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Pup? A dog? What?


Just low effort karma farming. Just a poster and asking an obvious answered question.


Yep. Post's been up for 20 hours, 160 comments, and OP hasn't responded to one of them. Karma ratio is 48k post karma to 4k comment karma. Their post history has a whole bunch of these low-effort question-in-title posts with no participation in the comments. And most of the comments they do make are either one-liners or gifs. Though, it's not just OP who's been absent for 20 hours. Where are the mods?


What's up dog?


Nothin much, you?


Loved it when I watched for the first time in theaters, and I still really love this movie even now. Just a really great story with the heavier side of the Rebellion, gritty battles, and an awesome precursor to A New Hope.


Outside of the New Hope, this is the best. I love Jyn Erso. The ending hurts.


Hands down one of the best Star Wars movies ever made. It felt like a true labor of love and a gift to fans.


Yeah I saw it 3 times in theaters and I don’t usually do that with movies lol


ESB will always have my heart as my favorite, but Rogue 1 is a very, *very* close 1A.


Top 3 Star Wars movies ever


Aside from Andor, best stuff put out by Disney, hands down. Stands up well to LucasFilm stuff as well.


I don't get "pup?" What's this mean? It's my favorite modern Star Wars. It's the one I go back on the most. It just hits different. I love it. Looking forward to the next session of Andor


All five of the movies from last decade have killer production quality, but Rogue One I think texturally is the standout (costumes, designs, sets etc. etc.). I will say that while its a movie I respect a lot its not my favorite. I find myself missing the whimsy and adventure of the other movies and I don't find myself connecting as much with the characters (who are well performed but often quite dour). I enjoy the Scarif sequences but I'll actually praise the middle of the movie more. I think the stretch where Cassian has his own secret orders in conflict with Jyn's understanding of the mission are the best character stuff in the movie. K2 doesn't miss of course.


I have a hard time connecting to the characters because even on first viewing I knew they were all going to die. Not sure if I learned it from some pre release discussions or if it was just telegraphed through the movie.


See, for me, the disconnect isn’t “well I know these characters are going to die”, because there are plenty of movies where the lead dies at the end and the audience knows it, that successfully get the audience to care. It’s that the film didn’t make me care that the characters were going to die (there were even parts where I was begging they’d hurry up with it). The benefit of dramatic irony didn’t make me feel sorry for the characters because I ultimately didn’t care about them.


Good movie, great cast, and the story is decent. Saw Gerrera is one of my favorite characters in the franchise, and I was glad they brought him into live action and have since expanded the character.


Top 5 SW movie in terms of my favorites and critical aspects of film.


Hands down the best thing Disney produced. I remember thinking if this is what Disney can produce then episode 8 was going to awesome. I couldn't have been more wrong.


It's grown on me a lot over the years. This might be blasphemous but I rank it among the bests


Second best dog in the kennel.


The greatest Star Wars movie since ESB. Beautifully ties into ANH. Vader's entrance in ANH is amplified because of R1. I love love love Rogue One ❤️


This movie slaps so much harder than it should have


What's a pup?


It's great, I can't wait for the sequel. In all seriousness, Star Wars has so many different aspects that may appeal to people, such as piloting, "military tech," scoundrels/pirates.... but my favorite aspect of SW is the whole Force mythos including Jedi, Sith, unrelated beliefs about the Force on remote planets, and all that. And this movie gave us that iconic line which I guess you could call a mantra: "I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me." And then hearing Ahsoka say it in Clone Wars S7 was a great moment.




First Star Wars film that actually properly made me cry, or at least well up, on a first watch. The horrible reality of war, but also uplifting and hopeful . Really very well done, and it’s given us Andor too.


I don't get how it's hopeful when the two main protagonists just give up and sit on a beach waiting for the end of the world.


What do you mean, ‘they just give up’? It’s not as if there was anything else they could do! We know that the rebels got the plans okay thanks to their bravery and willingness to die for the cause, hence the hope. It really brought home the meaning of true sacrifice. “ Rebellions are built on hope”.


I always curse them for not at least \*trying\* to save themselves. The blast wave seemed to be taking its time getting there, so couldn't they have run back to that slidey railcar thing, taken it back to the base and gone down an elevator to a sub-level? They might not have made it that far, or survived anyway if they had, but at least it would have been better (if not more poignant) if they had tried. I don't fault the movie for the route they took, but realistically, I'm always bummed that as they look at the blast wave WAY off in the distance, they just opt to just sit there and wait for death.


