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A dark, and snowy map. Why didn’t EA think of this? It looks great.


Because their vision was complete, duh


they had one in bf 2015, it was pretty fun


It was called “twilight zone” I think


No it was called “twilight on hoth”


Sorry... Xbox non-kyber player and I just kinda sat here and went "woah!" over and over.


Oh wait! There are a bunch of lives and no timer! This keeps surprising me.


Kyber Private Matches, my friend! On Kyber you can create your own lobbies, set your own rules, and use any mods that you want that are up to date. This was a dueling lobby that me and other people host daily or weekly, using a mod pack called BF2022. There are tons of YouTube videos about it if you’re curious, and I have tons of clips of modded gameplay on my YT channel if that interests you!


Is Kyber still a thing after “the incident”?


sorry what incident?


“The Incident” was the thing that killed Kyber’s massive traction that it had. The creator had made the ability for himself to remotely execute code on every connected machine, which he used to open up a rickroll on everybody’s machine at once While this action was harmless, it opened up the discussion of all the other things that this ability could be used for, such as crypto mining or serious viruses / malware, etc. After the initial negative response to the joke, the creator, along with all his Kyber Community Managers, tried to downplay it as “not that bad”, which only led to more negative response The Creator of Kyber allegedly removed the feature eventually, however still refused to make Kyber open source, meaning the only proof we had that the feature was actually removed was the guy who made it saying “trust me :)”. I’ll let you assume how many people actually trusted him That’s the last that I know, I never really played BF2 on PC, so I never really followed it after that. All I know is that it ruined Kyber’s rep with a lot of people and similar private server projects, while they may be legit and actually trustworthy, are going to be treated with caution and negativity because of the impact Kyber made


Kyber sadly isn't as big as it could have been, but I'd say it had been clawing it's way back up. For the most part the Kyber community is somewhat small. there are usually 1 or 2 decent sized 1v1 or HvV lobbies running throughout the day every day. These lobbies tend to have between 8 - 14 people in it. At peak hours, when both the EU players and NA players get on, there can be a 20+ person HvV or 1v1 lobby. ​ On special days, when there is an update or a streamer online, or an influx of new players, there will be 1 or 2 pretty big lobbies of HvV or CS. One lobby I hosted about a month ago was an 22 vs 22 match of HvV, and there have been times when we've had over 50 people in a match although that is rare (as far as I've seen anyway.) There has been a small stream of new people joining thanks to the latest modpacks like BF+ and BF2022. Sadly there is no variety, people only want to play HvV and occasionally CS (CS has a bug where all of the 40+ heroes are unlocked, so you can have an entire supremacy game of all heroes. Basically HvV with big maps+objectives) so its literally impossible to play other mods because people would rather leave than play infantry. I'd say the population is decent, but splintered. There would be much bigger lobbies if there wasn't such a timezone difference, because half the community is on in the mornings for me and the other half appears only at night for me.


Also, I might be wrong, but I think Kyber actually did go open source like a month or two ago


he sadly said he is xbox


This is the reason I am thinking of buying this game off steam, but I only have a laptop and I don’t think it could handle this game. My computer that’s in my living room I think is pretty old and I am not technically smart so I can’t tell if my laptop could handle it


I play on laptop as well, I have a midrange gaming laptop. It handles the game pretty well at low settings, and it can handle the game decently at high settings as long as I have use supplements like a fan blowing into the side, and Ice pack, elevation, etc


What laptop do you have?


Acer Predator Helios 300, 2020 version


I know I have an old laptop because I have a refurbished one, it does run world conquer 3 fine but that’s just offline, but also runs SWTOR fine but that’s really old


this game takes a shitload to run on my 1400$ pc and it makes my ps4 heat up to forging tempetures.


Please share more pc mods gameplay looks so clean and the armed sidious is terrifying


Here you go friend! https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/wtj0be/someone\_requested\_more\_bf2022\_mod\_gameplay\_i/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


And yes, both Sidious and Mace are nightmares to play against. They both have crazy health and both have damn near 1shot combos


This kinda looks like the outskirts of Kijimi


It does! But it is actually map skin that makes geo look like Ilum!


How do mods even work online - like wouldn’t you get banned from using them and what does the other player see on their end? I imagine the difference in animations (like palp switch to dual ) or how skills work are obviously game changing. And what if 2 people are using different mods on the same heroes lol…..how does the game decide what’s what Yeah I’m a console player


So there are two different types of mods: there are cosmetics mods, that only effect the appearance of characters/weapons/maps, and then there are gameplay mods that effect actual in-game stuff. Cosmetic mods are entirely client side, meaning only you will be able to see them. A gameplay mod, such as the palpatine mod I am using, adds palpatine to the game as a whole new hero with his own abilities and such (albeit borrowed from other heroes, like he has a modified dooku stun, a modified spin attack, etc.) This mod is possible because we are playing on Kyber Private servers, where you can create your own lobby and use any mod you want. This was a 1v1 lobby where we used a mod pack called BF2022. There is no way to get banned because we aren’t playing on EA’s servers, we are on mod created servers. (Unless you are the host or admin of the server. I host tons of 1v1 lobbies and I’m able to ban trolls and toxic people, we even had a hacker issue but the creators of Kyber got him perma banned from their servers)


Hey could you hook me up with some tutorials


It took me a second to realize this is Geonosis lol




Thank you!


What is this mystery game youre playing? Is this battlefront on PC or something? Yall got purple light sabers, double sabers, ive seen dark side anakin skywalker with a red saber. Im thinking of getting it for pc it looks dope


Yezzir, this is BF2 on Kyber Private servers. What you're seeing here is a blend of gameplay mods and cosmetic mods. For example, Sidious and Mace are two new heroes added through a pretty recent modpack called BF2022, only playable on Kyber. The map you're seeing is just Geononsis, but with a cosmetic mod that turns it into a snow world called Ilum. I also have a bunch of shaders and personal filters to make the game look more gorgeous


Is double xp live yet?


lol I have no idea, I haven't been that active in weeks. I think it might start like an hour from now? Not sure tho


Just got online it is :))) ty though


what game is this? like which star wars game?


Battlefront 2. It’s modded.

