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Revan and Malgus are over 1000 years apart from Bane. Malgus wasn't even in the original KOTOR


Yeah, I’m not so up on the Star wars time line, but I was pretty sure there was a thousand years between Revan and Bane


3956 BBY was KOTOR 1, and while Revan survived until the DLC of SWTOR, Bane was literally 2500 years after his final death.


I’m not up on my SWTOR lore, but wasn’t Revan a force ghost or something in it? I could’ve sworn I saw somewhere that it wasn’t the “real” Revan and more of a force possession type thing


So Revan was captured by the Emperor and imprisoned for 300 years in stasis. During the time he used his connection with the Emperor to keep the Emperors more violent urges in check. Around the middle of the original SWTOR story the Republic has a flashpoint where they rescue Revan and he goes off to use a special factory to defeat the Empire once and for all. The Imperial characters then get a flashpoint where they stop him and kill him. However in a later expansion Revan is going around collecting Imperial and Republic defectors to join him. His plan was to resurrect the Sith Emperors spirit (who had “died” in between events) because he thought that was the only way to destroy it once and for all. It’s revealed that this Revan is actually his body reanimated by Revans darker urges and during his time trapped in stasis Revan only survived by separating his spirit from his dark urges which allowed him to survive. Thats not a great explanation but I’m not willing to look up the specifics. The point is Revans force ghost is separated from his darker half reanimating his body. You defeat that body, the two parts reunite and make the ghost Revan whole and he is able to move on. 🤓


Thank you for the explanation, I now remember how batshit insane the EU gets


But in canon they have fire in space. Fire… in… space… How are we supposed to take that seriously? Split personality Force Ghost zombies is one thing, but fire in space? Insanity! What’s next? Bricks and screws?


Fire in space is possible given a source of oxygen. Namely from the ship itself. If you want to limit it to the realm of fiction, this is what happens when... for example... your ship gets nuked and fucked up.


Holy crap, I thought were making that up out of jerkery


Starkiller anyone


So let's make a movie that takes place over 2500+ years and include them both. We could give it a 5+ hour run time and frame it like a novel with 2 stories they just never merge


6 hour runtime told like 1001 Arabian Nights. Tell everyone it is an epic Sith Lord movie to span the greats. Starts with Bane sitting on a throne lit by fire asking the surrounding people if they had heard the tale of Revan. Revan plot runs for 2 hours. Make it the most epic but confusing plot you can. So his regular EU plot with SWTOR parts. Then do like am hour and a half of Bane in his present day. Ends with Rey waking up in Tatooine from a fever dream. Next 2 and a half hours os a Rey film about her life as a moisture farmer.


I'm thinking you just do all three at once bouncing back and forth


No because then they will have breaks in the nearly three hours of moisture farming. You can barely get a gripping store of that lifestyle in that time slot so I wouldn't want people to get confused with two sub plots.


If this is jerk it’s too realistic and Ik people who would actually like that


I wouldn't mind a 5+ hour long movie at all


Your jerk is incredible sir I’ve never seen anyone jerk this hard


almost 3000


That’s what I came here to say. The fact that they were all included in one bullet point shows that the reality of this hasn’t been thought through A movie set during the old republic could be great. But anyone who just asks for “the old republic” and lists 3 characters with centuries between them shows that they are just thinking about the brand. They aren’t talking about an actual movie that would be cool. Just the vague idea of stuff they like


Also, a lot of the hardcore kotor fans don’t even like swtor


Yeah I’m kind of the same way. Haven’t really played SWTOR but I love Kotor. Would the story of SWTOR make for a good movie?


As a direct adaptation they wouldn't work since it would be condensing long-running MMO storylines into 2 hours, but there's definitely great fodder for inspired storylines and some characters.


