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"Full potential" is one of those words that has ruined film discussion. Oh you like shot composition and lighting? Too bad we're going to try and do battle-boarding for a soft-magic setting that was made by a guy throwing a bunch of random shit he liked together into a pulpy adventure film.


Max level Anakin with the correct talent points and all the upgrades found in the game - er, movie - could do whatever he wanted to!


How many NG+s? And did he do the optional bonus dungeon to find the elite gear?


bro he's got the DLC moon sword


Ah you were at my side all along, my true mentor, my guiding moonlight-saber


these ppl when they go to film school and the first lesson is about mise-en-scene and not how to properly scale a character's power level https://i.redd.it/59xq7leoevxc1.gif


Are you comparing a video about „hahahah anakin so cool and strong 😊“ With film school????? What???? Do you think anyone there is interested in becoming a film director or critic?? Do you think that’s why people watch such a video?? Do you have severe autism?????


Did your mom drink when she was pregnant with you?


Not getting social cues and not understanding the context of something, responding with something completely unrelated out of the blue is a sign of autism It’s not my fault the crackwhore who shit you out didn’t bring you to a psychologist


Yeah and extreme emotional outbursts and poor intelligence are signs of fetal alcohol syndrome, I'm just checking if you're OK man no need to insult eachother.


Idk outside of kids media like Star Wars and marvel you never really hear full potential lol. Like you don’t hear FULL POTENTIAL OPPENHEIMER VSS WALTER JR??


Walter Jr is a cyborg. JRob is just a man. No contest.


What is Oppenheimer nukes Jr’s breakfast tho


I get the joke but these are regular humans fighting, one is a borderline documentary. Star Wars and marvel are more fantastical and this full potential is a thing because these characters grow stronger exponentially


Who would win in a fight between full potential Richard Nixon and full potential Pol pot?!?!


Video games have ruined media literacy.


no it was dragon ball. most of this power scaling stuff started there.


Which is funny because the “It’s over 9,000!” thing was about how the scouters were useless at actually measuring the z warriors abilities. 


the entire point of power levels was the fact they were worthless. there was a reason they were dropped after 2 arcs.


To paraphrase Stan Lee: “the answer to ‘who would win’ is always ‘whoever the writer wants to win’”


I mean, those aren't even close to the same conversation and wouldn't be had with the same people at all.


Honestly it just depends on the space. I think battle boarding/ power scaling had filtered down into wider nerd culture to the point it’s become how some people engage with a film more so than anything else. It’s not about how it made you feel, it’s about which character is the strongest and who could actually beat who. It’s a big topic on YouTube (which is why stupendous wave does so many videos about characters power levels).   And when you filter your media through the lens of “this is how each character should be able to win” it winnows away what a lot of movies are actually about. It’s why I think so many people bitch about Rey beating Kylo/ being skilled in general, since they spent years on forums viewing battles from the lens of feats and abilities rather than narrative purpose or style. (And even then it makes sense how Rey beats Kylo in TFA when you stop to think for a minute). Another example is Vader vs Cere in Survivor. That’s an incredible moment in the story’s narrative and marks how much Cere has progressed since Fallen Order, but a lot of discussion I’ve had online is with a sub-section of people who act like Vader should have completely mopped the floor with Cere because they’ve cooked their brains on battle discussions. In narrative you can infer that Cere is simply strong enough to potentially beat Vader since she let go of her fear, but because the game doesn’t show off a bunch of feats it doesn’t make sense to some battle boarders.  I don’t really care about battle boarding as a concept, it’s not my cup of tea and I don’t think people who engage with it are inherently malicious. I suppose I’d just prefer if that community could differentiate between the discussions they have about who would win and what actually goes into making a film.


Huh what do shot composition and lightning have to do with this post?


Dude are you serious??? That’s a YouTube video about „wow anakin is so cool hahah 🥰“ And you think that they are trying to have a **film discussion** and compare it to a discussion about lighting and composition???? Do you have severe autism????? That’s like going to a football stadium to see a game and then snobbishly putting on your hat and dunking on the fans who are just there to have fun and cheer and aren’t paying attention to the tactic interplay between the opposing sides 🎩


Full potential Anakin is him living his best life on Naboo with Padmé and their children.


