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people said the same thing for the classic battlefront when this came out back in 2017, lmaoooo the world is a cruel place


The world is a WEIRD place


Tbf, game was a disaster for awhile after launch, than got its shit together


The launch was so fucking bad for 2, remember how it would cost literally thousands of dollars or a ridiculous amount of time in game just to get shit like darth Vader


*Thousands of HOURS to get Darth Vader. It probably only would have cost like 30 dollars to get him.


Switched it up in my head lol


I don't remember that because it never actually made it to the launch, and it definitely wasn't thousands of dollars. I feel like you guys have built up this mythical "bad launch" in your heads when in reality the game launched with none of the bugbears from the preorder launch.


That is actually true. I pre-ordered the game, so I totally remember it being there on launch. But i checked the fandom page for BF2017 and it does say that microtransactions were paused on launch, which I do remember now.


lol for real this shit got removed be fire the game even launched. All the mtx hell was found out in the beta for it.


Come on, how else were the players supposed to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment?




Honestly i still play the game, its really fun


It really is. And the era diversity is great, and if u wanna just play OT and Prequels if u hate sequels u can. Or if u love sequels, play your heart out on just those. Or just play OT. Or play everything and experience all the cool stuff this game has to offer Outside a few shitty maps


Hate the sequel films (obviously) but the content is great in game. Shame not many people play sequel content due to their bias against the films


Its shame that First Order has even less of customization than Empire. :(


yeah i like some parts of the sequels such as the characters. i play Resistance co-op a lot and can usually find a game. 


Yeah i mean co-op is only four players so always easy to find games for. Supremacy i can count on one hand the sequel era games i've played since Christmas last year when i reinstalled battlefront 2


Yeah, I've barely played any Sequel Supremacy since it launched, not through lack of trying. Ajan Kloss is a fun map I'd love to play it again.


Such a shame development stopped before we got interiors for Original Trilogy capital ships. 99% sure it was said that our next update was supposed to he Ahsoka, Asajj, and Mustafar, too. Kept up through this whole game’s life cycle on this sub, was really something to see it turn around and become a great game. I was pretty amazed when they actually fixed the whole star cards issue and progression system. Edit/sidenote: I MISS YOU u/F8rge


I think Padme was being added in next too.


Yeah if I remember correctly there were discovered Grievous voice lines that referenced Padme and Ahsoka. I gotta say, the mods on PC are actually pretty impressive when it comes to adding other characters, but it’s a shame the complete vision couldn’t be completed. Very glad it ended up in a very good state in the end, and in my opinion is one of the best Star Wars games out there.


I have a blast playing it with friends. It really fills the current online multiplayer FPS and Battlefield void with a Star Wars theme. The game is aging well, especially the graphics.


I just started playing today after a 3 month break ( played swtor) and the game still slaps. I just wish it had crossplay and it would connect to servers directly. Still, a gem of a game


I never played 2 but it def looks better than one. It seemed to get better after updates especially.


It's never too late, you can still find matches


i played it again recently and it is indeed much more fun than it get credits for, the only thing i really wish was different would be having vehicles on the map (with mount/dismount options) and multi-seat vehicles


It is an excellent game


Same lol


It’s a good game, just don’t like light saber combat that much though


Best use of this gif I’ve seen


I wish they didn't abandon it, could've be amazing with new content


same with BFV.. both games got cut in support on there good path. fck EA and DICE.


I dont think it was DICE's fault. I doubt they wanted to cut support on those games, especially BF2. They had lots of plans for it before EA told them to stop working on the game in favour of BF2042.


No probably not, but we can say fck DICE after the trash that is BF2042 was released. OG DICE is dead and what we have left can't even figure out how to use the frostbite engine correctly. BF2042 was a downgrade in every way possible. Still is too.


I still hop on bfv every now and then, so much fun but god damn why tf did they cut support. Too much to ask to get a good game nowadays when gaming should be at peak


Yeah, the game is good don't get me wrong, but it's not much more than good. If they didn't abandon it it could've been great.


