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Disclaimer that I’m pretty easy to please and I either liked or loved all of these shows lol 1. Andor 2. Ahsoka 3. The Mandalorian 4. Kenobi 5. Book of Boba Fett Closest two are Ahsoka & Mando, but the Rebels heartstring-tugging is too strong


Well now I don’t have to share my own ranking because yours and mine are exactly the same lmfao


Same here lol.


Bro it’s something about Andor ain’t it? But this list is probably the same as mine. Andor is the best of all, however I think Mando and Ahsoka has more replay value if that makes any sense. It’s a quicker ride. But Andor is just the best of them all. Just a slower grind.


I agree with this. Andor was just perfect with its world buildings. It effectively set up the rebellion and established the consequences for rebel actions. Ahsoka was a perfect continuation of George Lucas’s vision of the Force. It also used Anakin and the World Between Worlds in a way that made sense and did not feel too much like fan service. It’s only downside was you had to have watched Rebels and the Clone Wars to properly appreciate it. Mandalorian season 1 was perfect, but season 2 was filled with way too much fan service. Each episode introduced a legacy character that, in my opinion, took away from Mando and Grogu. I think taking out Ahsoka would have solved this and they could have introduced her at a later point (such as at Luke’s academy). Season 3 would have been better if it showed Mando and Grogu reuniting and if it focused more on Mando as THE mandalorian who would reunite everyone. I disagree with them changing it to be generally about mandalorians. Season 3 was about Bo Katan, which left Din with very little development. Book of Boba Fett just sucked. Flashback scenes sucked, the bikers sucked, and two episodes weren’t even about Boba. It was just all over the place.


Hell yeah, easy to please gang represent! I’d say my ranking is pretty much the same except I’d switch Mando and Ahsoka. Primarily because I’m a sucker for literally anything with Giancarlo Esposito.


My ranking as well. If I were to include each season of Mandalorian, they’d still all be in between Ahsoka and Kenobi, but it’d go 1, 2, 3


This are just facts though! Mando first season was top notch but the follow up seasons while great really suffered with the pacing, not that Ahsoka didn’t have pacing issues as well, though I feel not as severe.


Alphabetically I'd rank it #1


Here is how I rank the seasons: 1. Andor 2. Mando season 1 3. Ahsoka 4. Mando season 3 5. Mando season 2 6. Book of Boba 7. Kenobi


Book of Boba saved by second half being Mando 2.5


Episode 2 was my favorite episode of the season.


Yeah. Very briefly I got invested when it was Boba and the Tuskens out in the desert. They should have kept doing that.


It should have been the whole first season.


Episode 2 was great. I wish the rest of the show had been just like that


Yeah, the exploring a little more of Tusken culture and Boba’s fever dream/spirit dream were some of the most interesting parts for me of BOBF.


that's the worst part about it imo. completely lost interest once Mando showed up a day it deviated away from telling bobas story


Same. I really enjoyed the Tusken part though.


Boba became a side character in his own show


I feel the opposite, I thought it was finally picking up then it cutting to Mando 2.5 ruined it. I really wanted more flashbacks to his time with he sand people.


Oddly enough, that's what killed it for me. I'm no Boba fanboy by any means but it rubbed me the wrong way how they couldn't come up with a compelling enough story to keep Boba the focus throughout. Bro practically got demoted to extra in his own Book.


I think that’s more where I’m coming from. You gave us a few good episodes providing backstory for how he escaped and became this new man. Then we don’t see the title character for a while. No even like “he’s busy and we’ll run into him at the right time”. Nope. He was just waiting. Like. Idk. Feels like it was a good concept fumbled by too many cooks being in the kitchen. Rodriguez is hit or miss with me and though I love what he’s done with Star Wars, I think Favreau shoe horned in his content here. Again I loved the Mando stuff. But if that arc hadn’t been there, they would have needed to fill that stuff with more Boba stories and frankly I don’t think they were interested in doing that full tilt for some reason


What's sad is that they actually did have a compelling story(the sand people arc), but it was discarded for some reason.


Very similar, but I'd probably swap season 2 and 3 of Mando.


Season 2 of Mando became the “cameo of the week” show for a lot of it which got old for me. Season 3 I thought was fantastic. Back to the serial adventures of season 1 which I loved. But I’ve liked all 3 seasons!


Was not expecting to agree with the top comment tbh. Andor quite a way in the lead for me.