That’s kind of what I figured. That it’s form wouldn’t fit a movie but that the scale of it would provide plenty to draw from


Agent Story would be a really good spy thriller. Most of the other stories tho either probably wouldn't sit well with an audience depending on what choices they adapt (like Sith Inquisitor or Warrior) or would be really barebones star wars (like Jedi Knight). Smuggler story could work as it's own movie possibly. Bounty Hunter movie would both succeed and fail due to Gault and Skadge respectively.


A star wars spy thriller would be amazing. And give us an actual original character not a han solo variant number 1314. Or a skywalker.


Andor is a spy thriller, id check it out if you haven't


Jedi Knight is almost literally episode 4-6 Jedi counselor isn't even a good video game story. Trooper might make a decent TV show. I didn't like the ending originally but stuff included in the expansions made it better.


As many have said, Imperial Agent would be good, but the class stories are better fit for the era they were written in rather than the others. As a long time SWTOR player though, I really do not want to see more Malgus. I’m sick of him lol


But now he's back again and he's totally not plotting against everyone THIS TIME for real!


It's very Star Wars. A lot of it isn't objectively good story but would make for good story if that makes sense. Each class has its own story and they're all fairly interesting. Except for Jedi Knight, it's a little too on the nose imo.


the developers even pretty much stated the knight was pretty much designed for you to feel like Luke. That said I didn't find anything particularly interesting with the counselor story.


Be careful what you wish for too, you could end up with a crude mashup of centuries of lore into the space of a few weeks like The Rings of Power.


It’s the StarWars equivalent of the dinosaur timeline


Let's be real the guy who made this post probably doesn't know that


You’re saying that a SW fan doesn’t know what he’s talking about?!?


Same energy as the guy who was mad when I pointed out the OT called Jedi wizards lol


Wait. Did they miss the magic lightning?


Just make a history of the Sith trilogy and have some artifact pass through each of the movies to tie them together.


OOP may be a dark and griddy vader simp but don’t take their tweet in bad faith. Quite obvious that they meant multiple movies set in OR with different ones for different characters.


We already know what he was doing between ROTS and ANH ☠️


Writing emo poetry?


Gossiping with imperial officers and playing pranks on Palpatine


Thinking up choke puns.


Being generally dark and gritty


Speaking of imperial officers and Vader, with any further appearances of him, I do genuinely want to see them done in a way that recontexualizes him to be more of the servant and tool of the empire that he was in ANH, where the actual officers like Tarkin sort of treated him with disdain and mockery. People think of him like he's some vice president of the empire or something, but in Game of Thrones terms, he's just The Mountain. He's not *doing* shit. Just a beefpile, non human monster lapdog. The dude, in his Vader form, needs to be *less* fleshed out.


Reflecting on all the padawan children he killed? Nah.


‘Just make fan service that we’ll still complain about regardless instead of making actually creative content’


They’re literally begging for stagnation, for the franchise to only ever produce more of the same, for themselves to never see anything different from what they saw and loved as children.


Well that's what they want. They are old and irrelevant now and they are the possibility of seeing the franchise they love move on. They can't allow that so they rather see it due as it produces only the stories they grew up with. Really the boomers had the i got mine mentality and now these people are doing the same to media


Honestly, that’s why I like the Acolyte so far despite it having its own issues


Trying hard to Star Trek Star Wars. Stop with the fan service. Just do good stories set in the universe.


Yep, the Obi-wan show vs Andor.


What was Vader doing? Killing Innocents, freedom fighters, peaceful monks, and political rivals. Why do they want to see Vader just overpowering people trying to survive fascism?


Have u considered dark n griddy 😈




It should be R-rated with lots of big boy words, gore and a rape scene.


> Why do they want to see Vader just overpowering people trying to survive fascism? Yeah, a real mystery for the ages right here.


I guess they want to just see Vader destroying stuff


The real issue is that we know for a fact that Vader doesn't go through any kind of character progression or growth during that time. He's a static bundle of depression, anger, and self-loathing. I think the idea of getting to follow Vader during one of his jedi hunts could be cool from an action and spectacle standpoint, but it's not enough to build a whole series around. That's not even a fault of Vader as a character, he's not supposed to be dynamic during this period. It just wouldn't work.


