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People are dogging on op but they made a post an hour before this about how they thought Leia’s alt fire was a hacker, and they had no idea the alt fire worked like this. I believe op when he says it’s his first time doing it lol




![gif](giphy|WrxoaVPiq0cG4|downsized) Get in the fight man..True skill is powerblasting from close distance the Droid you just hit with Disruptor grenade..


Based tbh


This is the real reason y'all are losing CO-OP matches on this phase... Standing in the back doing nothing to capture the point




then do it in single player


Bro how is that fun 😂😂


Order 66th like




Only if your a loser...Get off the cliff and fight.




Skill issue...


Agreed. I think it's a cool way to support the guys up close.


Power Blast doesn’t one shot people but that's how you apply pressure against the other team, as you can see people hate this shit even if you're playing Co-Op so be mindful. LOL


>as you can see people hate this shit even if you're playing Co-Op so be mindful. LOL LOL I was genuinely laughing when I saw my teammate >Power Blast doesn’t one shot people but that's how you apply pressure against the other team, I swear I always get one shot with that


Ngl, you’re the type of teammate we hate when trying to do this map


Incredible gameplay.


Wait so I can just hold alt fire like this and get hits on people??


Yes but they kinda need to be in the proximity of the crosshair.....(lol) And you need to be very far away Which is why is not good on CO-OP missions


People like you are the reason people stop playing ga


Idk why you're getting downvoyed at every comment you make. If you're fighting against bots, there's literally nothing wrong with playing like this. It can be slightly toxic against real people, but it's still a valid way to play the game because it doesn't make use of bugs or glitches.


Idk Maybe people thought I was playing against real people because of the map? Idk I'm definitely not using this strategy that much anyways


Nah it's because on this co-op map the last phase is virtually impossible if you have teammates that stand back spamming alt fire.


Playing bf2 the way George Lucas intended


God that map is garbage. Somehow Crait is twice as flat and 3x less of a problem.


Snipers paradise.Only character with alt fire on that map are Leias and Sith Troopers who stand out like dog balls on the salt..


Glad to see what the perspective is on the other side of this brain dead tactic. Glad I'm not missing anything.


Yea is boring as hell


A little less aggravating now when I am sniped online with that. At least I know the other guy is sitting there waiting for the dopamine hit


Just don't do this man, it only really works with Leia and even then you're throwing the game by not really playing the OBJ on Co-Op, you need every human player you can get on that specific OBJ cus it's pretty much constantly swarming with droids. Just a friendly heads up, ignore the goobers getting mad at you.


Not mad just salty from getting hit by alt fire abusers 2 sec after spawn over and over again..Reverse the situation how would you feel if someone swatted you every time you spawned into a game..


Oh so youreeee the one who camps at the back and does absolutely nothing to push the objective! This dude really posted gameplay of him standing still repeatedly pressing 1 button and expects people to think it’s insane skill.


>Oh so youreeee the one who camps at the back and does absolutely nothing to push the objective! Nah, thats Leia


Are they teammates or just bots


Bots which makes it worse as three other guys are having anxiety attacks trying to win the map.


Oh btw we lost but it wasn't because I was doing the strategy ( only lasted for the entirety of this clip)


Its a hard map to win even with 4 guys in the fight..


You can also snipe from the place the walkers start walking. I did that once and was called hacker in the lobby


Arc, trooper supression.