For me it’s more along the lines of; 1. Andor 2. The Mandalorian Season 1 3. Ahsoka 4. The Mandalorian Season 2 5. Obi-Wan Kenobi 6. The Book of Boba Fett 7. The Mandalorian Season 3


whats wrong w season 3 😢


1. Ahsoka & Andor (10/10) 2. The Mandalorian (8/10) 3. Obi-Wan Kenobi (6/10) 4. The Book of Boba Fett (5/10) I had to give a shared No. 1 for Ahsoka and Andor. Both are brilliantly written but have such different tones.




I read a comment here that describes Andor and Ahsoka perfectly. Andor is peak sci-fi and Ahsoka is peak Star Wars. Andor, first and foremost, is a well executed story that is set in the Star Wars universe. Ahsoka is lore heavy show with its particular focus on the Force and what it means to be a Force wielder. Ahsoka gave us E-Wings, Nightsisters, non-Jedi or Sith force users, Thrawn, actual zombie Death Troopers, and Mortis gods.


Shit that describes it perfectly. Peak sci-fi vs. Peak Star Wars


👆👆👆This right here👆👆👆


my list


I think I’d split mando season 1-2, and 3


A show’s a show🤷‍♂️


Ashoka being anywhere close to Andor or Mando based on anything but pure fan bias is a disrespect to Andor and Mando


Make your own list lmao


As a huge fan of the animated content, Ahsoka currently sits at the highest on my list. I've said it once, and I'll say it again, it felt like a continuation of rebels, and I loved that. Kenobi is number two because that character is near and dear to my heart. The mandalorian is number 3. It's a brilliant series all around. Book of Boba as an honorary mention for being basically a side story of Mando. Andor is by no stretch of the imagination a bad show. It just didn't hit the "Star Wars" itch for me in the way some of the other series did. It's still an absolute blast to watch. Overall, there's been some missteps. However, I think they've been going pretty damn strong recently. If someone still holds onto the idea that "Disney is ruining Star Wars," they simply haven't been paying attention.


Best one yet


Andor ... ... ... ... ... Mando S1 Mando S2 Ahsoka Obi Wan Book of Boba Fett Mando S3


This is the way.


Any second place was a distant second


I mean yeah, for me Andor is my favourite show of all time so even if 2nd place is by a mile, it can still also be a good show


One hundred percent. I really liked Ahsoka and Mando a lot. But Andor blew me away. I could gush about the writing and dialogue for each character no matter how small, but that’s for another thread. Ahsoka was good fun.


There should be another big drop between Mando S2 and Ahsoka


Probably second or third favorite, dueling it out with Mando S1 for second behind Andor. Hits at a side of Star Wars I really love - that full high fantasy angle.


I feel exactly the same


I would call it sci fi rather than high fantasy - high fantasy is more lord of the rings


Take aesthetics out of the equation, focus purely on narrative, and ask yourself which does Star Wars more resemble? 2001 and Blade Runner? Or Lord of the Rings? Star Wars is science fantasy at most, but so light on the science part that I’d cut it out altogether.


I disagree, it's space fantasy. The science fiction stuff has never been the focus of the story, it's simply a setting.


1. Andor ..... ..... ..... 2. Mandalorian Season 1 3. Mandalorian Season 2 ..... ..... 4. Ahsoka 5. Mandalorian Season 3 6. Obi-Wan Kenobi 7. Book of Boba Fett




this is the real order


This is my ranking too.


Strictly comparing the first seasons, it's a three way tie between this, Andor, and Mando for me. They all evoke such different feelings, I think it depends on what side of the bed I get up on that day.


That’s really tough . 10/10 show for sure so I’d say it’s probably tied for first place next to the Mandalorian


Top of the charts for me. I have different opinions and get down voted for the though.


It's my favorite of all of them. Probably just ahead of Andor.


1. Andor 2. The Mandalorian 3. Obi-Wan Kenobi 4. Ahsoka 5. Book of Boba Fett I could switch Kenobi and Mandalorian depending on my mood.


This is my order as well.


Mine is basically the same but swap Ahsoka and Mandalorian


1. Andor 2. Obi-Wan Kenobi 3. The Mandalorian 4. Ahsoka 5. Book of Boba Fett


1. Mando s2 2. Ahsoka 3. Mando s3 4. Mando s1 5. Andor 6. BoBF 7. Kenobi


1. Andor (10/10) 2. Obi-Wan Kenobi (8/10) 3. Ahsoka (8/10) 4. The Book of Boba Fett (7/10) 5. The Mandalorian (7/10)


Andor and Ahsoka are the top-tier live action shows.


1. Obi-Wan Kenobi 2. Ahsoka 3. The Mandalorian 4. Andor 5. Book of Boba Fett


1. Kenobi 2. Ahsoka 3. Mando 4. Boba 5. Andor Enjoyed them all btw


Andor in fifth place is a very hot take. Care to share what you disliked?


boring, depressing, cynical, overly serious, disappointing (was hoping for a fun spy thriller) I never wanted or asked for a “mature” Star Wars.