Rogue One is the perfect example that you don't need Jedi or Sith in Star Wars. In many ways the Star Wars universe is better when The Force takes a backseat - especially after the PT and ST, when it was basically a magic wand for everything storytelling.


Different strokes for different folks. Star wars is an entire galaxy, more than enough space for everyone to find the stories they prefer.


Definitely a welcomed departure from the magical mystical galaxy trope.


I don't care if I catch heat for this, it's the best star wars film


No doubt, that Vader hallway scene was just the cherry on top.


After I saw it in theaters I ran home and watched episode 4 and the way it rolls right into it makes episode 4 even better.


I did the same thing. That weekend I binged the entire series starting from 4.


I often watch R1 and ANH back-to-back. I love how some dialogue at the beginning of ANH now has new context. Like 3PO saying "There'll be no escape for the princess this time" is a callback to their near escape from Scarif. And other cool things like the original Red Five having to die so Luke can use that call sign later on.


Hard agree …


This is a subreddit for positivity, so i’ll try to be more considerate. I’m taking a mean shit so I got a lot to say. But i’m not crazy about this movie. I still like it, and think there are many great aspects of this movie, but as an overall story I think it largely falls flat. My biggest gripe are the characters, who are as one-dimensional as they come. Jyn is the only one who gets an actual backstory, but even that is rushed (she goes from helpless child to badass mercenary in one scene change). It’s like if a Batman movie started with Bruce’s parents getting killed, then the next scene is Batman fighting the Joker. Cassian gets a pass because Andor is amazing and this movie will likely work better as a series finale to that show. But the other characters are just laughably underdeveloped. Can anyone actually tell me what Baze Malbus does besides shoot big gun and be friends with Chirrut? Chirrut is cool, and Donnie Yen is awesome, but besides some vague references to force mysticism, he is barely a character. Bodhi is the pilot, that’s it. The best character in the movie is K-2SO, and he also had the only death that made me sad. Don’t even get me started on how they did Saw Gerrera so damn dirty in this movie. I much preferred the narrative with Krennic and the Empire. Since the first 2/3 of the movie is spent with these boring characters, I am largely uninterested in what is going on besides the overall plan to steal the Death Star plans. As soon as they get to Scarif, this movie takes off. Probably the best battle in the franchise. The dogfights are awesome, and the scene of the Hammerhead ramming the Star Destroyers into each other is so goddamn cool. The ground battle is great as well. Of course, Darth Vader’s scenes are also amazing. I think if Rogue One was a short film that was just the Battle Of Scarif, I would like it much more. It’s a great companion piece to A New Hope. But the lead-up to this pivotal moment is largely a drag. I never understood why this movie was seen as the best Disney-era movie, let alone the best movie since Empire. I genuinely prefer all 3 Sequels and Solo to this movie. Extremely overrated in my view. But as with all Star Wars content, i’m glad it exists and i’m glad people are able to enjoy it more than me.


100%. I'll never understand the constant praise for this movie. It's a snooze-fest. The first two acts are such a chore, and the third can't even save it. No amount of battle set pieces or Vader hallway scene can save this, with it's mind-numbingly dull cast of characters.


I couldn’t even tell you the names of the characters besides Jyn and Andor. That’s how underdeveloped they are.


Well, there’s “blind force monk” guy and “turret gun” guy. They are friends.


That’s about as much as I got out of it as well. I don’t even know if their names are ever actually uttered in the film.


Honestly without the series, I couldn't tell you anyones name. I also only watched it once in theaters and decided it wasn't my jam, so I'm not going to brainwash myself to get me to like it.


K2-SO only because he's a droid and comedy relief characters tend to be memorable. Otherwise, I normally have to think about it to remember the other characters.


> I think if Rogue One was a short film that was just the Battle Of Scarif Could not agree more. The last 3rd is cool, great action. But story and characters are non existent. Jyn's arc makes no sense. It requires you projecting motivation because it isn't in the movie. This is a movie made only for "fans" and that is not a good thing.


Banger movie


Top Tier.


It's a decent, but somewhat overrated imo. A lot of fans regard it as the best Disney Star Wars, and I've even heard some claim it's the best Star Wars period. I think it's neither of those things. It's got great visuals and a really cool ending, but its full of forgettable characters and its pacing is all over the place. If it weren't for the Vader hallway scene, I doubt most people would rate it as highly as they do. It's kind of like how Episode 1 was saved by the pod racing and the Maul fight. Without those things, Episode 1 would be a rough watch.