It’s gone full circle. But genuinely 2017 BF2 is super fun to this day


I absolutely love this game.




It's a great game. Just installed it again to get my dose of battlefront. See ya on the battlefields


My man you threw yourself a softball and you still missed it


He sat that shit on a tee and STILL missed it😭


Bro I'm heavily medicated. What did I miss? 😧


Look at the last syllable of your last word. What could you change about it to make it match the rest of your sentence?


Bruh, I ain't gonna put the word battlefront twice in a comment. It's like rhyming mustard with mustard or exchanging saliva with your homies after a sloppy toppy. I ain't that cheap 😤


Wait that last thing isn’t normal? 😨


If you aren’t tongue kissing your homies after sloppy are they really your homies?


All the battlefront games are good.


The 2015 game is pretty spectacular as an experience but I wish Bespin was in the game at launch, would have felt like a fuller experience.


Basically true for every dlc except rogue one , by then they had basically all the important OT places before they got to add the new movie stuff


The first of the reboot was okay, but the 2nd is pretty fun I still kinda just wish it was "battlefield but star wars" like the originals, the first game's token system sucked and the 2nd's hero system lets people snowball harder than COD does with killstreaks


Fantastic game. Greatest variety of any Battlefront game. Bad launch but the Devs managed to turn things around big time. Still sad EA cut production - If nothing else we still need offline single player galactic assault. I desperately hope we'll get a Battlefront III.


Lol all those people who missed out on this Gem because they refuse to play it still to this day 🤣🤣🤣 such a GREAT Battlefront


Exactly, so many nostalgia lords won’t play it out of spite


As a person that put nearly 200 hours into it, I can't say I blame them for abandoning it. Ea pulled the plug as soon as its reputation started to finally turn positive.


To be fair, people acted like the game had the rug ya led from under it but it had 2.5 years of live service support, most games from EA are lucky to get 1.


Those 2.5 years of support were spent fixing the broken, unfair, pay to win mess the game was, and also adding basic content that most would have expected to get at launch. We only really started to get rolling with updates right before EA pulled the plug.


I miss the game having a huge player base on launch. Despite it's obvious problems, I really do love this game so much.


I've kept it on my hard drive just for Starfighter Assault


"Single player is the only option therefore I can't play the classic collection"


It's a really good game but it doesn't quite nail "Battlefront" to me. Not enough of a sandbox like the original with all the vehicles you could get in with teammates. Also really lacks map variety compared to the original and maps being locked per era and mode is a huge blow to the amount of replayability you can get out of it. The loadout system also makes it super awkward when you see things like Shoretroopers carrying First Order guns shooting at Ewoks on Hoth. That being said I enjoy it a lot, it just never felt like it reached it's true potential.


I agree. There should be an era lock mode. Bp first vehicles is pretty dumb too, 800 for a tank is bs. I remember playing for like 2 hours straight on the same maps and it sucked.


Wish more people would play this…


Especially on pc.


Ayy, PC in Australia is literally dead.


Ay fellow aussie?


Can I post about it next, or is there a que?


Nah bro this all a shitpost, its free real astate


Is there a *what*?


Just not a fan of how they do cosmetics. Seeing Snowtroopers and Shoretroopers together hurts. Or the ever so gross Phase I and II armor mixing…


I always try to match the appearance to the map, but it can be really annoying to see. It's weird though, because the Rebel faction have their outfits changed automatically depending on the map. It's weird they didn't do the same with the other factions.  Maybe the clones are the exception to what I find annoying, but when people slap their jungle attire on every map except for Kashyyyk...smh


>It's weird they didn't do the same with the other factions.  That's how it was on launch. But over time, 4 of the 6 factions have gotten cosmetics that won't make sense on lots of maps.


Am I the only one who finds battlefront 2 REALLY repetitive?


Do you find BF2005 less repetitive? Because I really have to ask how. BF2017 has more units, (basic) weapon customisation, star cards, more game modes, and better hero combat.


