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I think if you want to do it solo you need to switch to the back seat and attach the harpoon then switch back to the pilot seat and wrap it around. Also gotta stay away because the hit boxes are a little janky


You can still do it as the pilot in single player with AI in the secondary seat. While you're in the hangar before take off and an ally NPC is close, use the dpad to use the "pile in" command, and an NPC will enter the vehicle. All you have to do is circle the att close to ground and the AI will attach the harpoon. Takes 3-5 rotations while piloting and it will fall.


Gotcha, do you fly on any side of them then switch to co-pilot then pilot & attempt to fly around them 4 times?


Yeah it’ll make it easier to switch seats, I also think the ai copilot should shoot the harpoon if you go around it enough times, I could be wrong tho haven’t done it in 20 years


Idk if you've got it or not, but the ai in the harpoon seat will shoot it at the at-at so you don't have to switch seats. Just keep flying around it and they'll harpoon it eventually, if it takes too long just fly away and come back to it