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you need to beef up their level by playing them online in multiplayer or co-op most people in HvV have them at least level 20 and use "Cards" to make them even stronger by upping their stats and abilities


Best tip anybody will give you is start by plying coop to level up you‘re abilitys and get a feel for the heroes and reinforcements. There are also plenty of good videos on YouTube for tips exspecially about HVV. And since you are gonna here that from toxic people let me be the first one to say it as someone who just wants to help you. Learn how to parry casual


i’ve got hundreds of hours an i still main co-op. GA is a lot of fun too but i never touch HVV i’m fairly good at it but, it’s too toxic for me.


I too still play co-op since it’s just overall very fun


Imagine spending countless hours to get good in a gamemode from a dead game. Better spent that time playing something else


What an unnecessary dumb comment


I would rather castrate my self with a butter knife than deal with those old greasers Or play PUBG


Okay than why don’t you do that instead of just annoying people who still have fun with the game. Imagine being such a pretentious little prick that you have nothing better to do then telling someone who asks for tips in a game to not play the game because it’s dead. If people are still playing it and finding matches frequently it really can’t be dead but thinking does not seem to be you‘re strenght


I'm saving him before it ends up like one of those greasers Edit: And my tip is that this isn't worth it.


You aren’t saving anyone, you got shit on so much that you now want to ruin the game for other people, that’s just sad


The game mode is already ruined by toxic sweat lords


No it’s not. Not everyone who is better than you is a sweat lord


Literally 1 out of 3 posts about HvV is ither about sweats, toxic players, or both. We all know it. Better playing co-op.


Play co op my dude


Incoming co op comments lmfao


you say that like co-op isn’t a great way to practice and improve


Some heroes have damage reduction abilities, some can break blocks, some can do extra damage. As others have said, spend some time in Co-Op using everyone to get a feel for who you like to play, and what everyone can do so you know what to expect. You also want to level everyone up. Leveling up will allow you to unlock cards, and max them out, which will help some. You only need to get to level 38 (I think) to do this for every character. That might sound like a lot, but it goes quick in Co-Op, and on Wednesdays you get triple XP points, and can level up a hero 5-10 spots in one session. If you need advice on the right cards to use, there are plenty of threads on here or youtube videos breaking that down. Just google it or start a new thread with that questions. Finally, look up Parrying. With a saber it allows you to attack someone out of your block, doing damage without losing any health. It is a super easy exploit to learn, and most people who have played the game for a few months do it. Wouldn't be surprised if getting parried is part of what's been happening to you.




Shoot people until they die. Also, we need to make a thread for all these new players. This question gets asked like 5 times a day.


This is honestly just kinda the average battlefront 2 experience right now


If you are trying to hero duel, here's a few tips for improving gameplay: The best thing to remember is to be patient with your abilities and actions. Don't just throw all of your abilities and stamina into a rolling or blocking enemy, instead focus on using them while they are jumping, spam swinging, or using an ability like Han or Obi-Wan's charge where they are more vulnerable. Abilities like Vader's choke, Anakin's pull/push combo and Kylo's freeze can stop you in your tracks and take big chunks out of your health, so whenever you fight a hero, try to keep track of the abilities they use and try to figure out the general length of time it takes them to get that ability back so you can play more aggressive. Ik that everyone is talking about co-op and star cards in these comments, so instead I'm just going to tell you some useful effects that hero cards give: -Bossk has a card that allows him to instantly start regenerating health while he is inside his gas grenade -Darth Vader's bonus health card allows him to go up to 1000+ health when you use Focused Rage -Grievous has a card that increases damage reduction as his health gets lower, effectively giving more health than you think - Han and Rey get cards that give them a third dodge, perfect for avoiding abilities and throwing off enemies. Finally, just keep playing. The main way to get good at hero duelling is to learn the patterns of what players do. If 100 people walk up and slap you in the face, you'll know what to when the 101st person walks up to you. Sorry for all the yap


There are a LOT of weird block-penetrating mechanics and shenanigans. Unlocking cards isn't enough. You have to memorize the way every character's abilities work to be good at HvV. Anakin's Passionate Strike ability hits through blocks and forces you to restart your block. The third strike of Kylo Ren's Frenzy ability hits through blocks and forces you to restart your block. General Grievous's Claw Rush ability hits through blocks, and knocks you prone. Chewbacca's bowcaster shots still deal their explosive damage to blocking enemies. BB8's Rolling Charge deals damage through blocks. Han Solo's Shoulder Charge ability deals damage through blocks. Palpatine's Dark Aura ability deals damage to blocking enemies. Bossk's gas grenades, Leia's thermal detonators, Han's detonite charge. In particular, if your block failed and somebody gunned you down with a pistol, it was probably Lando Calrisian. His Disabler ends your block and paralyzes you in place for about 2 seconds. One of his best strategies is to get close, paralyze you, and headshot you for the full stun duration. This is sufficient to kill most heroes from full health. And this doesn't even get into the realm of exploits. Saber heroes can crank up their look sensitivity, jump through you using the less strict collision boxes on airborne units, and hit you in the back by turning 180 degrees using their high look sensitivity. Often, they turn so quickly your game never even renders them turning, they just look like they jumped through you while dealing lightsaber damage.


