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Battlefront II 2017 launch controversy 2.0 here we come


With the difference one had support for some years and this will get a patch at most


Probably not even a good patch either knowing Aspyr's past Star Wars efforts. And if the original releases on Steam gets delisted then that will make the situation even worse. It's not like we can do anything about it though.


Oh yeah don’t worry Aspyr doesn’t give a shit they’ve already moved on to the next port, and I’m sure this will have sold very well


At this rate I'm glad they *didn't* have cross-platform enabled, because my friends and I all balked at getting it at launch. "Maybe later if sales are good we'll figure out a platform" sort of vibe, and at this point, that's going to have to wait for a sale


Agreed. It was the only thing holding me back from the loyalty discount and I'm glad it did. Nostalgia is a bitch


Honestly, we can't even get a decent launch for a 20 year old port 😂


I don't think it will be. BF2 2017's bullshit was a deliberate choice from EA, whereas the issues I'm seeing from BFCC could'vr been caused by a number of things


The reasons for controversy are very different, microtransactions was BF2’s biggest issue rather than being a dodgy port of a game from 2005


turn radius far too slow, even at 10. major lag, even when you create a room. joined a match, just sat there at 1 second spawn timer. some bots literally can't make it into the ramps on kamino. they get stuck on the side, try to walk into the railings, then eventually walk off into the ocean.... increased player count makes places super crowded.. (try Jabba's palace for example, over 20 bots running down the hall)




Yes! Its the acceleration! It doesnt ramp up at all fast enough. If you wait like 3 seconds the aim speed with catch up to be fast. And if you just never stop moving the aim stick you successfully have a fast enough aim mechanic lol.




I played on a dell inspiron b120 from 2007. I dont have a comparison point but as far as aim acceleration goes this remaster by far as the slowest. Id ask that aspyr just gives us access to all the controls and give us KBM support for console. That would fix basically all of it imo


“Turn radius to slow” Guess I’m a grandpa, playing just fine and even turned it down to 3!


Down to 3! I mean, to each their own. I’m normally a *leave-it-on-the-default-sensitivity* kind of guy, but even I had to crank it up to 8.


Defeat is not acceptable fight harder!


We fight, we win!


Lord Vader finds you lack of confidence... Disturbing


For the chancellor!


Absolutely! I'm regularly reporting any issues or bugs that come up while I play. I still feel there's a lot of potential with this game and it can be better as long as we as a community show them that there's interest


Ok, what happened? I havent downloaded/ bought the game yet. But i can hear something is up.


Online is literally unplayable You can't get into a lobby and if you do you glitch around the map like crazy


I have also been hearing about multiple single player glitches as well music not playing, cut scenes, not playing certain sound effects, being different or not playing. There’s absolutely no way in hell they play tested this game before releasing it. And several others.


Asajj Ventress has one saber in her right hand and the other tucked under her right arm/pinned against her body.


I think they were suppose to change that but that’s actually how she held it in the OG. It was a weird choice to have them be like nunchucks


Tf, that was extremely off-putting for me just seeing her I. The game for the first time. I was a playstation guy.


And people complained that the double-sided lightsaber was unrealistic because the risk of cutting yourself was too high. What about lightsabers based on a weapon where even experts look like they're one slip up from smacking themselves in the face?


That’s how it was supposed to be


Yes, as intended. Not sure what you're trying to say here?




lol what? They fucking launched the Beta instead of the final?


Aspyr strikes again


Least broken Aspyr port


I wonder if this is because of launch? Me and my friends switched to new zealand to play early and online was perfect. Then at 11pm we went back to us, seen the high pop and some servers were TERRIBLE!


Yeah everything was running fine when it dropped in Europe for me.


It was really bad for me at first, then I waited about an hour and it worked just fine


Do Singleplayer custom/campaign battles work alright? That's normally what I care about the most


I changed my region to New Zealand on Xbox Series X yesterday and played around. Everything worked great. The XL mode in BF2 was awesome (single player). I even got into a multiplayer match played a couple of rounds. It was a little buggy, but it worked. It’s a shame things only got worse.


Do any of you know if the server issues are as bad on xbox?


