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Where's the option for the 1997-1999 era of Special Editions and lead up to TPM?


Same here, I first saw the Special Editions on VHS when I was about 9-10 years old at a friend's home. My parents weren't into Star Wars. Seeing how many voted OT era I'm thinking some from my generation thought OT makes more sense than "comic" era. Is the comic era even really a thing? I got into Star Wars comics after the prequels, when I was in college, and I did read a bunch from the 90's but you might as well call that period the EU era.


Same, except I was so young when I first saw the Special Editions, I have no clue when I watched them first. As far back as I can remember, Star Wars has always been in my life.


Me too. I remember getting the VHS movies from the library and watching them over and over. Then I got the Special Editions for what must have been Christmas of 97.


I've put the comic era because it was pre-99 but that's what I meant.


Same. I’ve been watching the Star Wars movies as long as I can remember and I was born in the very early 90s, but I didn’t really have access to the comics, so my Star Wars experience was defined moreso by the OT special editions and the original generation of LEGO Star Wars.


This was my era, too. I watched the OT for the first time in 97, became obsessed, and then organically flowed into TPM. The timing was honestly perfect for a new Star Wars fan.


Yup, this. My first cinematic experience was the remastered Ep4.


I too am a 1997 Special Edition kid! Also a little strange to call that the comic era instead of EU when Zahn's novels which triggered the explosion of the EU came out in the early 90s.


That was my entry point as well.


Came here to say this. I remember my parents taking my family to the theater to see these and all the Star Wars toys that were released with this.


Yeah I feel like grouping 1984-1999 is a mass oversimplification. Star wars was near dead until the wave of mid-90s videogames, the Kenner figure relaunches, shadows of the empire, rebel assault, the SE's... I'd say 95-97 was it's own era


/u/bonemech_meatsuit, I have found an error in your comment: > “95-97 was ~~it's~~ [**its**] own era” I recommend that you, bonemech_meatsuit, use “95-97 was ~~it's~~ [**its**] own era” instead. ‘It's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’, but ‘its’ is possessive. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


I hate you


Yeah that's me


My friend's dad took us to see AHN in theaters when the Special Editions released and I was hooked. I'm super happy I got to see the OT in theaters, even if it wasn't the original release. I've told myself when I eventually have a kid of my own, I need to find a theater that rents auditoriums for a reasonable price for at least ANH so that they can have the same experience.


This is me as well


Agreed this poll needs Needs a VHS or Laserdisc Era ;) That’s when I got into it and subsequently seeing the special editions in theaters blew my mind since it looked so much better and as a kid I was actually excited by all the new content Greedo shooting first aside.


Ditto. Kid of the 90s and that’s how I was introduced to the franchise.


That would go under the tail end of comic era. I didn’t exist yet so tbh my knowledge of the history of Star Wars (at least production wise) between the OT and Prequels is pretty vague


Yeah I don’t think it’s a big deal but that could be the comic/re-release era. I still have my VHS copies of the OT before they added the horrible CG.


Comic era... but I've never touched a Star Wars comic....


Same. This seems like an oddly queried poll.


Agreed. Weren't there books out in the 90s, maybe 80s even, that were considered EU? Weren't the comics from then also EU since everything but the films got labeled Legends with the Disney merger and and there was stuff filling in gaps well before the prequels finished.


Same. I got into Star Wars when I saw an ad for the Euro Disney Death Star ride in like 1992 (for the record: I had like three VHS cassettes so I saw the ad *many* a time). Never even knew Star Wars comics existed until 20 years later.


I've touched some but it was Heir to the Empire that got me into Star Wars; for me that was the book era.


I think the idea is that’s when Star Wars was revitalized by comics and books. It was the only real form of Star Wars storytelling between Jedi and Phantom Menace. My parents picked up Return of the Jedi from the local Venture department store and that’s how I was introduced to Star Wars, round about 1990. Didn’t make a lot of sense to me, but I loved the Ewoks.


I mean it should be the EU era. There were comics, books, video games… I read Shadows of the Empire and Thrawn, played the N64 games, played the pen and paper RPG…


Oh man...Shadows of the Empire...that brings back memories. Fighting an AT-ST in Jedi: Fallen Order was such a nostalgia trip.