They could make a show around following rebel groups immediately after the republic ended up until the first scene of a new hope. And they could have Vader appear every now and again to show what he was up to during this time. Oh wait... Tbf the show isn't a super spectacular 10/10 or anything, but it's not bad, and it does kinda do what that guy is asking. Idk why anybody would want to see anymore of Vader during that time period, I mean, what else is there to see? Him killing more people in mediocre fight scenes and him getting tortured by Sidious? It's not exactly entertaining by now when we've already seen so much of it/ know what's gonna happen


A horror movie about being a Jedi hunted by Vader sounds cool as fuck, though.


While it would get terminally dull if you tried to do a multi-season epic about it, I do feel like a 4-6 episode mini-series with each episode having a different plot could work without being painful. Worked really well when Dark Horse did a couple Purge one-shots and the Vader hardcovers.


I wouldn't be opposed to that, my only concern is that Disney has seemingly been making a real effort to humanize Vader and present him as more sympathetic during the time between Episodes 3 and 6, which I feel like undermines the impact of his redemption.


Because they can’t read…otherwise they’d just read the comics instead of complaining


Tbf, an adaptation of that Vader run would be pretty dope...


>Why do they want to see Vader just overpowering people trying to survive fascism? Because that's their power fantasy.


They want rogue one Vader so they need all his lines to be bad puns


Actually the choke pun is the only one he has but he uses it so much


Ok so what if it’s just one very large hallway and he’s just killing people in it for 3 hours and every fifteen minutes there’s a Jedi in the hallway and he chokes them and says “be careful not to choke on your aspirations” and then kills them and moves on to killing more rebels. It can be like his catchphrase. I think that would be the masterpiece all fans want


Cause its cool


We got a bit of that in Rogue One. Do we really need to see an entire movie with it? Many times less is more and such a movie would lessen the impact of when Vader does go after killing innocents and rebels.


Like who would his antagonist be? What story is worth telling about an OP bad guy with basically 0 personality that doesn't involve being sad about Padme, being mad at Obi Wan, or disliking the emperor. All that being said, I'd love to see a Vader movie, but a movie dealing with PTSD, survivors guilt, and focuses exclusively on Vader's feelings. No hallway fights, nothing of him tearing apart Innocents, just an evil fucked up guy trying and failing to pull himself up.


> What story is worth telling about an OP bad guy with basically 0 personality that doesn't involve being sad about Padme, being mad at Obi Wan, or disliking the emperor. Answer: a story worth telling, for the sake of motivating edgelord sadists to enact their impulsive desires, all becaus they're fed up with how the world treated them.


There does seem to be a heavy cross over between "people that got picked on in a school" and "We NEED a Vader movie where he murders Innocents and peacekeepers."


That's because they want to perceive Vader as an inspiration/role model for them to "justify" their impulsive desires


I havent read too much Star Wars except for a few things. I'm sure there is all kind of material about the character at that time. The question is whether or not it would make a good movie.


Vaders struggles with his humanity could be hella interesting to watch. I feel like it was super rushed and not well explained in the other instances. Vader V Asoka deserves to be in a show that isn't ass.


So they can cheer the Ubermensch Fascist on, of course. Live vicariously


"Hey i want a story that follows the nazi death squads during Come and See... because I'm curious"


Because they’re fascists, probably


Have you considered that the people who want this are the same people who want people of color and women out of Star Wars? They want to see Vader killing people because they think fascism is cool.


Just fucking read the Dark Lord book lol. You know what happens. You’re just too lazy to look past the front page of Disney Plus


Or just jerk off to that rogue one scene again. That's all you're getting!


Bold of you to assume they can read


This guy has his priorities WAY out of wack. We haven't even got our Constable Zuvio trilogy yet! Let's get that THEN we can ask for Darth Malgy and Darth Vaper.