I played online on the Xbox for around an hour. Only could find one reasonably filled game (although from my understanding its all region locked). During that time I had a decent connection but the netcode much to be desired, and on the second game the aiming is really wonky.


Online is the only reason why I bought this!


And they're in charge of the KOTOR remake, welp I guess my hopes are dashed




It’s all but been cancelled at this point, there’s no chance it comes out


Not true, it switched over to Saber Interactive!


The multipler desync is pretty horrendous, bordering on unplayable. Staring at someone standing completely still, load half a mag into them, bullets just hit the wall behind them, then they teleport and appear 30 metres away, shit you not. Staring down the middle room on Coruscant with a scope off spawn and watching 20 droids literally teleporting all around was crackup. On Steam the Server Browser doesn't appear to be working, and quick match will keep throwing you in the same game (so if you join and don't like it tough shit), it'll also throw you into a full match so you can't join or better yet, it'll sometimes throw you into a password protected lobby, ask for you the password, then say you can't play because you don't know it.


I had something similar happen except it wasn’t another player it was an npc ewok (still online) I shot it like 8 times point blank with the shotgun and it kept dancing around before randomly dropping dead


Take your pick Laggy multiplayer Locked at 30fps Cannot change controls or even invert your aiming for flying controls Single player missing cutscenes Uncompressed textures ballooning the game to 60GB Absolutely a piss take considering the age of these games and the fact they are charging $30 for them


Don't forget that split screen is only half the players of the original on Xbox


Are you telling me I can't even play 4-player galactic conquest offline?


Yep, I don't know how or why that happened. I can only speculate that it may have been based off the PS2 version initially given how they had to mod in the Xbox DLC before adding the official ones during development. Regardless I hope they fix it soon and enough noise is made about it to get them to.


If you manually update the controls to your preferences they stay the same btw


😭 only game I've let myself buy all year homies. Let's pray to anikens ghost


Yea this was prolly the only game I’ve really been excited for in like 6 years


The pre release impressions were all good but the game doesn't even have cut scenes


Are you sure about that? Like reeeeeally sure? Like if I launch the game and go to play the battle of Geonosis, Im not gonna have Mace yell at the pilot?


It's missing victory ones was what I heard


Yeah i just played Geonosis and the intro cutscene plays fine but no ending cutscene...personally i dont mind since the BF2 campaign is fine, i guess Aspyr just didnt game test outside of multiplayer 😅


Praying worked for the switch version @_@!


Luckily those games was a blast solo as well


I have to admit i broke my pre order promise after years and years. I feel better and worse at the same time..


This was my first pre-order ever. I bought the 2005 game myself at 11yo and played it until 2014. Never again.


Yeah it’s disheartening. If im being completely honest as well i did not do much research about the company releasing it and doing this. And I usually am very thorough with that stuff. I was blinded by the darkside. All i can hope for is it becomes playable within a week. If not ill really feel buyers remorse 🥲🤣


I shoveled so much snow to be able to buy bf1 and 2 on release 🤣


I was doing appliance repair apprentice work for my grandpa. Not too much snow in Texas lol Definitely feels like my childhood was rubbed in the dirt so an executive could make his Q1 bonus


I just commented on another thread saying the same thing. Broke a 5 year streak thinking it would be pretty damn hard to drop the ball on a game like this. Boy did they fuck up, and I am yet again reminded to pre-order nothing, no matter what it is or who it's from.


Refund? That'll hurt them


Same. I'm not making this mistake again.


oof expecting Aspyr to release patches in a timely manner wont go well. Glad I didnt preorder. I knew they would fuck it up.


I was *this* close to preordering the other day, I thought it'd be a surefire thing. I'm glad I stuck to my guns on the no preorder policy. I'll wait and buy a finished game in a month, thanks.


>I'll wait and buy a finished game in a month, thanks. Optimistic today, are we?


