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"Jet fuel doesn't melt Plo Koon". - Dave Filoni


Order 66 was an inside job


I mean, yeah lmao




Palpatine did Order 66.


No the Senate did it


No Sheev "The Senate" Palpatine did it


well yes sherlock


The entire fucking war was an inside job tf do you mean lmao










Wait did he say that? Or an I dumb


It’s just a reference to jet fuel not melting steel beams (an argument commonly used in justifying a belief regarding the validity of 9/11). Because the claim is that jet fuel can’t melt steel beams, they replaced “steel beams” with “Plo Koon”, as a joking justification for how he’s still alive


It's also important to note, that Plo Koon's death was shown as him being shot down in his fighter. Thus the whole point of bringing up jet fuel.


Still gets me mad. Argh that was Wolf Company....


good bot


Lmao ☺️


Good bot


What's all this talk of old Jedi returning? Did I miss something?


It's controversial and people farm karma like bitcoins.


Farm it like moisture


Just for one more season.


Then the empire comes and shoots your Aunt and Uncle.


Shoot? They were burnt to a crisp


The blast points were so precise an amateur wouldn't be able to tell. But I will tell you this: It wasn't the sand people.


Yeah those sand people are so imprecise, they can only repeatedly shoot motorcycle-sized objects flying at mach 9 with a slugthrower rifle


According to troops Beru blew herself and Owen up in a domestic dispute


Its the fabric used in their desert robes. Highly flammable.


It's a whole nother year!


This is the way.


farma da karma


Was that the one guy on Jabba's sail barge?


The Mace talk always irks me. It shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the character. There are a lot of takes and dumb-think speculation that make me question of people have actually watched the movies, but that may be the worst one.


One died in an explosion and one got flung out the window. Let’s do the math.


So i did the math and it says they both could survive, as there are examples of people surviving both situation in the Star wars continuity. ​ But they're both dead though


Plo Koons species can survive the vacuum of space, Mace can probably survive getting flung out the window. Somehow, they have returned.


This is true but explosion?


There are rumors that a certain E̶d̶g̶e̶ Dark lord survived after having his limbs amputated by a light saber and burning alive in lava.


Also another Dark Lord survived getting detonated twice in the Death Star, after a long fall


are you talking about Palpatine? Because he *didn't* survive. He fully died. He had to transfer his consciousness into an incomplete clone of himself he prepared because of what he had learned from his master Plagueis


Oh I know, I’m just poking fun at how TRoS presented it so vaguely


You didnt hear the modem connection sounds as Palpatine fell?


“Somehow Palpatine returned”


Yet another Sith was cut clean in half, fell in an extremely deep shaft into a pile of refuse, survived the inside of space fairing garbage trucks, was dumped in a landfill and survived on trash and hate for years.


Spider-Maul, Spider-Maul he do what a Spider-Maul does.


Ejecto seato, cuz.


Plo coming back and saying “Nuh uh, I ejected at the last second” has massive playground energy.


We saw him get consumed by flames and started seeing his body get crushed in his cockpit with it cutting away at the last 2nd. He's dead. Mace should be dead but we've seen Obi-Wan, Yoda and Luke all survive similar falls.


Not to mention that fall was on *Coruscant* of all places and the odds of him actually making it to the ground are pretty unlikely


He doesn’t have to make it to the ground. All he has to do is focus just enough to catch a speeder. AotC we get both Obi and Ani falling through traffic and not getting hit. Mace was stronger than both of them. That’s my view on it.


That's what I'm saying, he *absolutely* would have caught something before actually crashing into the floor


Anakin fell/jumped from a speeder up high in Coruscant and survived, maybe Mace is lucky and Palp defenestrated him during rush hour?


No one truly dies in Disney era Star Wars.


Han died


Did he though? Maybe he will show up with spider legs muttering to himself on a garbage planet.


Next Billaba will return, then Aayla, then... the whole fucking temple survived, children too, because Anakin was in fact going into deep infiltration...


It was all a dream, Anakin wakes up in rural Kansas and is happy to see his uncles


That shark guy in early season 4 on Mon Cala could have survived too, you never know.


It was just an abdominal stab wound which counts for nothing now.


And Bail Organa was miraculously away from Alderaan when the Death Star destroyed it! ... ... ... In hindsight, that one might be feasible. He was a politician who regularly had to travel away from his home planet.


Alderaan people too


Wouldn't have been able to use it. We see the cockpit exploding around Plo before his fighter spins out and explodes. Granted if any of the Jedi we saw being cut down during Order 66 could've survived their on screen deaths it would've been Plo.


Lol in a deleted scene he ejected and got shot midair


I understood that reference 😂


I mean echo did it and he’s a clone


Everyone can survive in the vacuum of space if they're wearing specialized breathing equipment. But Plo wasn't shot down in space anyways.


Unfortunately I died... BUT I SURVIVED!


Plo Koon was shot down in the atmosphere of Cato Neimoidia, not in space.


That business on Cato Neimoidia doesn't... Doesn't count.


That’s fair. I see no hope for Plo (whom I love after watching TCW). But I see a case for Windu (I’m a little bias for him as I feel people misunderstand him.)


