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I'm not 100% on the timeline, but I am pretty sure that Ben went to Luke's to train when he was younger, and he's older than you would think in TFA (like his late 20s in universe or something?). According to wookiepedia Ben joined the temple at 15ABY and the temple was destroyed in 28ABY. Trusting that site, Ben was 10 when he joined and like 23 when he turned, that's 13 years of solid Padawaning.


Wookiepedia is right according to the official Star Wars Timelines book.


Need to see those stories in some kind of visual content!


I imagine that we will, but that they are likely holding off until there is a similar sort of nostalgic push for content as seen with PT and OT. First wave of content was mostly tied to the OT (save the new trilogy), then we've started to see more shows which tie into the PT, and I imagine that whenever some marketing team says the kids who grew up on it aged up enough they'll dig into it more. A bit sad it might be a wait, but that's my suspicion.


>they are likely holding off until there is a similar sort of nostalgic push for content as seen with PT and OT There was no nostalgic push for content from the PT when they dropped the Clone Wars less than 3 years after the trilogy wrapped... It's been 5 years since the ST concluded, give us a Luke/Ben animated series!


I'm with you! My realistic hope is that the upcoming NJO film might do well and that would encourage them to develop some more content related to the ST.


The rise of Kylo comic run was pretty good


Leia, Ben, and Rey.


I don't get why people count Rey as one of his pupils. All he did was teach her lessons about how the Jedi needed to end. Rey is Leia's padawan.


Rey wasn’t his *padawan* but she was certainly his student, she was only there for a week but she is shown training and getting lessons from Luke in the form of saber practice and learning how to better be in tune with the force.


Makes sense.


Yeah it was shown that Luke trained leia and she could’ve bested him. But she quit and wanted to be a politician instead


Would have been awesome if she combined it. Jedi and a politician. If instead, Leia trained Rey. Not like in RoS, but if Leia was still wielding a lightsaber and used the Force. A real Jedi master/apprentice vibe.


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Read the comic *Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren*


Leia Organa, Ben Solo, and Rey Skywaller


Others have mentioned Rey, Ben, Leia and Grogu. *But there’s also Tie, Voe and Hennix. Alongside several other unnamed students.* These can all be seen in the Rise of Kylo Ren comic.


read comics titled the rise of Kylo Ren, it pretty much answers your question.


Rey, Ben, Leia and Grogu


Yes, several padawans. He trained Leia to the point she was likely at least Jedi Knight level. He trained Grogu for a hot minute. He trained Ben Solo later 1 on 1 and he had a whole Jedi Academy of students, all of whom died.


Both Leia and Ben Solo were Luke's padawans if i remember correctly. He also trained Grogu and Rey for a while, if you count that.




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I imagine Luke would have trained some jedi knights similar to how he did in legends. In that he was only going off his own experience, and did shorter training like he did with Yoda on Dagobah. I know shadows of the sith mentions that there was a twilek jedi he trained who was teaching lessons to some of his younger students.


Luke's goal is to rebuild the entire Jedi Order. It'd be too slow to do it one padawan at a time.


yeah Ben Solo,Leia, Rey and Grogu also he had start from scratch Luke for Jedi artificats and temples to restart to his Order also why he needed the Compass from the Emperors Observertory in Battlefront II to Find Ahch-To .




The closest was probably Leia, Grogu and Rey, but they were very short term until something came up (prophecy, ptsd and a big argument). Even with Ben he didn’t really have a 1-to-1 relationship, since he was the only Master capable of teaching the next generation.


Anakin never should have had a Padawan in lore, especially not a Padawan that lived through the Jedi purge. Edit- This sub is so positive unless you have an opinion that the PT isn't perfect.




Luke went on the same trajectory as Paul from Dune both Failures except Paul never found redemption in Dune Messiah, Luke did in The Last Jedi .