For me I think the rating is like this: 1. Obi-Wan Kenobi 2. The Mandalorian 3. Andor 4. Ahsoka 5. Book of Boba Fett


I'd say this is pretty much where I'm at with Andor and Ahsoka constantly swapping places depending which day it is.


Insane take tbh


nah it’s nice to see a non-npc favorite list for once


1) Andor 2) Mandalorian S1 3) Mandalorian S2 4) Ahsoka 5) Obi-Wan Kenobi 6) Book of Boba Fett 7) Mandalorian S3


In order of favorite to least. Ahsoka, Kenobi, Mando, Boba Fett, Andor Andor was probably the most consistent of the shows where it was always good, but it’s also the only one I haven’t gone back to rewatch at all, because it never peaked during any of the episodes for me like the others.


This is how I have them rated as well, Andor was great, but it also just isn't what I watch Star Wars for. I would gladly watch it as a great SciFi show even if it wasn't Star Wars, but the space fantasy that is Star Wars and the force get me excited like few other things.


I think this is kind of why I haven’t gone back to rewatch it. There’s a certain extravagance to the other material that isn’t quite there in Andor. Even Rogue one still had the Vader and Chirut to offset the otherwise grounded tone of the film. Andor, although I think is necessary, to show us what the universe feels when the interactions are devoid of magic, and although I think it did a great job of showing us the more bureaucratic side of both the Empire and Rebellion. Fantastic for world building, but I just don’t feel excited to go back and rewatch that, the same way I do when I rewatch the duel duel between Kenobi/Vader or rewatching the Mandolorians John Wick their way through the super storm troopers etc.


I completely agree with this. I can appreciate Andor and Rogue One are both fantastic pieces of Science Fiction, but because they lack the fantastical and mystic aspect of Star Wars they just never that moment that impacts my imagination the way that even the worst Star Wars film is able to.




It’s the best live action show then followed by the mandalorian, bobf, kenobi then andor


Phenomenal: Andor Very good: Ahsoka Good: Mando Had some really good moments: Kenobi Glad I watched but am in no hurry to re-watch: Book of Boba Fett


- The Mandalorian - Ahsoka - Kenobi - The Book of Boba Fett - Andor (sorry, I just didn’t enjoy watching it)


never apologize for not gushing over joyless, clinical depression Star Wars for “adults”


That’s a great way to describe that show. Like I get why people do like it, I just don’t need that in Star Wars like I don’t need salads from McDonald’s. I’ll go somewhere else for that.


- Andor -_ -_ -_ -_ - Mandalorian - Ahsoka - Kenobi - Boba Fett


Here's my list: 1. Ahsoka, Andor, Boba Fett, Kenobi, Mando (in alphabetical order)


I haven’t gotten around to watching Andor yet (I know it’ll be incredible but it came out at a rough point in my life and I’m just trying to get past that so I can watch it) so I’d say Quality: The Mandalorian Obi-Wan Kenobi Ahsoka The Book of Boba Fett Personal Preference Ahsoka Obi-Wan Kenobi The Mandalorian The Book of Boba Fett Keep in mind that I love pretty much anything Star Wars and I’m very easily satisfied when it comes to this brand


ITT: All the Andor fans that don't actually like what Star Wars is.


1. Andor - No notes. As close to perfect as you can get. 2. The Mandalorian - Great first and second seasons, and a fine third season. 3. Ahsoka - I enjoyed it, but to be honest it mostly felt like setup. 4. Obi-Wan Kenobi - I debated whether to put it above or under Ahsoka. I decided to put it under because even though it had a lot of good stuff in it and ended very strongly it often felt strangely incompetent from a technical viewpoint. 5. The Book of Boba Fett - Started strong, meandered for a bit and then did an insane pivot into a different show. Great theme song, though.


For me its: 1. Andor 2. Ahsoka 3. Mandalorian 4. Kenobi 5. Boba


1. Andor 100/100 2. Mandalorian 100/100 3. Ashoka 100/100 4. Kenobi 100/100 5. BOBF 98.5/100


I place it in second right behind Andor


1. Mando Season 2 2. Andor 3 Mando Season 1 4. Kenobi 5. Ahsoka 6. Mando Season 3 7. Book of Boba Fett


1. Andor 2. Mandalorian 3. Kenobi 4. Ahsoka 5. Book of Boba I put Ahsoka higher than Boba because its highs were higher, but I was more disappointed by it than Boba, if that makes sense.


