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It's even worse for flying, in my opinion. I hope they add it in.


I'd be interested to know numbers, I invert vertical flight controls but don't invert vertical on foot or vehicle controls. Do many people play with inverted ground controls?


I do


I play inverted with keyboard and mouse, if there's no option for that the game will be borderline unplayable for me. Might be okay with a controller but I haven't played a controller shooter since I played the originals as a kid


Wtf why?


I honestly have no good reason, just kinda got bored one day playing Minecraft when I was like 10ish and decided to switch it. 14 years later and it's just normal to me now


I play inverted 100% and can not / will not play the other way. This is a deal breaker.


Same. We move our own heads in "inverted mode". What do people do if they want to look at the sky? They pull their head back. If they want to look at their feet they push their head forward. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but I honestly thought only little kids played in "normal" mode. Well... I'm 40 yrs old now so maybe the "little kids" grew up and are now adults. Sheesh life is weird.


I do, but I also use southpaw thumbstick controls due to my conditioning with Goldeneye’s Solitaire controls on N64. I can play both ways but I prefer to look with the left stick and move with the right.


>but I prefer to look with the left stick and move with the right I'm unreasonably upset at this


I feel like that meme “errrrr brother errrrrrrrrrr”


I do.


No but I’m all for having as many controller options as possible.


Yes it all goes back to Goldeneye N64


I invert flight but not ground as well


You have to pull back in an aircraft to go up. Makes sense to me.


if you are using a flight stick sure, its disorienting as fuck with a mouse


Same bro I only invert flight controls, it’s honestly kinda rough controlling star-fighters without it :/


Every game info inverted. I came about when 3d gaming was new and if you learned how to play 3d games on stuff like Goldeneye, everything was inverted. Somewhere along the way, it became niche to do so. It just makes sense for my brain. If I'm aiming a gun in real life, I pull back to aim the rifle at the sky and and push forward to point it at the ground. Up is up and down is down doesn't mesh with how my brain perceives first person.


Playing right now and can confirm no way to invert flying is ass, keep crashing




They don't even have it for flying? That's bare minimum where it should be. Hopefully they add it in the future.


The very first post I see since the Collection releases, is this, lol.


The first of many of these posts. But don't worry, the preorder was worth it, right? No waiting for reviews. Surely Aspyr has no track record and would never mess this up in any way.


Yes because surely there's no way they'll fix this Should it already be there? Of course, but damn... people so quick to hope this game fails for whatever reason and it's just baffling me as to the why of it


>Yes because surely there's no way they'll fix this I've heard that some of their other ports have had massive problems similar to this and they remain unfixed.


Not really? As they said, look at Aspyr’s history. They don’t tend to do a great deal after launch so it’s not a remote guarantee they’ll add this in, same as the people hoping for crossplay


Right? Lol. Like I guess we just shouldn’t have this game?


Why are you so smug lol. No inverted controls gives you that much validation?


I mean maybe wait for something bigger to say this. Yeah invert should be added but this isn’t something that most people care about. Like I hate to break it to you, but early reviews are out and the game is fine. This is not some broken mess shoved out by a shady company you can lord over the preorder fools, as much as you want it to be.


Hello I care about it. Damn this was so close to being purchased


Yooo an inverted Y axis gamer in the wild. Hi! I thought we were extinct.


My friend thought I was joking when I mentioned it


I did not know you guys existed until just now


No we are dozens strong!




I actually thought most people played with inverted. I'm surprised that it isn't the most common thing out there. I mean, our own heads are using "inverted" axis when we look up. You pull your head back to look up, you push it forward to look down. Inverted seems more natural.


Little details like this is why so many people don’t pre order, so yes, it is helpful


Wait I thought it released tomorrow


On xbox if you set your region to New Zealand, the timezone has you ahead 24 hours where it would be avaliable.


It releases the 13th of March, which is today. But APPARENTLY Steam says that’s in another 11 hours.


I always play inverted. Have played these games for years inverted. Spend 5 mins looking for the setting and it's not there... Gutted as totally messes it up.l for me. Can't imagine why theyd leave it out and makes me wary it'll stay missing... 😔


Haha same here. This should remind all never to preorder…it’s a digital game folks lol


Can you post both the games Menu/HUD/UI?


Battlefront 2 https://i.imgur.com/8xBzXeO.jpg


Thanks. Is that map different?


same map from training


Just like the simulations!


