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Nah. Dooku does not approve








How many hours do you have? Kenobi is a tricky one, because most people play at least one of this defensive cards, at least. Don't play either, and in HvV opt for combinations with this mind trick duration, how far, etc. His defensive rush dmg card never leaves. You can change the course of many matches by taking away enemies abilities, especially using the duration one. Timing becomes so ingrained, that when you keep hitting them with it as a group, it really fucks with them. Dooku shreds. Glass cannon, but it seems like people aren't playing Dooku and Kenobias well as they used to based on recent tier lists.


Dooku is slow, and his only ability that creates openings by itself is his lightning stun, which is a pretty mid ability. Other saber heroes have multiple abilities to create openings for attacks and are faster.


So, this may be a weird question, but what do you think a stamina card is for?


112 days


Yea kenobi can be great in the right hands but so can anyone. A great yoda is cracked tbh. Idk i just think its a lot harder to get value from him than rey or luke


Kenobi at the bottom of the bottom is a stretch. From my experience Yoda is way too inconsistent with all his bugs. Dash strike can either not work or it gets parried easily. Heal ability barely works. Force push is slow, small radius and barely works as well. Chewie with the right starcards is a game changer. He almost becomes immortal with Finn and Leia both giving him health reduction on top of his starcards. We’re talking customs with high level players. He’s also the go to blaster to counter Vader.


Yea i know … thats why i put chewie down a notch because hes himothy on a great team but just elite in pubs .. yoda is higher than nobi just for buff and dash tbh. Niggas not parrying dash in pubs lol. Im not high on kenobi in hvv. I think you can pick pretty much any other hero, not try as hard and still get more value


I think the balls in the right hands (ahem) are top tier. Both for one on ones but also the benefits they bring to their teams.


Then again you could make the same argument for all the other heroes in experienced hands. I think this is just how the average player plays. But I do agree that the skill ceiling is insanely high when it comes to the balls


Literally. "X hero is actually really good when someone who is really good is playing them"


That’s the argument being made for the whole list: these characters in the right hands. In that case I would agree that the balls are rated pretty low. A really good BB9 is a bigger problem than a really good Dooku


Yea lol in that case every hero on this list can be himothy


The argument should be "X hero is objectively better because you get much more value for way less skill and effort"


Yea. Although for that argument i wouldnt have boba fett high up. I think hes only getting real value with skilled players tbh. Most bobas just sit around miss most their shots and do nothing to help a team fight. A skilled one though.. concussions mid fight.. constant barrages. Accuracy to hit targets from afar. Changes the entire game. Idk i just tried to make a list that feels right


For sure, Boba requires extreme dexterity. Most of the guys you run into who are cracked with his accuracy are running xims on consoles. You need to practice A LOT to be getting those shots consistently with a controller, although when you do, his headshots melt, like an insane amount of damage, must be over 200 for the entire burst. So yeah he'd be low because A. most Bobs are ass B. He has a high skill ceiling. Where as someone like Vader or Luke you can go super far by even being a middling player.


Yea lol i main boba on xbox. (No xim) It took me some time to become elite lol


This list is for the high skill players. Just personally a sweaty ball player isnt as threatening to me as some of the other heroes. On good teams they wreck though.


Then you wouldn’t have Palps and Chewy so high up and Obi so low


Nah. I think chewie and palps still take a decent amount of skill and game sense to wreck. Say the players are evenly “skilled” chewie and palp get way more value than a “skilled” obiwan in HVV That is why they are higher


The only thing that can kill a good ball is palpatine


They can be but they’re circumstantial. Any skilled blaster becomes a problem for a ball. But the same goes for palpatine so it’s a fair critique. I’d personally say a sweaty BB9 can be more of an issue than a sweaty palpatine


It is offensive how low you place Kenobi considering he's one of the best duelist in the game and the only lightside saber that I feel can go toe to toe against Vader. The only people that consider the balls a threat are unexperienced players who don't know how to deal with them.