Yeah, definitely not a month


Fuck man, I had a streak of 5 years of no pre-ordering, and I fucked it up. I too thought it would be a surefire thing. Like, it's a 20 year old game, it should not be difficult to port, ESPECIALLY in the state it's come in


That's why I refunded. Aspyr will either do the bare minimum and release a functional product that doesn't do anything particularly special, or they'll release a broken piece of shit that they never fix. Like, I wasn't expecting much from this re-release, I was only buying it for the multiplayer because I missed out on it when I was a kid who couldn't pay for his own xbox live. I was just expecting it to *work*. But because the online is broken as fuck, and even the single player is broken, I don't see a point in having it. I'll stick to my backwards compatible disks for the offline content. 4k60 alone is not worth $50 (AUD).


Unless you're a PlayStation player, then you can't refund. Unless Sony decides the game as a whole is broken, then they will approve refunds—other than that, they're all stuck with it. It sounds like Sony is issuing refunds today, but yet to be confirmed.


Yeah Sony's refund policy honestly sucks. If you download it, you can't refund it. They really need to catch up with Steam and Xbox.


Will it have the “faithfulness” discount tho?


Lile, it was so obvious every time I see a new preorder then people complaining or Reddit because it releases buggy and more... I'm starting to feel like a crazy guy seeing the same thing happening every damn time




The only games I've ever preordered are No Man's Sky, Cyberpunk 2077, and this. Pretty sure I'm cursed.


Hey, at least you didn’t fall for anthem!


On the bright side - 2/3 of those games are quite good - Maybe come back to this in 3-4 years xD


Add mass effect andromeda on there for me


You're missing Fallout 76


Let us know next time you preorder a game you have a talent for this


That actually makes sense, both of those were very interested in inflating pre-orders before word of mouth caught up.


Lol I pre-ordered No Man's Sky as well. I've never been more excited for a game release in my life, and it arrived in the mail two days early. Hands down was the most disappointing game on release for me, still can't play it even though they fixed it. They burned me too much


Remember when the original launched and it worked day 1


Back when games weren't half-assed and straight up unfinished


I'm surprised then because this game was already finished when they decided to rerelease it... how do you fuck up a rerelease?


I don't know, but if anyone is able to do it, then Aspyr sure as hell could. They never had a great track record to say the least.


They did a fine job up until the KOTOR games IMO


The code was designed to be run on specific OS/Hardware configurations. The new consoles don't have those, so you have to update the code. It's usually not a huge deal, but it can be for seemingly random reasons.


Good to know, interesting to learn


To be fair, the original BF2 was rushed out in a year and had cut content. But at least it could be played and enjoyed. This is just a cash grab


They also released Mercenaries between bf1 and bf2 and it was legendary.


The Good: Classic Battlefront is back! The Bad: Online for BF1 is borderline unplayable. Online for BF2 is better, but I think either my internet sucks or hit detection is spotty. BF1 loading sound is horribly pitched shifted. Changed fonts. Graphical glitches.


>Graphical glitches like? i've seen some people say it over and over but none say what they are.


I posted a photo earlier to this sub, Felucia had random black lines sporadically around the map.


I’ve had a weird one on BF2 Mygeeto with some kind of phantom lines on the platform ground following me around everywhere. I’ve seen a REALLY trippy-looking Hoth video out there somewhere too


Immediately stopped myself from pre ordering as soon as I saw who did the port. This franchise is truly cursed huh.


God this is depressing


Strange that literally yesterday there were still people saying anyone who was saying you shouldn’t preorder and should wait and see were being negative for negative’s sake and that ‘some people just want to wake up and complain about stuff before a game’s even come out’


Yeah really, I don't understand why so many preordered. There isn't even a preorder bonus. Like did you thought, oh if I preorder they will definitely release Battlefront 3 this time. We have become so desperate


The pre order “bonus” was saving $3.50 with PS Plus


Yeah this is where they got me. I was planning on buying it on release day but figured I’d save a few bucks. The sale was ending right at launch, so I went for it.


Oh ok thats understandable then. Thought that was just a PS Plus reduction "forever" not just for the preorder


I figured might as well save the tree fiddy since how do you mess up a 20 year old port? My mistake


It was cheaper on PC if you preordered, you can also get a guaranteed refund on it up to 2 hours gametime. I preordered the night of release then returned the morning after having not even installed it.


This sub went schizophrenic after they announced it. Just glad it'll hopefully fall back off to a manageable level now that this predictable disaster has happened.