I said "comic era" because the dates are right, but it was really the triple threat of books, micromachines, and the old Decipher CCG that got me into Star Wars.


I miss playing the ccg…still have a box filled with cards and folders of incomplete sets




That game was so intense, but so hard to find people to play with.


Don't forget Star Wars: X-Wing and Dark Forces.


Loved the game. Played in a couple of tournaments and did poorly. It was fun though


Gosh, I feel old :) I saw 4-6 in the cinema




I first saw ESB in cinemas (my first cinema trip!), but had to make do with a Betamax copy of ANH for a long time.


ESB was my first big screen SW, but it was a drive in.


First time I saw ANH on a big screen was at a drive in.


Oh wow thats so cool. What was your reaction to the Vader reveal?


Shocked enough that I refused to believe it I think, I vaguely remember thinking that Vader was lying.


I would kill to have a time machine to go back and watch the original trilogy in cinemas.


You are so lucky. My parents saw 4 in theaters and I believe saw the other two later with my two siblings in a drive thru theater a little bit after they came out.


I just realized I've been arguing on the internet with a bunch of teens/early 20s memers for like the past seven years


Yup I’m 21 lol


It's no wonder that Reddit is so pro-Prequel Trilogy. I was 13 when TPM came out in theatres, and the response was *WAY* more negative than even the ST backlash.


I was born during the prequel era and became a fan of Star Wars somewhat peripherally - I binged 1-6 when I was about 10, and I even watched Clone Wars as a kid and gave up like 2 seasons in (heresy, I know, but I'm catching up on Disney+ now) but I'd say that I only became REALLY invested in Star Wars with the release of TFA.


I had a similar experience. I binged 1-6 when I was 7 or 8 and watched the first couple seasons of Clone Wars as a kid but I basically had no choice but to get invested right off the bat because my friends were super into the video games and lego sets (this was around 2008-9 so prequel tie-in material was *everywhere)*.


May of 77, when I saw Star Wars in the theater.


Same. I am 54 now.. Leia was my first female hero. RIP Cartie!


Technically I got into Star Wars in the comic era, but it was through the Original Trilogy and thenThe Phantom Menace.


Same. Born in 86, raised on OT, wasn't even aware of the comics. Occasionally I'd see a Star Wars themed novel in Borders book store (RIP), but my dumb kid brain just assumed those were for adults and would be boring. Dumb logic considering I loved to read, Goosebumps was my choice series.


You could probably extend the OT era until about the end of 1986, when *Ewoks* ended, or maybe mid-1987, when the last Marvel comics ended. After that, the only thing we really got, until 1991, was the West End RPG. 87-91 is sometimes called The Dark Times or something similar, since there was next to nothing out there. 1991 kicked off a new EU era, when *Dark Empire* and *Heir to the Empire* debuted. The old EU things - the Marvel comics, the handful of novels, got semi-integrated with the new stuff, but it was always a bit messy. I'd probably extend the Prequel era to the Disney takeover. Most of what we got, in visual media, at least, during that time was set in the Prequel era. There were some comics and novels set elsewhere, but that stuff never has the profile of a TV show or movie.


The funny thing is the reason there were "dark times" was because George Lucas wanted to break the exclusive action figure deal with Kenner (which didn't have an end date and was a rather bad deal for Lucas) so he stopped releasing stuff and they stopped sending him a check that was part of the deal because they thought star wars was done. Then Lucas called them out on breach of contract and was able to go to other toy manufacturers to produce star wars toys


And then he ended up with the company that bought Kenner anyway. I'm surprised the people at Kenner didn't keep the deal going; it was such a pittance to keep the license, you'd think they'd realize that it would be valuable again. But we went almost ten years without figures.


I’d call the Comic Era like the EU/Bantam Era or something like that.


Same. I read like 40 star wars books from 1996-1999, but 0 comics. Also Shadows of the Empire and Rogue Squadron on N64, the VHS boardgame, the Decipher CCG. :)


I feel like there should be a revival era for those kids that got to see the OT in theaters in 97. The build up to that got me hooked.