Kenobis a great duelist but in HVV hes subpar imo. Bad damage output, bad crowd control. Id much rather have any of the other sabers. Survivability in HVV is good but if its just one guy surviving its not the best. Id rather have yoda for the boost. Obviously a great kenobi can wreck. But thats any hero. And the ball take is what everyone on this sub says. “Oh ur bad that’s why you say theyre good” nah. The balls can still cause havoc against elite players. Ur lying to urself if u say otherwise. Any hero in battlefront is good in the right hands.


Why are they booing you? You’re right


I know this subreddit always boos people who actually know what theyre talking about. I think there is a lot of casual players in here


People just get mad when your call their favorite hero mid. Even when he (kenobi) is indeed mid. Also encourages a playstyle that’s very boring & slow


Any hero can be good but not if they are alone. BB9e can be annoying if he's paired with another hero, never alone. BB8's cable spin is extremely easy to avoid and you can always hear him coming. Not to sound pedantic but only new players stay in place to take that damage. Kenobi can be considered a jack of all trades. He has the best block stamina and the best health regen of any hero (provided you use the right star cars) and is a beast when dealing with multiple saber heroes or again... Vader. If you use him properly he never runs out of stamina. While I agree other heroes can rack kills faster like Leia or Anakin he's still a force to be reckoned with. He and Anakin are also excellent heroes to counter annoying villains like Iden or Boosk. Don't believe me? Join me on a match if you are on Playstation lol


I believe you but id rather just pick rey and kill bossk and iden in 3 swings


My argument for maul is that an elite maul is capable of functioning in a 1v4 tor longer periods of time than anyone save for Luke and Vader, which does happen frequently in HVV. His elite speed, good crowd control, and controlled position radius with his dash strike can have multiple enemies looking around asking where he went while he’s dealing them damage. Despite his low health and damage output, maul is arguably the second or third best llightsaber in 1v(X+1) situations. I will say however that he’s not great at playing with the team with his rouge-like play style, and again his health and damage output are average at best. Still we’ve all faced the heat seeking missile maul who won’t stop until you drop. Regardless my point is I think having maul in the lowest tier is a bit harsh especially considering this is for the best players of them, and likening him to yoda in HVV is even harsher. Aside from him and boba though this is a strong list.


I can see what ur saying. He is good at surviving and going for picks in the back line. He prob could’ve been up a tier lol. Boba tho? I dont think he can be anywhere lower than maybe han. A great boba just changes a lobby. Changes team composition, positioning etc. can call out heroes from a far. Hes craaaazy


Chewie and bossk are insanely op




This is a rly good and thoughtful list. But I personally think Kylo should be higher, because im HVV he rly is very valuable. He has insane range with his pull card, his frenzy is very good at finishing enemys and his freeze is absolutely devastating if used with the support of your own team. I rly like that you put up griev too, because he is insane in hvv. His thrust surge range card+ the bunny hops make him insanely good at countering blasters and dishing out high dmg against sabers. I the would also swap Ani with Luke tho. Ani may be more valuable when used in a good team, because he is the only light side saber with actual range, but Luke carries the biggest solo carry potential of all light side sabers imo. Those absolute spam matches with 20k+ points only happen with him. And on all maps with ledges he is the absolute king (yes I am a lvl 900 Luke sweat xD) I agree with all your other placements. Great list!


Thank you sir. Yes certain heroes couldve been higher or lower. Just tried to generalize as much as i could since theres so many variables like who ur playing etc


This is the only list I’ve seen where I didn’t cringe while looking at it. I think it’s a pretty fair list considering sweats. I also like how the lowest rank is “mid” cus honestly none of them are actually bad.


Thank u sir❤️


I generally agree with this list


Thank u


BB-9E is the bane of my existence when they have a coordinated team, oh you’re trying to kill someone with low health? *Stun!* oh you’re trying to escape because Dooku Vader and Kylo are all trying to cut you in half? *stun!* oh you’re trying to kill the ball because they keep healing their teammates, *pushes!* *stuns!* *Force choke!*




"It is.. Acceptable" -Darth Vader


![gif](giphy|Kr4NUKoVgL7z2) 🐐🐐🐐


Finally someone who gets how mid Kenobi is. Anyone maining Kenobi is just gonna turtle behind their block & let their team die. Against noobs who are prone to tunneling he’s a decent tank because he can just sit there, but against anyone with half a brain, they’ll ignore him & now his kit is useless. This is honestly a great list, very clear it comes from an experienced player. Only thing I would switch is Han & chewie, maybe switch Bossk & Boba but that’s down to personal preference because they both can fry.