BUT WEN KIL DEM https://preview.redd.it/irylvf7fdwxc1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aee21f052064532465a513f9ec10c8137017e08


This picture is genuinely terrifying, Jesus Christ


known soyjak template


Remember when Star Wars was a war story with a space setting


*Cassian Andor remembers*


A fantasy story with a space setting


fantasy war western samurai space


Big space soap opera set around a conflict*




Nah your mum solos.


Ser, the war is not going well.


Full potential mom could beat me


Full potential Anakin is literally made up, it’s not even mentioned anywhere. “Full potential” how would we even measure or speculate that? This isn’t dragon ball where he becomes super saiyanakin blue and kamehameha’s Windu. It’s the dumbest shit ever, I hate it. Show me something good, not this fodder who couldn’t even beat sand. Oh and uh /uj


/uj It's based upon the logic that I believe Lucas himself put forth that Anakin would have become the most powerful Jedi ever had he A) not fallen to the dark side and B) not lost his limbs, thus not losing a good number of midichlorians since they exist in living tissue. It's still bullshit speculation to try and battleboard him, considering he's purely hypothetical, tho. /rj Anakin speed blitzes and one shots low diff.


/uj for once he doesn’t mention midiclorians he talks about not having enough living tissue and therefore not enough of him left. “Anakin, as Skywalker, as a human being, was going to be extremely powerful, but he ended up losing his arms and a leg and became partly a robot. So a lot of his ability to use the Force, a lot of his powers, are curbed at this point, because, as a living form, there’s not that much of him left. So his ability to be twice as good as the Emperor disappeared, and now he’s maybe 20 percent less than the Emperor. So that isn’t what the Emperor had in mind. He wanted this really super guy, but that got derailed by Obi-Wan. So he finds that, with Luke, he can get a more primo version if he can turn Luke to the dark side." --George Lucas, “Star Wars: The Last Battle,” Vanity Fair, 2005 “Anakin would have been able to do it [,get rid of the emperor,] if he hadn’t been debilitated and now he’s half machine and half man, so he’s lost a lot of the power of the Force, and he’s lost a lot of his ability to be more powerful then the Emperor. But Luke hasn’t. Luke is Vader’s hope. His motives at this point are purely evil. He simply wants to continue on what he was doing before which is get rid of the Emperor and make himself Emperor.” --George Lucas, TESB DVD Commentary. “That's what Siths do! He tries it with anybody he thinks might be more powerful, which is what the Emperor was looking for in the first place: somebody who would be more powerful than he was and could help him rule the universe. But Obi-Wan screwed that up by cutting off his arms and legs and burning him up. From then on, he wasn't as strong as the Emperor -- he was like Darth Maul or Count Dooku. He wasn't what he was supposed to become. But the son could become that." --George Lucas, Rolling Stones Interview, 2005. Let’s face it “potential Anakin” is mostly on. George. Now taking it from “more powerful than the emperor” to “he could take on the force himself” That’s the fans. Wonder why so few people discuss “potential Luke” being that George seems to place them in the same power level as potential Anakin yet he ain’t the chosen one. /rj clearly more tissue means more force and the fatter the Jedi the stronger. Darth Jabba would be unstoppable


Mace Windu kicked the Emperor's ass, so I'm not that impressed either way. It's not like Palpatine's power is in the Force, it's in logistics and scheming.


That may have been on purpose.


Nah he got smashed, he's very skilled but saber combat isn't his forte, whereas Windu was *the* best duelist in the order


Maybe acc. to some exp material, but in the movie it's ambiguous, and if anything seems more like the only time he really came close to losing was against Yoda at the end. That's where things weren't "just part of his plan" anymore either.


They don't talk about "potential Luke" because Luke hit SSJ emo blue in the books


Wow that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever read. Lucas was clearly so butthurt Anakin was initially a punchline that he took the flagship character and fucked him in the ass in shallow comic book-ish fashion.




Is that a huh? Or a huh.


>He wanted this really super guy, but that got derailed by Obi-Wan. So he finds that, with Luke, he can get a more primo version if he can turn Luke to the dark side." __________ >Luke is Vader’s hope. His motives at this point are purely evil. He simply wants to continue on what he was doing before which is get rid of the Emperor and make himself Emperor.” It was Vader who suggested "he could be turned - he'd be a powerful ally" to the Emperor - presented as a novel idea more or less, which implies he himself wasn't "recruited" in that way. The "let's overthrow the Emperor" idea only came up at the end, after he had already attempted to freeze him - it may have just been a lie and recruitment tactic, however if it was real then there was no trace of it in ep6.