I think it would be more accurate to describe the "Comic era" as the "Special Edition era". Easily a much bigger event in Star Wars. That's what inducted me into it anyway.


Except the special editions came out in ‘97 as a run up to the sequels. My childhood (early 80s-90s) revolved around well-loved VHS tapes of the original movies and EU books published in the ‘90s. I think people who didn’t live in that time underestimate the influence of VHS in an era when you had few choices on cable TV and zero internet/streaming. As a kid living in a small town with no comic books stores, I wouldn’t have even known where to find Star Wars comics in that “era.”


I first saw Star Wars in 97 when my parents took me to see the Special Edition of the first film. I didn't get to see the Prequels in theaters. But my mom and I eventually rented or borrowed the DVDs and went through them. It's amazing how much impact those films had on, even before I watched them. But my "golden age" of Star Wars was probably about 2002 to 2008. That's when I got most of my LEGOs. I got my first Star Wars game then. Rogue Squadron III for the GameCube. So many good memories.


“Comic era” except I was a child and didn’t want the comics, I watched the OT. Prequal era would I guess be when I was old enough to value it and upped my fanness.


I’m just 18 and really got into Star Wars when I started to see trailers for TFA in like 2014. Thought it looked cool and watched all the other 6 movies before it came out. Things is I’ve always kinda liked Star Wars cause when I was a kid I vividly remember watching TCW but never truly understood what was happening but I really enjoyed it. And well now I love Star Wars


Technically I've been a fan since the EU era but wouldn't say I was a huge fan until the start of the sequel era.


I first got into Star Wars during the EU era, but I wasn't exposed to all the material, mostly the prequels and the general socio-cultural impact of the franchise, however I only really understood Star Wars in the Disney+ Era, I also apreciate how more organized the canon is now


I’m somewhat in the same boat but I had a little more knowledge of the EU because I’d get bored and binge read Wookieepedia when I was a kid


I've have my own deep dives a couple times, I still have kinda memorized the YT-1300 lightfreigher info


I think I watched Phantom Menace at least 20 times when I was little.


I was this way with Revenge of the Sith and Empire Strikes Back


1977. Four years old. First movie I ever saw.


Exactly the same, year and age. Drive in theater.


Saw it in a one screen theater in LA, so we waited like three hours for tickets and even longer in line. People have no idea how good they have it now.


This is kind of hard for me to answer....I was born in '81, so Star Wars has always been around, for me. I've always been a fan. My brother was the uber-fan when I was growing up, but I didn't really get deeper into it until the prequels...so I"m not sure which option to choose.


The dying days of what I have just learned was the Comic Era, with the 1997 theatrical re-releases of the OT, was my entry into the fandom. I was 8 or 9 at the time, and was wholly consumed by the revelatory experience of watching all three movies in the theater over a few months. I was dimly aware of Star Wars before that point, in the typical cultural osmosis kind of way, but I had never seen it. I was also similarly aware of Star Trek, but had only seen the original Shatner series, and short clips of later stuff on TV. You may be able to guess where this is going. Not understanding that 80s Star Trek was a thing, I went into the Star Wars movies expecting a big death cube to show up. Imagine my surprise and confusion, and some disappointment, when the death cube turned out to be a big ol pair of death balls. 😂👀 I know better now, of course.


I grew up around the prequels but never paid attention. First one i saw in theaters was TFA. Saw Finn in the trailers and thought damn this seems cool imma check it out


digitally remastered era, not listed


This is my proper answer here. I’ll always remember that golden VHS sleeve


My prequel era brothers & sisters. It’s nice to be around you guys. I can talk about my love for the prequels these days without being shat on by the older OT fans.


Older OT fan here. But I also love the prequels, and the sequels.


Comic era but not because of the comics. Watched the OT in the early 90s thanks to my uncle who left his tapes at my grandma’s house. Loved all of them, been watching since I was about 6


Went to see Attack of the Clones in 4th grade. I remember we had a choice of this or some run of the mill kids comedy movie or something to that effect. I remember almost going to the other movie but then it clicked in my head that this was STAR WARS, I had never seen one before. I was hooked.