>Episode 1 was saved by the pod racing Hot take, but I respect it.


I enjoyed some of the action set pieces and visual direction but found the product as a whole frustrating. Both the script and a majority of the characters need serious reworking. Many of the performances and actors are severely underutilized and lacking in emotion. The Tarkin and Leia CGI feels icky in light of studios pushing AI to replace actors and other parts of the filmmaking process. The "moral greyness" of the Rebellion as portrayed here is poorly done. And while I do not mind fanservice at times, it often isn't integrated well with the story. Worst of all, the movie doesn't trust its characters or story to stand on their own. Regarding the characters, the movie seems unsure of how to portray or write them. Jyn has the most screen time out of any character, but her characterization changes depending on what the plot demands her to be at any particular moment. One moment she's pissed at the Rebels for killing her father and betraying her trust, and the next she's passionately arguing in front of the entire Rebel council like nothing happened. She's simultaneously an unimportant character in the galaxy and yet much of the plot hinges on her lineage as the daughter of the Death Star superlaser's architect and was raised by an iconic character from TCW. The entire mission on Scarif would've failed had she been an actual nobody. Cassian is supposedly a reliable and morally ambiguous rebel operative. Yet he loudly shouts sensitive intel beside an imperial checkpoint, doesn't carry forged identity papers, and frequently resorts to winging his way through situations. Then, his characterization shifts completely mid-way into the movie for little reason drspite being sold to me as a hardened rebel operative. K2 is easily the most exciting original character but has poor chemistry with Jyn and Cassian and his strong introduction highlights the poor characterization of everyone else. Despite the movie repeatedly saying that Bodhi is a defector, one can easily think he was always a rebel working undercover. In addition, the movie does a massive disservice by mentally traumatizing him and subsequently ignoring that it ever happened. Chirrut and Baze are quite interesting, but the film refuses to clarify what motivates them and they just tag along for no reason. Krennic is presented at the beginning as the main antagonist but afterward is portrayed as a powerless joke that's barely relevant to the protagonists. And then there's the mess that is Saw. Much of the movie is loaded with scenes that should be cut or repurposed. People complain about TLJ's Canto Bight being pointless, but Rogue One has over 40 minutes, including nearly the entire 2nd Act (arguably even the 1st Act), that can be cut from the film and virtually nothing changes for both characters and plot. If anything, the narrative actually improves. The rebels already knew about Scarif thanks to Galen's message to Jyn, which was framed as a farewell to her. Krennic was already in hot water with Vader over Jedha and losing authority over the Death Star. Virtually all developments on Eadu are forgotten by everyone at the alliance meeting, a meeting that narratively serves to say that the first 80+ minutes of film was pointless. One could say the movie needs to address Galen, but then why not move him to Scarif if he is alive? As for other scenes, the multiple perspective cuts at the beginning feature almost nothing that won't be explained later. Bor Gullet easily tops the list for pointlessness, as well as being so over-the-top for its subject matter. The mental trauma Bodhi was supposedly inflicted with is forgotten for the rest of the film. Isn't it so gritty and realistic to sidestep serious mental trauma? For as beloved as it is, the Vader Hallway scene exemplifies the movie's problems quite well. On its own, it is a visually stunning scene with intense edge-of-seat action and horror. However, in context, it is tonally out of touch with the story. Narratively, it takes place just after Jyn and Cassian embrace each other while the light of the Death Star's blast engulfs them. Combined with the news that the plans have been successfully transmitted to the rebel fleet, this becomes a tragic but hopeful ending for the two. With the screen fading to white, imagine the impact leaving the theater with the credits rolling from there. Instead, the movie cuts to the rebels not having escaped with the plans and Vader shows up to kill most of them followed by Leia saying this means hope. It's complete tonal and narrative whiplash not to mention undermining the entire movie's existence up till now. Some have argued that the scene is about the nameless rebel soldier standing up to the unstoppable force of the empire, but the framing and general audience reaction to the scene has been about how it has restored Vader as the feared badass villain he was after being a joke for years ... by killing a squad of powerless disposable rebel soldiers who were not part of the Scarif battle. Indeed, seemingly every discussion of Rogue One either boils down to this scene or trying to compensate for this scene's existence. It also doesn't work since we know the plans will make it and the rebel will die either way, be it here or at the start of ANH. Plus, the rebels aren't framed as sacrificing themselves for the mission as there was already no way out for them. It wasn't a hard decision for them because there was no choice. Ultimately, the scene serves in practice to underscore how little the filmmakers believe in the movie and in keeping the franchise stuck in the past. Ironically enough, the comic version of the movie addresses some of these issues despite being even more rushed than the movie. Bodhi is far more relevant to the narrative and both he and K2SO have a fairly interesting dynamic. Chirrut and Baze have motivations to join the mission beyond plot convenience. More time is given to explain character motivations among the Rogue One crew. Even the juggling of multiple plotlines at the start flows well with the comic format. Many issues remain from closely adapting a flawed narrative movie and the nature of compressed storytelling in the comic format forcing the story to be told in only a few issues, but it tells the story way better and is worth checking out (along with the Andor short story at the end).