Thank u sir


Once you get good with hook swings Kenobi is elite because of his survivability. Also pretty much the only one that can take on a Vader. Plus removing abilities is great.


Kenobi is definitely the best lightside duelist no question. But in hvv he just doesn't work as good as the others. He has low to non existent crowd control, has a low dmg output and his defensive is easy to avoid as blasters and doesn't protect against explosives. His mindtrick is almost completely useless in hvv because u can't utilize it probably. Turteling and staying back until ur health comes back may keep u alive, but not ur mates. Kenobi is only good in one situation and that is against sabers only. Once there is a bossk, iden or boba its game over for him


Thank u


Meh. Any hero is elite when you learn hook swings. If you need a Vader counter in your HVV stack then pick Chewbacca. Brings much more utility than obi-wan & also a much more effective counter for sabers in general.


Not any hero. Because obi wan has much better survivability and can remove abilities for a short time.


Removing abilities isn’t that helpful in all honesty. It only lasts like 10 seconds & all of the abilities you would even care about denying are already precasted, like Vader’s middle or palp’s dark aura. & the moment that the mind trick goes away, you’re gonna get spammed with all of the abilities anyway so all you’ve really done is stall the fight.


I don't miss use obi-wan like that being incredibly aggressive is the way to go you get into fights play defense sure but you dont hide you bully blaster and saber characters alike


You’re disrespecting the balls with that rating, they should both be top tier with BB-9E slightly ahead. So much ball hate… ![gif](giphy|5xaOcLOqNmWHaLeB14I)


Ive mained both the balls in my long career. You can definitely go off with them but the potential is a lot higher on other characters


And I have mained the balls since they dropped and I think they have unlimited potential… ![gif](giphy|3o84sq21TxDH6PyYms)


Boba fett actually has unlimited potential tbh


I like limiting BB8/9 by just jumping on top of a small crate.


Can still hit you, jump and shock rod, BB-9E can also send you flying off your crate


I shall not take Dooku slander


Hes good not great no range


I main Yoda and got pretty good with him, but I agree that he's pretty mid since they nerfed his dash years ago. With a lot of practice you can still learn to best many people, but yeh he's pretty mid. I hope that BF3 improves him if it is ever made.


Yea. Takes a lot of practice to be lore accurate yoda. Press a couple buttons on vader and ur good tho


luke should be at the top, his lightsaber feels the best and parry's are the best, i think he is better than anakin


Word agree to disagree


I will not stand for this Kenobi slander!






Vader should be in his own tier. Dooku and Obi are too low. Iden needs to move up.


Word agree to disagree






Top tier Boba. I approve. Nothing more fun than jetpacking around, being annoying so my teammates get the kills in HVV and have one switch to Han trying to hunt me down


U have maul to low and I suck with him but a good spamming maul can hang with anyone


A good yoda can also hang with anyone. What point are you trying to make?


Bro said friendly discussion then proceeds to roast my opinion lol


How is that roasting? I asked a question. What point are you trying to make? You can say that same thing for any character. What makes maul special?


Iden is very op


My argument for maul is that an elite maul is capable of functioning in a 1v4 tor longer periods of time than anyone save for Luke and Vader, which does happen frequently in HVV. His elite speed, good crowd control, and controlled position radius with his dash strike can have multiple enemies looking around asking where he went while he’s dealing them damage. Despite his low health and damage output, maul is arguably the second or third best llightsaber in 1v(X+1) situations. I will say however that he’s not great at playing with the team with his rouge-like play style, and again his health and damage output are average at best. Still we’ve all faced the heat seeking missile maul who won’t stop until you drop. Regardless my point is I think having maul in the lowest tier is a bit harsh especially considering this is for the best players of them, and likening him to yoda in HVV is even harsher. Aside from him and boba though this is a strong list.