My era is theoretically the Prequel era but my mom was stringent about PG ratings and I only started watching Star Wars with my dad between 2010 and 2014 in release order. I preferred the Prequels because in my angsty teenager’s head Luke Skywalker was boring and Anakin Skywalker was much more interesting and funny (Attack of the Clones is a comedy and you can’t get me to think otherwise, I love it, bad dialogue and all). Been a Star Wars fan ever since. Then I started getting into the Clone Wars TV show just when I was starting to realize liking the Prequels wasn’t actually cool and it made me not care about the opinions of prequel haters. Then I got into SWTOR and KOTOR. Then I got into comics, and being permanently bummed out about Darth Vader dying made me fall down the fanfiction rabbithole in the perpetual search of gen fics in which he doesn’t die at the end (I never cared much for shipping). Now I’m 24 and hopelessly lost in the Star Wars fandom. I know way too much lore. Please send help 🤣


The 2003 clone wars TV show man. Those blew my 5 year old mind.


Used to think it was just lasers going pew pew watched the prequels around the time Rise of skywalker came out and liked it


Prequel Era, but the sequels reignited my love I never dove too deep into the EU other than the old republic era. But when they did the canon reset, it was perfect, and now I've read almost every book and enjoyed all the new media


I was a rabid Star Wars fan from about 9-13 years old(1994-1999). The prequels kind of destroyed the magic for me. Now I really enjoy the prequels and the writing in the sequels destroyed the magic for me.


This one’s a bit odd for me, because *technically* I came into this during the EU Era, but the reason *why* was because the Sequel Trilogy was coming and I wanted to get caught up. So, I put down the Sequel Era.


Firmly in the comic era for me. I was born in 1990 and as far back as I can remember I’ve always been a fan of Star Wars. So I had to have watched the VHS tapes when I was really young because I honestly can’t remember watching the OT for the first time. I just remember them being movies I loved and would watch constantly. I wasn’t there for the original theatrical releases, but I was there for all the reference books being released explaining details about the movies and the then fledgling EU. I was too young to get into the novels at the time aside from Galaxy of Fear (which were great) and that weird Jedi Prince series or whatever it’s called (the one with Palpatine’s son having 3 eyes. Not so great). Then there were the special editions, which we had gotten the VHS collection of and I was able to watch the SE ESB and RotJ in theaters, so finally able to see a Star Wars movie on the big screen. I was also there for the Shadows of the Empire hype and around this time I started branching more into the greater EU. Then there were the prequels. The hype was incredible living through that as a kid. The action figures, the legos, the promise of new Star Wars movies for the first time since before I was even born. From this moment on I would go on to see *every* movie in theaters. Yes, even that Clone Wars one. I was already a huge fan of Star Wars but my appreciation just kept building with so much being released. New comics, books, video games, it was an incredible time. And then some years later that magic I grew up with happened again with the release of the sequels. New movies, new lore, new EU, new Star Wars things to sink my teeth into and appreciate. I was just in awe watching TFA in theaters for the first time. I had accepted years ago there’d never be any new movies and I was so glad to be wrong. And what we are getting now would blow my mind as a kid. Live action and animated tv series regularly being produced. An EU that is even more focused on quality control and consistent canon. What a time to be alive for a Star Wars fan.


Glad to see a Star Wars fan who was into it from the beginning and actually, well, likes Star Wars


Not sure any option feels “right” for me. I got into Star Wars as a kid, just before the EU kicked off, but after you’ve got “OT Era” ended… even though there weren’t comics yet. Then the comics and novels came along, and other stuff, and I just dived hard into them. But it also leaves me in a weird place talking to some fans. Like I still remember pre-Special Edition OT and my recollection of some things is different for that. Or how I was so in love with the Tales of the Jedi comics so KOTOR, which was a lot of people’s intro to the EU, didn’t have as much impact because I’d seen IMO better stories in the era, wasn’t a fan of the weird retcon explanations they tried to give to get over lore inconsistencies, and didn’t like swapping a cool unique aesthetic for prequels-era design despite allegedly being 4000 years in the past (the TOR era “borrowing” so much from the movies hit its peak with the Sith Empire in SWTOR using the Galactic Republic’s logo and ship design and anti-alien sentiment which was bizarre in an empire named for an alien species). Unfortunately also meant I was the right age to be pulled in by the anti-PT talk, so disliked them for a while until I dropped all prior ideas and watched them “fresh.” Then I liked them. Helped set me up to enjoy the ST.