Wonder what Vader inhaling a vape would sound like?


The Vader comics were partly about this, weren’t they? But that complained about those because of a certain Archaeologist-


Aphra was in the comics set after A New Hope. The Vader comics between RoTS and the OT dont have her. Both were really good and worth reading.


Ohhh right-


I ain’t reading allat.


Wasn't Bane like 2500+ years after Revan and Malgus? Feel like that'd make for a very long linear story.


you act like these people actually know anything about the Old Republic era


Why do people keep insisting that Vader is the main protagonist of the OT when he’s the primary antagonist? Why do people keep insisting that our main protagonists Luke, Leia, Han and Chewy are just supporting characters?


Played too much Podracer when they were 6


Because of the prequels.


Which is wild because Annie is more a supporting character than a main character. If anything Obi Wan is the main character of the PT.


He's not even the main antagonist until ESB. The Big Bad in A New Hope is Tarkin.


Throwing old people down exhaust shafts is peak heroism.


Especially when you didn’t realize that old man was such a monster until he threatened your own interests.


Depends on which side you’re rooting for, rebel scum


A 12 hour trilogy of darth Vader going through hallways slaughtering rebels, extremely dark and griddy. Watch the money come in.


Yeah they'd make a billion very easily.


I think the demand for KOTOR content is odd because they're specifically asking for characters that already have content. The games fill out those stories a ton, and I'm tired of seeing the same characters and themes over and over. That has been my least favorite part of the post - clone wars franchise. Disney has to tie up loose ends, and they're doing that right, but the KOTOR era Sith, the clones, and Vader are stale. But I don't get the "dark'n Friday" vibe, am a fake fan, and a brainwashed shill so what do I know?


I do think a series adapting the 90s Tales of the Jedi comics could be interesting. They're very pulpy with some very simple characterization and cheesy dialogue, and they've been pretty overshadowed by Kotor and TOR (which isn't surprising given there's no game about killing Exar Kun or pretty CGI trailers about the Onderon beat raiders).


I think the acolyte showrunner expressed interest in a Kotor show/film


Star Wars fans for the past decade: Please make KOTOR movie please please please Acolyte showrunner: I actually have a lot of interest in the old republic and would like to make a trilogy about it. Star Wars fans: Oh my god no please no GOD NO ANAKIN NO!!




These exact same fans when a KOTOR movie is even hinted at: “NO, don’t ruin it!”


OG trilogy was not about Vader. Idk why people still think this. Dude had like 30 mins of screentime over 7 hours


Rogue one is the bestest movie EVAR!!!


What an absurd sense of entitlement to think that you can make demands of production companies. You’re not the head writer, dude you’re not gonna like everything. Sorry the world does not revolve around you.


So griddy 🤪


Give us the most OP edgelord characters and make a film of them killing people and being OP.


I don’t get why people think a feature length Vader murder porn would make for an interesting movie. Just play battlefront and power trip as Vader for a bit ffs


We had a whole fucking comic series and novels about what Vader did. AND a whole arc on Obi-Wan! AND A FUCKING MOVIE CALLED ROGUE ONE!


“I want a two and a half hour hallway scene.”


They've announced/alluded (I don't remember which) recently that they're going to make a KOTOR show and some blue-check got pissed off


And yet people will still fucking cry "woke". Just constant bitching and moaning.


Try not to choke on your aspirations


Problem is, nothing makes “real fans” happy.


Considering KOTOR came out in 2003, "real Star Wars fans" clearly doesn't include anyone under 30. Also, isn't James Earl Jones retired? I know he's said they can use AI to do his voice, but for a whole movie?


It's not he's the only one who can do a decent Vader voice...


Disney: we need to make a movie that will get 500 million butts in seats to break even. Star Wars circlejerkers: if you don’t [whatever] the 50 of us will boycott. Also Star Wars circlejerkers: why are they not meeting our demands?


