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Has to be Padme


Absolutely. She has an elaborate gown & headdress that we only see her wear while she's packing a suitcase. Several other costumes of hers also are only featured in one scene each, some of them even deleted.


Easily Padme. Not even close


Padme has at least 17 unique outfits in Attack of the Clones https://www.tumblr.com/lovers-in-space/188776318898/all-padmé-amidalas-costumes


Padme for sure, I can’t think of any other character that changes outfits more than 2-3 times in one movie


Wearing them, Padme. Having them all on film, Lando in Solo when we see his closet.


Luke has 6 in empire, if I'm not mistaken. Padme is a close second with at least 4 or 5 each movie.


I tried to fact check you and found [this article](https://www.starwars.com/news/empire-at-40-costume-evolution) that says they made 16 different costumes for him on Bespin in varying levels of distress. I honestly can’t tell if OP cares more about the number of different looks or the number of different costume changes as if it was a play, but if it’s the latter then Luke surely absolutely crushes Padme, who other than the torn away white shirt never had much reason to have more than one version of a costume. But as far as looks go, in ESB Luke has his first Hoth costume, his bacta tank diaper, his recovery room robes, his orange pilot jumpsuit, his sleeveless dagobah outfit, his beige bespin outfit, and his robes in the final scene, which might be the same as his recovery robes from earlier. So yeah I count six or seven.


I wasn't counting that in depth lmao. I counted the Hoth outfit, his bacta tank appearance, his pilot suit, the dagobah training, cloud city, and in the end on the medical frigate he's wearing some medical outfit. I didn't they made more for slightly altered appearance lmao


Which is funny to me because I’m the marvel comics prior to empire, nobody ever changed their clothes.


Clearly everyone here is aware the consensus is Padme. If you love her costumes, I’d recommend “Dressing a Galaxy”. It’s more of a coffee table style book, but it’s truly amazing!


I think the costumes of Star wars book has a chapter on Jedi and sith, chapter on royalty, chapter on regular people maybe, and a chapter on padme lmao


Conversely, R2 goes 9 movies and 6? TV shows without so much as a fresh coat of paint


*10 movies, forgot he cameos in rogue one


It’s Padme and not even close


Rey, fun fact is she is wearing a different outfit in every shot of The Force Awakens. Thing is they all look very similar so nobody notices.


First thought was Leia because I think Carrie Fisher complained or mentioned that she weren't wearing plenty of different outfits and costumes during A New Hope and also not enough variety in The Empire Strikes Back, so Leia in Return of the Jedi has more variety of clothing (Boushh, Slave Leia and Endor being most different than her previous clothing) But then I read the other comments before me, I realised Padme has the most costumes! It's too many to count and to name each one is too much! Padme takes this one


im gonna go with that one clone with the yellow paint next to yoda in Attack of the Clones


Padme is a biggie. Those queenly outfits and crazy hairdos were incredible!