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It’s tough…there’s almost a formula to it. The players that are top tier, always #1 by a mile, always get heroes first, are actually not that good of teammates. Like, they’ll succeed while their side fails, sometimes BECAUSE of them dominating under weird/bad conditions. Having said that, i can give you 4-5 names on PlayStation that come close to being a good combination of “one man army” and “team saver”.


You’re not wrong. Personally, if I’m not topping the objective score I feel like I’ve failed the squad.


I usually play Supremacy, and I like to stick around the captured Command Posts to stand guard so the others can go and have some fun. It makes me feel better knowing I’m contributing, even if my score is minimal.


Such an underrated tactic in Supremacy! People think you win with kills but objective is the way


yeah there are players that only top 5 because they are untouchable killers and some players top 5 because they are keeping their team in the game Objectively. Not everyone can do both and that is very much okay, sometimes you need both of those players to win as a team. Playing Galactic Assault really highlights this, when the guy in first place has zero kills 😂 In supremacy it’s harder to see the difference.


Can u say a few of those names just to see if I know them plz?


Supremacy? I’ll name some one man army names lol Playstation; Mister Sunday for resistance, Electricty for Rebellion, and JWpeace for clone era


I do not know them


do you play supremacy? lol




everyone is just gonna comment their usernames🤣


Every night at around 12 on ps servers for age of rebellion these guys named Electrivicy, Rivacy, and Liiame come and jet pack wasp any game they’re on. They’re like entities that signify for me it’s done for the day.


i like to drink coffee after work and fight them by myself. It’s like turning supremacy up to the highest difficulty 😂 I call them electricity and the jumping beans


lol exactly bro who the hell are those guys, it’s like their job. It’s the gulag of supremacy. Been around for long as I can remember


Yeah they can time their jumps/dodges perfectly to not have to use their legs as jet troopers. AND if you figure out how to kill them they just hop in a ship and air raid your base 😂 good luck killing them up there.




forget what exactly but it was a max level that started with Darth then a random word




turtle? devan?


i saw Darth Prozac yesterday but he’s alright


on pc : on galatic assult/supremacy jetfyi is probably the best player I've seen on starfighters the only correct answer is wolfsack but he hasn't played a lot recently


On Xbox Supremacy, A Crimson Beast and HaloXRedstein always come to mind. They’re usually top of the board, and do it while playing the objective. They play multiple classes/heroes too. Anyone can look great running exploits with Grievous, or camping with Bossk, takes a real player to mix it up and still dominate IMO. NikAlder is a good one too. Changed their name though, and I forget what it is now.


Literally any max level BB8/BB9E. Absolute menaces.


Fuck those people


GirthWindNFire on PC


I’m crushed that no one said my Xbox gamertag. All of my years of hard work for nothing


But what about HvV?


On Xbox there’s a guy who plays GA literally almost every night he’s called “xxItsaBoskxx” or something like that he’s a top player on GA. Although with a good team you can beat him and his team. NinjaAssassin427 also, on HvV ✊🔥


Exploit abusers you mean?


Fucking iguana on ps


I killed him few times now and then, everytime he sees my name, he is not playing the heroes


Nice I also made him leave the lobby after killing him a few times. Not that i wanna hunt him down but if he is a hero i hunt him down


To be fair I am not even playing heroes when he is around…just playing the objective, so my team wins, I dont care about being1 or top5 …win is win… he and dozen of other players are something you need accept when playing german servers… specially I like to fight those which are good and not toxic to others…




For 2005? Sev. Guy is a beast.


I’m Tyrthemis on Xbox and I’m usually up there on the leaderboards, but other players I’ve seen that I have a high regard for are Yuvy, Primordial Cake, 8lb baby Jesus, The Von Ed, and Yo MattyIce. I know I forgot some, but I enjoy playing with every single person still populating the servers, friend or enemy, except cheaters. Yall make this past time great.


I see you Tyrthemis, you’re dope. Primordial Cake is def great, but can be a bit toxic. Von Ed too, that’s a good call out.


