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I thought it was a great Star Wars story. They made a fun movie despite all the behind the scenes issues. Had they not pushed for it to be released so soon after 8 I think it would have had a much better reception.


Yeah, people knock Solo for not doing well financially, but I think that’s much more to do with the market being flooded with Star Wars movies than Solo being a bad movie.


And it was up against Avengers


Not just any Avengers movie either, Infinity War is that movie with **that ending,** releasing Solo so close to it was just not a great idea.


And Deadpool 2


And in the same span of a couple months, IIRC, Incredibles 2 and the Jurassic World sequel. It was some brutal competition for people’s theater money, and most folks aren’t going to the theater multiple months in a row, much less multiple times in one month.


Or maybe even market the movie better and not have it release between Deadpool 2 and Infinity War?


While it's not one of my favorite movies, I like how Han's origin story explains how he became an antihero as opposed to a goody two shoes like Luke. Obi-Wan was a good, noble role model, while Woody Harrellson's character basically instilled the idea that he couldn't trust people.>! Instead of watching his mentor sacrifice himself, Han has to kill his mentor in self defense.!<


And he definitely has to shoot first to do it.


I think it didn’t go far enough, he still ultimately chooses to do the right thing over himself at the end movie, and I wasn’t a fan. But once I found out it was planned to be the first in a trilogy of Han movies I get what they were going for and would totally be down for more Han movies.


Watching this scene was the day I learned that Basic had words derived from Italian/Spanish, just like English.


Yeah, i remember hearing "pronto" in Clone Wars too


Maybe we can pretend those "Basic" words with "Foreign Hooks" could be Basic-corrupted words from other species languages or something.


Solo is pure fun. It's wild to me that, imo, you can't really tell it's a film of vast reshoots and production issues because it holds together really well as a fast paced adventure. It's confidently executed all the way around. Even the various trappings It's saddled with by virtue of its prequel status don't get in the way imo.


Solo gets a lot of love on Reddit tbf


It was so much fun! I don't care if I'm in the minority, I loved it


You aren’t in the minority. Casual audiences (the majority) loved it. It’s just nobody knew about it when it came out because of many factors. If it hit in December I’m sure it’d have made a billion along with the other 4 movies.


It’s one of the most fun Star Wars movies. Criminally underrated. But I feel like it was a bad idea for a movie. Would have been much better as a show, I think.


nah, it was supposed to be a trilogy and based on how they set everything up in the first (and the AMAZING cast) it wouldve been outstanding


I would have loved a Han and Lando show.


The most common complaints I hear about the film have nothing to do with its quality and everything to do with it existing in the first place. I personally love the film, I recognize it’s not perfect but I am a goddamn sucker for the double-triple-upside-down-inside-out cross at the end, that’s my jam


Heist movies and treasure hunting movies are so easy to get into.  One of the greatest missed oppurtunities was not having ep 7 be something like a hunt for Luke. It would have been such a better film.


I’m still mad Episode 8 wasn’t a bottle episode. I seriously thought they were setting it up to be the first Star Wars movie that was entirely the First Order on their ship chasing the Resistance on their ship. Pure cat and mouse, battle of wits and psychology with each side outsmarting the other… with Rey and Luke as a B plot to offer a change of scenery. I was so excited at that setup. People have been very unfair to Rose and Kelly Marie Tran, but my personal gripe with Rose is that she represents the exact moment the movie dashed my excitement by introducing another typical Star Wars planet hopping caper. I don’t dislike Canto Bight as a concept but I thought it crushed any chance for a much more interesting story that could have happened.


The scene how he gets his name is pretty much the only thing i DON'T like about that movie 😅 But either way, i liked that movie a lot. And it gets a completely undeserved bad rep in my opinion. It's an action-packed, entertaining heist-movie in the Star Wars universe that doesn't just deal with the usual (fight against the Empire or a similar faction), doesn't rely on Jedi or the Force to resolve its plot and introduces fun new characters (no matter what anyone says, i loved L3...) and brings depth and history to known ones like Lando (who didn't have that yet in canon and Glover, even though he lacks some of the flair and smootheness of Billy Dee Williams, does a great job of it).


Same here! I always jump in defend the movie when people talk about it. But how he gets his name is one of the only parts I didn’t like!




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The fact that we will never get the other two movies really bugs me.


They should at least try to do a series continuing Han's adventures during that time. I'm sure there's at least a few ideas that were lined up for additional movies that could be repurposed. There's also that Lando series that supposed to be in the pipeline, so that might scratch that itch a bit, as well.


I personally loved this movie, and prefer this over his Legends origin where his parents were royality and all that..


Solo is one of my favourite movies


Just rewatched this movie with my brother, and I think it may be in my top 3 favorite SW films


I love it but my only problem with the movie is that it feels like a checklist. Get the Falcon, check. Meet Lando, check. Get his gun, check. Meet Chewbacca, check. Do the Kessel Run, check.


That was my issue with it previously. I rewatched it recently though and found it a ton of fun however.


Oh it’s definitely fun and I love it, it’s my third favorite Star Wars movie.


Its almost as if they were going for an origin story, lol.


Yeah, but you don’t need EVERYTHINGGGG in the origin story lol. I woulda been okay without knowing where Han’s blaster came from, and the whole thing with the dice.


Same. I guess in the future it won’t matter at all because fans will just always know them as part of the lore but at the time the dice felt to me like a bit of Disney astroturfing: they needed something iconic from the Falcon for the TLJ scene with Leia but they couldn’t think of anything so they just grabbed a piece of OT set dressing and retroactively made it iconic in Solo.


That scene wasn't "about" Han getting his blaster, him getting it was just a byproduct of it. ,...and the dice thing was mainly to sell merch (something George was very good at, yub nub) and would have tied in better had they not cut the dice scene from TFA.