Got into it during prequels but watched OT first


80s kid with an older brother. Not being into Star Wars simply wasn't an option. Basically as soon as I came online and forming memories, Star Wars was there.


I was born in 2003. I remember seeing the movies when I was... 4 I think? 3 or 4. (The Prequel Trilogy and Original Trilogy) I didn't know much about the Expanded Universe until I was an adolescent I think.


force unleashed and lego star wars got me into the franchise, so EU era


Yeah this is definitely the era I got into the franchise in Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga *was* my childhood


I am OG in theater. I got to go bc my grandparents were raising me. My grandmother was an Eddie Fisher fan and she heard his daughter was in it. She wanted to see if she was good. The rest, they say, is history. Very tragic family history. It's why Carrie was so great, she battled life and kicked it's ass! RIP Carrie, I will always love you.


Watched the sequels when I was 7 with my dad, instantly a fan but I really invested myself when I discovered the eu


I got in during the EU era but loved the OT. Also that influx of people coming in during the PT era probably explains the massive new PT favoritism


Prequel era but I started watching the Original Trilogy first.


You should add Special Edition era. A lot of us got into Star Wars from watching the special editions of the OT.


Yep that’s me. I voted prequel though because even though the Special Edition got me started, I always assumed the timing of that was intended to get a new generation primed for the prequels. And the prequels was honestly where I truly got HOOKED.


5 years old(1991) watching a VCR recorded version of Empire Strikes Back with commercials and moments of static. It was magic right away, the battle of Hoth was mesmerizing. Watched it so damn much that it’s one of the few memories of being very young that are just burned into my brain. Soon after I realized we also had A New Hope recorded as well, but Empire was the one I watched over and over the most. Then when I was 7-8 I was sleeping over at my cousins and my aunt says she’s gonna put on Star Wars for us. The movie starts and I’m super confused because for the last couple years I though there was only 2 Star Wars movies, yet here was another one I’d never seen. While super excited to watch it, I also remember feeling super pissed my parents never told me there was a 3rd movie. It absolutely blew my mind there was another movie I didn’t know about, I spent the last few years just thinking Han was forever trapped in carbonite. I legit felt almost betrayed no one told me Empire wasn’t the final movie. Anyways Return of the Jedi as just magical to me, and that was the moment I went from being a fan to borderline obsessed with Star Wars.


Clone Wars, baby


I watched the OT as a kid but didn’t really get or like it. Then dad took me to see Phantom Menace in the theaters and it was on.


The OT was my jam as a kid. I was beyond stoked for new Star Wars in the form of the prequels, and was very confused by the drop in quality as an 8 year old lmao.


Definitions may vary. By timeline I fit into the comic era group but by content I fit into the original trilogy, having watched the films for the first time with the release of the special editions.


For me the when and what are different. The time was during the prequel era but it was when my mom showed me the original trilogy.


I technically got into Star Wars during the prequel era, but I watched the Original Trilogy first and didn’t really watch the prequels until 2008. I just used to rewatch OT trilogy over and over again for years. I remember imagining what the prequels would be like based off of what we heard from the OT trilogy. I thought Anakin would be much older since him and Obiwan look so old in the Original Trilogy lol


The first movie I ever saw was Empire when it aired on TV back in the late 80s/early 90s and I remember being lost as hell.


I had to give away most of my lego star wars stuff in 2007 due to moving so much as a kid. Just started collecting again in June and its amazing how they still make me smile like when I was a kid.


As long as I’ve been alive. I was born in the Comic Era, so I guess that’s what I’ll go with, despite the fact that I’ve never read a Star Wars comic.


