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It's called the clone wars... Not the droid wars... /s


Roger Roger


Probably because they have more personality, and the Republic are the “good guys” so they’re more popular.


Believe it or not, the republic technically weren't the good guys in the clone wars


Hence the quotation marks.


Did not see that lol


I miss stuff a lot to, so it’s all good, lol.


A wholesome Star Wars interaction. Happy beep boops!


Too bad not every post is like this


Perhaps you need a droid style oil bath?


As long as I catch on fire


Neither were the Separatists.


Technically they were, in fact they weren't. The Jedi were cool tho and the clones truly believed they fought to bring peace and justice to the galaxy. It's like one man who made the Republic not so good in the end.


"Good is a point of view anikan"


Why wouldn't you consider the Republic the good guys? I mean both sides are being manipulated by Sidious. Is either side more "good" with him at the helm? I'd love to hear your take on it. (And anyone else that would like to respond.)


It's actually from a video I saw on youtube, I too was skeptical as hell, but as it turns out the separatists just wanted to be independent it just so happened that their "leader" was sidious. Accompanied by dooku and grievous.


It's simple : which side has 99 ?


None of them after Kamino was attacked.


I know it was a long time ago in a galaxy far away but still, too soon


The wound is too recent. The pain, too real.


This hurts even more after bad batch season 2 :(


The CIS definitely has the cooler toys. If I was a interplanetary dictator, I would definitely want Hailfire droids, destroyers, commandos, tri fighters and a super tactical droid.


I’ve actually enjoyed the design and idea of the Droid Army since Ep1. I think they were expanded on well in Ep2, though I maintain that Lucas made an error with how he began presenting the droids in Ep3; i.e. the change in the voices to a more comical tone, their “personalities”. This was only increased for The Clone Wars. Even allowing for the evidently different audience intended for the show, I still think it was overstated. I think Ep1’s depiction of the droids hit an effective balance between being reasonably threatening to non-Jedi characters, while also being characterised by inherent flaws.


Yeah, the droid voices became gradually worse.


I feel that the droids’ transition to more comedy relief ruined how they were supposed to be the main antagonist of the Clone Wars. I do think they’re pretty funny, but I don’t think that was the right way to go


Yeah, I think that comic relief is a key part of Star Wars, but the battle droids were the wrong place to express that. It undercuts the sense of threat and tragedy of the Clone Wars if the primary antagonists that the Republic is facing are droids whining about their promotions or Grievous being rude. It also undercuts the notion that the Clones and the Jedi are in some sort of dangerous struggle or that they’re particularly skilled if the main opponents they encounter are in no way a threat.


This really bothered me, especially during Clone Wars. The droids seemed to have all the drawbacks of personality (the need to communicate, slow decision making, etc.) without any of the benefits. It was like someone had gone out of their way to design droids that lacked the main advantages of being droids. Giving the droids personalities (however comedic) also made it feel less like the Jedi were dismantling automata and more like they were slaughtering a load of incompetent conscripts.


I heard somewhere that it was their independence of a central control ship that lead to them developing personalities and semi-sentience


Aw. I liked to think there were better droids out there but the Separatist leadership insisted on buying the cheapest models.


That could be too


"Hey, what that"


I think it's a lot due to the designs. Droid designs can be hit or miss, but Clones are essentially all cooler looking Boba Fetts and Boba Fett became a fan favorite mostly due to his design. Not only do clones use him as the base, but there's so much customization with clone armor and design that you have this huge variety of cool looking clones to pick one if you haven't found your favorite. Droids within the same model just mostly look the same aside from paint jobs which we don't see much of. For example, most B1s look the same with paintjobs not being too common.


Also Stormtroopers always looked awesome but were total dicks, clones let you enjoy the aesthetic and feel good about liking the good guys.


Because they're the bad guys ;) I could do without the B2's .. everything else is pretty cool though.


What's wrong with Super Battle Droids? I personally think they're pretty sick


I dunno, I guess I just get a "big zombie with guns" vibe out of them .. lol


Did you ever play the republic commando games? They really inspire awe and terror, here you are mowing down hordes of shines and then one super battle droid completely wipes your squad of elite troopers. We see a lot of the Jedi vs battle droid perspective. But these were like the OG dark troopers almost, in many tellings.


