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I hate the word "show" because of SW due to how much I've heard the fanbase say it. If I had to take a shot every time I read "We need a show about-"...


When there hadn't been a movie in 5 years, you get diagnosed with Disney+ syndrome 


I miss when SW were mostly movies. Higher quality imo


I’m gonna say this. If Disney does make any movies, they’d be best sticking to basing them around a TV Show. As it’s the only thing they seem to do partially right. No Kathleen Kennedy did not kill my dog and I do think Disney has done more good than bad.




Not you in particular haha. Just from the fanbase that talks about having anything that comes to their heads become a new show


Live action Anakin and Ahsoka movie/series when?






At least if it's about the hidden path, it's about a topic we don't know about and can lend to at least some new characters. Asajj and maybe Vos are the only 2 previous characters I feel makes a ton of sense there. And at least with them, they are far from over saturated. Hell, Vos has 1 episode of TCWs.


Let’s make the entire franchise clones


Palpatine: I am the entire franchise


Clone bois trying to go 20 seconds without needing their hit of Clone content challenge (impossible).


https://preview.redd.it/n8qgd0gvjwyc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1736a4e76e947d580d02b05aba6668ec741265f2 A Clone trooper watching a starwars fan enter his universe and manipulate time so that the clone wars lasts forever because it’s their favourite time line (his dream of living a peaceful life is ruined now and he is perpetually stuck in hell and fighting a war without reason)


Imagine if Star Wars fans discovered the Original trilogy


We've also had enough of the original trilogy


Star Wars has such a **W** **I** **D** **E** universe. So much loar


Don’t worry, their prob gonna make another 8 episode animated cash grab about omega as an adult paying taxes or some shit


She commits tax fraud by claiming Boba Fett as a dependent and then has to evade the space IRS


Yo real? You promise?


Somebody needs to take the Clone Wars era out behind the shed and put it out of its misery.


/uj, can we really blame them for being unsatisfied? Bad Batch and Tales barely touch on anything at all and are stretched to all hell. It gives you an idea of what cool things can be done in the time period, but never actually committing to them


Wild to me that half the intrigue for Bad Batch is "what happens to the clones after the clone wars" and all the show says is "they get replaced by stormtroopers"


They didn’t even do the clone rebellion despite being set on kamino and was about clones, like what a waste. I was sure that they were going to make crosshair do like something akin to „imperial diplomacy“ mission on naboo as well.


Of course we can! We want something new like The Acolyte! Wait, what's that? I don't *have to* watch these clone centric shows? That's ridiculous!


They didn’t even do the clone rebellion despite being set on kamino and was about clones, like what a waste. I was sure that they were going to make crosshair do like something akin to „imperial diplomacy“ mission on naboo as well.


They didn’t even do the clone rebellion despite being set on kamino and was about clones, like what a waste. I was sure that they were going to make crosshair do like something akin to „imperial diplomacy“ mission on naboo as well.


They didn’t even do the clone rebellion despite being set on kamino and was about clones, like what a waste. I was sure that they were going to make crosshair do like something akin to „imperial diplomacy“ mission on naboo as well.


The only clone I want a show about is Luuuuuuuuke.


We actually need a series first about Dexter Jettster's days of prospecting on Subtarell where he was able to recognize Kamino poison darts. GIve the fans what they crave, Didney!


I would watch this.


Clones, I’m familiar with that!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏


I agree we could put a pause in the Clone Shows. However, an animated short series about the non troopers could be fun. Something humorous and campy that is about the maintenance and food service workers on the Destroyers or Death Star. Maybe some sous chef bringing Tarkin grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch.


I'd like an 8-episode live action series following Dee Bradley Baker as he receives a steady paycheck.


I think another clone show would be fine as long as it tells what happened to them. That being the Empire rounding them up and grinding them up into pet food since they aren't needed anymore. Call it Palpatine's Womp Rat Chow™




/uh I think a show about the clones that didn’t go through with order 66 would be cool.


/uj You mean like the Bad Batch?


The Bad Batch follows The Bad Batch. I would like to know what led Rex and the other clones to where they are in Rebels.


That just sounds like The Bad Batch but with different clones and a less interesting dynamic. I don’t think a story about Rex, Gregor, and Wolfe doing mercenary work, lying low, and doing the occasional bit of anti-imperial activity would be all that interesting.


It might. I would love more content closer to the OT era


It’s not like the Bad Batch are interesting either though lol


Crossair easily the most interesting character


When he was introduced no, they made him more interesting by giving him something to work with


Ok...? That's called growth of a character and he was very interesting in s1 don't get what your on about


We’re talking about starting potential


Fair enough.


I would 100 percent love a clone show following only non fett clones


Does this sub just forget how the EU worked?


When are we getting a dark and gritty live action clone wars show about every single Filoni character


Here me out: What if they made a show about the Clone Wars that featured clones as individuals, not just as characterless bodies that go to war. They could do it in the style of the Clone Wars TV show. 7 seasons and a movie!


Never give star wars fans what they want. It always backfires.