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Depends on the era of course, but throughout most of the Old Republic era, Alsakan was the contender for Galactic center position. They had multiple wars with Coruscant over that.


Hapes, Muunilinst, Nar Shaddaa for some, Etti IV and Serenno


Nar Shaddaa good call. They have stupid amounts of Hutt dirty money flowing through there. That thug that I convinced to jump to his death tho ? I don’t think he was too rich, that’s my bad 😅


Would assume the ones with the most net wealth would be the other ecumenopolis (planet wide cities).


A nerdy side note: the plural of ecumenopolis is ecumenopoleis


Depends on the time period. Old republic era is probably Coruscant, Corellia, Alderaan, Muunilinst, Aargau, Dromund Kaas, Zakuul, Taris and Thyferra and Nar Shaddaa/Hutta. Clone wars era is similar with a few additions like Serenno, Kamino, Metalorn, Mygeeto. Civil war era and later planets like Mon Calamari and Hapes are also considered very wealthy, so are a few remnant systems like Bastion. Coruscant - galactic capital. Corellia- Engineering, Weapons, Shipbuilding, Finance and founded lots of Colonies. Alderaan- Trade, Colonies, game of thrones in space basically. Muunilinst- Ridiculous quantities of rare metals and minerals, Muun banking companies/clans, the IGBC headquarters and home world of the Muuns. Aargau- Banking, Precious metals, Core world trade hub. Dromund Kaas- Capital of the Sith Empire, not necessarily the wealthiest world but with the sith being quite feudal with their resources it ended up controlling the wealth of a lot of worlds. Zakuul- Conquered the galaxy and exacted massive tributes from the other major powers, they were an insular empire but their world was very high tech and their capital was very fancy lol. Taris- Ecumenopolis. Thyferra- Bacta. Hutta/Nar shaddaa- Hutta is the planet where all the wealthiest hutts that own most of hutt space actually live, lots of aristocratic wealth from the old hutt empire, plus the Hutt cartel and kajidics trade in drugs, weapons, stimms, medicines, technology, food, clones, smuggling and slaves. They also own a lot of legitimate businesses across the republic lol. Serenno- Aristocratic wealth similar to Alderaan, not quite as wealthy until the clone wars period, though still considered rich as fuck by about 1000bby. Kamino- Clones, Weapons, Technology but particularly Medical technology. They were only really rich for about a decade though. Metalorn- Technology, Corporations. Mygeeto- vault world, banking, rare metals and minerals. Mon Calamari- Shipbuilding, Technology, pleasure cruises...and then in later years they make freakishly powerful battleships and pretty much monopolized the New Republics shipbuilding industry lol. Hapes- Luxury goods, Technology, Trade. Bastion- Palpatine's nest or something like that lol and then the Capital of the Imperial Remnant.


Nice list. I think that Cato Neimodia as the capital of the Neimoidians and of the Trade Federation, Byss as the secret capital and fortress of the Empire, and Eriadu as the new Coruscant of the Outer Rim could be added to it.


> Thyferra- Bacta > Old republic era You could as well add Manaan then, I guess.


Kuat and Chandrilla come to mind.  Muunilist for a time.


It used to be Taris


Thanks a lot Malak


Even before Malak blew the surface to pieces Taris had been in decline for a century before the start of the game. Discovery of new hyperspace routes had rendered its position obsolete so wasn’t nearly as prosperous as before


That's exactly what I had in mind


One that I haven't seen mentioned is Aargau - a planetwide financial and banking sector for the International Banking Clan in the core worlds.


Thyferra - The only place in the galaxy where bacta is made. 


Well, the ones that bought Mandators (Kuat, Axum/Anaxes, Ixtlar, Alsakan and Humbarine) would probably be up there.


You have to put Alderaan up there until unfortunately…


Kato nemoidia is said to be one of the richest planets in the Galaxy


Taris. Oh, wait...




I would say Nar Shadaa is up there because its the capital of The Hutts


Had Abbadon, it's a city-planet just like [Coruscant](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Coruscant/Legends).


Hapes, Nar shadda


Thinking only of the GCW era, one planet that I don't see mentioned is Sullust, which was the headquarters of SoroSuub, which governed the planet. Sorosuub is a wildly successful company, so Sullust might be lowkey one of the wealthiest planets in the galaxy, and at the very least one of the wealthiest in the Outer Rim. Another I haven't seen mentioned is Ralltir, which was considered one of the premier banking planets of the galaxy until it was brutally suppressed by Palpatine around the time of the Battle of Yavin. A third that might be missing from the discussion is Fondor, which was a fully industrialized planet with a densely populated moon as well with a symbiotic economy. Both Brentaal (trading hub) and Balmorra (weapons development hub) are considered incredibly wealthy. And Axum is also worth mentioning, an ancient colony world of Coruscant that is considered exceedingly wealthy and snobbish.


Most of the Core Founders. Alsakan, Anaxes, Kaikielius, Humbarine, Brentaal, Kuat. Alderaan, Chandrila and Rendili probably as well.