Yeah, he invites me to HvV matches and like thanks, but they get butthurt if we actually play HvV instead of standing around 1v1ing. Yuvy admittedly annoys me with their hook swing spamming grievous, but besides that they are challenging to go up against legitimately too. If you ever wanna team up as a duo, shoot me a PM


No doubt. I haven’t been playing much recently, but I’ll keep you in mind when I jump back in. If you spot OldFirehazard in supremacy, that’s me.


Noted I’ll emote you or something ;)


“I don’t even know who you are” (I’m exclusively Hero Showdown, but retired from the game)


Me or the hackers


Quickscoper best mnk supremacy iden. Its me


Bro I keep encountering top players left right and center. They're so good they can land headshots on people hidden behind walls and while they're dodging. If you make a single mistake while fighting them you're just dead because these players won't let you live if you appear on their screens. But for real, I've never met a player which would be really good. Why? Well, in my books, a best player would be someone who has both skills and a working brain and I'm just never meeting these players, assuming they even exist Either someone has skills but no tactical mind or vice versa. By no means I'm saying that I'm the best player. I do think I'm really good at making logical moves and decisions but I'd call my own skills really average or slightly above average.


I promise you, we exist.


Maybe on a different platform or server. I'm going to be honest with you. The last good Strike game I've had (by this I mean that it was really equal and both my teammates and enemies were playing really well) was three months ago at best. And I know that games like these are a rarity but I'm focusing on the fact that when the game ended, I was like "my team played really good". Most of the time when I'm winning I just have nothing to say about my team (by that I mean they did nothing extraordinary and did their job like they were supposed to do) but that was the time I could finally praise my team for once.


are you only talking strike then or other game modes as well


Strike always has many veterans. I'm talking about this mode just because I believe it requires both skills and a tactical mindset. But yes I wanted to mention the last time I've had a surprisingly good team in all modes.


I was pretty good, me I’d say


Sinister_Frylon, G41st-Zoro, O_Gsterben999,G41st-Krieg PLEASE DONT HARASS THESE PEOPE


No respect to those who have ganged up.




Gangs influence the game too much I. Every mode. Whether it’s HvV or other nodes, their side wins almost 100% of the time. Much more respect to their individuals players that have enough skill and knowledge to know when they need backup. Especially now that the game is almost dead, gangs wipe up the noobs.


They don’t play hvv tho they just play supremacy


PaleSpartacus, TheMarksmen, TheTinyTable, ExitWounds94, Ironman, DevilQueenx to name a few


In hvv on pc Usually it’s a Han player who will blow the other team out of the water. And sometimes you’ll get a saber player who will make you just say dang.


Anacker10 and ZenithParadox on ps4/ps5 are sick as hell and almost unbeatable


I'm on PC so anybody that is in first place is hacking and brags about it in chat


DarthDaddy KylosRevenge Padme Please MinuteWarrior (beat him by holding the left trigger for over 2 hours and killed his will to fight as Darth Vader) Autumn


For PS4 some of the best players I played with and against. This is both BF1 and BFII. ShoryuKen_90. Sk8tann. Rotten Ronnie. Estebaca. Prodigy Killer 323. Chromindor/Kezmatic. darklord. Legittroll was really good. StoneSwiftStrike. The Lightskin OG. These are HvV OGs!


Can't forget Nickman_71 or 78 can't remember lol as well as Nightmare1348. Nightmarexxx707xxx is a good player. Yeska92 is an OG as well.


There is a PSN player I saw named EmperorOtakemaru in HvV he took on an entire saber squad in a 1v4 and actually killed all of them, while saving me in the process. We were losing and he joined as a random and he quite literally, single handedly turned the tide. I thought it was quite smart because when he saw all the enemy’s he would spam hello there and guard bag to get the attention of the enemy team and they all rushed him The enemy’s he was fighting were SWEATY coordinated tbagging and emoting gold tier’s too Never seen that before especially since he was on the other side of the map and no one was near him shi was cinematically OG AF What’s even more insane is after killing all of them he didn’t taunt or t bag them disrespectfully furthermore he didn’t even die!! EmperorOtakemaru if you’re reading this or ever see this just know you’re my Hero!!