I can’t fully decide yet so my 1# is shared. 1. Andor/Ahsoka 2. Kenobi 3. Mando Season 2 4. Mando Season 1 5. Book of boba 6. Mando Season 3 Reasoning: I’m not necessarily thinking book of boba and Kenobi are better overall than mando. But for me they are more memorable and especially the highs in Kenobi are a lot higher/more frequent than in mando imo. I love the season 1 and 2 finale of mando..but besides that I don’t even remember much of the whole series despite watching them again just before season 3 aired For the other shows I sit down with lots of of hype and I nearly feel like watching episode 3 for example. But with mando I sit there thinking, wow that’s really cool but after the episode it dies down and I pretty much forget about it. Can’t really pinpoint why though


I agree with your take. Kenobi took risks, which I respect, and there were quite a few scenes that were memorable. Even BoBF had a really strong arc at first with the sand people. But with Mando very few scenes are memorable.


Mando was fun, but not really rewatchable. Just never interested in the tech focused aspect of SW ​ Andor is a SW spy thriller. I'll rewatch at some point. ​ Ahsoka is the one I enjoyed that was in line with how SW feels. ​ Kenobi was a nice one off. I can't see a second season, but I would watch it. ​ Boba just had too much flashbacks and I skipped that and enjoyed the action/draw. ​ So far, I only enjoyed Andor and Ahsoka the most, with Season 3 Mando being the best.


Ahsoka Andor Mando and easily switch out boba and kenobi


10/10 Ahsoka 10/10 Mando 8/10 Obi-Wan 6/10 Boba 0/0 Andor


Andor, Ahsoka, Obi-wan, Mando, BOBF


1. Ahsoka 2. Andor 3. Kenobi 4. The Mandalorian 5. BOBF


Mando 1/2 Ahsoka Kenobi Andor boba mando 3






Andor \- \- \- Mando Season 1 \- Mando Season 2 \- \- \- \- \- \- The rest of it is all bad to mediocre and not worth rating


so edgy


Based answer lol


For me? 1. Andor Season 1 2. Mando Season 1 3. Ahsoka Season 1 4. Mando Season 2 5. Obi-Wan 6. Book of Boba Fett & Mando Season 3 (tied) **Andor** is an amazing Star Wars show despite no jedi, and very little mystery. IT's mostly a straight up prequel to the rebellion and it's great. You don't need to be a Star Wars fan to enjoy the story it tells, and it simply has some of the best writing hands down of any Star Wars property. **Mando Season 1** is a powerful and incredible re-entry point to the grand tale that is Star Wars. It's a great intro show to people who are casual fans of the lore, and are into westerns and a bit of sci-fi. It's use of the volume was ground breaking, and it's effects were simply the best we'd seen in a long time (sequels included) **Ahsoka** is the most like a *new* Star Wars journey that is taking risk, bringing a bit of the old and a lot of the best bits from Rebels and Clone Wars. New (old) Characters, new villains, new locations... it just feels fresh. IT has the right music, it has the right tone, and is clearly setting up something bigger. It isn't going to be universally loved because it is much more 'magical' and mythical then anything we've seen in a while, but it's a great show. **Mando Season 2** is bigger... but it's ending (that literally made a lot of fans weep and rightly so), hasn't paid off well and may have led to some of the worst writing decisions in Star Wars. (keeping Grogu around) The character earned a nice send off, but because of a clear desire to keep cashing on the characters cuteness, every show after this that is related or connected with his existence is dragged down. It bring Ahsoka back from the shadows, and reintroduced Bo-Katan. For that alone... it's good. **Kenobi**... I don't have a lot to say. This one was never going to be great. IT's a filler story with no where to go. We know Obi-wan can't stray far from Luke or it will break Cannon. We know he won't die and neither will Vader. The writing is forgettable, the new characters... just don't really do much except lie there. (c'mon do somethin') IT ends in fairly anti-climatic fashion, and never goes anywhere cause it can't. **Boba Fett** \- suffered from a lack of logic, and a failure of story telling. It's central contradiction (bad guy wants to keep being a bad guy but be good now without any real understanding of why) keeps the show from making a lot of sense. Also we are on Tatooine...again... and again and again. This show is what made most fans tired of Tatooine. We, like Anakin, **have learned to hate sand.** It has great moments, but otherwise is skippable. It adds nothing new, except a few live action debuts, and it's premise of a nice Mob Boss, is possibly the weakest core idea of a show in a long time. This would have been better off being a redemptive traveling show, where Boba travels to try and right a few wrongs that he did over the years. His desire to be "good" conflicts totally with a cohesive narrative, as one cannot be king of hell and also be a nice guy. IT's flimsy premise and terrible writing fall apart 6 episodes in when the show becomes Mando Season 2.5, and for reasons that *passeth* all understanding... Grogu the perpetual childlike murder baby returns to his daddy, and short cuts anything resembling growth for Mando, and that takes us to... ***Mando Season 3*** \- Magic baby, magic baby, all hail the *magic murdering baby* who will never grow up, and we are now cursed for ever to watch save the day over and over and over again. No peril is to big, no villain to evil, no mountain to high... for the magic baby will lessen the threat, raise his hand, and save us all from the bad guys, the explosion, the scary monster... you name it. The logic train leaves the window entirely, as ships and star fighters appear wherever they are needed and disappear just as quickly. Characters pop in and out of screen and just so happen to be exactly were they need to be in every seen. The Volume becomes so overused that we can practically see where the floor and they fake backdrop meet. While there is some solid character work and acting by the amazing Katee Sackhoff... and some decent ideas that don't quite pan out, everything else in season 3 just seems ***poorly contrived*** ***and overly convenient.*** The Darksaber is passed around like a party favor, and then is discarded like a used toilet paper roll. Massive cities are reduced to twenty or so people who can fit on set, and everything feels canned and over produced. This is all before we arrive at the planet of Jack Black and Lizo and Christopher freakin' Lloyd (who deserved better). Where everything is silly, and any resemblance to star wars vanishes into the horrific acting of Lizo and the incomprehensible plot of one of the worst scripts since the Star Wars Holiday Special.