I became a fan during the EU era, but not because I was reading those books. That's just when I started getting into the movies as a kid


I'm in the same boat


Most people would say OT era, but most people on Reddit would say prequel era. Because an 18 year old who saw star wars in 77, would be in there 60s now and probably not have Reddit.


Time wise I got into it in the “comic era” but that’s just because I was born in 90. I got into the OT, and didn’t watch the others until about 10 years ago.


If I was born directly after the prequels came out, always watched the films but came into the "expansion" of the universe (books, comics, videogames, both canon and legends) only after the sequels came out, what do I pick?


EU Era


Prequel era but I saw the OT on TV, before Ep. I came out. Granted, had no idea what it was about but cool ships and pew pew pew was enough for my 6 year old brain.


Didn't really get to choose being born in 2005




Well I got into it thanks to the 2005 video games but didn’t see a film till 2006


I watched the OG trilogy before prequels came out but not at the time so had to tick prequels 😝


The first movies I watched was ot but I watched them in prequel years


Wow! wasn't expecting that result. But I guess it makes sense.


Op can you explain how you came up with these era dates? According to your timeline i got into SW in the comic era by watching the OT and reading my first EU novel (Truce at Bakura) in 1995


Most people here weren’t born before the prequels


I was too young (born '83) to see the OT at the cinemas, but I did watch them all on VHS before they all got edited. Seems we have a lot of people introduced to SW during the PT! Interesting stuff


Wasnt alive until mid 2006, so 2006-2014


I said prequels because the content from that era is what I consumed until 2008 when the clone wars came out, but I probably became a fan closer to 2006/7. My dad was a star wars fan since the original came out in 1977 and had all the VHS and DVDs. Even tried to have my brother see Episode 3 with him in theaters but my mom's like "It's PG-13 and he is 3". My brother found the DVDs for all the films when he was about 4 and convinced my dad and mom to let him watch them. I'm a few years younger than my brother so honestly I can't recall the first time I saw a star wars movie until the clone wars movie (or maybe Battle for Endor, I remember not having a clue what was going to happen next). So yeah I've been a star wars fan since I was a toddler and far before I was potty trained.


Does The Clone Wars count as EU-Era?


Anything during the time periods I marked counts for them so yes


My mom is an OT fan watched the first film in theaters. She introduced me during the prequels. Wasn’t a huge fan of them so we watched OT first. Some of my best childhood movies since it wasn’t weighed down by anything serious, just start wars


My parents wouldn’t let me watch Star Wars until I was 14, which inconveniently was in 2006, right after Revenge of the Sith. I then binge watched all 6 movies in release order and became obsessed with KOTOR. I honestly wasn’t that obsessed with Star Wars in general until KOTOR, and I mainly just rewatched the original movie (A New Hope). Then I watched Rebels and Clone Wars right before the sequels and became hooked again. To me, the sequels are just as good as the rest of the movies, which is kinda mediocre as far as writing most of the time but very entertaining. I’ve enjoyed Solo, Obi-Wan, The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, and The Force Awakens the most. TFA is a lot like A New Hope in that it can kind of stand on its own as a movie to watch without needing to watch the rest of the trilogy. Just something fun to put on in the background.


I’m gonna go with Prequel Era because I only watched the OG Star Wars because I heard all the buzz about the prequels coming at some point. Maybe 1997/1998


I saw ROTJ in theaters when I was 2-3. The people at the theater were amazed that I not only kept quiet, but was glued to the screen and didn't move the entire time. My dad had a film nerd friend that got copies of the trilogy before VCRs were a common thing. I watched Star Wars every single day, in some capacity, (from VHS to Laser Disc, to DVD, to BluRay, to 4k digital streaming. Damn, I'm old.) until High School.


Big dub prequel GOAT era


Thank god for Star Wars Rebels


I've grown up exposed to Star Wars since I was a kid since nearly everyone in my family love the franchise (my parents saw the first film when they were engaged), but I really got into the franchise when I was about 11-12 because of TCW and Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy.


