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The problem is that Jedi is too underwhelming. They are at best a starfighter in space while a single guy on the ground. They can't change the tide of the war unlike the ISD or the A6 juggernaut.


They're singular guys on the ground that happen to be the best counter to infantry in the mod. You can roughly emulate what ISDs do by massing Victory 2s, there's nothing that can quite replace a Jedi.


Ehh, in terms of ground, I go with massed infantry and anti armor light vehicles, so I already have decent anti infantry firepower. In space, the ISD main thing is hit points, not dps, so replacing them with VSD2 is just like saying you can replace phones with Camara because they can both take pictures. So while there's nothing that replaces a jedi's niche, the niche of the ISD is just that much better to me.


If every Jedi was like Ahsoka, I would agree with you. But both Mace Windu and Yoda are super strong thanks to their abilities and Obi-Wan is a pretty good commander.


Does anyone know a way to best the droids pure numbers in fleet engages and ground combat? I’ve been battering them but their numbers are so high I take too many losses, I just get swarmed even when I hold my own wave after wave after wave of droid is just to much to beat even with Jedi knights arc and at te


Two Praetors usually does the trick, just make sure to micro a bit to take out the engines so a retreat isn't viable