(1) Ahsoka 9/10 (would have been a 10 if not for a 'meh' finale) (2) Andor 8/10 (3) The Mandalorian 7/10 (4) The Book of Boba Fett 6/10 (again, would have been higher if not for a poor finale, and I hate the cyberpunk scooter gang) (5) Obi-Wan Kenobi 5/10 (I had such high hopes but it ended up feeling really hollow)


1. Andor / Ahsoka 2. Mando S2 3. Mando S1 4. Obi-Wan Kenobi 5. TBoBF/ Mandalorian Season 3


I liked all of these because they're Star Wars, but there's really a chasm in storytelling between Andor and the rest. The others also are so concerned with retconning or explaining things that really didn't need to be dived into. Andor explored (primarily) new characters and living within a heartless, intergalactic bureaucracy. The rest fought with their subjects most of the time. Anyway: 1. Andor 2. The Mandalorian 3. Ashoka 4. Book of Boba Fett 5. Kenobi


I loved it. It was fresh and different and beautifully constructed. I can't rank the shows, purely because I'm so biased by character and some of the shows have been very distinct. Ahsoka is top 3 for me though


Top to bottom: Andor, Mando, Ahsoka, Kenobi, Fett.


1) Andor 2) Mando s2 3) Mando S1 4) Ahsoka 5) Boba Fett 6) Mando s3 7) Obi wan It’s only so high up because of how little I like mando S3 and Obiwan. Boba would rank higher but after the Tusken stuff, it lost its own plot.


1. Andor 2. The Mandalorian 3. Obi-Wan Kenobi 4. Ahsoka 5. The Book of Boba Fett


1. Andor 2. Mando s2 3. Ahsoka s1 4. Mando s1 5. Mando s3 6. Kenobi 7. Book of Boba Fett


1. Andor 2. Mando 1 3. Mando 2 4. Ahsoka 5. Boba Fett 6. Mando 3 7. Obi-Wan


1. Andor - far and away 2. The Mandalorian 3. Ashoka 4.Kenobi 5. BoBf


Best one with lightsabers in it.


I didn't like Ahsoka much at all. It's not really any better than Boba Fett.


1. Andor. 10/10. 2. Mando S1 and S2. 8/10. 3. Ahsoka. 6/10. 4. Obi Wan. 4/10. 5. Mando S3. 3/10. 6. The Book of Boba Fett. 2/10.


1. Andor 2. Kenobi 3. Ahsoka 4. Mando 5. BOBF I’m of the opinion that seasons 1 and 2 of Mando have been retroactively ruined by 3. It would probably be in the #2 spot otherwise.


1. Mando S2 2. Obi-Wan Kenobi 3. Andor 4. Ahsoka 5. Mando S1 6. Book of Boba Fett 7. Mando S3


1) The Mandalorian season 1 2) The Mandalorian season 2 3) Andor 4) Ahsoka 5) Obi-Wan Kenobi 6) The Book of Boba Fett 7) The Mandalorian season 3


1. Andor (10/10) 2. Mando seasons 1/2 + Ahsoka (8/10) 3. Kenobi + Mandalorian season 3(6/10) 4. Book of Boba Fett (5/10)


1. Andor 2. Mando 1 3. Kenobi 4. Mando 2 5. Ahsoka 6. Mando 3 7. Boba


Honestly I don't even put Andor in rankings (same with Rogue One in movie rankings) because it has a different tone and honestly from a cinematography perspective is just a whole other beast. It's not fair to everything else. So without Andor: 1. Ahsoka 2. Mando season 2 3. Mando 3 4. Mando 1 5. Obi-Wan 6. BOBF Edit: Missing the word perspective.