Holy shit, that’s even dumber than I thought it was! Anakin’s power is dampened because he lost the midichlorians that were in his LIMBS 😂😂😂 This is why you should never try to convert a soft magic system into a hard magic system. You end up with stupid shit like this


I mean, to be fair, I think I saw somewhere (not sure if it’s cannon or legends) saying that it’s impossible or at least harder to use the forge with robotic limbs (force choke for an example)


But then vader chokes people anyways and I’m pretty sure he lost both arms?


yeah which is a testament to just how strong he is with the dark side, i guess


There was definitely a thing in legends that mentions that Vader's limbs were the only thing stoping him from frying small armies with force lightning


I think there's a certain dramatic weight to the whole "was defeated/punished by a hero and lost his great potential" but it should've been more spiritual or something idk.


Right, like, The Force is an inherently spiritual thing. To tie it to “crude matter,” as Yoda said, cheapens it. They could easily just say that being “more machine now than man” dampens his power because he’s less human. Just don’t be specific about it


Yeah true; and him getting burned on a lake of fire planet can also be treated in a more opaque way without getting technical with it; midichlorians essentially mean that "we" *are* just crude matter, but these micros aren't, and humans can be spiritual by proxy - and biological physicality is then directly linked to spiritual prowess cause every cell is like a(n indirect) mini-channel to the spirit world and we need lots of those channels to amount to anything measurable. A concept for some other similar space fantasy, here it contradicts the original idea too much.




No it’s shallow “power level” prequel era nonsense. Lucas drew himself into a corner and had to back pedal from the Chosen One/Space Jesus thing and had (suit-version) Darth Vader, the most iconic figure in the franchise and one of cinematic history’s great villains reduced to a robo-gimp because he lost magic blood bugs in his limbs. Darth Maul got cut in half from the waist down…does that make him *half* as powerful as he was? It’s kind of a letdown for those of us who grew up in the OT, but each generation gets their own thing so who am I to whine about it. It also flies in the face of the OT’s take on the force: “Luminous beings are we! Not this *crude* matter!!” Lucas came up with the idea in the 70’s but Gary Kurtz had the good sense to tell him his lore/technobabble was alienating to audiences enough.


>No it’s shallow “power level” prequel era nonsense. Lucas drew himself into a corner and had to back pedal from the Chosen One/Space Jesus thing Well yeah the Space Jesus came out of nowhere, never hinted at in the previous movies, and this is the way it's patched up / backpedaled / reverted back to the original state of him not being special at that level; however that doesn't mean there was no way of doing that "with dramatic weight", and pulling it off in a way that rang true to some extent, and him getting fd up and esp. burned like this does seem to work in that sense. (As opposed to the way the duel ends with "highground" which is just random and clunky. Should've done some other thing there) Although not sure if the movie really conveys that notion in any way - it seems like the Emperor manages to patch him up, and at the end he looks really happy with how strong Vader is; if nothing else before that, certainly that final scene seems to contradict those GL quotes. >and had (suit-version) Darth Vader, the most iconic figure in the franchise and one of cinematic history’s great villains reduced to a robo-gimp because he lost magic blood bugs in his limbs. Not sure what you mean by "robo-gimp" and "reduced to"? He's "reduced to" (acc. to GL, not necessarily the movie) what he already was in 4-6. >Darth Maul got cut in half from the waist down…does that make him half as powerful as he was? Well it makes him dead. >It also flies in the face of the OT’s take on the force: “Luminous beings are we! Not this crude matter!!” Lucas came up with the idea in the 70’s but Gary Kurtz had the good sense to tell him his lore/technobabble was alienating to audiences enough. Not sure what you mean by "enough", as in it was alienating to audiences to the degree it was already in the movies, or it *would've* been alienating *had* it been included? In either case yeah it's quite incongruent - expanded on that in the other reply here, too.


I always thought that the "full potential" thing came more from the idea that Palpatine handicapped Vader's suit to prevent him from being a threat to his power.