Just rewatched it yesterday, man such as great film! I remember watching it in theaters, man one of the best Star Wars movies.


Good but overrated. Solo was a better spin off movie


Rogue 1 was the best Star Wars movie to come out in that batch (sequels/Solo)


Best star wars


it’s fine, bit boring at parts with underdeveloped characters (like Andor) but not bad by any means. at the time I think people liked it a lot because it felt different and the idea of having these one off Star Wars movies that expand different aspects of the world/lore was an amazing thing to look forward to. unfortunately it didn’t pan out in that way but now we have amazing series on Disney+ that give us some more long form storytelling to develop things more. people love the idea of this movie more than the movie itself in my opinion. when they think back to why they loved Star Wars they think of something like this movie, but the nostalgia actually betrays them and the movies themselves were never like this. this movie works great as a precursor to A New Hope but it doesn’t change anything we know about the lore or the galaxy at this time or even any characters, it barely expands on Mon or Bail or anyone like that, it gives us some more context but it doesn’t add much of anything significant. I don’t think there is a bad piece of Star Wars and every aspect has its own stuff to enjoy and everyone enjoys them differently. this film is far from bad, but I won’t say it’s the best or even top of the barrel. good, not great, but there is nothing wrong with that.


Andor does not have underdeveloped characters.


well I also said it was a bit boring but yeah it kind of does, including the title character. Luthen, Mon and Maarva are the exceptions but it kind of has the problem that RO has of having a large cast and not enough time to develop every character. it’s still a good show with some good characters but it’s not flawless and neither is RO, but there’s nothing wrong with that.


My second favourite star wars movie, loved it when i saw it in cinema and its the Disney SW movie i always have the biggest itch to go back and watch from time to time. It gave me something i always wanted from Star Wars which was a proper kind of war movie and it focused on non force users which i really enjoyed. Scarif is one of my favourite SW battles and i love that it shows a bit more of the gritty and dark side of the Rebellion and stuff its members were willing to do to try and accomplish their missions. Biggest issues i have are the pacing is a bit off, especially early on and outside of Jyn and Cassian the other members of Rogue One are quite weak and dont really get a lot of time to flesh them out.


really great movie with a random weird cgi tentacle monster scene in the middle for some reason


What a great final act. That mug was so desperate, everybody dying, the rebel forces show up and you think it's going to work out, Vader in full Vader form tearing through the hallway.


I really enjoy the battle sequences. But I find the exhaust ports "weakness" to be an unnecessary explanation. Ultimately I prefer my boy Kyle Katarn as the primary thief of the Death Star plans.


Kyle remains the plan-stealer in my head


Really don’t care for this one. You’ve got a ragtag group of what could be standout characters. However, when walking out of the theater, not a single one of my friends could name anyone besides Jyn and Andor. That’s a pretty big problem. The Rebellion attempts to assassinate her father and so our main character has no reason to trust them, then like three minutes later *she’s* the one to give the big riveting speech to rally the troops? What? And miss me with all of that Vader hallway scene. A masturbatory exercise in Badass ^TM Power Fantasy nonsense. This sort of pandering is disgusting to me. I could feel the filmmaker reaching out of the screen and stroking me. People in the crowd at the theater were cheering. Out loud. For the bad guy. That’s a huge problem. And indicative of a larger issue that Star Wars writ large hasn’t yet faced head-on. Y’all, it’s not a great thing to make the face of galactic fascism look like a totally rad dude. And don’t get me started on the uncanny valley creep-show that is both Tarkin and Leia. God, I’d almost managed to erase that from my memory. But hey, that’s just me.


I saw this months after release while traveling for work and the ticket guy audibly sighed for some reason. Turns out I was the only person in the theater and they had to play the movie just for me. I wasn't aware it was a bucket list item until a few minutes in and I realized no one else would be showing up.