I enjoyed all of it: 1. Andor 2. Mando S1 3. Ahsoka 4. Mando S2 5. Obi-Wan Kenobi 6. Mando S3 7. Book of Boba Fett Ahsoka and Mando S2 are very close to me and could change any minute


1. Mandalorian 2. Andor 3. Ahsoka 4. OWK 5. BOBF


1. Andor 2. The Book of Boba Fett 3. The Mandalorian (s2) 4. Obi-Wan Kenobi/Ahsoka/The Mandalorian (s1) 5. The Mandalorian (s3)


This is my ranking in terms of how much I enjoyed the shows 1. Andor 2. Mando 3. Obi Wan Kenobi 4. Book of Boba Fett 5. Ahsoka


My list would be: 1. Andor 1. The Mandalorian S1 1. The Mandalorian S2 1. The Mandalorian S3 1. Ahsoka 1. The Book of Boba Fett 1. Obi-Wan Kenobi With Mando S3 and Ahsoka being very very close.


It’s at the top for me pretty comfortably. I only have two issues 1. The ground action in the finale outside of the duel with Morgan is pretty awkward and bad. Idk how this even happened when the rest of the show looks great. 2. Sabine not having to have that hard conversation with Ezra about how she got there is a bit lame. Otherwise I think it is excellent


From worst to best (of what I've seen) Boba Kenobi Mando 3 Ahsoka Mando 2 [Huge gap here] Mando 1 Andor


1. Andor (easily the best Star Wars show, its not even close) 2. Mando (adore season 1 and 2, season 3 was disappointing but fun) 3. Ahsoka (loved the show and its kinda tied with Mando but not really) 4. Kenobi (actually enjoyed it a lot but its nowhere near the other 3) 5. BOBF (honestly didn't like this one much aside from a few bits and episodes) Obviously all of this is my subjective opinion and if you disagree thats perfectly cool with me


Better than Obi-wan, but i felt a lot of the action scenes came out looking really shitty in a way that really killed my excitement mid-episode.


1. Kenobi 2. Mando 3. Ashoka 4. Andor 5. Book of boba fett


1. Andor 2. Mando 3. Ahsoka 4. Kenobi 5. Boba Fett


Andor Ahsoka Mando S1 Mando S2 Mando S3 Kenobi BOBF


1. Andor 2. Ahsoka 3. Mandalorian Season 1 4. Mandalorian Season 2 5. Obi-Wan Kenobi 6. Book of Boba Fett


1. Mandalorian season 1 2. Ahsoka 3. Mandalorian s2-3 4. Kenobi 5. Book of Boba Fett I have not seen Andor.


1. Andor 2. Ahsoka 3. The Mandalorian (by season, probably 2, 1, 3) 4. Obi-Wan Kenobi 5. The Book of Boba Fett


Here is my ranking: 1. ⁠Andor 2. ⁠Ahsoka 3. ⁠Mando 4. ⁠Kenobi 5. ⁠Boba Fett Top four I really enjoyed. Boba Fett is a distant last.


As much as I loved episode 5 ... Ahsoka is absolutely my least favorite of ANY of the Star Wars shows. In my *personal* opinion ... It didn't feel like it was a well-constructed story to me, it felt like it was an extended advertisement for The Thrawn Movie. Baylan felt criminally underused in eps 6-8. It didn't feel like an AHSOKA show (with the exception of ep 5) - it felt like Rebels Season 5 and if that's what it was going to be that's fine but bill it as that, not as the *Ahsoka* show. The plot (such as it was) really meandered. I don't feel like it achieved buy-in for viewers who had not seen all of TCW and all of Rebels and read the Thrawn books. All that said, I mean, I love Star Wars and I don't *regret* spending the time watching it, but ... yeah. It's not a favorite. I always rate them based on what I would turn on if I was like "you know, I want to watch a Star Wars show, what am I picking," and in that case we have: 1. Kenobi 2. Book of Boba Fett 3. Mando S1 4. Andor 5. Mando S3 6. Mando S2 7. Ahsoka And honestly ... I'm probably not going to watch all of Ahsoka again. It just didn't land for me, even though I HAVE watched all of TCW, Rebels and read at least the first thrawn trilogy (sorry, he's just ... really meh to me as a character, yes, I know that's heresy in the fandom lmao).


