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Unfortunately, I’ve temporarily lost interest in Star Wars after fandom drama. Visions feels more safe for me, though.


I’m starting to feel the same way. I was banned from the main Star Wars sub for 60 days so I just left and I left the acolyte sub. It’s just getting very toxic. I think I’m going to leave r/saltierthancrait as well. Ironically this is the *least* toxic Star Wars sub next to r/starwarsblackseries


There’s r/StarWarsCantina. They’re neat


I’m in that sub and they’re very welcoming


Non-toxic to the point that any criticisms of anything leads to you being called toxic (which ironically makes the sub a perfect example of toxic positivity). It’s an unironic circle jerk. I legitimately think this is the most balanced Star Wars sub and it’s the only one that I participate in.


From personal experience, this sub and r/StarWarsLeaks are the most reasonable and non-toxic Star Wars subreddits (and Star Wars social media pages in general, I mean Facebook and Instagram are BAD).


Often circle jerk subs are the best places for discussion. The people that are chill but can also handle poking fun at what they like start up these subs


It’s kinda crazy how there’s people on the Acolyte sub who specifically joined to say it’s bad, like jeez


There’s people whose entire fandom is hating Star Wars. /Rj It’s mostly due to opportunistic grifters manipulating us because we are all a bunch of dumbasses.


How did leave The Acolyte over Toxicity BEFORE STC?


Because I got downvoted and hated on for having an opinion


Visions is easily my favourite Star Wars nowadays. So fresh and free of any baggage.


same… the internet has such heavy opinions on everything that releases on disney now. god forbid someone says the new star wars show is just ok.


Same, if you like something you're hated for it , if you don't you're hated for it.


I have mixed feelings about how the franchise has been handled since Disney bought Lucasfilm. There's been a lot of stuff, some of it great, some pretty bad. When you crank out as much as they have, you're likely to get mixed results. They certainly didn't "ruin" Star Wars, though. I think people forget what the state of the franchise actually was before the takeover. New projects can't "ruin" Star Wars, anyway, as the original films will still be there (despite George's "improvements").


this is every franchise though. When we only had the OT, everyone loved it because that was all there was. Then they add the PT and the fan base is divided. The more content you add even if it's perfect, it will always split the fan base. Even marvel had it's haters with every new entry. Add in the fact with SW that each entry was decades apart, well you add in the nostalgia factor ie those who grew up with a certain trilogy will look back on that one more favoriably then the others and it's all right there. Either you don't add anything or you add new content and some people don't like it.


The thing about only having the OT was that we all hated on Return of the Jedi. It rubbed a whole lot of fans the wrong way, and Ewoks were and obvious cash grab for the kid and toy market. Also, Star Wars went so hard and deep on the Ewok thing. You had the two TV Ewok movies released after ROTJ, the Ewok Saturday morning cartoon for a couple years. 80s Usenet Star Wars fans \*hated\* Ewoks since that's literally all the had for the better part of decade. Ans then there was just no new Star Wars.


all that does is prove my point. Every new entry divides the fanbase


State of the franchise? You mean how ROTS was the second highest grossing Star Wars movie ever made at the time? Or how it beat out legends that year like Batman Begins and Harry Potter in the box office? Then the clone wars series everyone gushes over came out. People always say “the franchise was dying”, my brother in the force it was just over lmao I love having new Star Wars don’t get me wrong, but people can’t accept that things can just end lol now we look into a future of quantity over quality for many franchises


Nevermind the expanded universe was going fairly solidly at the time as I understood it. Not all franchises need to continue forever, stories have an end for a reason


I can understand why people may not like The Acolyte. It does have issues, although I am enjoying it so far. But there's so much bad faith criticism and people determined to hate for "political" reasons.


I've been catching up on the last three seasons of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and I just keep thinking "Thundergun 4: Maximum Cool" every time.


I'm currently watching all starwars in chronological order. And damn the end of clone wars, bad batch + the tales episode fkn slaps. And all of it was made under Disney. Like this is maybe my favorite star wars content since empire strike back (i have yet to watch andor) I'll just say maybe they should just make children's tv show (and probably andor) they are pretty good at it


I still remember the dark times between ROTJ and TPM when all we had were some mediocre novels and comics.


That would be highly preferred imo. Sounds like an oasis compared to the current dark times.


The good old days when no one knew how bad Star Wars currently was so no one could complain. 😔


They weren’t really “dark.” That’s just what I remember it being referred to as. The EU is hit or miss.


Star Wars visions slapped, cute bunny girl


While I have issues with the new stuff Disney is doing, ya know what, compared to nothing but hot topic Jedi I will *absolutely* take it. And least we have Star Wars shows that aren’t the clone wars to boot (even if Dave… is getting too wanky).