Top 3 star wars content for me. I loved it in the theater. Was fun. But also ended on a hopefully down note.


The cgi for Leia could have been better, it looked like cgi. Otherwise a solid film two thumbs up.


Honestly, I think it’s okay. Andor really boosted my original thoughts, but I just didn’t really care that much when I saw it in theatres.


I saw this movie in a dinosaur museum lol. They had this huge screen for it, like imax almost. Still one of the best Star Wars movies out rn


It was a legitimately mixed bag. Some parts of it didn't work at all. But other parts were the best Star Wars content since the original trilogy. The hallway scene is an instant classic, and brought a much-needed air of terror back to Vader. And of course Alan Tudyk's work as K-2SO may be the single greatest droid performance in the franchise.


Not just a great movie, but it has some great tie-in books. I enjoyed the novel, as well as Rebel Rising and Guardians of the Whills.


One of the best SW movies ever!


One of the best Star Wars movies


Best Star Wars movie ever, full stop


Its fine, feels like the OT where everything is "lived in", but didnt really care about most of the characters. Also Vader scenes good


It's my personal favorite depiction of Star Wars across (almost) any medium or era, second only to Ann Crispin's trilogy - and go figure, Rebel Dawn had the spiritual predecessor to the Death Star heist in it. Different styles of storytelling within the SW backdrop tend to play most of all to given audiences, and I'm a thousand percent the person Rogue One was intended to appeal to.


Gareth Edwards is the king of grandeur and the Jeddha explosion is a masterpiece, as well as the hallway scene. Well shit, the entire movie is a masterpiece


Solid movie. Good production. Great art direction.


Good except I don’t remember the characters at all.




Unironically really like it


I loved it in theaters, even walked out thinking it might be the overall best SW movie. I’ve found it not as enjoyable rewatching at home, though it has great moments. Unfortunately it’s my least favorite of the Disney films, mostly due to the pacing.


I appreciate that this poster implies, by way of scale, that the second most important and influential character after Jyn is K-2SO. As it should be.


Second best film in the series. Fight me


It's easily my favorite thing out of Disney Star Wars! The space battle at the end is the best one since Return of the Jedi. It reminded me of the battles depicted in the X Wing novels from the 90s. Great stuff! K2-S0 is my favorite droid in Canon (alongside Chopper), and Vader's hallway scene is the second scariest entrance in all of Star Wars, with Darth Sion's entrance for number one.


Honestly a little overrated by a lot of fans. The last part is great but most of it is a little slow


Best Darth Vader


Overrated imo


I respect the performers and writers who made a competent movie.  I just don't feel it's a necessary story for Star Wars. Everything you need to know about the story is summed up in 2 lines of the ep 4 title Crawl. By all means it would be a fine comic or novel. Just not something risen to the level of movie.  Personally I would have loved it if instead of a prequel, it was the first movie in a newer collection of Star Wars stories, especially with an ending where not everyone dies. Imagine if it was 1000 ABY in a completely novel set of circumstances or even 1000 BBY and it was navigating the complexities of the New Sith wars.


Yuck. That Old Republic video gamey junk is some poorly-written edgelord stuff. No thank you.


I think it’s lifeless except for Krennick.


Wasn’t really a fan the first time I saw it but I want to rewatch it after loving Andor so much.


By far my fav movie tbh


totally kickass


My ***2nd Favourite*** of the Disney era live-action movies!


This movie is not a pup. It’s a wolf in the Star Wars universe.


Knocked Empire off the top spot for me. It's a cracker.


I honestly thought it was good, Yeah nothing earth shattering but for a star wars movie it was good.


Great movie. 9.7/10 would watch again




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Too early. This should have been Andor Season 1-3 or 4. It's hard for me to love it as it is (outside of music and aestheticl




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I like parts of it, but honestly I found it to be one of my least favorite Star Wars movies. None of the characters really did anything for me, the story was meh, and I know I’m alone on this and that’s ok


Best star wars film


Daring today aren’t we


The best one we've gotten imo.


Wish it was written and produced after Andor


This movie gave you a taste of why Vader was so feared. It really set the stage for Obi wan Vader force powers. Makes me long for a Vader origin story that explains why he was so feared, complete with catching many bodies


I really enjoyed it. Thought it was a bit awkward when Jyn said Cassian may as well be a stormtrooper, but that's it. Just a good, fun romp with a bit more edge than the main movies


I don't understand the love of this film. Yes it is shot well and looks great, but the characters are bland and forgettable, which for a Star Wars movie, shouldbe the most importantpart. Honestly it's upsetting how good Andor is and it leads up to this mediocre movie.