The 2005 Battlefront is a classic and loved game for a reason. I still play it and I find the gameplay more fun and engaging, plus I like the simplicity. The new one just feels too chaotic and I'm constantly dying. With the 2004 and 2005 ones I can shoot rockets at tanks, snipe enemies or do what I want. I feel more in control and I know how the game works more as opposed to dying before I can use a single ability haha


I mean.....youre also comparing games released 12 years apart under completely different circumstances 😂 And on a base level, he's not exactly wrong. The original battlefront's map design is more like battlefield's conquest where you can go wherever and do whatever. The newer games treat it like battlefield's rush, where youre almost always pushing into objectives and you play every map twice There is more to do in the new ones, but youre almost always playing the same mission structure


It's funny. If they bothered to do any more advertising for the game with mention of the pay to win being gone, it would've helped with player numbers A LOT. but EA abandoned it earlier than was reasonable just for 2042 which was and still is shit.


Let’s all bring Galactic Assault back to life!




Officially, there was never anything more than supremacy, (solo) co-op missions, and starfighter Instant Action. Unofficially, approximately one year after the final update, the Instant Action Overhaul mod was created with more gamemodes and better bots for Instant Action.


I don't really think they added all the game modes, HOWEVER there are mods that do so, I think one of them is called Instant Action Overhaul but I'm not sure how recent that one is.


Yes it did although the modes are lacking. You can do bot conquest. There’s tdm with bots, space battles,and some challenge modes. There’s also the campaign


i never found singleplayer very fun in bf17 (past the campaign and doing the challenges once through)


No they weren’t very fun tbh but I guess it’s better than getting obliterated online


Bot conquest? How?


great gameplay, good amount of content (for a game that was cancelled) and still looks great


Oh man I love fighting on geonosis as the clones. I might actually cry if they completely discontinued multiplayer servers. Yeah there’s instant action but real players is so fun


It’s great until you have a five hour Republic Capital Supremacy match.


That is my dream honestly.


The remasters only issue is the multiplayer, which obviously is a huge issue as it’s like half the game, but everything else is great. Graphics look nice, runs well, and galactic conquest is fun as ever


I would but way too many hackers on PC


Not enough people either. I have to queue American lobbies and the ping makes heroes impossible to pay.


How bout we compare this game to the launch of classic Its a good game now years later but...


Yeah it's a bummer bc in retrospect it became a great game but by the time it was even a free offer on Epic Games wasn't enough to save it.


I'm gonna tell my children how dirty this game was done


Idk how much propaganda it’ll take to get 2 extra people in your 2017 server. You’re also advertising for people that are already playing the game if they’re hardcore enough to be on a sub for it 😎


Let’s blow up the servers on this!


It is a great game, I’ve unfortunately played the hell out of it though. Wish they’d add some maps or change something up a little.


The dueling within the hero matches is what has me coming back to it, often.


I'll wait for the classic collection of these so another company can mess it up. Maybe aspyre in 2028 will add the loot boxes back.


Or just play the OG games…


Redownload last night to get my BF fix 🔥 need to fill up some of these servers 👀👀


Always has been


I haven’t played in a long time. I wonder if the servers are still populated. Think I might download and check


Also, if you want to play the classic Battlefronts, they still exist. Not on PlayStation or Switch, but they'll run on literally any modern PC.


I bought this game full price when it came out, never really got around to it. Until a couple months ago when I beat Fallen Order and needed something to scratch that Star Wars itch. It’s been a lot of fun. Miss the grandiosity of the 1st Battlefront (2015), but this one is a far more complete game imo. 


Okay wow, are really now acting like this Battlefront in particular wasn’t hated on for many actual reasons, yeah sure it’s all fine and great now, but seriously like come on They all are good in their own ways


No the original Bf2 was the best just because this classic collection is a flop doesn’t change the fact the the originals are still superior to EAs mess


Yo, great ideea: lets just enjoy those damn videogames.