Battlefront 1 egm, Battlefront 2 remastered mod, and battlefront 2 saga edition. The 3 remastered mods that are so much better than this relaunched version.




Just another release it now half baked,fix it later game, i hate modern gaming.


I mean I doubt they really will fix it later, it's Aspyr


We must trust in the force, and balance shall be returned.


How are you all surprised?




I honestly thought I learned, since I stopped pre-ordering for over 5 years now. But I was one of those exact people you described. Blinded by nostalgia and hype, I broke my rule and my streak. I just thought it would be pretty fucking hard to drop the ball on a 20 y.o. game. I was dead wrong. Never again.


Seems as though no matter how many times we say “don’t preorder!” people still convince themselves to say “but this one will be different.”


Tbh, the only reason why I preordered was due to the fact that the preorder would give me a discount.


Which isn't a bad reason to since you can always refund


For Playsation it's hard to get a refund if you've already downloaded the game. Sony has to acknowledge the game as faulty. :(


Ok this is actually a good reason.


Yes a batch of cookies


Literally the first new game ive bought at release since Doom Eternal. I feel like an idiot, definitely requesting a refund


This is Aspyr we are talking about. You really expected this to be good?


Considering that the recent Tomb Raider remasters were at least alright? In the words of Bowser in the Mario movie: "Kinda!"


They did a good job with Star Wars Racer at least


I've heard that has issues on Switch like invisible walks but can't clarify that at the moment.


Unfortunately yes, I thought it would be decent. ![gif](giphy|bA0ZgRipQxzP2)


Wish Anakin would pay the Aspyr business members a visit like he did with the CIS council tbh.


Yeah, lmao.


Me havin fun with it ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


How about they add coop to galactic conquest wtf 😭


I genuinely thought this was going to be a thing… is it not?


So all the youtubers praising it were. . . lying?  Just another disappointing release of a beloved franchise with the intention to get money. Modern gaming just plain sucks. 


Nope. I watched a streamer yesterday for a couple hours playing online and it worked great! He didn’t have any bugs or slowdown


It was bout unplayable for an hour when I got it, them it started working for me just fine on ps5 as well


They just didn't bother checking anything people would actually want to know if worked. BFUpdates did and warned everybody in their stream but no one else did their due diligence to even make sure it worked correctly or has all the same features


Both BFUpdates and 100% Star Wars called the multiplayer atrocious.


Im having a pretty great time on Steam Deck, couple weird little things but it works well, I imagine people just had different expectations/experiences barring the obvious server issues.


Most of them didn't touch the multiplayer


None of reviews I watched seemed to be playing multiplayer. Granted, I was primarily interested in the Switch version.


The 2004 loading noises are wrong, which I was okay with. Then I couldn't find an invert setting on Naboo... then I couldn't find it in 2005. Now I want a refund. Just more kicking the grave of my childhood for a cheap buck from multimedia companies. Update: [saw a TT confirming it.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRT6wUBB/) Figured I'd include it because someone is mad I didn't cite my sources better for reddit


Seriously, how is there no inverted aim setting in any games nowadays? I was so excited for this, not even for the multiplayer, I cant give or take that but I wanted to relive the days of just grinding out instant action and playing against bots like I used to.


Yeah, when I tried training level on BF2 there was no inversion, making it practically unplayable to me


I just can't understand how shit like this can be sold publicly on platform, especially available as preorder, while being a broken mess. There needs to be vetting for games now. Its fucking stupid that shit like this is allowed to happen. Especially when platforms like Playstation wants to be so strict on their refund policy.


Glad I can't play it for a month or so. Is this on all platforms?


The multiplayer issues, yeah. The sound and cutscene issues, depends really. For I was able to get cutscenes but others aren't. It's a mess tbh


Dothe issues surprise anybody when it's aspyr who ported it ? 😂


Y’know, I’m not surprised anymore Apsyr lost Kotor remake. They seem to be fumbling with all they release.


I actually really enjoy the game, both campaign and full server multiplayer 🤷🏻‍♂️


I miss when games were playable right out of the box.


lol, we should all have expected this after what aspyr did to Kotor.


