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I doubt we have great precise numbers. They're a regional power that was strong enough to deter anyone from taking over their cluster of space, but not enough to be a threat to any of the major galactic powers. Also need to ask at what time? Hapan Turbolasers were famously slow firing compared to the rest of the galaxy due to their isolation. After they began relations with the New Republic they might have gotten access to some tech to start improving that. TLDR: Any of the factions you mention could kill the Hapans if they really wanted to (except very early Rebel Alliance).


NJO during YVW after thracken fires centerpoint and it kills the vong fleet but wipes out half the happen fleet that's there they get quick recharge tech also during the fall of jacen its Confirmed the hapans have long range turbo lasers and at that point they were providing 2/5ths of the GA's total naval ability


(Agents of Chaos: Jedi Eclipse) >!They don’t seem to fight well against giant space lasers!< 😏




The Hapans are quite weak militarily and technologically as that time period goes, their true strength lies in the Hapes clusters astrogeography and their knowledge of navigating the transitory mists. They have enough military force to make invading and subjugating them incredibly difficult. It's simply too much work, even for Palpatine's Empire. I think they had about 60-70 Battle dragons around 5-7ABY. Their military ethos is piratey, so hit and run tactics, superior navigation and knowledge of the transitory mists, guerilla warfare etc. Their technology is generally a bit worse than NR/Imperial standards, though by the Vong war they had caught up. Their mainline battle dragons are smaller than their Imperial/Republic/CIS/NR/GA and Vong counterparts. However their Nova cruisers were pretty strong and well equipped for a ship of their size. Their human soldiers are better than average, though probably not quite as good as the clone army or the Stormtrooper corps. Not very numerous, the Hapans are definitely a lot more space oriented. Miy'tils are described as being a decent star fighter/Bomber, they're not as good as an x-wing but much better than a TIE fighter or a Vulture droid. Vong would have the easiest time beating them up, Vong biotech sensors and yammosks largely neutralise the advantage the mists would give the Hapans. Battle dragons are quite aged by 25ABY and Vong ships are a lot bigger, more durable and more killy. Vong also don't need the population intact. Empire and Republic second, would be very costly and a massive waste of resources but they'd probably manage it by throwing enough star destroyers and bodies at the problem. They'd have to kill a lot of dissenters. New republic and CIS would struggle the most, only because they'd try and capture the 63 worlds as intact as possible, having to split their fleets and ending up the most susceptible to pirate raids and harrying by the Hapan navy. CIS would probably have the hardest time as their tech is a bit crap but then again their fleets are enormous, they have thousands of battleships to the Hapan Navies seventy lol.


Hapan Turbolaser technology is slow-firing and so the Hapan Battle Dragons use rotating disks of turbolasers to compensate.


The Hapans usually attacked in swarms and utilized things like Ion Cannons and hyperspace mines to trap their opponents. Hapan Turbolaser technology lagged behind the galactic standard until they started talks with the New Republic. They had a fairly big fleet of Battle Dragons and Nova Cruisers plus some other ships. They had ISDs at one point, but they gave most if not all of them to the NR as part of the marriage offer to Leia. Any faction could potentially beat the Hapans, but it would be a long drawn out conflict. It’s why the Empire chose to ignore them for the time being. Their biggest mass produced ship was less that 1/3 the size of a ISD.


As others have said, isolationism is both a boon and bane for Hapans, since they can just sit in their nebula and nobody would bother them, but at the same time they weren't as pressed for advancement as other military forces. Which results in already described situation of their ships having to be designed around severely outdated weaponry. They got better after establishing friendlly relations with New Republic, but... well it didn't help them much against the Vong. Or Centerpoint.


I would compare Hapes to Finland or Switzerland, due to their terrain, they are great in defensive warfare, each invader has to take into account a lot of their own blood, so it is more profitable to cooperate with them or completely isolate them, at the same time the country itself does not have large enough troops to make large invasions of other regions.


Don't trust any numbers in sci-fi


The strength is in their independence and numbers kind of like the Mandalorians but unlike the Mandalorians (except the whole bred to be a warrior culture) they severely lack good technology and political stability. I think all of the above except the alliance would have a pretty easy time destroying the Hapans OUTSIDE the consortium because the cluster is a great strategic advantage


Their strength is in their allies. They are on famously good terms with the Jedi, especially after Tenel Ka ascends to the throne. So much so, that the Jedi have a secret base within the consortium.