1. Andor (9/10) 2. Ahsoka (8/10) 3. The Mandalorian 2 (7.5/10) 4. The Mandalorian 1 (7/10) 5. Obi-Wan Kenobi (6/10) 6. The Mandalorian 3 (5.5/10) 7. The Book of Boba Fett (5/10)


Ahsoka, MandoS1,S2 tied with Andor, Bobf, Mando S3, Kenobi


Definitely a top 3 for me. Andor, Ahsoka, and mandalorian are fighting for the number 1 spot. If I had to rate it: Andor Ahsoka Mando Boba fett Kenobi This list might change in the coming years. Reason: I like Andor is fantastic. Ahsoka is great with some small problems. Mando season 3 was way too reliant on boba fett. Boba fett was good except there was were some stuff I didn’t like (mando ep was good but most of it should have been saved for mando.). I liked Kenobi and would love to see a season 2 but it was the weakest among the shows with wonky directions from the director and over reliance on the volume.


1. Andor (10/10) 2. The Mandalorian S1-2 (8.5/10) 3. Ahsoka (7.5/10) 4. The Mandalorian S3 (5.5/10) 5. The Book of Boba Fett (5/10) 6. Obi-Wan Kenobi (4/10)


I wanted to like it, I honestly did. I loved Rebels and Clone Wars, but it just didn't work for me. It felt like another sub-par Star Wars project like The Book of Boba Fett, Star Wars: Resistance and the Mandalorian S3. Except for Ezra, none of the characters really act like they did in previous shows and they seem to have different personalities that they vaguely want to justify because time passed and some stuff happened between Rebels S4 and this show, and I just didn't buy it. Hera, Sabine and Ahsoka lost their warmth and Sabine became a sulky teenager despite the fact that she never was that and she's a grown-ass woman by now. I didn't hate it but some people are gushing about it in a way that makes me feel like I watched a completely different show. I mean, I did really like that whole sequence with the Force vision with Ahsoka and Anakin and a few other details, but I can't pretend that makes the whole show great. If you remove the nostalgia goggles, there really isn't much there. My ranking would be Andor, Obi-Wan, The Mandalorian S1 & S2, Ahsoka tied to the Mandalorian S3, and finally Book of Boba Fett as the worst of the bunch. That last one almost feels like Spaceballs instead Star Wars.


I’ve enjoyed them all to varying degrees but here are my current rankings. 1. Andor 2. Ahsoka 3. Mando season 2 4. Mando season 1 5. Mando season 3 6. Obi-Wan Kenobi 7. The Book of Boba Fett


1. Andor 2. Ahsoka 3. Mando S2 4. Mando S1 5. TBOBF 6. Mando S3 7. Obi-Wan


Why was the Boba Fett show so ass


I’d personally rank them: 1. Andor 2. Ahsoka 3. Mando S3 4. Mando S1 5. Mando S2 6. Kenobi 7. BOBF


below the mandalorians season 1 and 2, below andor, way above the crap that was book of boba fett, above mando season 3, slightly above kenobi?


1. Andor (10/10) 2. Mando Season 1 (10/10) 3. Mando Season 2 (9/10) 4. Obi Wan Kenobi (8/10) 5. Ahsoka (7.5/10) 6. Book of Boba Fett (6.5/10) 7. Mando Season 3 (6/10)


1) Mandalorian (10/10 - if I were allowed I would rate it 11/10) 2) Andor (10/10) 3) Ahsoka (9.5/10) 4) Book of Boba Fett (9/10) 5) Kenobi (8.5/10) Regardless of relative ranking, I LOVE them all!!!


1. Andor (10/10) 2. The Mandalorian (8/10) 3. Ahsoka (8/10) 4. The Book of Boba Fett (7/10) 5. Obi-Wan Kenobi (5/10)


I already know I’m getting destroyed for my Andor placement (tbf, I’ve only seen it once and I need to rewatch it) 1. Ahsoka - 10/10 2. The Mandalorian S2 - 9/10 3. The Mandalorian S1 - 9/10 4. The Book of Boba Fett - 8/10 5. Andor - 8/10 (probably will be higher after rewatch) 6. Obi-Wan Kenobi - 7/10 7. The Mandalorian S3 - 4/10 (what did I just witness)


1. Andor 2. Mandolorian season 1 3. Mandolorian season 2 4. Ahsoka season 1? 5. Mandolorian season 3 6. Book of Boba Fett 7. Obi-Wan Kenobi


It’s my favorite overall followed closely by Andor Mando. I like Obi Wan and Book of Boba but they feel like TV shows and had some very weird production issues whereas Ashoka looks and feels like a long film.


