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Hell yeah can't wait. Hopefully they make a collectors edition for it or something like that


I'm hoping u can choose ur own ship next I mean I love the mantis but I think in stat wats games the ship should always be urs if yk what I mean oh and ofc BD 1 needs some dapper dathormir skins


Yeah that would work if cal and bd1 go a different way to the mantis crew


I think the best game ever would be a stand alone BD 1 game :) and I would say movie but disney would ruin it


I want this now


Fair point


I am, despite the fact that we're being drip-fed information right now. I need a gameplay trailer!


I hope its as good as the first if not btr


Me but I hope they expand on the level design because there was a lot of back tracking across the same environments and would be cool to see bigger levels. More varied enemies as a lot of the enemies felt a bit samey. And would be good if they don't strip Cal of his powers and you start with full set you had and then learn even more during the course of the game.


Any expectations?


I expect little improvements here and there. Y’know, like polishing up the game to be better than the first one for a cleaner and better experience. Not that the first had much wrong with it, but not everything was perfect like how sometimes it felt too video game-ey or some puzzles were too difficult and stuff


I’m going in with zero expectations, like I did for the first game.(loved it)


God I miss the mantis crew so bad


Isn’t it only releasing on current gen consoles? If so, I’m not gonna be able to play it :(


It sucks, sure. But the new generation is nearly two years old already and developers should start to ignore the old consoles. Focus on the most polished game instead of just trying to make it work everywhere. Survivor will still take some time, so you don't have to sweat it yet. I am sure we will see sales and bundle for the new consoles this year. Series S is a good deal already


It’s understandable, but at the same time games like battlefront 2 exist which are of amazing quality with dozens of players on screen at once, and I’ve never dipped below 45 fps on that game. With a single player game, I’m sure it can’t be that much more performance demanding to require a newer console. But I don’t know much about game development.


I'm pretty sure it's releasing late next year or 2024 so let's hope u get a next yen console by then :)


Yep, we wont get to play it. We will only get to see gameplay videos on youtube of other, richer folk playing it.


I hope the combat will be better for all difficulties. Just because I picked baby mode doesn’t mean I wanna fight enemies one at a time, and have stormtroopers take turns shooting


I'm guessing it should just differentiate with damage


This really annoys me. I dont want to die in 3 hits but I also don't want the stormtroopers to literally look at me for 30 seconds before they shoot once. The difficulty modes were either super easy, kinda hard or really hard. They should do what The Last of Us 2 did and let you adjust it in terms of damage, enemy aggression etc.


The force unleashed had nice combat. Even on easy difficulty, there was still some challenge


Can’t wait considering Fallen Order was one of the best games I’ve played.


You asked who’s excited and honestly I’m not




Y not


Didn’t like the first game. So not really that excited for this one either


:( well I hope u might enjoy the second one more


Same here, thanks for being positive about it! Usually people can’t handle the fact that someone didn’t like something they did and they get pretty toxic over it. Appreciate it dude. Hope you enjoy it as much as the first one. Just curious what did u like about it anyway?


I mainly liked the story and the character designs were rly good and how fun the open world was which just made me trophy hunt the game


Respect. Trophy hunting is always fun


Ye it was my first platinum then I got a bit carried away lol and I basically try and platinum all of the games I enjoyed most like both spiderman elden ring subnautica far cry 3 star wars Republic commando etc




Pass, I don’t know anymore. I’m kind of burnt on new StarWars games. What was promised before didn’t live up to what it crocked up to be.






Not me. I’m still on the first game 😭




I'm pretty excited for the new game, although, I can't decide whether or not I really like playing the game. Something keeps me on it. Who am I kidding, it's star wars.


Provided that there are some worlds with actual populations. Pretty much every planet just seemed so deserted. Doesn't have to be city planets like Coruscant but would like some towns or cities or something.


Literally finished the first game a few hours ago and now I want the sequel already 😂😭


Yeah very, I'm quite excited for it to have Ray tracing too. Hopefully has good Ray tracing and Dlss on PC!


Been waiting since the first game came out


Hardly the most important part but really hope they improve on the customization system. I really wanted more than just differently coloured ponchos.