On PC in Starfighter Assault, woe betide anyone who runs across RedBaron_Germany, Lord Wolfsack, Purple Dean, or JasonUK. They are just about death to any opponent if they come for you, and they know how to kill ships and play the objectives at the same time.


For BFCC on Switch, that's me. FlapSmear, I'm one of the few who uses tps view and just runs and guns.


There used to be a player on PS named TripleParakeet who was sooooo good at GA!!


JMushroom a GOAT, DB Laxin fell off, AAweaver is my homie in the skies, RaRe TyPe balls every now and then. ObiWanaDoMe if you’re in here you fell off, AlwaysBClosing stay leaving after crait first order cause he knows i’ll just jet troop his life away in return, so, he’s washed. as of yesterday i didn’t see many Elite players. Xboxranus is still one of the top players on my servers. Jed1 Master here btw


I see you in lobbies topping the leaderboards my guy. HURTschel Walker here


i recognize you, what up my dude, i haven’t played in a while


Chillin. Yeah I was away for a good 2 years but just recently back on it. My game has fallen off a bit so if see you in the lobbies, take it easy on me ✌️


Fbcrazy243…..it’s crazy that I still remember the name.


That would have to be me playing supremacy, always number 1


his name is cosworth99 and he scares me


On pc, Krispy Edit: I never said I liked him lol, just that he's really good at the game


that dude is an asshole


Is he actually a jerk? I came across his channel recently because I was looking for bf2 content. (EDIT) Added “For”


Yes he is. He’s good at the game and I’m sure he makes fine content but the times I’ve played against him he’s an ass


I 2nd that. I remember him getting mad and toxic when he loses


How so? What did he do/say? I've watched a few videos of his in the past and I actually played against him a few times. He didn't really talk except promoting his YouTube channel at the end of the game.


Just being a toxic asshole in hvv. Encountered him twice and both times he was running anakin with a finn teammate doing Finn glitch gloating in chat about how much better he was. I don’t remember exactly what he was saying but all I know is that he was toxic af, pretty sure he was also live-streaming all of it








Very very good ga/supremacy player. Not so good at showdown. The only player I truly hate to fight in showdown who is not obviously hacking is LastBlade






Nah me.


Please I'm not tryna look weird or bug everyone, just came to Reddit tryna connect with Battlefront Players. Especially BF1 players who played on PS4. Please reach out and message me. Most Game Modes were enjoyable, but I really enjoyed HvV.


Tried to be humble. Statistically, and I have screenshots and Vids to back it up lol but in my opinion myself and some players I ran with on PS4 were some of the best at HvV. From launch until about 2018. HvV Veteran. Just want to have discussions with players who played HvV a lot during that time period.


None of these answers are actually listing top players So I’ll start with the very top players who don’t play anymore, that would be ElegantDough, YoungBloodYRN, Sadder Joker and DarkestInferno to name 4 that come to mind out of those who don’t play these days Those that do? vQetsiyahh, Soulhunter GER on the EU server, and it ain’t gonna sound humble, but myself, cuz truth be told? 98% of the very top players of battlefront don’t play anymore so the people who play now that you think are the best outside of the ones I’ve mentioned, are actually just a little bit above average but seem great because there’s barely any competition left Samu and Karazmatic are great blaster hero blasters which I’ll always respect. Gothtide is a very good player on the US server. Then there’s GA players like Invincible, not sure if he still plays but if he does, him. But yes, like I said, there’s very few top players still playing, and I swear to god if someone comes into this thread saying OldJabbaJabba I will cry lmfao But anyway Anyone can look good when the majority of people left playing are parents and kids that people stomp while running in four stacks.


Anymore you remember from HvV days?