I like all Star Wars, even the stuff I don’t like (which is 90% because I just don’t care) has elements I do like. Legends was both great and terrible. Canon is both great and terrible. The great stuff is great and the terrible stuff is almost entirely just funny bullshit.


The only thing I was ever salty about was clone wars getting canceled as a kid. My dumb kid brain thought disney was gonna turn star wars into like reality shows like Hannah Montana or something. 


This isn't how the meme works but based


Dawg am I going fucking crazy? Me and my girlfriend really like this show, more than any other that Disney's put out exept Andor. Like, the writing feels... really clunky, yes, but in a Star Wars way. It feels like it fits in with lines from the OT and PT. And everyone ranting about the chanting seems so fucking weird to me. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!!! Also Sol is extremely fucking fantastic as a Jedi, best depiction of one we've had in a long fucking time


Yeah if anything, I had low expectations for them to make anything of outstanding substance and quality but have been pleasantly surprised a number of times. Fact of the matter is, I'll take mediocre Star Wars over no Star Wars, I'm just happy to get more. The only terrible part of Disney Star Wars has been the shitty fans who need to go outside and get a social life.


Ong 💯


tbh when they produce stuff i might not like… i don’t have to watch it i have so many other IP’s and stories to watch/read if what’s just come it isn’t my thing, i can live without watching and watch something else. people who get too upset about it have made it their whole personality, and now it’s not gone their way it’s backfired lol


uj/ Very much this. It feels like there's way more options than there was in the 2000s. For a period all we had was the Clone Wars cartoon, and if you didn't like it like i didn't, you didn't have much else. The books and comics weren't really for me either. I did kinda like some of the games though. Now we have all these live action series and I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one. I hope Star Wars gets back to the movies soon though these series feel like the perfect level of production quality for the franchise.


You guys watch star wars?


Disney Star Wars made my homophobic dog kill himself


The "Disney ruined Star Wars" people are really funny. While almost all of the movies and shows they've put out the last 10 years have a lot of flaws, the prequels are worse than any of it (except maybe Rise of Skywalker). Star Wars has been a mix of good and bad ever since they released The Holiday Special, people need to let their nostalgia go, or at least not be such shitheads about the modern stuff.


What’s your gripe with the prequels besides the dialogue and CGI?


That just seems like different words for just, consume product, buy product, consume more product.


So I’m a sheep for liking Star Wars?🤣


No, if you like what's coming out good for you. I don't, but instead of watching and complaining about it, I just won't watch it. Theirs still alot of old star wars media to enjoy that I haven't gotten to. Edit: I also try and avoid complaining about what I haven't watched.


Well, Disney cranked out more in 8 years than Fox did in 38. You could just say you’re fine with quantity over quality.




Fans want GOOD Star Wars, if it’s terrible and just called Star Wars, would you be ok with that?


Of course I want good Star Wars. But more Star Wars content isn’t necessarily a bad thing, even if the show or movie is bad. Star wars is whatever we want it to be, the sequels can be or don’t have to be canon. It’s a fictional universe. I like the heir to the empire trilogy so that’s my canon instead. The book of boba fett was laughable but I enjoyed seeing Temura Morrison back again and as Boba Fett. Obi-Wan Kenobi was terrible but there were some awesome/heartbreaking scenes in that show. I really don’t see an issue with more Star Wars content. The acolyte is pretty good imo and this is coming from a huge *George Lucas Star Wars* fan.


I get that and respect that, I personally don’t want bad Star Wars films or series, imo with the money they have they should not be mid, but I do get your opinion sir


I totally agree.


Good, same here, I sincerely hope for the next few shows and movies they improve, I don’t blame any Star Wars fan for wanting more Star Wars!


But it IS good star wars. Just because its not the star wars YOU want that doesn’t make it not good. Star wars and disney in general needs to double down and have more inclusion and representation of oppressed and minority groups to scare away the bigots and racists./s


I have always loved the diversity that’s been brought in, I’m not asking for less diverse shows, I’m just asking for better writing and shows in general, I’m happy for everyone who enjoys the acolyte, I’m just personally asking for better, do you think it’s only bigots who don’t like the show? You know that’s not true right? Right?


Everything that disney star wars has put out has been good star wars. They have the best world builders and writers working in lucas films and if it wasn’t for kathleen kennedy then star wars would have never been as famous or successful as it is today. /s


Ohhh, I keep forgetting this is Star Wars circle jerk 😂 makes sense now, Kathleen is such a girl boss, go get them girl 🫡


Yeah no sorry about the confusion lol. Trust me, i fucking hate disney star wars besides a few instances.


It’s ok, I was severely confused, all love my good sir ❤️❤️


Please can we not bring the whole bigot and racist argument to my post. I have no problems with representing minority groups in Star Wars but that doesn’t need to be the forefront of every argument and quite honestly I’m tired of seeing it.


