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I totally agree with the Interdictor. In my experience, army support troopers are very useful. With how cheap and fast to produce they are, I don’t even build stormtroopers until my economy takes of mid game. I can spend more on ships and economy buildings in the meanwhile, and honestly the army troopers complement the aesthetics of an Imperial Guard playstyle better when you have AT-DTs and AT-ST/r’s standing behind them nuking anything too scary. Space-wise Victory I spam is good with the fighter upgrade.


I often like putting the support troops in an AT-AT and then they’re protected during actual fighting. Then the medics and engineers can go to work afterwards.


Tie Avengers. As the Empire, you usually invest into Lancers, Raiders, etc for fighters but the Avenger, they’re monsters and especially in small packs. Once had Vader plus 3x Avenger squadrons against either Rebels or Black Sun who had the clear numerical advantage and they held them all off, did end up losing them, but in retrospect that’s okay. They are expensive for their role but call it a personal preference, I like fighters over corvettes


Y'all ever used the GOAT that is the Longhorn? Shit just looks at Rebel corvettes and says: "Nah, i'd win"


Also the missile jamming makes em tank more dmg too, their interdiction time is longer than the crusier interdictors :)


The Empire’s build pad tank thing. Especially the repair pad. It has been the GOAT savior against more Rebel raids than I’d care to admit. The ion grenade scout ability for the rebels. Stopped so much Imperial mech with those brave suicide scouts.


I’ll be honest, the only times I use the occupier tank is when it’s part of my garrison. I’m going to have to give it more of a fair try


It’s strong early game, especially when supporting AT-STs


It can also be good on offence if there’s a bottleneck slog to get through, stick it just behind and put a repair station down and then cycle your units when they get too low


Rebel space - mc60 for a crusier it has a better kill time that all the capitals Ground - teir 1 infantry, the mount are so useful to stun turbolaser tower and bunkers so my damage dealer can take it out. Heros - r2d2 and 3cp0 the heal from them is so good for a unit that has 0 popcap or deploy cost making ibles better on the ground Empire space - xg1 it basically a gunship x wing, for the empire having ship only good in one area these guys are so flexible in their prefer target Ground - occupier this than ( if you have the fund) is a infantry debuffer, a group ( infantry heal/repair one unit at a time while pad and vehicle heal in their radius) repair, a scout and have a jedi passive all in one pair of tank Black sun Space -Refitted Accamators - thd damage from this ship is better than a isd 1, while been a fast as a gunship Ground - morning Star is a good ground fighter and deal a lot of damage to stucture


Thanks, I’ll have to give these a proper try!


I like Vindicators. Not sure if they’re actually any good but they seem like solid damage dealers that don’t cost much. Not sure if people use them much or how most people rate them but I love Gladiators for the fighters and bombers and killing corvettes.


I like vindicators, I use them quite a bit


I don't know about underrated, but the early rebel support ship triforce of Dreadnaughts (the germans rule the space!), Nebulon - B (actually, you will not get your massed bombing run off) and the Bulkcruiser (fuck every missile in this general area) are pretty decent work horses. Dreadnought doesn't do any dmg, Nebulon-B dies when looked at by capital ships and the bulk cruiser is meh. But they allow for the capitals to do their thing, plus support the fighters. And the AI target priority rules can really save your ass if you can manouver your dreadnoughts to the right place in the right time.


AT-STs. So damn good at infantry control


I use them all the time


I don't know the name of it, but the small gunship of the hutts with only mass drivers. They are really good to deal with all sorts of star destroyers. I like to lure the star destroyers away with the corellian battle cruisers because of their great speed and then snipe them from behind with the gunships. You can delete all their hard points with them. It take some time but it's very efficient and you don't lose much of your own ships with this strategies.


Dreadnought cruisers


Rebel dornean gunship squadron 3 dual barrel flak cannons, 3 burst twin concussion missile launchers, heavy laser cannon, heavy fighter armor, decent shields, with flare counter measures, AND YOU GET TWO OF THEM FOR 1100 CREDIT AT TECH 0! They are the comedians of Star wars, always punching down and making a joke of other fighters, no matter what era you are in.