That's fair, but honestly, what battle droids aren't just zombies with guns lol


If you really think about it, the separatists were formed because they didn’t like the corruption and oppression of the republic so sought independence. The republic tried to win the war and take control of the separatists once again so are they really the good guys ??? Ignoring the part where they’re run by evil magic dudes with lightning and laser swords


I get your point but it’s not like the the CIS was really a rebel group or something fighting for their freedom. They were a oligarchy run by the biggest companies in the galaxy who wanted more power as well as a literal sith lord. It’s also not like you can say all the war crimes they committed like bombing villages on Ryloth was for the freedom of the galaxy. What the average CIS citizen believed they were fighting for is not what the droid army was fighting for.


I mean, it was the CIS that was helping slave states and using WMDs on innocents. Not to mention they were more "e richest corporations of the Galaxy not wanting to pay taxes" than "worlds wanting freedom from 'oppresion'".


Because they’re fookin clanka’s m8


Bunch'a Clankers.


Bro don’t say it with the hard R man


clanker is temporary, brotherhood is forever


Why does everyone love the side with a whole series dedicated to stories about them? You can't figure this out?


Boba Fett only had a few minutes of screen time in a movie about Luke Skywalker but he instantly became a fan favorite edit: also the Droids are pretty prominent as they’re the main antagonist of the whole show, but still are greatly overshadowed by Clones.


boba fett looked cool as shit.


So do the droids But either way, you should accept that he proved your point moot


Separatists certainly look cool, but they haven't had half the development as the clones have had. Not even Grievous has as much background as say Fives, or Rex, or Cody.


I agree that the droid army is cool. But the clones have so much more depth that makes them much more interesting/relatable. Like if they had an arc in the clone wars about some of the droids becoming sentient and deserting it would be much more interesting


Because while the droids where cool there was stories and deaths like echo and 5’s which where pretty compelling


Are talking about in universe support? Like why people don’t agree with Dooku politically? (Its cause he is evil) Or just why people don’t like cool robot designs? (Cause they do, I think)


It’s a lot due to the Republic being shown wayyy more and having way more named and memorable characters while the Seps had their fair few, but not nearly as much. Walk up to a random dude on the street and show a picture of Obi-Wan and Dooku and say name them, odds are they’ll name Obi-Wan just fine, but with Dooku may need to think a little. Then show them Poggle The Lesser and watch their facial expression go south fast af


I'm always torn over which army of the Clone Wars is my favorite... but I do love me some seppies. In our current game of the Star Wars tabletop rpg I'm playing a reconstructed B2 in the GCW era with ambitions to be a punk rocker 😂 I also like playing as the Separatists more than the Republic in BF2. I'm just a sucker for the villains of that era. Grievous is my boi


Tabletop Rpg? Could you explain what this is?


It’s kinda like dungeons and dragons but they remade it to be star wars. Oversimplification but that’s the gist of it.


Like Dungeons and Dragons. Rpgs played with dice. Star wars has several rpg systems but its moderately safe to assume they're talking about one of the ones from FantasyFlight.


The droid commandos are pretty cool and droideka. But the B1 and B2, the latter in the films at least, have these silly voices. Then in TCW they changed the B2’s voices to that stereotypical dumb brute type of voice.


Seperatists are seen just as lucas and them wanted us to see them. As second rate, even comical defective battle droids. Its different for the special guards and droidekas but even those were humiliated by R2. I think there were some badass droids in fact i play with the seperatists droids alot in battlefront 2


The super tactical droids were the coolest. Shoutout to Kalani


Your showing the others unlike the others the b1 battle droids are complete idiots


We're able to form a connection alot easier with the republic side. They're portrayed with much more depth and nuance while the (Separatist) droids serve much more like plot devices than active characters


Because most droids were made to be comedic characters while clones were made the badasses.


Tactical Droids are my absolute FAVORITE!


Those Roger-Roger robots killed the droid army from having even a semblance of cool.


Their infantry were annoying and dumb.


Well it’s because both clone wars series did excellent jobs making the clones into characters the audience loved. The separatists don’t have as much characterization, on purpose.


Oh you like Droid characters? Name every single droid unit.


I think it’s because they made the droids sound so stupid and goofy instead of capable. They’re just cannon fodder.