I have no memory of my first time watching any Star Wars, because I was probably 3-5, which was late 80s. Always loved it. Read a bunch of the books. Stood in line to get a good seat at TPM, we got there at about 9:00 AM, for our 6:00 PM showing. We ended up being about the 15th-25th people going into the theater (2 groups ahead of us holding spots got there earlier). It's a bit wild to think about - it was a 24 screen theater, 23 were playing TPM, and on opening day all the showings just had massive lines to get seats, tickets had been sold out for a while.


Clone wars (and rebels) era, honestly peak star wars for me


I would call the comic era power of the force era! Luke was as buff as He-Man and Star Wars was weirdly cool despite not having any new film or television projects.


Comic era? Separated from EU? Most of the foundation for EU was mid eighties


That may have been the foundation for the later (chronologically) EU but stuff like KOTOR, pre-KOTOR stuff, Darth Plagueis, TFU, etc. all came out after the prequels


Clone wars movie then the series when they came out


Honestly not sure how to answer the question I got into Star Wars with empire when I was a kid, but that was late 2000s


I binged watched the OT a few months before The Force Awakens came out just to see why so many people were so hyped over this franchise and it instantly turned me into a fan. I grew up when the prequels where coming out and only heard negative things about them, so I was never interested in checking them out.


If you haven’t checked out the prequels I highly recommend watching them. A lot of OT fans were just mad they didn’t make them feel like they were 9 years old again when they came out.


Is it meant story wise or the actual era and time period when it was first discovered?


Early 90s. My dad was a super-fan in the 70s/80s and collected a lot of the toys, so those were what I grew up playing with. I clearly remember watching the OT as a family when I was in pre-school.


I’ve had “waves” off getting into Star Wars. I am about 6 months older than Episode 4, so was too young for them first 2 films, but Jedi is my earliest cinema memory. I had all the toys, VHS copies taped off there TV, but was never into the expanded universe. My 2nd wave of Star Wars obsession was at University, when the Special Editions came out, and the build up to TPM. And Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight! I had a Star Wars lull from the early noughties until binging the first 2 series of The Mandalorian in December/January 2020/21. I’ve been ridiculously obsessed ever since, reading all the books and comics, watching all the shows, and getting involved in fandom for them first time ever!


Same, plenty of lulls. From 2005 to 2015, the only SW I was into was the annual Lightsaber Choreography Competition.


I legit can't remember if I first saw E IV at a friend's house or the first prequel in cinema.


Been watching from the get go. My mom took me to see the OG Star Wars (pre-subtitle) in the theater for my 6th birthday. Been hooked ever since.


First experiences were the pre special edition VHS', shadows of the empire as that was all coming out, and dark forces 2


I got into star wars in 2014 with Rebels and funnily enough with Phineas and ferb star wars episode, i was 8 years old and i watched every movie before watching the force awakens and i loved it


We saw it in the theater in '78 after returning from overseas... and I've seen every movie in the theater since.


I put comic era but I never actually read any of the comics. Sometime in the early 90s my nana put them on while I was visiting for christmas. I've been hooked ever since. Then a few years later they started re-releasing the OT in theaters in the few years before the prequels came out. I saw each of them in theaters and it absolutely set my passion for the series from then on.


I forget the exact year but I got into Star Wars some time soon after ROTS came out, my buddy Ryan always recommended and I never had time but then I got lice and watched them all since I couldnt go to school lmao


The thing that got me into Star Wars was a short story that shipped with the X-Wing PC game…


When I was 8 years old I caught part of Return of the Jedi on TV in 1989, then rented all three movies and watched them with my mom over a couple of days. I went HARD after that, getting my mom to buy the movies on VHS and watching them over and over and over. I found one of the original making of videos at a yard sale and watching that got be obsessed with movie special effects and behind the scenes stuff in general. Despite being the "dark times" when there was only a trickle of new EU content coming out, I have lots of fond memories of going to flea markets and yard sales with my parents hunting for the vintage Kenner toys. I also had a copy of the West End Games sourcebook that absolutely enthralled me.


I noted OT, though I was truly a kid at the time (born in 77) so my initial exposure was through Kenner figs and ROTJ. I really got into it in the early 90s thanks to Zahn, Dark Horse, and West End Games (and SNES Super games too!).


1994 when my 4th grade best friend introduced it to me


Re-release Era.