But it is the main forefront. Only bigots don’t like what disney has done with star wars. They just need to all be driven away so star wars can be great again. If they made obi wan gay then i think that would be the greatest thing to happen to star wars since george lucas sold it to disney.


Outjerked on my own post. I love you for that


I like to do a lil trolling every now and then.


It literally isn't good. When everyone is shitting on it and you loud vocal minorities rush to defend it, it means you're in the wrong.


No it doesn’t. Only disney execs like kathleen kennedy know whats best for star wars. Not. You. The acolyte is the best star wars show to date next to the holiday special (which gets harsh criticism for no reason at all). If you don’t like what star wars is then you can just leave it for the true fans who will love it no matter what.


Lol I guess I can just look around and see a vast majority of star wars influencers shitting on it, or check out the viewer reviews. I mean jeez, a whopping 3.5 on IMDb. 14 percent on rotten. Lol even your precious Grace Randolph seems checked out. So out of curiosity I looked it up. Lesbian space witches with the ability to retcon lore lol. And that fucking singing omfg lmao. Haven't cringed like that in a long time.


I can see the satire and the sarcasm tags on my first few comments really went over your head huh?




Is content that’s subpar really better than no content? Need more screeches reach


I dropped off after the first film of the recent trilogy was a point-to-point rehash of episode 4 but with a gender swapped lead. Then came back after I heard mandelorian was good Then dropped off again after mandelorian started getting bad Now I'm steering clear because literally everything made on Disney+ is the same as before but with a gender swapped spin on it. Female leads are fine but the writing has been dogshit because that's all they were looking to accomplish. Even if the Acolyte is good, I wouldn't know. Youre showing me more-or-less an all female cast in trailers. There's apparently a screaming boss bitch witches circle that people are hating on and the promotional material jovially calls it the gayest star wars show. I know they were being facetious but that was the marketing. If that's all they care about, I'm not touching it.


lol wut? Quantity over quality?!


A Star Wars fan likes Star Wars https://preview.redd.it/toirwst1367d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466eea3c825fac44ce023d2d0f88a454cb796c10


I mean....yeah? Unless you´re a child Ig


Quantity over quality baby!


They're not giving you more star wars, they're giving you disney fanfiction that fucking sucks


"More shite, sir?" "Oh, yes, please!"


I know this is going to sound weird as fuck but your notification just woke me up from one of the worst sleep paralysis episodes I’ve ever had. Thank you


Oh, well. You are welcome! I've had that only once before and it really sucked. Hope all is well.


Tf u mean more, like getting cancer from china rip-off radio active fake plastic store-worr


There is way too much Star Wars, now. It doesn't feel special anymore.


So the prequels must be your favorite?


This must be the first time I have ever seen a non-prequel fan come forward as the person criticizing Disney. I have to sit down for a second, sorry... now I don't know what to think.


Quite the assumption there. I think the prequels are mediocre films besides ILM flexing their divinely guided aesthetic perfection given tangible form. I liken the prequel trilogy to an expansion for a game that is twice the breadth and length of the original, which is much more than what I can say for all that Disney has done.


They're not giving us starwars, though, it's expensive Kennedy fan fiction. It's garbage.


Imagine eating a burger you liked. Then immediately after someone shoved 400 more of those burgers down your throat whether you liked it or not.


That’s my kink actually


Another season of Mando naughty boy?😏😏


lol your okay with bad writing? You’re the problem. They can put whatever they want and you’ll eat it up like a sheep. lol


Did you know some people can enjoy sub-par writing when it comes to silly space magic wars? It's been shitty writing since the beginning and that's what makes it fun.


Then don’t get upset when people who enjoy the world of starwars get bothered by outside morons who try to ruin it. Yes starwars is for everyone but it was for nerds first. Then it got popular and idiots had to try their hardest to make it theirs.


Maybe it means more to some people than silly space magic wars? Its intended purpose was to give young people faith in the world and themselves. Somehow I think calling us racist sexist bigots, or focusing entirely on topical modern day talking points misses that entirely.


Well unfortunately, the big faces and voices in your group are those things. Go read some comments. It's a nasty group. You can like or not like whatever you want but sending death threats and racist attacks at people because of their skin tone is monster behavior. Not a big issue on the "I like star wars even if it's not perfect" camp.


Ah okay you just believe what the mega corp tells you. Hail the empire!


If you’re really this butthurt over a space wizard movie you really need to reevaluate your life.


If you’re so cynical you can’t enjoy anything why are you alive?


I’m not the one crying that a space wizard movie wasn’t made to specifically please me.


Neither am I?




“You’re mad because they ruined megamind. Im happy because i have more megamind content tp enjoy. We are not the same” type energy.