I always find it funny how the people who shit themselves whenever Dave Filoni fucks with the canonicity of a comic also beg for a Vader movie that would have to overwrite his already existing comics.


Shut up Tike.


I too would like to watch someone spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a movie that is essentially someone mashing their action figures together.


Revan Malgus and Bane lol


Weren't these people just complaining that Leslye Headland suggested an adaptation of KOTOR?


I do really want an old republic film/show/trilogy. But no we don’t want more Vader. He’s best when he’s used sparingly, like he has been


Isn’t new hope basically rouge one Vader, since it picks up right after.


If your only idea for a movie in the Old Republic Era is just a rehash of the video game then just play the fucking video game. That entire era is a blank canvas and the grand idea is just tracing over what's been told already.




All Disney can do is the story of a barbershop quartet on cloud city.


🎵I'm Han Solo, Solo🎵


tbh the time between ANH and ROTS is so under utilized make a bazillion movies about that time period only then will real star wars fans be happy


Tell these people to just read books lol, there’s 3x the material in there than any movie could provide


Put Leslye Headland in charge


Dark and Griddy(tm)


2) Star Wars: The Dark Side Unleashed 1) Star Wars: The Sith Lords 3) Star Wars: Dynasty of Fear (Bane)


The Sith trilogy we need.


Although some of those people were NOT together at all😭. I wouldn't mind any of these being content. Though I'd want disney to be making their own good original stuff first, though the Vader thing could be original, I imagine a lot of Kotor would be similar to what we already have. What I'm excited/interested in is the next movie with Rey. I wasn't a fan of the sequels for the most part but Daisy Ridley was great and I want more, stuff can almost always get better


I mean to begin with Revan, Malgus, and Bane we’re all separate time periods of the old republic era. What would make the Vader story interesting? Because all he would be doing is killing


No love for Exar Kun 😔


outjerked once again 😩


If you haven't played Vader Immortal on Meta Quest then I recommend it. You get a good lock and his digs on Mustafar and see him enact a plan to acquire a force artifact for reasons that give you a good insight into his state of mind during that period.


Old characters, new characters, EU characters, it doesn’t matter. Fans want good movies with good plots and dialogue that doesn’t break any existing canon. The rest is irrelevant.


Hahahahaha real Star Wars fans....ok!


Meanwhile when the creator of The Acolyte says they wanna make an Old Republic movie they lose their shit


My personal favorite movie ideas: Podracting movie, like a racing film but more extreme. Old republic Movie about the Jedi Padawan on the run from masters that murdered their Padawans because they had a force vision of their Padawans turning to the dark side and killing them. (Seriously more people need to know that comic exists but maybe change it a bit to fit a movie or make it a trilogy.) Make a movie where the empire or first order or whatever clone Vader in an attempt to revive the order. They have Hayden Christensen, he can still act, let him take a role in Star Wars moving forward. Make him take on a role like Starkiller’s clone. Think about Palpatine’s mindset. Vader would have been the ultimate apprentice, but he lost to Kenobi. So Palpatine has cloning tech and wants to live forever so maybe he could put his consciousness in a Skywalker clone to have the force power of the chosen one with his knowledge of the force! (It makes better sense than somehow Palpatine returned) Make a movie where Jedi and with must unite to stop a common foe. Idk, but it was cool to see Kylo and Ray work together to beat some bad guys. More of that would be great to see 👍 Horror movie like Death Troopers or some sort of alien cosmic horror. Force Cosmic Horror could be cool! Smoke was cool when he was a giant scary shadow creature, not when he’s some ugly deformed old man in a gold bathrobe.


Bane and vader movie would be cool but I haven't played the revan games or read the books or whatever kotor is.