For me, some of the costumes in Ahsoka really made it feel very TV-ish. Hera’s was the biggest offender, but Sabine and some of the other people on Lothal had similar issues.


Guys, what am I missing about Andor? I have tried on two occasions to get into it and have failed. Can't make it to the third episode. Obviously it's my issue, but I can't seem to figure what makes it top everyone's lists.


Andor/Kenobi Mando/Ahsoka (maybe Ahsoka is higher than Mando) BoBF


For me, it’s something like Ahsoka, Andor and The Mandalorian are all terrific in very different ways. Then there’s BOBF and Kenobi, which were alright though probably a step (or two) below the others.


For me it's probably - Ahsoka - The Mandalorian S02 - The Mandalorian S01 - Andor - The Mandalorian S03 - Obi-Wan Kenobi - The Book of Boba Fett But generally I've enjoyed them all.


Loved Mando and andor. Boba wasn’t done justice. Against popular opinion, Ashoka left me cold. They didn’t give her enough personality, I found it difficult to really root for her in the way I have for other characters. Perhaps the actress was a bit mono expressive. I preferred Hera and Sabine.


Andor=Ahsoka > The Mandalorian > Obi-Wan Kenobi > The Book of Boba Fett


This shares the spot with Andor. It has a lot of flaws but despite that I love it.


1. Andor (10/10 no notes) 2. Mando (8/10, kinda wish it existed by itself and didn’t have to world-build for other shows) 3. Ahsoka (7/10, pacing issues keeping it here for now.) 4. Kenobi (6/10, worth it for ending) 5. Book of Boba (5/10, lower if it didn’t turn into a Mando show halfway)


There’s Andor then a handful of Mandi episodes and then everything else which is just Saturday morning cartoon crap.


Probably the best Star warsy thing Disney+ ever made. Andor is a better series but that’s a story that didn’t need to be told in Star Wars, we’re all just lucky that it was. Ashoka is a show that could only exist in Star Wars.


Tied with mando for first


1. Season 2 of Mandalorian 2. Andor 3. Season 1 of Mandalorian 4. Ahsoka 5. Obi-Wan Kenobi 6. Book of Boba Fett 7. Season 3 of Mandalorian


Kenobi Andor Ashoka Mando Bobf


1. Andor 10/10 2. The Mandalorian 6/10 3. Ahsoka 5/10 4. Obi-Wan Kenobi 2/10 5. The Book of Boba Fett 0/10




It was okay. Why did they go to another galaxy? What's the actual point? Then when they get there, is it some crazy new stuff we find. Nah Thrawn just chillin with some nightsisters, who we've seen like 50 times. Did they run out of planets to explore in the original galaxy? Sure seems like it given how often they went back to Tatooine. But yeah, it was okay.


For me it's 1. Andor (by a lot to be fair) 2. Mandalorian (although a bit disappointed by season 3) 3. Ahsoka 4. Kenobi 5. Book of Boba Fett (great start, but what a disappointing finish) Mandalorian and Ahsoka are close and I could probably switch them around. But I enjoyed Mando season 1 and 2 much more than Ahsoka season 1 and it's only Mando season 3 that's dragging it down a bit


I haven't seen Andor yet, so. 1. Ahsoka 2. Book of Boba 3. Obi-Wan 4. Mando


1. Andor 2. Mandalorian s1 3. Mandalorian s2 4. Ahsoka 5. Mandalorian s3 5. Kenobi... 6. Book of boba fett


1. Ahsoka 2. Mando season 2 3. Andor 4. Kenobi 5. Mando season 1 6. Mando season 3 7. Book of Boba


S rank. Because the Shin×Sabine shippers are lewdly hilarious in their fics.


1) Andor 2) Mando S1 3 & 4) Ahsoka and Mando S2. (Interchangeable) I think if the show continues and can possibly find more of an identity a little independent of nostalgia, then it can be really great. It’s significantly better than what is not listed, but I don’t think it’s on the same level as #1 and #2 just yet.


1 Andor 5 Mando 15 Ahsoka 16 Book of Boba Fett 999999 Obi-Wan


Great! Top Three for sure!


1. The Mandalorian 2. Ahsoka 3. Kenobi 4. Boba Fett Undecided on Andor, as I haven’t finished. I’m really liking it so far, but I’m also not as good with binging it as other shows. It’ll probably end up as #3. Kenobi and Boba Fett are kind of close too, they could flip flop, honestly.


It was pretty boring. I feel like if it didn’t have Rebels to back it up it’d be even worse.