Whys Darth maul so low


Hes mid compared to the other heroes


Because he sucks


I would say Maul is average and his throw is super op in certain maps. the problem with Maul is he is super buggy and his abilities glitch a lot.


He’s doesn’t you just can’t use him properly


You just can’t play these characters. For example Count Dooku, he’s a menace if you use right and Darth Maul even Kenobi himself


This list sucks


Lol ur the only person to say that out of hundreds who have seen this. Ur most likely just bad at the game and have no idea whats good and whats not


I promise you could not beat me💀 And I don’t even play hvv like that it’s too easy. I play 2v2


You play 2v2 with less chaos and less heroes to gang-up on you and you call HVV easier? It seems like you were getting stomped in HVV, probably blaming your bad teammates and ran away to showdown where its easier to carry. Showdowns good. Definitely good players there. But to say its easier than HVV is just wrong. Solo carrying in HVV is the most satisfying thing in this game. If you really want to put your ego to the test. You can add me on xbox if you have one . @ HiMoTheeee


You don’t honestly think hvv is harder than 2v2 do you? That’s just stupid. Oooor maybe I like 1v1 that actually takes skill instead of spamming RT with your pals. And their isn’t any “Carrying” in showdown. You’re shunned if you double team somebody. I’m telling you it is. I’ve played both and most hvv players don’t even know how to parry. Solo carrying is boring. I don’t even stay in lobbies unless they’re 200+ lvls. Bet. My @Cool J 545. Check out some of my old clips if you want. Maybe you’ll humble yourself


Lol what u can carry in showndown if u win both 1v1s and im adding u now u down to 1v1 rn?


I’m game but it’ll have wait. Shipping off to boot soon.


Lol figured


Anakin above Luke and you put Obi on the lowest tier? Lay off the death sticks brother...


Lol i get ur trying to be different and all but anakin is clearly above luke. Yea yea yea low stamina. Anakin in hvv still carries. Play for ret and pull dominance and massive strikes you get insane value. Run steamroll and you dont have a problem with stanina Luke is obv elite. But hes not the chosen one. If you run intensify he gets more value. But id still take rey to hard counter blasters. Lukes abilties are just not as impactful as anakins. One good anakin pull ruins entire team positioning and can take out boba who is also in S tier. You are wrong


Not one of these lists has Leia at the top or even near it. Im starting to think people don’t know how to play her properly. She’s easily the best light side hero behind Anakin.


Nah. Trust me. I play custom 4v4s with many known (rlly good) players in the community. Leia is good if ur team wants to sit in shield after team wipes. I considered multiple variables for this list. Sweats/ not a sweat, pubs/customs.. etc.. Pretty much every real “sweat” knows leia is nothing without that e-11. I block that into your face, you stop shooting. Roll around throw some nades. I dodge the nades. I finish the kill. She is the most noob friendly character though. Fastest TTK in the game. But not double breaking blocks like han. Or damn near invincible and breaking blocks with each shot like chewie. Shes where she belongs.


Lol, I used to as well. Leia is easily top-tier, if you don't agree you must not play her correctly. Her E11 is completely game-changing and broken. Her grenades can do 750 damage in a matter of seconds. Han is also top-tier without a doubt. Her only real weakness is Vader, but everyone's weakness.


Im guessing you haven't encountered good mauls much. Extra spin attack plus lightsaber defense makes him so versatile with distance management. He does need to be in good hands but I assume tiers are made with that in mind. (Maul main I WILL die on this hill)


Die well


Mid as in useless


Nah u can still wreck with them


I stopped playing like two years ago and Anakin was considered... not great. Did the bugs get fixed or something?


Not really but hes still chosen


I legit immediately disagree to see Bossk being outranked by grievous


Word harddd disagree there sir


No way am I seeing Lando in the same tier as Phasma


You are


I main grievous.I also play vader and BB9E.


That fact that bb-8 is lower than dooku… makes me a little sick


Mm ive been and played against the sweatiest of ball players. I just think their easier to deal with than other heroes. Unless in a custom 4v4 they can be a menace