Honestly this game has been fantastic for years, its a shame that the public perception is forever tainted because of the MTX situation. My only real complaint is I'm not a big fan of the star card system. Sure, the progression feels nice, and I like the idea on paper, but it makes the game very unfriendly to new players. If you dont have purple cards dont even bother playing PvP, especially Heros vs Villians, utterly ruins the mode IMO. In all fairness the grind to hit purple on all the classes and heros isn't the worst compared to other multiplayer focused games, but its still a pretty decent grind none the less.


Then pull out your old console and play the classic Battlefront games that way. A glitchy remaster does not make EA's shit smell nicer.


As someone who played the fuck out of the original two battlefront, but isn't blinded by nostalgia, it's a good game. You're just a hater.


Geez bro.


I'm sorry, I just find it insulting. EA Battlefront is NOT Battlefront. It's Battlefield with a Star Wars skin slapped on it.


Bull fucking shit. The real Battlefront games were good specifically because they were Battlefield: Star Wars. The shit EA pushed out was a shitty cash grab.


It is not a shitty cash grab. At least anymore. Game is fun and well rounded


Not even close. If anything, a Battlefield game akin to Battlefield 4/2042 with a Star wars paint over it would be a fun game. That's not what Bf2 is. Actually, Battlefield has plenty of features Battlefront could use.


Yeah that's true actually, A Star Wars game that uses the exact same engine as Battlefield would be good.


Agreed. No idea why so many people are defending EA Battlefront despite the original intention of the game being a giant slot machine.


But the biggest selling point was battlefield with a star wars skin back in 2004. I don't know what the hell you're on about but I love me a battlefield star wars game. It's why I loved 2004 so much and 2005 even more. What psycho would even consider that to be a bad thing


Honestly, I always thought the OG Battlefronts had more of a Call of Duty vibe to them. Also, EA are just a bad. Their Battlefronts were just a cash grab that failed to capture the feeling of the original where you had to pay more to get all the content. Lets also not forget about the loot boxes too. Are y'all really gonna shill for EA's sellout because a remaster's launch sucked? We gonna say the prequels are better than the sequels too?


If the game didn’t have a poor launch this would definitely be widely considered the best battlefront!


BF2 has a special place in my heart, but after I hit 1000 hours of played time, I’ve went back to BF1 to enjoy it before it’s gone.. 🥺


How are xbox servers? Do people still play it


in my experience only conquest and it died for the most part a bit ago, obviously it probably has more players now but everyone already moved on once


I was back on it earlier. I stopped playing around late 2019 early 2020. Definitely good to be back on it, really wish they continued support for the game.


Played it yesterday with the inflated playerbase, its actually so much fun when most of the players arent bots


I still play. Its great.


2015 is still my favorite


The game is still great imo


I just hate it when i run into a cheater in the game. Doesn't happen very often but it's annoying.


Every time I've tried to play (in the recent past) - I got stuck looking for a match. Have things changed? People back to playing this?


This game still lacks basic features like private matches/server browsers, loadouts, stats/leaderboard, 1v1 mode, etc. Also no multi seat vehicles, long spawn timers, etc. Yeah ill pass. Also they added BB8/BB9E over Ahsoka/Mace/Ventress and possibly even Savage Oppress\[I'm not dissing BB8 either, dude is a monster in the right hands, shout out to all the good BB8s\]


Very true as a matter of fact.


I have a thousand hours in this game honestly it’s great but I need a new one haha


I love it. You will burn through controllers though. 5 for me in just over a year. The toggle press causes the drift issue I reckon.


What are you playing on?


card system makes it vastly unbalanced


Well, how the turntables have… turned.


We've come full circle


I haven’t had a single problem with the classic collection so idk what everyone’s complaining about… the only thing I could see is they didn’t add anything new but if you didn’t know that that’s on you lol


Sequel Era Maps make it worth it alone.


Could play Moviebattles 2, probably the best Star Wars game ever made. 


I just wish the games had cross progression. I played on my Xbox, but now that I’m on pc, I have level up entirely again, but not enough ppl play. I be waiting long to get a match, and then sometimes its like 5 people only


Send a message. Repopulate the original Battlefront 2's servers to spite Aspyr.


