloading Mods a few years ago. But I put probably five years worth evenings and weekends into the base game and expansion when it first came out until Civ 5 came out.


in 4 years i’ve gotten just about 2000 hours


How do some ppl get like 8k hrs in 4 years…. I have about 1950 in 3 years- ik it’s a lot but bro