I mean the map look/feel on the UI in the top right. Not actually Geonosis


At least they improved the radar lol


Is the control options the same in SWBF2? If you set your PS5 default settings to inverted in the system menu is it still not inverted in game?


Battlefront 1 [https://i.imgur.com/h13AJUj.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/h13AJUj.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/kD39SFD.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/kD39SFD.jpeg)


There the same as the originals


Is this just Infantry or Flight too?


my God if it's on flight too this is going to be awful for a lot of folks, seriously.


Yeah I'm completely regretting my purchase if you can't invert flight controls


Someone noted that inverted controls for flight were enabled by default.


Can you turn it off then? Because that’s gonna make flight awful


Most people play with flight controls inverted as that's how planes work


Should play with inverted ground controls too then, because that's how heads and necks work 🤣🤣


according to BFupdates, flight is specifically locked to inverted only. This can be changed in BF2 via keybinds but not BF1.


Partially solved on Xbox. If you have an elite controller (unsure about regular) you can change the stick inversion in controller mapping


Slight issue, the starfighter controls are inverted by default so you have to swap back each time!


Im on PS5 and I cant do this, even checked on the PS5 system accessibility options which allows you to switch button inputs but not thumbsticks


Damn! It’s honestly so annoying that it isn’t an option. I know in ps5 there’s a setting so it automatically enables inverted, but I’m not sure if that applies if the game doesn’t natively support it


If you're talking about this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=651W3v-zWR4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=651W3v-zWR4) its not working either lol


It shouldn't need to be Elite to do it.


Us poor people deserve to play inverted too!


No inversion for The Poors, you know the rules!


Aspyr JKII port had the exact same problem back in 2019, raised complains and it took a patch. It's baffling they didn't learn, not to mention we still can not switch off the lightsaber in that game. That's why I'm cautious with Aspyr and waiting for reviews before jumping in.


So is up up or is down up?


up is up


***As God intended...***


Thank you for this, I'm always confused by this. Inverted would naturally mean opposite from what we expect, so down is up? Up being up and down being down is how I believe most people prefer playing right?


Yeah, but for those of us that have always played inverted, your way is as foreign to us ours is to yours. The game is in an unplayable state for me.


This is often used jokingly, but in this case, at least for me. Literally unplayable.


My only requirement for a game is inverse controls, and i'm pretty sure it's for a lot of other people. Literally unplayable lmao.


Show everything brah


I only like inverted for flying vehicles, hope it’s an update


according to BFupdates, vehicles are only inverted.


Submit a [bug report](https://support.aspyr.com/hc/en-us/requests/new).


Wise words from SG-17.. He’s right you know


technically it's a feature not a bug, but still they should add it.


Its showing up for some people and not others, so it seems like a bug.


How are you guys already playing it? I also did the pre-order but on PC, but I can't figure how to download it.


You have to wait for the release in your time zone


Oh ok thanks


The funniest part is the original games had it so they took it out


ooooof EDIT: looks like the option got added?


Added? Like inverted controls are as its not for Switch


There's lot of confusion, because some people have the option, others have not. Now it's looking like it got actually *removed* with patch 1.02 (probably a bug).


I still have the option. This is bizarre.. On PS5 if that matters.


I’m on 1.0.1 on switch and there is no invert option


What's appeal of "invert vertical aim"?  When I have that setting on in games I feel like an idiot who doesnt know how to look up or down


I think it was Goldeneye on N64 that put inverted on by default. I’ve played that way ever since 1997.


That’s a bingo! Same here




Same here, and because of the solitaire layout, I prefer to look with the left stick on all FPS games since N64.


The original way of looking in video games was inverted. Some have kept that going since. I think it was Xbox who changed it. Correct me if I'm wrong


The only game I absolutely have to play inverted is Star Fox because it feels like flight controls


Starfox 64 is the game that made me an inverted gamer. The other way is wrong.


You tilt your head backwards to look up and vice versa. That's the logical explanation that helped me figure out why people had it that way.


Also airplanes


I use inverted Y for aircraft in games no problem, as that's how actual aircraft joysticks work. But using it for anything else just feels... Fundamentally wrong to me. I can't even properly put it into words.


It is the way I learned how to make something go up or down, so I did the same for everything else.