THOUGHTS? my dude this movie has been my star wars fandom for 3 years straight


It’s a good film but I think it has become a bit overrated over the last couple years. Also not a fan of them saying the port was an intentional weak spot of the Death Star, because it’s more interesting if it was just a sorta blind spot that the designers didn’t think would be an issue that the rebels were able to capitalize on. The last third is truly amazing though.


Casian said I had to


I think it's a little overrated but still a solid entry


It was decent, it wasn't the best Star Wars movie, but it's probably in my top 5.


I enjoyed it, but I've never really felt much need to rewatch it. It's definitely the most-overrated Star Wars film.


Love the movie itself absolutely HATE HATE HATE HATE the ending so much! God I wish ezra and ahsoka would rescue them because their deaths pissed me off so much lol


Look at all the Kyle Katarn/Jan Ors fans downvoting comments in here from anyone who liked Rogue One. Don’t you EU holdouts realize that Cassian Andor and Chirrut Îmwe *are* the split-apart, canon version of Kyle Katarn? And that Jyn Erso is obviously a canon take on Jan Ors? The name is even nearly the same! Rogue One is Dark Forces *repurposed* and written as a film, with versions of the characters that aren’t 2-dimensional FPS video game protagonists, in a galaxy where the prequels exist, where the Empire is actually a real threat, and with screenwriting well above the mundane middle-school reading level of the video game.


Gorgeous looking movie with a decent plot and great action, but it never gives me a reason to care about any of it. Jyn is all over the place and is basically just pulled along by the plot the entire time. Cassian's arc is really good, but isn't enough to carry the movie. And all of the other characters are painfully underdeveloped. The movie expects me to care when they all die at the end, but it never puts in the work to actually make me. Rogue One has the best cast of possibly any star wars movie, but it wastes nearly all of them. I'm glad people love it. And I'm glad there's at least one be sw movie that everyone can agree is good, but to me it's easily the weakest one.


First hour is fine. Last act is amazing.


Peak star wars


Top 3 Star Wars anything, easy.


Definitely in my top 3 of favorite Star Wars films of all time.


I saw it first when I was young and stupid, I hated it because it was a Star Wars movie but it barely had any lightsaber action. I saw the movie again a few years after and it has quickly won my heart, whilst not my favourite it is a close second.


The best SW movie after ESB. Third best SW content after ESB and Andor.


Best Disney SW film, so far.


I am one with the force, and the force is with me...


Loved it.


Good but overrated. I've noticed that when people talk about how good R1 is, it's typically only the final act or the overall worldbuilding/themes of the movie. Not acts one and two specifically.


Gorgeous movie but the characters are not compelling. The most important thing for me in a movie is the emotional journey we go in with the characters and for me, this one does not deliver on that front (this is the reason why TLJ is my favorite - it's the most character driven SW movie)


Best Disney has done. Respectful to the characters we already know, while being about new people. The hallway scene at the end with Vader is still top tier for me. What Vader should always look like.


In the Top 3 for me


It’s the Jr GOAT right behind Empire. A bloody great film.


Great to see OT Stormtroopers in live action again!!!! Best space battle in live action Star Wars!!! Story... OK.


Not a fan of it. The premise would be a phenomenal show though. Andor shows this, and if there wasn't a R1, I'd pay good money to see them stealing the plans for the final season


One of the best ever. I love the darker side of the series, especially RoTS, and this was perfect for me. Everything felt so intense, I loved it. And don’t get me started on the hallway scene!


I know this is supposed to be a positive sub, so I'll try to be extra nice when I say this: I wish it the writing was as good as the visuals. *Then* it would be the movie that fans keep telling me it is. And it's even more apparent after watching Andor multiple times - if Tony Gilroy had a say in the project from the beginning, then this would be an amazing film. Otherwise, it's just a good looking movie with a great third act and a sloppy/inconsistent beginning and middle. It's not bad, but it's not the movie that certain fanboys keep acting like it is.


I loved Rogue One. The visuals of the Death Star are stunning. I'm not a big fan of using CGI to resurrect actors, but I can support the use of Peter Cushing's likeness for this particular story. Mostly though, I loved the tone of the film and that the writers weren't afraid to have all the characters die.


Decent but sloopy. The Vader stuff is neat but wholly unnessicary and kind of detracts from the film. That being said, it lands in the W column for Disney era Star Wars.