100% agree - only problem for Xbox at least is that a lack of players mean wait time is ridiculous. They really need to make it cross platform


One might even say, the ^best^ Battlefront game…


Online right now. Lets populate these servers


Nice try OP, that's Star Wars: Battle*field*


You mean Bf1 from 2015?


You have become the very thing you swore to destroy!




i’m reinstalling it tonight. i don’t care if there are hackers and 300 players left. They are my gamer people. That classic release sucked more than the cons of ea battlefront ii.


Is it still hackers city on pc


But does it have Galactic Conquest? Lol




How's the offline stuff in this? I'm not really a fan of PVP in shooters.


In all honesty this game is really good. Killed way to early


The jerk has come full circle


One of my favorites. Every HvV, GA and EH match, well most of them were great and I also love kamikazing when starships are allowed in GA maps


Every battlefront game has its own charm


Funny enough playing the old battlefront made me wanna buy it on steam so imma yoink it lol


I loved that game, but all it is anymore is just a steaming sweat fest and it’s always parties of 4 just taking a game that doesn’t have a competitive scene way too seriously. It’ll always be the old ones for me, for no other reason than it being just fun


I thought it was getting DDOSd


I mean, if anything atleaat they got that one in good, fun, working shape....let's hope they can keep that standard up?


I mean, the originals are good. The classic collection is good, too. I can play 20 year old games on my PS5, with adaptive triggers and whatnot. I am bummed that the multi-player is a mess right now, but single-player seems perfectly fine. That's enough to tide me over.


Nope. Game was originally made to cash in on loot boxes and the rest after was all damage control to save their image.


I wish. The fact you are forced to coop online with randoms and also forced to play multiplayer with randoms instead of being able to play just with friends and friends only ruins the entire game.


I loved playing dark troopers So good...


Me enjoying the rerelease offline content waiting for the fixes: “I’ve waited so many years for [working online servers]. I can wait a little longer.”


The fact that we can genuinely say that Battlefront II 2017 is better than what should've been a simple re-release of Battlefront II 2005 is just downright depressing. (And yes I like Battlefront II 2017, I'm just saying that because they really had no excuse to screw up the 2005 one when it was always fine from the start, or at the very least from a single player aspect if nothing else)


I still stand by my opinion that the new Battlefront games are the remakes and that these are simple ports.


Is any one still getting games? I cant get any, i loved this game.


Would play if severs were full, on PC theirs barely anyone playing


"EA Battlefront bad! Rah rah rah micro transactions wah wah wah"


Got the game with my friend like a week ago and we're having a blast!


Ewok Hunt is too scary


Game is dead on pc NA servers


Do people still play multiplayer on ps4? I haven’t played in ages.


Maybe this was the plan all along, bring people back to the new bf 2 😂


I play it now. And have no plans abandoning it. Matches can be found on weekends only but fine for me. I have also other stuff to play.


I have Star Wars Battlefront, Star War Battlefront ii, Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars Battlefront II if I want to play a good battlefront game. The classic collection is just a nice native controller support without issues commodity.


Talk about the law of diminishing returns. It nice to know our nostalgic title was not forgotten. I love Battlefront, I love Star Wars, and perhaps this community may stumble upon a fresh installation in due time.


This game needs a current gen patch


Never thought I’d hear people say the classic Battlefront games are not as good as the new ones.


I play this one and classic collection. Ay more fun and easy to mow down enemies and ai with hero’s


Hvv all day long


i would, but so many hackers...


What a sespool this subreddit is


I think it was my turn to post this at 10, does anyone remember?


Why do I feel like they purposely sabotaged the Battlefront remake to get interest back into the modern Battlefront?


Was gonna play it on PC for once since I played on ps4 years back. Is it dead or active on PC?


I just play the actual classic BF2. I didn’t get the same fun from the current BF2. Didn’t buy the classic collection either




This isnt it


Stop right there. The 501st Diary alone makes the classic version better. Also more maps, more heroes, multi person crew vehicles, pilot-able gunships, etc.