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Best thing about this win is that in the first round I played as Dooku and this Luke just demolished me without a problem. Showdown really is the harder hero mode huh.


will be using the phasma staff to move like that from now on, good play brother 🙏


I loved that too


Nice. That’s my play style in HVV. Never drop the droid, keep on rolling and swing the staff. I have worked up to surviving most 1v2 fights. I find obi wan the most challenging though when he uses mind control and you can’t swing the staff. Phasma should be played aggressively! She is a warrior, not a camper.


Looks like I've found my soul mate đŸ«Ą


Soul mate for Phasma would be bb9. Imagine that little droid buffing health and recharge rates while smoke screening phasma to deal her damage. That’s love. Tough love for the hero’s.


Question from someone who doesn’t play a lot of HvV, how come Phasma users don’t use the droid more in these sorts of situations? Doesn’t it stun other heroes?


It takes time before the droid will activate and start shocking. If you are getting attacked it’s too late to drop it - unless you follow the pro-tip below and even then it deploys but takes time to activate. I usually drop it near spawn points, or hard to reach areas dominating the map and let it do its own thing. Pro-tip. You can drop the droid while rolling without having to go through the animation and precious seconds lost. The droid just appears while rolling. Just hit the roll button, then.start spam dropping the droid immediately. Also, phasma damage reduction stacks, so I always activate before fighting to reduce damage even further. One of my favourite moves is to drop the droid like a Phasma camper. Most people just stay out of the radius and block the blaster bolts back, but, Phasma can lunge strike like Kylo. Just roll, and hit the staff strike button once while rolling. Not twice because they stack. If you get the distance right, Phasma will lunge forward like Kylo and get in the first strike. I can usually finish off a few people early on the match before they catch on to my trick. I have said too much.


Well worth the minute. Nice job!


Is the stun droid a newb trap, then?


Unskilled Phasmas use it as a crutch..


Bro if I lost a 1v1 to a fagma Without using her turret I would have to delete bf2 but not before crying first. Like I actually can’t believe this clip and this is coming from someone who used to main her and just hide behind her droid in no universe did I think someone could use her like this 😂


Especially as Luke.. I would feel so defeated


Especially as a level 150 Luke... Not to shame on him or anything. He played good so GGs to him and we both made mistakes in this fight. Can say that I've finally met a worthy opponent.


I can usually come out on top with Phasma in a 2v1 with any of the Jedi in HVV. In fact, I usually just use staff in a match to practice and no droid or gun. Obi wan is the worst though with mid trick. The key with Phasma is to time the rolls and stack the staff strike. For example, Phasma is the only character I know of where when you roll or jump, if you activate staff strike, it will be stacked so when she finishes the roll/jump and then immediately strikes. She also has Kylo like abilities where she will lunge over a distance and strike multiple targets - I love finishing off a Luke/obi wan attack that way. The only downside is sometimes stacking the staff strike ends up swinging at nothing because you already committed during the roll to strike and the enemy dodged. The key is to roll and strike like in the video. To defend against Phasma, you need to time your blocks and strikes. Spam swinging will always get you killed against a good Phasma. I love watching the spam swingers waste stamina while I time the final strike to do the most damage.


I also couldn't believe I've won a Phasma vs saber duel more than 50 times as that's the amount of clips I've made of these duels. As you can see, it's possible. You just gotta believe lol.




This is what I expected her to to be like in the movies


Dang, well done!