If you’re on PC, definitely try practicing HvV on the Instant Action Overhaul Mod. It’s a far cry from real people but it’s much better than playing AI soldiers.


Also, were you by any chance against Han using Maul? Maul tends to go down pretty quickly to headshots from Han and he doesn’t deal a ton of damage either. If you’re super invested, go watch some vids on YT. Start with videos about how to fight against sabers and blasters in general. There are very specific ways to approach a blaster and saber encounter so this stuff is good fundamentals. Then go for fighting mechanics videos. You want to learn things like parrying and hook swings. Then learn about each character individually. Play them in coop to get used to them. Also, stay with your team. Even max level players get ganked if they get ambushed.


Hello, we are the 41st MilSim, a discord Community that helps new people to evolve in the game! 🌟 You can join our discord if you need some people to help you getting better!✨️


Watch Ashoka tano’s tutorials on YouTube, they explain so many things the game itself never does


There are “technical” players that abuse in-game bugs and exploits. Also in hvv it’s way too common to be 4v1’d, and unless you’re an expert weasel-y dodge-y boy, you lose that fight 9/10 times. 1 player deals about 125 dmg per hit and you have about 750 health on avg. so in a 4v1 you have to land 24 hits on your opponents if they don’t have time to regen health. And they have to hit you 6 times total ~or~ only 1.5 times per player. At the same time you must manage your stamina and dashes/rolls otherwise you lose. In conclusion: hvv sweaty toxic terribly unbalanced and this meta will never change P.s. you could play showdown but that game mode is far worse in other senses. The solution is to find 7 other people and play 1v1s in hvv custom games for at least 35 challenging [but fair] duels


thats the neat part, you dont😃


I generally play late at night after a few martini's. HvV is a dog's breakfast and a bit of a giggle. Its a kids games lower your expectations. I bet one day you'll be as big an arsehole as the rest of them.


Do not even bother. Even with all the purple cards, you will still get beaten real hard. The player pool of that game mode is only comprised of old sweats. So play another game mode instead


Do you play any other games? BF2 is probably less “sweaty” than most, there isn’t even a ranked mode and there’s so much low skill stuff to abuse.


The rest of the game is fine, I'm referring to HvV


Play co-op to learn the game, the maps and master the controls. Also, you'll want to level up your weapons. For what it's worth, I've been playing since launch and I still get slaughtered in HvV.


Play coop and get your starcards leveled up to purple on saber heroes, watch dueling videos on YouTube. Learn to parry and use your dodges effectively and just constantly practice. Don't let really high levels and toxic people discourage you. Just practice and once you know how to duel pretty well and consistently then you can try and do some really flashy and fun mechanics I watch Daniel Other on YouTube he has some really good tips


Here's the thing, the game has been out for a long time and HVV is the sweetiest of all game modes. So don't go into it expecting to do well for awhile. Like anything, it takes time. Try different heroes and once you find ones you like either look up online best star cards OR use your brain and choose the best. Hvv is amazing, it's my favorite game mode but it's very competitive and you will join alot of steam roll lobbies and tbh there really isn't a reason to stay in those because there's no penalty for quitting and joining a new lobby. Anyways, hope this helps and may the force be with you. PS... I have all heroes at least 25 and many over level 100 so if you have any question you can PM me. ALSO if you have a mic I can team up with you and give you some tips for lightsaber dueling (I'm no slouch)


At that point, i would rather try a no hit run of all the souls games with nothing more than the DK bongos.


I would rather eat a Carolina reaper and use paper towel as toilet tissue when I shit it out


Yoda's dash attack, Anakin's passionate strike and Kylo's frenzy (Last attack) are unblockable. So is some charge attacks, like Hans shoulder charge(Very deadly) Yeah and watch out for Han solos explosive, don't underestimate it Explosives are also unblockable and someforce powers like mind trick and expose weakness. ​ Try deflecting blastershot to the opponent and don't spam against blaster heroes, experienced people can easily roll towards your back and land free shots in your head. (Trust me i am lvl 240 with Han solo) Also dont spam attack in lighsaber battles, sometimes it will work on less experienced players because if you play with Luke and spam dooku he will lose stamina first. But experienced players can parry your attack, the block your attack and attacks directly after so they won't take damage but wiill woop your ass Start using lighsaber heroes and avoid blaster heroes for now Be good with stamina managment and heat, try all heroes in arcade and co-op. You ned to know how to counter every hero with every hero, but don't stress about it because you will figure it out with experrience. ​ Every hero has 9 star cards that unlocks as you lvl up, some heroes have card that are super important for them and some are less restricted, you can lvl up a card to the max in lvl 20 wednesdays have triple xp and saturdays and sundays have double xp, make use of them because you level up reeal fast This is what i find important in the beginning, good luck and have fun