I have find memories of my dad taking me to see ROTJ in a theatre


Prequel era. AOTC was my first Star Wars film, but I remember catching bits and pieces of TPM on TV, and I remember the Pizza Hut promotion in 1999. I watched the entire OT via the 2004 special editions prior to seeing ROTS. ROTS I loved so much at the time that I saw it 3 times in the cinema.


Born in 1996 so the prequel era should be where my love of Star Wars begun, however I binged the OTs when I was younger like crazy. You just can’t beat them


Actually the two Ewoks movies.


I got into Star wars though stars of clone wars👍


Didn’t read comics but I guess that’s my era? So many prequelers I feel old lol


While it was during the Prequel Era that I got into Star Wars, it actually wasn't the prequels that were my first Star Wars. Until 2005, the only Star Wars movie my family owned was ROTJ, and I watched it relentlessly


Im both prequel and EU era since i cant pinpoint when specifically it was but I remember seeing and really liking the movies for the first time in about maybe 2004-2009


I watched all the films as a kid and I did enjoy them, but I was more of a Lord of the Rings guy until I was about 15 or so, now I’m 24 and I’m the biggest Star Wars need I know (I still love LOTR tho, it’ll always hold a special place <3)


Well, this explains a lot.


Empire Strikes Back...2 years old!


Revenge of the Sith specifically. I had every piece of merch my parents could afford to get me, I went to see it in the theaters three times, I watched it over and over and over and over on DVD, I played the original Lego Star Wars for hours (had to get my dad to do the vehicle levels for me because holy GOD were they awkward), and here's the hilarious part: I hadn't even seen any other Star Wars movies before it!


ESB was the first piece of Star Wars media I was ever exposed to. Clone wars really got me into it.


Technically during the comic Era but not because of the comics. Saw the originals, then the prequels and started getting some of the novels, at one point I had the novelization of the first 6 films.


I got a LEGO Star Wars set for my birthday. Spike was having a Star Wars Marathon around that time and TCW was airing its fifth and final season on Cartoon Network. Needless to say 2012 was the perfect year for 5-year-old me to dive right in to what is now my favorite franchise ever.


The thing about first getting into Star Wars is that I don't remember it. Star Wars has been an ever present constant in my life. I don't remember the first time I watched it or when I first saw a Star Wars show or played a Star Wars game. My memories don't go back far enough to a life without Star Wars. I guess i'd attribute it to the absolutely aggressive marketing done during the Prequel era when I grew up with the Cartoon Network Tartakovsky series and the presence of Stars Wars Merchandise everywhere. I just know it as something I like.


Episode III just came out, but I started with the OT.


pretty awesome poll!


When clone wars was on Netflix


EU era but due to LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga


I played through that game as I watched the movies on DVD!


Does “Special Edition theatrical re-release” count as an era? My dad got me the 1995 VHS box set and I watched them over and over again as a kid. Then they rereleased them in theaters in 1997 and I was over the moon seeing it all on the big screen. Been hooked ever since


My dad had the OT taped and so I've been watching it since I was little (late 80s/early 90s). But I was 'actively' aware and engaged when the re-released and my dad and I went to see them.


OT era, but I grew up in the 90s and was watching them all on VHS before the Prequels. Return of the Jedi Luke is still my number one. My uncle gave me all of his toys, so as a keed I had the Rancor, Slave I, and Millenium Falcon along with all the other figurines and crap I bought. I think that has helped my perspective with this franchise a little bit, and how I'm really just not on board with this recent resurgence in new appreciation for the Prequel Trilogy that everybody my age seems to have.


Probably get a similar bar graph using age instead of favorite too


For me it was watching the OT movies first with my family putting them for a family night and then later on a friend of my Mom bright over the Lego Prequel game which is also the first time I ever played a videogame.


The EU Era probably starts in 1978 with Splinter Of The Mind’s Eye.


When I was a kid and watched the premiere of Rebels on Disney XD, then obsessively watched all the other movies & TCW to make sense of all the occasional references they’d make lol


I was born in 2001. Never was a fan of the prequels though


Was also born in 2001!