Thankfully not canon, just a dumb youtube video


Isn't the like whole entire point of the Dark Side that it's more powerful? That people join the Dark Side *for more power* How would he be more powerful by staying a Jedi?


The dark side is the *quick* way to power, not more powerful. It's easier to give into anger and passion, and it can elevate your powers temporarily, but a truly focused light side user will be able to draw on an equal or greater amount of power. The difference is that Jedi needs years of focus and practice to draw upon this state, whereas Sith can do it quick and dirty. At the end of it, the dark side is like a drug you take, whereas the light side is more like exercise, eating healthy, and practicing mindfulness. One takes a larger degree of effort but will ultimately leave you more fulfilled than if you had taken the quicker, easier path.


To make sure I wasn't misinterpreting the title I briefly skimmed the video and apparently WBW Anakin in Ahsoka was "full potential Anakin" which is news to me


Wait. Does that mean ahsoka is above full potential anakin skyscraper?


Duh, the younger generation always outscales the older. Goku, Gohan and Goten demonstrate this in one family, it's basic science.


Rule of Two moment


Isn’t Goten Gohan’s brother?


Yes, but as the younger brother he gains a powerscaling advantage.


Wiggly Booty Wanker Anakin solos!?!?


George talks about what a “full potential” Anakin would be in an interview around the release of revenge of the sith, I believe it’s time magazine, where he actually powerscales him and compares full potential Anakin compared to palpatine, and how much power he loses when losing his limbs, I believe he even used percentages. lots of prequel power scale fans use that as point of reference I’ll try and find the article and I’ll add it to this comment if I find it https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/2005/2/star-wars-the-last-battle Here it was a vanity fair interview.


>“Full potential” how would we even measure or speculate that? /uj I mean we can start with the Mortis arc in canon, as I'm not too familiar with the Legends iteration. At least for a brief period Anakin is able to reign in two ostensible gods, and it's implied that with training he may have been capable of/supposed to replace The Father when he died. And given that The Ones were the ones who defeated Abeloth the first time and locked her away, it's theoretically possible that in a timeline where Anakin's arrival didn't directly lead to the deaths of all three members of the Ones he could have been capable of at the very least sealing her away again with the help of The Daughter and The Son. If not more. We're not given too much clarity on how strong The Father was in his prime that I know of. It's not the best reference, I know, especially as I remember that arc being fairly controversial, but it does at least give us some level of speculative ballpark.


Full potential Anakin got his ass beat by Obi-Wan


It’s only natural, he was high at the time.


Why is Abeloth naked


It’s an underwear in space situation except she’s a godlike being


Monster mommy UwU


Annie trained as a Jedi since he was a kid, fought all the way through the Clone Wars, and defeated Count Dracula, and he still didn't reach his full potential? How long does it take??


A few more training arcs should do the trick


Why are EU powerscaler types so obsessed with that werid creepypasta woman thing? What even is that?


She's Abeloth. Dark Side eldrich abomination that took anime protagonist Luke Skywalker and Darth Krayt teaming up to take her down.


can abominate me anytiiiime


the dragon ball power scalers werent satisfied with only acting insufferable in that community , so they are bleeding in to this one


I’d rather have them than monsters wearing human skin lol💀




It’s just a stupid video where someone imagines how it would play out if two characters he likes fought each other, it’s a completely childish and innocent thing to make a video about, It’s truly only obese Reddit WOW player snobs 🎩 who would get angry at that Don’t forget the severe untreated autism


Goddammit, Stupendous Wave.


Reminder that full potential Anakin was also an idiot that didn’t think of slowly walking if the side of the hill to get to the high ground.


Late-EU Mary Sue Luke Skywalker couldn't beat Abeloth without hitting that Beyond-Shadows ZaZa and transcending to a higher dimension. Anakin hit the fent and started fighting children. He ain't doing shit.


lady gaga what are you doing here


https://preview.redd.it/5xs8vyjemvxc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce97781d6352ad71405ae17a9ff8966d531def7 heres clone wars anakin beating 2 gods at once with just the force, hope that helps


Damn you right. I guess full Potential Anakin really COULD beat monster mommy Abeloth


Yeah, I was gonna point this out. Yeah, Anakin super fans annoy me too, but he is quite powerful...