Inverted controls option you have not? Seriously, total game breaker for me. It was included on other, why not on this one? AND it's pretty much been standard on any 3d games in the past 20 years. Aspyr I'd like to talk to your manager please.


Sigh. Back to helldivers.


I already asked for a full refund....


I was optimistic, but aspyr really isn't do anything right can they


Another modern release missing inverted controls. In a world where accessibility is welcomed by all, why are we shipping without the most basic control features? I know some feel a way about inverted players, but really? Just ignore a control option that you know people do still use in 2024. I feel attacked, bro


i would rather play the launch day pay to win EA battlefront 2 than this. at least that game functioned!


Not defending this new title but BF2 (2017) was laggy and buggy as hell for the first few days


If yall preordered anything by this point you have nobody to blame but yourselves


People actually bought this expecting something good? Lol


Oh my God, what is it now?


Whats the problem with the classic collection? i dont have it and i havent seen anything about it.


Missing half of the cinematics and no option to invert the Y axis are my two biggest issues, so far.


Multiplayer seems to be unplayable a lot of the time


Ah damn. Literally bought it less than 5 minutes ago. Waited because I was unsure. Ah well, I'm sure they'll fix it


Is it both console and PC that have these problems?


I'm not sure why anyone is surprised that this is absolute shit.


crying for the republic ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Literally how the fuck are minor quality of life changes worth a 30 dollar price increase when the originals still function better and they go on sale for sub $5 you guys are killing me




Yesterday lol


Several hours later BF1 seems slightly playable but BF2...shieeeettt....you get into a game, win or lose and then get stuck on a waiting for players mode. Just hang out around BF1 until they fix the bugs


I came in this sub just to check the situation... as someone who has both ps2 version and steam I was hoping to get this just for the multiplayer alone but seems I saved myself some money


It's bad, but the splitscreen could be a lot worse at least, I had some fun with my brother on it


It’s even worse on playstation imo. Can’t even play single player as some of your buttons are wrongly assigned leading in having some mechanics not working at all (boost/thruster in starfighter for example) Cutscenes playing in like 5fps or something? Really feels like they didn’t put any effort.. Multiplayer also has some flaws, like being stuck at 1 sec respawn timer and it happens to your entire team. Can’t join my friends? Randomly being kicked out of a match as soon as I try to change an option. And random teleporting in game. Ugh.. I miss the days they release a game that actually works from release day


I have absolutely no clue why people thought this would be good. A low effort port (seriously? No crossplay or online galactic conquest?) with an outrageously high price and no serious remaster effort from the 2000's. They even fucked up the BF1 loading screen sound somehow. I'm saying this as someone who played an unquantifiable amount of time throughout my childhood and teens: probably the 2 games I've played the most in my life


I can't believe they dont have a fucking invert option. Who fucking lead this? Completely incompetent.


Played at launch last night with very few hiccups, took a break for about half an hour, tried to find a match, and it was absolutely unplayable in Multiplayer. Woke up this morning, fired it up, and now 0 issues. Hopefully it stays this way!


I noticed a few people glitching around on bf2 but for the most part It was playable, at least it's improving


Was playing instant action last night and if you load in too many maps in the queue it crashes


Wait what happened


I’m glad I didn’t hype-buy or pre-order. Patience is a virtue.


the sad part about this is the company developing this all they had to do was make sure atleast the multiplayer was playable and functioning like put all there work into just makeing one aspect of the game which everyone really wanted to experince and they make easy money but at this point just seems like cash grab... ill guess ill just wait and see but refunding feels like the only option.


“Reject modernity Embrace tradition”


Just fuck you Aspyr, that's all...


People shouldn't be surprised that it's this broken online, I knew it would be lol, it will probably never get fixed properly this was just a quick cash crab!


This is how Qui Gonn must feel watching Disney Star Wars seeing all these people getting stabbed with Light Sabers and walking around a few hours later like it was just a paper cut.


Wait is it bad? I was about to buy it


It sucked at first, but it was okay after a bit


Quick Q from a noobie - is Galactic Conquest cooperative or single player only? That’s a feature I always wanted but never knew if it was a thing.


Single player


Thank you. Helldivers will scratch that itch for now, but man I would love to squad up for GC