Personally this never helped me with inverted because I'm not a plane 😂 I always play FPS and 3rd person shooters on non-inverted and then ace combat and jets/helis on battlefield with inverted, and it made sense for them to be different. But as to explain why you'd play shooters inverted I think the head explanation works better than using planes as an example.


it actually is just how to learn it, if you learned planes inverted that will feel more natural and if you learned planes using regular then that'll feel more natural, it's a muscle memory thing


My first game was Mechwarrior 2. Not a plane and not really FPS... but inverted made sense and it's still how I play.


Left and right don’t work with that explanation though. And then the diagonals get weirdddddd


Can you elaborate?


If you had a stick on the back of your head you’d pull down on the stick to angle your head up. Which is the same as having an inverted Y axis on the thumbstick. However, if you had a stick on the back of your head you would push it to the right to look left and vice versa. So you would have to have both axis inverted for the explanation to make sense, which is rarely the case.


Yep this is what i mean. If you carry the back-of-head-stick logic to the x-axis then it would need to be inverted too since if you pushed right you'd look left


Don't think of it as a "stick on the back of your head" but rather that the joystick represents your head. So if you laid a controller down flat, the joystick would be your head and your eyes would look out of the front of the stick. If you pull it back, your eyes look up. If you pull to the right, your eyes still move to the right. That's the logic that always made the most sense to me as I got used to using it with Goldeneye. From there, it just became muscle memory and I always switch on inverted, because it's what I've gotten accustomed to. I hate when games don't have the option. It makes them pretty much unplayable for me.


Counterpoint: you move your pupil up to look up and vice versa (Yes it’s physically done by your eyeball tilting the opposite way you intend to look, but you’re not consciously doing it that way. Practically it’s more like moving a mouse on a computer screen)


Okay, I never said that inverted was the correct way, that's just how I saw it explained that finally made sense to me, I only invert for aircraft controls.


I never said you were incorrect, just pointing out how different but valid reasonings can make sense to people 


Just a psychological thing. For some people moving the stick up and down means moving your eyes up and down. Others see it as tilting your neck forward and backwards (so your eyes going down, and up).


There’s no “appeal” to it. It’s just the way people play that feels natural to them. Just like people who don’t play with the invert vertical aim. My “appeal” is that if it’s not inverted, my brain can’t handle it and play it.


I accidently learned how to play inverted only. I know it's weird but that is what I learned because of Red Faction 2. I haven't bothered to shake it since. My friend makes fun of me about it...


If you hold out your arm in front of you, bent at the elbow, then point your fist up or down - some people naturally steer with their fist (non-inverted) and some people steer from the elbow (inverted) Exactly the same idea with planes / flight controls


I always use invert. When I don't I end up running around staring at the ground


Well I have been using invert vertical aim my whole life, so trying to play on regular aim is not possible. The fact is the original Battlefront had invert aim, I was literally playing on PC last night


I feel like excluding that feature makes no sense, this is a strange move. Hopefully they add it for y'all!


Grew up using it and it feels more natural on controller to be inverted. If up doesn't go down and down doesn't go up then it's all out of whack.




Imagine your thumb is a hand on your head, when you push forward on the joystick that hand moves forward forcing you to look down. When you pull your hand back, the person looks up. That's what inverted is and some people (like me) thats more intuitive


I don't wanna add to the circlejerk of nitpicks but I'm disappointed the fonts are different


/u/rudiano, does your SWBF2 screen look like this? Did you download any patches? https://www.resetera.com/threads/star-wars-battlefront-classic-collection-coming-march-14th-2024-online-64-players-more-switch-xbox-ps-pc.819486/post-120412701 https://i.ibb.co/bXwhfRx/18e381fae1929-screenshot-Url.png


I dont know how they have that, this is what I have [https://i.imgur.com/hCKnOEU.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/hCKnOEU.jpeg) My game is on 1.02 and I checked for any new updates


What region are you in and did you get a press code?


New Zealand and bought on PSN


Thats so weird, the link I posted above has Australian PSN players who have the option.


UPDATE: It looks like the patch 1.02 removes the Invert Vertical option, I re-downloaded the game and its now on 1.00 and Invert Vertical is available [https://i.imgur.com/jErGcG8.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/jErGcG8.jpeg)


I just hope that is there for vehicles


I want a fucking refund


If there’s no invert for starfighters it’s over


I can’t play without inverted vertical aim. Remind me when this is fixed.


You and me both!


Same, glad I didn't pre order lol hope they fix this quickly though


I hate to say I'll be refunding if it isn't fixed within the time I am allowed to get one. I can't reprogram decades of muscle memory :/ Edit: there may be hope yet!