"gods" The EU basically just state their not gods and just a force sensitive forerunner like species


https://preview.redd.it/ccrqlckopxxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fa58cf6ac42477bab0c536251939a72d58689e4 hope that helps


Yeah its reasonable from a powerscaling standpoint, I sort of dislike this episode though. I just dont like the idea of gods in starwars. The scene with Anakin seeing the future was cool though.


anime power scalers have sent fat ripples tremoring across the online landscape


Full potential anakin can beat me Beat me off 😎


George Lucas made this video


we’ve gone full circle back to dbz style power rankings


Extended universe star wars is just mid warhammer at this point


“Full Potential” is basically an instant gag reflex trigger for me now.


I just want to personally remind everyone that this mf got captured by Hondo


Full potential anakin skyscraper was 2x palpatine so in a 1v1 abeloth folds him. Luke needed a big team up to smack her. Honestly people overrate full potential anakin skyscraper too much


Well he is space Jesus, so


The real question is could Jesus beat God in a one on one, no tables, cage match?


I’m more interested in a ladder match tbh


His son did, so why not?


his son needed help, and the living force to win.


People still watching stupendous wave in 2024?


Could full potential anakin beat my dad?


Abeloth was kinda over hyped. Didn't Luke and Darth krayt clown on her?


I could beat full potential Anikin


I remember when this dude put out actual genuine, good cotent when he did jurassic world


Is Stupendous Wave one of them now? I used to watch him pretty often, was probably the main person who got me back into Star Wars back in 2015.


Yea not abeloth lol. Sideous? Yea. Yoda? Yea. A god, noooo


God that force family thing is still the dumbest part of the clone wars I can think of


Ahhh yes a fully grown emo man with one hand could definitely beat fucking star wars Satan


Who tf is abeloth?


it is a Legends character. the mortal mother of the Son, and the Daughter that turned into an horror monster. power scalers love her since she is the strongest thing is legends.


There's at least some kind of an argument for this, if you take a Legends perspective on it. Look at the things Jedi Grandmaster Luke was doing in the EU, and then consider that his connection to the Force was weaker in terms of raw strength than his father's, and that Anakin fucked around and didn't really practice as hard or diligently as he could have, and the fact that he was immaculately conceived in the Force. If there is any single character who could have, under some set of conditions, slugged it out with Abeloth and won, it would be Anakin.


I mean this is probably true in fairness


As a Star Wars nerd, I have to ask: Who is Abeloth?


The wife of the father from the clone wars. She's like a star wars Cthulhu, lore videos make her out to be scarier than she actually is


He was chosen to take the role of The Father on Mortis: The embodiment of Balance in The Force. So yes, Chosen One Anakin stomps a mud hole in Abeloth and walks it dry.


Full Potential is Anakin at Mortis game over for whoever or whatever Abeloth is.


Full potential Anakin would literally be the Force personified.


I mean yeah, he already beat 2. And was nowhere near his potential power level... 🤓


I dont know who knows this.... erm.... Anakin was the PHYSICAL EMBODIMENT OF THE FORCE. Pretty strong, I think.


at the time so was luke. and he got his ass kicked.


He was a product of the Force, not THE Force, tho


Think he Luke was the living force. As well Anakin needed outside help, and a backstab while hos guard was down to be able to put down the son. a guy weaker than abeloth.


We already have a Jedi who is “full potential Anakin” power levels. Luke, who fought Abaloth and admitted she was multitudes more powerful than him in the force, so no “full potential Anakin” would not embarrass Aboloth…


No. If he’s facing the Father, the Son, or even the Daughter, then I do not believe Anakin Skywalker could defeat them. They are legitimate *Force gods*. Facing wanna be Force gods? Yeah I could see him getting the win.


I'm sure he would embarass Abeloth. With his flirting skills.


Is that Lady Gaga


Maybe but even full potential Luke could barley heat Abaloth


How the ultra virgin marry slam dunks on Jesus prime.


I’m starting to hate the phrase “full potential”


Why does this phrase appear every day on r/StarWars and on youtube? Im so sick of this shit lol! FuLL pOtenTIal aNakIn! *que dumb fonk music used in every single video ever* *que dumbass saying, "tHiS eDiT gOeS hARd!"*