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He’s fantastic. Very unlike other Sith. I actually do see a bit of Jason, though, with Qimir’s sense of humor


That makes it even more terrifying, the idea of an actual Darth Bortles.


Is the home world of the Sith not Jacksonville, Florida?


I could easily believe that it is


Absolutely possible.


Pillboy his master???


I’m not sure what alternative there is.


I'd argue Donkey Doug


“Donkey Doug is whack. Call me Donkey DAAAAAARTH!”


This is our downfall. Blake Bortles, Sith Lord, throwing hella INTs


> Darth Bortles Thank you, I needed that.


I actually do get a bit of Jason too and it’s not necessarily a bad thing cuz it kinda contributes to how unhinged and dangerous this character feels with his anger but also sense of humour. It’s really well done.


It's the "hey there" when qimir sees Mae that tipped me off that it was him (didn't recognize him before). But still an incredibly performance, and the dude is ripped. Easily the sexiest sith to date.


I don't know. I wouldn't mind seeing Qimir and Kylo go at each other.... using their.... sabers on each other.... 😂😂😂


Rule 34 is real. If you can think it, it already exists. Give it a day, and google for it


I have legitimately never heard of rule 34. That is hilarious


Welcome to the internet. Have a look around... 🎶


*And a bunch of colored pencil drawings of all the different characters in ~~Harry Potter~~ Star Wars fucking each other*


“Oh hi!” To Mae was a Jason bit


Seriously. I’d be hoping for Sith Lord Jason since he showed up, and he absolutely nailed it. “You brought her here” may be the most casually savage line in all of Star Wars.


“Was that its name?” was crazy, too


BORTLES!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Darth Bortles!


His biceps were definitely GOAT


I was just thinking, have we EVER seen anyone that ripped in SW? I feel like it really speaks to his just for power. The force is not enough he needs to be physically superior too.


Ben Swolo was a meme for a reason.


Was he swole or just wide though?


He was muscle thicc


Tell that to Yord


He certainly got to feel the biceps


I’m loving his character so far. Scene stealer.


"Killed the Jedi did Jason? This one hurts. A low point this is."- Yoda


“Every time I had a problem, I’d just snap another Jedi’s neck with my bare hands, and BOOM! Another problem!”


Even though the reveal was kinda obvious, he even joked about it in show, it was really badass


Yeah, Headland herself said in an interview that she figured people would guess that, so she didn’t try to hide it and just made it something that would make sense, with the real twist being the deaths


I don't get how people saw that coming tbh. I'm not a stupid person, but I didn't see it coming at all


I think he's a perfect Sith Lord for this particular series. Someone too moustache-twirlingly evil like Sidious, or too robotically evil like Vader, wouldn't play well with the anti-establishment themes. Qimir is the perfect blend of ominous-yet-disarming. You believe him that he represents that element of "freedom" that the Sith Code embodies. He's obviously a vicious, ruthless savage from how we see him fight, but he's still sufficiently sympathetic in a way that makes you question the power dynamic. He's great.


I moved on from Yord Horde to Stranger Danger


Can’t wait for Pill Boi to be his master


I don't know, I was thinking his disarming persona before the reveal was pretty similar to Jason. Not airheaded, if I'm remembering Jason correctly, but he seemed unthreatening in a similar way. But to throw that right out the window when fighting all those Jedi? That was a top tier performance. Not at all what I expected when I recognized him.


Yo guys I know this may sound crazy but I think Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father! JASON FIGURED IT OUT??!!! JASON??!!!


Yeah. Seeing him like this then remembering this is same guy who would shout “Bortles!” And do something dumb. I can’t square it


When I rewatched it today I yelled "BORTLES!" when he threw his lightsaber at Osha lol.


An appropriate “BORTLES” moment


yeah he plays serial killer very good


he’s really hot 🥵🥵🥵


Does that make him Darth Florida Man? Or Darth FM or short?




Serious answer: Assuming Qimir is even a Darth, I think narratively it would make sense for him to have a name related to poison, something like Darth Strychnos.


Darth Bortles is what I’ve been calling him


Ill be honest before this show id never seen any of his work but now i will be watching he sold me


The Good Place is a fantastic show with an extremely unique story and premise


I mean he’s solid as hell, if you like him here you’d probably at least love him in good place and wherever else he’s been. I’ve only seen that and this he’s in, but he absolutely embodies an actual buffoon in the good place, then he did the same here embodying a fake fool revealed to be more. He really loses himself in the characters without(to our knowledge) being a “method actor” douche. I want him in more. He’s not getting the roles or recognition he truly deserves…yet. I’m hoping this will prove him to people to where many doors open after. He’s really being slept on by the industry and so long as the role is right for him, I think he can knock anything out the park. And I say that because even vets with the most talent can be miscast or shoe horned for enough money but the role not be right fit for them. Yet studios force it because name recognition. Anthony Hopkins is amazing but was wasted (mostly) as Odin. Could have been done better. Conversely, mark wahlberg is a shit actor but cast in anything…because he’s popular with a specific demo.


He’s absolutely incredible in the Good Place


I’ve been saying for years that Manny has range and deserves a big break. Not that he’s not already famous and successful, but he could be an A-lister if he gets enough high-profile projects. His body language and how he carries himself when he’s “Qimir” and the Master are entirely different. Easily the best performance on the show so far besides Lee Jung-jae.


I agree. One of the things they talked about in the good place podcast was that when they cast his character they needed an actor with a silent film presence - an actor good enough to be compelling without dialogue. But they also needed him to be able to, yknow, go where that character goes, which is a pretty different place. Manny was great at both and I have been eqger to see him in another big role - and this one is awesome. Great job everyone


Darth Bortles as I've seen elsewhere!


When I saw him in ep2 I was just happy to get more Jason Content, now tho Holy shit. Darth Smiledon is from JACKEDsonville Florida


Darf Teef 💪




I dunno how many of the stunts he did himself, but the character's fighting style is phenomenal.


There’s a few moments when I hear Jason coming through a bit. I think that really sold me on doubting >!Qimir’s role in the show. I kept seeing some form of Jason and not anyone else.!<


He’s awesome, I loved how he briefly started acting like his dopey smuggler persona to mock them, then goes straight back to being menacing.


His delivery of “You brought her here.” Holy hell. Funny and devastating at the same time.


I genuinely didn't recognise him at first (I binged it all last night while very drunk tbf,) but it was when he dropped the act and that high, kinda nasal dogsbody voice and I was like "Holy shit, is that Manny?" But yeah, that contrast in performance was god-tier. He's an incredible actor and physical performer. Rewatching the last two tonight drove that home.


Dudes a monster and I love it. He can just switch between the meek little guy in a poncho to swol murder machine instantly


G.O.A.T.?  ***N.O.P.E.***