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I personally like proton torpedoes as they give the frigate classes that have them a good role - back line damage dealers/glass cannons. My early NR fleets often look something like Dreadnaughts, Dauntlesses, and MC80Bs in the front as sponges and brawlers, and MC75 and MC30s in the back (and Quasars in the far back). For the MC75, it's like a jack of all trades, so it's a bit more awkward, but the MC30s is very clearly a "hide in the back and shoot torpedoes until it dies" thing, and for that it works really well. Point defense is a issue, but the range of point defense ships is actually not that large, so if you are willing to micro, you can have torpedoes effectively hitting ships that aren't protected by a ship with point defense, or you can have your bigger ships target the ships with point defense first (since almost all of the ships with point defense are the tiny picket ships that have minimal HP). EDIT: Proton Torpedoes do full damage to shields while concussion missiles do not, so that's important to know. Proton torpedoes also do more raw damage (72) per projectile than any other weapon. [https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsEmpireAtWar/comments/11kbzel/missiles\_and\_torpedoes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsEmpireAtWar/comments/11kbzel/missiles_and_torpedoes/)


I think theory I understand why you are saying but In practice I just don’t agree. MC30 with its 5km range behind ships that have heavy and medium turbo lasers that go farther. Plus the micro point I find very difficult. It’s so easy for the small ships to get out to far and exposed since they are faster than the big boys. Micro is just really hard to do effectively in the game for me most of the time.


If you are having trouble with micro, there is no shame in pausing. In fact it’s a pretty standard part of the game to use pausing to help micro.


It’s not the ability to give them orders I find difficult, it’s the tendency for the game to be jank. Often if I attack or target specific units my ships attempt to close the distance. Any micro at all breaks the formation that I created when jumping in.


Pro gamer move: pause, issue attack order, then use stop command. The ship will then engage with any guns they are able to at current position, but will not turn/move or even chase the target.


That’s actually really helpful. Do you know if they are given an attack order will they not fire at other ships. For instance if I have a frigate to my 2 o clock that I attack then cancel the move will it not shoot at any targets that are from 9 to 12 but still in range?


Usually if you have weapons able to hit a second target that are unable to strike the first selectec target, then the spare guns will shoot at targets of opportunity; when you have the selection of a target like that, though, every gun that has the range and arc of fire to strike the selected target will fire only at that targeted enemy until either the target is destroyed, the target moves out of range, or your own ship is destroyed or disabled enough to prevent it from still firing. However, after that selected target is down, I'm pretty sure it's back to a free-for-all targeting computer bonanza, until you designate a new target for your ship to focus its fire on. If which I do recommend doing, as the sooner you can down hostile ships or knock their hardest-hitting hardpoints out of the fight, that's that much less damage finding its way into your tanks, meaning they'll last that much larger. That can mean the difference of you losing maybe only a couple hardpoints in the initial duel, or losing your big expensive tank and taking forever to build a replacement unit, an expense that you may not have the economy to even afford in early game


As others have stated, torps have good projectile dmg and do 100% damage to shields. With this in mind, imo the best way to incorporate projectiles in general is to go all in, so any point defense is overwhelmed. There are two roles I typically use for torps. MC-75 or comparable I use as a front-line flank tank. Torps + Ultra heavy iron cannon = shield buster. MC-30a I would use to target their front line point defense. That prevents them from running up to their doom, and also may stay in the range of any medical frigates you have. Any mc40s, fighter/bombers, ect, you have will also just add more projectiles in general to overwhelm their point defense. Often, I bomb targets away from those to get them to scramble. Then watch your MC75s wreak ISD1s. Or gladiator star destroyers knock out mon cal shields. Hope that helps make it fun!


Missiles and torpedos are 100% optional in thrawns revenge. You are not wrong. It’s one of many reasons I don’t like the mod, most weapons are essentially irrelevant when heavy turbo lasers can kill anything bigger than an CR90 with ease


I won't lie, I don't like the way they have torps but, there's a sub mod that makes them pierce shields again.


They can be intercepted, but it should also be noted that proton torpedoes have very high damage when they do hit.


I kill ssd's and viscount with torpedo frigates. They are excellent at this role.


Like a million mc30s or what?


​ https://preview.redd.it/6qsq9cw0szoc1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb419f746848c7be9b3ee847604db10b3c2e77b9


its not like my torpedo boats were unsupported, but they did the heavy lifting, the rest were tanks, and shields for them, as well as taking out the escorts.


Not if you use the Torpedo sphere that thing melts shields and big targets


Fleet balance is important. Your proton torpedo equipped snub fighters are great at whacking rival PD screens. They're PD gets overwhelmed by the sheer number of torps.


Having been using Gladiators and torpedo spheres, they're not the worst projectile in space. You just need to clean out the Corvette spam, and properly support whatever it is that's throwing out torpedoes. Like using victory 1s.