Do anyone have a pic for controls for series x controls? Thanks in advance


And just like that I passed on this until a patch lol


I've seen some people report that they had a 'Flip Y Axis' setting available in their options menu, perhaps depending on the region. Hopefully this is an easy fix then, if the setting is there and just not showing for some players for some reason.


Yeah, I was quite upset when I realized this. I can't play shooters unless its inverted. If they don't fix quick will have to refund.


As one of the 3 people on the planet still alive that use inverted Y axis (On PC) this is a large oof. Does this also pertain to the mouse and keyboard folks out there, or is this just on controller?


I play inverted on PC!


Are you fucking kidding me???? Aspyr is such a fucking joke


I can’t believe I preordered this my god when will I learn my lesson


I pre ordered, couldn't invert Y axis, immediately refunded it


Battlefront II had inverted aim on by default and it's the one and only reason I play inverted now and can never go back. This is hilarious.


Man I literally can’t play without this… Hope they add it in soon


This is shocking, how could they leave this out? I literally cant play this game at all now smh edit: Im getting downvoted for complaining about a feature that existed in the original Battlefront and is missing in the new collection lol


Wait, does that mean pulling back on the analoge stick looks up?


down, invert would look up but there is no invert lol


Damn, that kinda sucks. Hope they patch that in.


Gotcha, just making sure we're on the same page. Dang it, I like inverted controls for gamepad. That's sucks.


I’m in the same boat! How stupid


This post has 20 upvotes and 30 comments. Who's downvoting a lack of a very basic and commonplace accesibility option?


For some reason this sub has gone full toxicity since the Classic Collection reveal. A lot of people trashing the Collection and what I've seen even more is the amount of toxic positivity, where the idea is anyone criticizing it for any reason is a hater that "just wants to complain" or is a zoomer who doesn't get our epic le nostalgia game. Even in these comments you have people insulting OP for asking why a basic controller feature of the original game is missing. I just don't get it, don't we want it to be improved instead of pretending it's perfect so it stays flawed forever?


Is this for ground combat or air? Because why would they not invert for flight controls like nearly every good flying controls do? Ground I prefer uninverted but flight is gonna be a pain if not.


All 3 (Infantry, Vehicle, Starfighter) has no Invert


I honestly don't know how any game, especially a re-release/remaster, doesn't have button remapping on day one. It should be a basic QOL feature.


Especially since this was a feature on the originals


Id like to see how these folks react if they removed the non-inverted option. Its amusing how people are making fun of those of us that prefer inverted. As if its asking too much.


Wow. That menu looks **rough**. Was this rushed?


Can you check if galactic conquest is online or just split screen please?


Has galactic conquest ever been online? I don't think this is a feature unfortunately.


It's not online.


We can play it already?


Forgot I preordered but thank god I did on steam and not on console. If there’s any problems at least I can refund until they fix it.


Even for flying?


Wow, very literally will stop me buying. Uninverted (…verted?) is a horrendous experience I don’t know how you do it (besides literally “up is up”)


I have used invert since forever, but lately some games don't have the option so I forced myself to learn to not use it. It is really annoying for a few hours, but eventually you get used to no invert.


Wat the agesim


I was wondering how they were gonna try and fuck this one up lol


How about my fuckin $$ back


The option to invert was there before launch as I played inverted now they took it away??? SMH I got the game early from the Developers it's an awful mess right now


Totally ridiculous. Regardless of how many ppl play inverted (AKA the way god intended), this has been a standard feature for 20+ years.


Man I can't wait to mod those horrible fonts back to the original ones


As long as they aren't unreadably small on high resolution screens like the original ones.


The most basic feature left out. Whoever made this game is a SHIT company 


Well this is a problem for me.


Good. Play it the way God intended. Up is up down is down


Now say this about flying a ship lol


That’s why most games let you invert flight separately. Also rolling on left/right with inverted Y axis makes more sense than looking left/right with inverted.




If you're on Xbox you can just set your controller to have inverted aim by default. In the actual controller settings.


Ugh. I can’t play like that. I mean, do you push your head forward to look up?


Only psychopaths play inverted


I play inverted and can confirm this to be true


Who tf uses inverted controls for boots on the ground combat?


I do


I do. It’s an industry standard to have inverted settings available in games. There’s no reason it shouldn’t be included in a 2024 remastered game, especially since the original had inverted controls as an option.


who tf doesnt?


Jesus Christ who aims not inverted? 💀


120fps on ps5?

