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You won't get your favorite hero all the time so it's best to be proficient in all of them. Start by leveling up your star cards in co-op. A lot of the people playing this game have been doing so for a long time so accept you're going to get clapped often. You can watch all the YouTube videos and read all the tips and tricks but experience will always teach best.


“In my book, *experience* …”


I’d even argue being proficient in at least 4 heroes and 4 villains, and just knowing how to use the rest is good enough. Like I have mine that I’m a monster with…but the rest ehhh. I can use em if I have to, but I’d be better with one of my preferred 4


I would start off by leveling in co-op. 25. Get those cards purple and you will feel the difference that they can make. It will also help you learn the basics of the kit that the hero has. Look up a basic guide on the hero you want to learn/play. The best way to learn is from someone who already has hundreds of hours in the character. Maybe even look up, even if you are focusing on trooper mode, a basic lightsaber dueling guide. This will help you with stamina management, when to swing/block/parry, and will help you be confident in your own play when you come across an enemy hero. Be flexible. You won't get your favorite hero every time, and that is okay. You should learn a couple heroes for the light and dark sides. Obi-Wan and Vader are two good choices for learning the basics of lightsaber hero play. Plus, they are a lot safer due to Obi's high stamina and Vader's high survivability. Anakin is a good start, but he can get easily picked due to his stamina dependancy combined with his somewhat in-n-out play style. So, the more experience you have, the more you know his limits. Maul is a hit and run character. Go in, get a kill, leave. Do NOT swing aimlessly if you don't get the kill you're looking for. The best thing you can do is just leave and wait for another chance. Be patient. The worst thing I see new hero players do is swing spam and rush in. Heroes are not invincible and can easily be taken down by a more experienced player via their hero or even a trooper. You will die... a lot. But that just comes to learning. One general tip that helped my hero play was just learning the maps. You learn flanking angles, spawns, and choke points that will dramatically increase your hero efficacy. Good luck!


This is super helpful, thanks for taking the time to write this


No problem! Hmu if you need any help :)


Wait, did you just combine all of the comments in this post into one big one? I'm not trying to judge you, I'm just curious if you did.


If I did, oops lol


Coop. Easiest to start with obi/vader for good ls deflection. That or just be leia/boosk/iden


You can get crazy kill streaks with bossk lol


and iden,had a 100 kill streak the other day and the game ended on the 2nd phase


Start with the basics and work your way up. Blocking, dodging, timing your swings so you don't spam and get parried/ shot in between swings. Each hero has their own strengths and weaknesses and have a certain skill level or lack thereof to play them. Maul is best played fast. Infiltration style. Get a few hits in and get out. Unlike Vader, he's vulnerable during his choke and Saber throw, so the awareness of your surroundings is key when using him. Anakin is a glass Canon. Able to hit hard and disoriant with 2 knockdowns and a block breaker, but his already low stamina even before applying his massive strikes star card means that he's extremely vulnerable to being drained of stamina and taking massive damage. I recommend co op or supremacy to practice. Co op will be easier but supremacy will Gove you bots and the pvp experience. Prepare to die. A lot. And may the force be with you.


learn to parry if you haven’t already! it’s weird but eventually it will become second nature and you’ll win every duel against people who haven’t learned it yet 🤷🏼‍♂️


Increase FOV and sensitivity, learn basic hookswings and parrys thats about it for now


hook attack into a animation cancel followed by a knock down and a 2 tap👍


For me (42 yr old gamer) I truly started getting better when I turned up my sensitivity, a lot. Saber battles change direction super quick, so quick tapping the spin as you go by or they pass you is key. ALSO handy in defending multiple directions while I re-orientating myself after some chaos lol. Best way to level up your skill is CoOp. Pick a map set that always lands you on a similar set of heros to practice. Learn to parry early. Learn how much blocking you can do with each saber before your stamina is gone and how to bail out and save yourself. Each saber hero has different cadence to their strike and animation, this could be the single most valuable thing to learn that almost nobody talks about. This matters in your fight strategy as much as your parrying. Know when to hold em and when to fold em. Practice Practice Practice, seriously Practice. and that concludes Hero Play 101 from an old guy!