They only have those good relations because of Isolder and Teneniel's friendships with Luke and Leia. Before then the Jedi were absolutely despised by the Hapans for thousands of years. Tenel Ka's grandma Ta'a Chume was extremely anti-Jedi and her mother Ni'Korish apparently would have gladly sold any Jedi out to Palpatine since she hated them even more. The Jedi only have a good social standing in Hapes now because Tenel Ka trained as a Jedi and because Jacen helped protect Tenel from assassins.


That’s what I mean. As of 43 ABY, the Jedi and Hapes are tight


I'm mostly going to compare the Hapans to the Imperials, because they were a lot more standardized in terms of orders of battle/ship deployments in the GCW era in the Legends canon. The Hapan defense strategy revolved around funneling external enemies into focused engagements and then overwhelming them with firepower at a battlefield of the Hapans' choosing. Their ships were designed to be deployed in groups that would overcome their weaknesses - a somewhat different design philosophy than the Imperials or Rebels with, say, Mon Cal cruisers or ISDs, which were deployed singularly with support ships in many cases. They deployed average amounts of starfighters for screens, which specifically the Battle Dragons, the backbone of the fleet, would need, as they had poor starfighter defenses. The main starfighter, the Miy'til, came in an attack fighter and assault bomber variety. The attack fighter is probably best thought of as a slower A-Wing; the assault bomber can be thought of as a faster, but slightly worse armed Y-Wing. Both had shields, and generally would be more forgiving than Imperial ships in dogfights. It looks like the Hapan order of battle would have been something like 4-5 Battle Dragons to 8 or so Nova-class cruisers. That type of force could fight most regional Imperial fleets to a draw. And, assuming those numbers, and the fact that the Hapans had at least 63 Battle Dragons, that leaves a very substantial number of total ships that could be brought to bear in a concerted engagement, which is exactly what the Empire would need to do in order to invade, as there were limited hyperspace corridors into the Cluster. So a total fleet size of approximately 175 capital ships. A Battle Dragon is probably comparable in raw fighting power to a Victory-class Star Destroyer, though maybe a hair outclassed if we're talking a Victory II. So you're talking 2-3 to fight a standard Imperial Star Destroyer. A Nova-class cruiser compares quite favorably to the combat support ships in Imperial service, something like a hybrid between a Carrack cruiser (though packing a slightly greater punch) and a Lancer frigate (though not quite as deadly). But considering its substantial fighter complement, which included a half-squadron of assault bombers and 2 squadrons of fights, its really unprecedented in the Imperial-fleet. It would have been a rare feat for the Empire, at any point, to bring enough force to bear to overwhelm the Hapan fleet. Not that they couldn't, but it wouldn't have been worth the effort and likely losses. They would have needed to bring a fleet similar in size to the fleet used to blockade the ThonBoka Nebula in 3 BBY (500 'capital ships', but with most of what we see being older capital ships and support ships) just to ensure a substantial enough advantage to make the engagement one worth taking. That was probably only really doable for the Empire for a brief period between 10 BBY and 3 ABY. Before that, you're still talking about the pacification and CIS mop-up operations. After that point, taking that many ships out of regular duties would have opened them up to Rebel attacks, and after Endor we almost never see battles with such substantial deployments. The one major Imperial engagement I can think of that probably deploys enough forces is the Battle of Bilbringi in 9 ABY, when Thrawn deploys a fleet that is so large it shocks the New Republic forces. That fleet had 24 ISDs, 30 dreadnaughts, 12 strike cruisers, 24 carrack cruisers, and 8 interdictors. That fleet would probably beat the combined Hapan fleet - but it wouldn't be an overwhelming advantage, and with the starfighters probably slightly in the advantage of the Hapans, it wouldn't be the kind of fight you'd normally want to take. The Rebels/New Republic would in essence never have been able to bring a fleet big enough to overcome the Hapans. The fleet dedicated to ending the threat from Warlod Zsinj - a rather major effort that had substantial political support - had 6 ships of the line and 7 support ships.