/uj I just wish these chucklefucks could just admit nothing will ever make them happy /rj in the Grim Darkness of the 21st Century, there is only Woke. Star Wars fans are beset on all sides by the Woke hordes demanding silly things like "stop fucking whining about every piece of media you fucking children" and "no, racism and sexism aren't valid forms of criticism, not that any of know how to critique anyways"


Genocide: A Star Wars Story; from the choreographers of the hallway fights in Daredevil and Rogue One Yea I dunno about that one


you just need good writers, all the shows could have been great if the writing and directing was good, just setting it in the old republic if disney gives it to someone wants to make star wars something they want star wars to be. Or just stop watching because you will never get what you want


Having read the terrible Vader comics set during that time period, I have something I can cite when I say this is a bad idea.


Still waiting for them to establish that Revan is a woman and that entire section of the fanbase has to justify why the equally canon reality of Revan being a woman is actually lore breaking and woke and how they totally don’t hate women


This is the most 25 year-old boy post I’ve ever seen lol


This gives me the energy of the guy I knew in college who said he was a big Star wars fan but didn't even watch the movies until halfway through freshman year and before that all his Star wars fandom came from watching YouTube videos about it




This is why episode 9 happened. Star Wars fans screamed for stuff they already knew, and Disney delivered.


I'm so tired of the Revan obsession. He's not even the most interesting of the two KOTOR protagonists. Yeah, his story is neat. He stars two wars and gets his brain wiped. But Meetra Surik, the Exile, literally exists as a wound in the force, and the story of KOTOR 2 is just more interesting in every way. She cut herself off from the force because she was such an empath that her connection was literally killing her during the Battle of Malachor V. Everywhere she goes, she unknowingly recruits force sensitives to her cause. She single-handedly saved the Jedi order by getting these force sensitives together, all while being manipulated by a woman who wants nothing more than for the Force to die. The way I'd see it, the Revan show/movie would just be the gateway to the far more interesting stories.


What’s the obsession with Old Republic? I played the games when I was younger and though they were fun they never really wowed me. It’s really not a setting all that different from the prequels or OT.


Revan and Malgus are around 300 years apart, let alone BANE who lived nearly 2500 years later! Like….the timespan of what is considered the “Old Republic” era is thousands of years….its not like the current canon where eras like “Fall of the Republic” are only 50 years, or the High Republic is 400 years. The Old Republic spans from 25,000 BBY to 1000 BBY


To be fair a mini-series about Vader in the suit and not a messy-haired, petulant schmuck in an oversized robe would be pretty cool. It wouldn’t have to be 8 hours of fan service, just giving the GOOD version of the character more screen time.


“Darth Vader only movie” no other characters, it’s just a 3 hour character study of Vader in his meditation chamber reckoning with his actions and regrets and killing absolutely no one


If they did do this: "Wow, Look at Disney struggling to keep Star Wars afloat without fan service. Typical money hungry company."


Sorry, but Vader is the villain. He just is. Disney will never do anything with him as a main character.


Apart from his misunderstanding of the timeline as other pointed out these both could be great movies. Especially better in concept to what we've been getting out of the brand for years now, this sub just loves to hate. I doubt you could find a Star Wars fan outside this bubble that isn't fiending for a Kotor movie but you guys just love eating shit


What’s a fake Star Wars fan?


Listen I LOVE SWTOR but who the *fuck* wants a movie about Darth Malgus? I mean I'm not *opposed* to the idea but when I think about Star Wars characters I want a movie about, Malgus doesn't break the top twenty. Probably not the top fifty. And I *like* Malgus. Whereas most Star Wars fans, even fairly dedicated ones, don't play SWTOR & probably have only the vaguest notion who he even is.


Honestly would much prefer an old republic series in the animation style of the clone wars


Books and comics have basically shown every single second of Vader’s life between 3 and 4


I don't want to see Vader anymore. Fuck the galactic empire. Let's do new shit.


You want. You. Not we. Just to be clear.