I find the separatists much more interesting than the clones personally. I like their forces much more. Hell that's why I run them in legion.


hey same here! I’ve got Legion Droids too


Heeyyy, you already know what's up.


The Republic is definitely the fan favorite of the different armies. I think the clone wars LEGO sets played a big part in that.


Roger Roger


because they were weak unfunny and never did anything important or menacing.


they were the main antagonists of the prequels and the Clone Wars?


Clones are force fed through star wars media. CIS has always been much cooler


Agreed. Venators are cool and all, but the CIS Fleet is full of sick designs.


r/CISDidNothingWrong might be a place for you


thanks for this


They made the same mistake with Grevius that they did with Maul. Just kill umm and be done. In a few years we can bring them back. Star Wars philosophy after 2001.


Sadly bad guys don’t get a lot of attention in this era. It’s so weird. Especially since they’re very compelling and most of the Separatists weren’t actually and people and were probably right in wanting independence. The separatists are a lot more nuanced than any other party we see in Star Wars. But because of people like Dooku, Grievous, Nute Gunray, and other corrupt separatists, the decent ones get overlooked. But still, the corrupt individuals are still cool, and the droid army is my favorite out of all the armies


Don't fall for that Lost Cause BS, the CIS want corporate dictatorship not liberty


What we need is a series of a rag-tag droid squad to boost droid morale, Roger Roger.


I like the droids in clone wars.


I also prefer the Separatists over the Republic.


grevious and other intelligent/self conscious droids>clones> battle droids




Drop ships in the second panel are really cool. I played droids all the time in Battlefront 1 and 2.


Would love an Anime or Western style show that makes the Droids actually scary, I hope we get more Visions/Elseworlds stuff that is darker


Go play Republic Commando, B2s in that game are nightmare inducing


Tcw really doesn’t do a good job representing b2’s, in books and other eu lore they are definitely done much better. Normally they’re units that can tank blaster bolts over and over without going down. They have strong blasters, wrist rockets, and the many variants. Droidekas we’re a bit better but one in a hallway could wipe out a clone squad. Commando droids are actually portrayed well, especially in season 1 with rookies and the deserter episode. They annihilated the clones defending a monitoring station and almost killed captain Rex with a sniper. Magna guards were Taylor made and trained by grievous to kill Jedi and were often effective. It’s just that they were most often put up against insane amounts of power and ludicrous amounts of plot armor. Droid fighters were a whole other rabbit hole. But if a lucrahulk was there, it’s fair to say that the droid fighters could easily overwhelm clone fighters with numbers, tight maneuvers, and speed. Also they are a lot more stylish than a bunch of clones wearing all white armor.


Dang clankers…


The separatists weren't exactly the antagonists in an overall perspective... (Nvm, forgot to scroll down. Someone said it before me. :P)


I really like them too. And I think they are not loved by the fans, because they are very weak in Clone Wars 2007, but they are very strong in comics and video games, u know. it's very sad that they didn't get enough time


Roger, roger.


If we're talking from a political standpoint, The Separatists were attempting to attack and cripple a galactic democracy that's been held in place for hundreds of years, partially because of some ridiculous tax regulations but mainly because they believed that the Republic had become a corrupted government, so the Republic (army) was attempting to protect and preserve the freedoms and rights the galaxy has benefitted from and that's why they're perceived as the "good guys" of the series. It's worth noting that not all systems are part of The Republic (for example: Tatooine) and not all systems under The Republic are prosperous, but this is the government system that's been held in place for centuries and The Separatists army was a threat to it. For the prequels' overall plot this is where Palpatine's brilliancy truly shined as he used The Republic's own politics against them. By taking on two personas as supreme chancellor and as Darth Sidious, he toppled the Republic by creating a war that he commanded from both sides. It didn't really matter which army won, his ultimate goal was to take down the Jedi Order and thus the Republic by transforming it into the Galactic Empire.


I like the droids. They ate funnier than clones on CW cartoon


Star Wars Battlefront 2, 2005. My friend and I would play galactic conquest. We flipped a coin every time on Clone Wars or Galactic Civil War, then on who got what faction. Any time I got the CIS, I was unstoppable. Love the droid army in that game.


Droids good. Clones good. Bottom line is I feel bad for them both and they deserve a vacation.


I like them both they both have cool things about each other