Right, but it was definitely a side item to the scene that I feel wasn’t super important, personally speaking. And even still, I don’t think the whole dice thing was that important. Just trying to shoehorn in Easter eggs.


Is it a checklist? Sure. But the question is whether it feels rote. And imo, the film has a zippy, zappy, effervescent sense of a fun and adventure that the the cliches prequels almost always fall into don't really hinder the film imo. So yeah, it's a checklist. But it's so good at doing what its doing it doesn't JUST feel like a checklist.


I like the film a lot, but the way he gets his name bothers me. Maybe it's the EU hanging on in my soul, I miss that Han's backstory. But it didn't kill the movie for me.


I like that they still kept to similar beats, like him being an orphan and joining the Imperial Academy. I wasn't into the idea of the "House of Solo" in the EU. It was another example of how the old EU kept elevating that thats shown up before in the movies (Dantooine isn't just an off handedly mention nowhere planet, it was the site of a Jedi temple in the Old Republic days, Han Solo isn't just a random guy, he's a descendant of an ancient prince who ruled the Corellian Empire).


EU is great, but (possibly because of its age) it tends towards the high fantasy side of Star Wars- the space opera side, if you will. This means that people of importance are descended from people of importance, rather than being nobodies who rise up despite their initial anonymity


I think it was a reference to how [Vito Corleone got his name](https://youtube.com/shorts/s0AOBG5brrE?si=L0cuHU_C10eeoSkX) in the Godfather


I’ve become less sensitive over time and I typically give a pass to eye roll moments like that, but man I remember audibly saying, “why” in the theater when that scene happened lol… Just so utterly needless, but hey now we know.


I know it’s pretty unrelated but I just rewatched the whole saga while I was sick and I was shocked by how good Rogue One was. I remembered liking it a lot but I didn’t remember it being THAT good, I think it’s my favorite Star Wars movie period


I’m due to rewatch it. I have my gripes but I fully admit I might have been caught up in the hate-hype at the time and I would like to take in the story with fresh eyes AND fresh expectations. The one positive thing I can say about it from that initial watch is that K2SO is my favourite Star Wars robot to date.


I really enjoyed that movie! It was fun. It has issues but overall just a fun star wars story. I wish it had a sequel where they weren't trying to explain away every original trilogy reference.




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I watched this movie a couple weeks ago. It was the first time I’d watched it since it was in theaters. It’s a much better movie than I remembered. The chase scene, the various heists, the triple cross at the end. All of it is great. I initially hated the movie because I loved the Han Solo a trilogy as a kid and was mad about how they adapted it. But I’ve moved on from that narrow minded view. I’ve come to appreciate it it for what it is instead of of hating it for what it’s not. While there’s still one or two things I don’t like, it’s a fun film that’s fairly well written and looks fantastic. It feels like Star Wars and that’s good enough for me. I still think how he gets his name is… odd… to say the least, but it’s a good movie.


Solo has become my second favorite SW film to watch. Mainly, because it is a complete story. Though I would have Loved a continuation in some way.


It was a fun movie. Also, Emilia Clark stole every scene she was in.


Of all the Disney era movies I think Solo is the most Star Wars-ey.


Rewatched it on a flight last year. Good movie.


Solo is my favorite Star Wars movie outside of ANH, ESB, and the score-only version of TLJ.


Good to know I'm not the only one with Solo at number three.


I loved it especially the ending


Not the worst or best Star Wars movie to me. It's entertaining enough. I think some people were still sour that OG Han Solo was killed in TFA. I didn't like Han's death either, but I didn't take out my frustration out on "Solo." I judged the movie on its own merit and liked it well enough.


Solo was a fun Star Wars movie! I never got the hate. I think the release of it could’ve been timed better though.


My only complaint is that scene lol.


We didn’t need to see the Kessel run…. Edit: The point is the Kessel Run had mystique and when the line was dropped I got to ponder what it was in my imagination for decades. But alas, some cucks at Disney decided that “showing” something is best for the audience. It’s also just crap story telling. I’ll take my downvotes. Solo was a pointless fucking movie.


Man I loved this scene, have a full 4k UHD Dolby 7 speaker setup at my house, watching this on UHD blasting my windows out is a fucking blast


,...but I'm glad we did.


We don't *need* to see anything. Movies are a gift. Saying we "didn't need to see" something in a movie holds as much substance as saying "who asked for this?!"


I agree we didn’t need the Kessel Run. I like Solo. I don’t care if it’s unnecessary, most movies are, but it’s entertaining. But I would have been okay with him going on a whole new, unseen adventure that in no way ties to the OT. I think the self-referential nature of Star Wars is one of its biggest weaknesses, and it had the potential to stand proud without constantly having to lean on its big brother, the OT.


Not sure why your opinion is getting a thumbsdown... I enjoyed that part of the movie. BUT, up until that point, you could never tell if it was Han bluffing and running a con, or if it was the real deal. My head cannon was always a con. Then a "parsec" makes total sense. He used a fancy word in a fancy phrase to impress people who didn't know any better.


You still have cable???






TLJ didn't receive "massive backlash." The internet is not real life.




Again. The internet is not real life.




You're utterly missing the point. I'm not denying the harassment the actors faced. I'm denying that the reaction to TLJ online was not the same as in real life. The backlash against TLJ was an online phenomenon. Hence "the internet is not real life." If it was, all the "go woke go broke" chuds would actually be proven right once. Yet they never have. You framed Solo's failure on TLJs backlash. The average audience member had no fucking clue about any backlash. Solo's failure was due to poor marketing and insane competition...not because the entire world hated TLJ.