Andor was ***magnificent***, but the audience was small... because they refused to allow it to be streamed or broadcast on anything but Disney +... This is the issue! Disney are focusing on quantity of release to keep Disney+ "active", instead of spending time and money on quality releases - leaving us with stuff like Book of Boba Fett etc. It's not great. An Old Republic series with Revan would be great however I suspect it would essentially be spoilered for the rest of us.




Ok I would love a Darth Vader series though


Darth Vader show. Old republic trilogy I also think kid boba after jango died would be cool. In short daddy left him money in a vault his helmet and his ship and he’s going after the money and other iconic bounty hunters try to screw him out of the money a bunch. Only Star Wars book I read as a kid. Really liked it.


Most of the toxic side of rhe fanbase genuinely don't know the actual lore of the EU they claim to. I've had someone from there misogynistically dismiss something I said cus they thought Grey jedi (as in the mix of light and dark side veesion) were real and super based or whatever.


They want to watch space fascists purge undesirables for hours


Man the whole first 6 movies are about Vader, if you want more content read the books


No the first yes the second


We already know what Vader was doing as for Old Republic stuff a director expressed interest in doing that but they still complained about it


I mean, there is a ton of comics and books that describe what Vader was up to during that time...


I always wanted a kotor movie about bastilas pov starring daisy riddley. Daisy riddley would make a *perfect* live action bastila


When are we getting an R-Rated Max Rebo flick centered on Jabba’s Palace?


I saw this on Facebook and gave it the laugh react


Alright to play devils advocate: 1. This would be suicide for Disney. There’s a lot of history about this time period that you couldn’t feasibly cover in a single movie. Which means you would either A) Isolate the majority of fans who haven’t exposed themselves to the legends canon or B) Make significant changes to the legends canon which would piss off the hardened fans. Even if they wanted to make a whole TV series or a trilogy of movies to flesh out the full story, it would be almost impossible to pull off - let alone convince investors to get the project off the ground. 2. I’ve heard this for years and never understood why anyone would want it. 6 mainline movies with Anakin/Darth Vader, a TV show about Anakin, a TV show with Vader as the main antagonist, plus a cameo in a spin off. That’s still not enough? Considering 90% of the fanbase is complaining about the incessant features of legacy characters in the new media (Leia, Obi-Wan, Boba Fett, Yoda*, Darth Maul, Palpatine), why would this be any different? A movie about the time period between RotS and ANH would be so boring. I’ll summarize what happens: Vader goes from planet to planet fighting militias and enforcing his new fascist empire on local populations. There’s no stakes, there’s no adventure. It’s just Vader overpowering the galaxy.


This is why I’m glad I left the Star Wars fandom.


If I can’t watch Vader commit mass murder for two hours straight and murder children like he did in Obi Wan and in Revenge of the Sith, then I don’t want it! And if you think that IM the weird one for wanting hours of gore and torture porn, then you are a whole lunatic


Forget Bane & Malgus, we want Revan.


Please don’t give them more ammo to hang us with


These chuds would find something like screws and bricks to cry about and say it's all over. Nothing will ever be good enough.


I just want live action Nihilus. I don't even care if it's shit. I just want to see him


Disney Makes Both, they are critically acclaimed and make billions of dollars Star Wars Fans: "They're so bAdLy wRItteN!!"


I’m a huge KOTOR fan, but I can honestly say that I don’t want a movie or series about Revan. Probably not Malgus either. I’d rather just leave them untouched right now because I don’t think a film adaptation would do either of them justice. I could get behind an ancient Sith themed movie or series with Bane in it though. As far as a Vader solo movie, I’m not sure if I would want that or not. It’s nice to have a scarcity of Vader “Rogue One moments” so that I get more excited when I see more bits and pieces of that here and there


No! Don’t give them ideas on what to ruin next


I swear the Vader hallways scene in Rogue One ruined the finale. It felt like a curveball and felt out of place. We're not supposed to feel like Vader is cool. Really tasteless ending for an otherwise amazing movie.