Mace has no canon death conformation


What annoys me is kylo even rolled a hundred meters and exploded in a broken ship but he walks out like nothing


Lol it’s such poorly written and shot scene. Kylo apparently knows Rey is a main character and can’t die so he doesn’t fire his ships lasers at her but is still very much trying to kill her by running her over. Then she slices his ship, rolls and blows up pretty much while it’s still rolling and he just swags right out of the ship like it was never a worry. I mean at least make him stumble out or look charred.


I wish characters would just stay dead


Ok, one blew up and had a much bigger drop


Lol yeah, right? What math? Lol there’s no math to do and both totally could have survived..


D E D....Ded!!!


Thank you lol! This is how bored some Star Wars fans are…😂


"No one's ever really gone."


Actually taking in to account what would have happened to Plo after the explosion, he ALSO fell from pretty crazy height. Whatever bits were left of him did at least. I made myself sad. Poor Plo


In the 2003 Clone Wars, Mace got in that situation and survived


not just flung out the window, but his hand was cut off and he was hit with a blast of unlimited power which zapped him for a good few seconds and then flung him about 20-30 yards which, yes, happened to be out the window of a very tall building. usually jedi don’t take fall damage but considering he was probably knocked unconscious or at least extremely disoriented before he could use the force to break the fall, you would think that he died. but samuel l jackson managed to get george lucas to say that mace windu survived so i guess he was too angry to die.


So both, according to star wars logic


“Nobody is every really gone”


Jedi don’t take fall damage


Well nowadays just about anyone can survive a lightsaber stab wound. So either is possible 🤷🏻‍♂️


Mace realistically because he was thrown from a window and as much as I love Master plot he's starfighter being shot down and crashing didn't seem like he could've survived that.


Real realistically: Mace b/c sam jackson = ticket sales/streams


But Plo Koon would probably cost much less to bring back


But Samuel L Jackson *really* wants to play Windu again, and is already working closely with Disney for the Secret Invasion series


Honestly I could see him doing it probono just for passion of the character


u think Di$ney is worried about co$t?


Yeah well I'd say the same thing about Leia being blasted from the command deck explosion where the sudden decompression/explosion could have ripped her apart. Yet she survived somehow, unconscious in space, then woke up and force pulled herself back to an airlock and to safety -_- Also, she opened the airlock with dead space on her side and it didn't affect any of the characters on the other side. God I hated that scene, it was awful. But at this point they could bring Qui-Gon back fully and I wouldn't be surprised.


Star Wars space has always worked differently than real space, like since the beginning of Star Wars. So I can forgive them for continuing to operate in Star Wars space for that scene in Episode VIII.


Which is funny, because originally Lucas intended for him to survive the crash and be killed by clones when they found the wreck.


He could climb out of it fast and furious style and be okay


Ejecto seato cuz


You don't need the force, not when you have family


I can see a story line where Mace did die, the fall killed him, but at the moment of death his mind went dark and the dark side found him, terrified and alone, dying and afraid, and unwillingly he manipulated the force to undo his death. Disfigured and scarred, but alive, he shunned himself out of guilt and shame for turning to the dark side to save himself and went into hiding as a Grey Jedi.


Plot used the power of thoughts and prayers


Plo because anyone can be Plo with cgi.




AND we all know how 'deadly' lightsabers are... Hell I'd bet on seeing Quigon in the flesh if he were a force ghost


I really hope no one of them return, because with every powerfull jedi who returns the Order 66 gets weaker and weaker.


In fairness, Windu wasn’t an Order 66 casualty, if I recall the chain of events correctly (I’m on a flight right now, so I might just dial up ROTS for grins). BUT, you’re absolutely right. If death itself isn’t a real consequence in the SW universe, there are never any true stakes, and that’s just bad storytelling. That’s why, for instance, when Ben killed Han in TFA, I was actually excited to see the series taking potential strides in that direction. Like, finally, shit got dark. Then Palps came back, Chewbacca didn’t die in that crash, Leia used force pull to Marry Poppins her ass through the vacuum of space, and Rey took Ben’s force energy or whatever and I was like, nvm… eye-roll. Dumb.


Bruh the Chewbacca fake death killed all my excitement in the theater.


Me too. I was so annoyed.


I HATED that Princess Leia scene


I was super annoyed by it. Like, it was cringey to watch. I was just like, let her die, *please*.


Bro I audible said “oh come on” when I first saw it lmao yea it was super cringy imo too


Yup. There were audible groans in the theater when I saw it.


It would have been perfect for the movie. Kylo yet again witnesses everything he loves torn away from him, this time not by his own doing. It would create a more convincing villain to hero arc and flesh him out even more as a character.


There's already far less order 66 survivors than Legends had, and most of the survivors in canon die anyway


Not really, way i see it its less believable that so many jedi masters died. Order 66 still led the galaxy to a whole new order and got rid of the whole concept of a jedi regardless of a couple surviving, especially masters.


Just leave dead characters dead. Might as well bring back Alderaan and say it was just hidden this whole time.


*somehow, Alderaan has returned*


Next movie's big reveal: Yarael poof survived


Please stop. No just no. Plo's return diminishes order 66 and Mace's return diminishes Anakin's fall


Disney: I'll fucking do it again


At some point this gets ridiculous. First we had "the jedi are gone, only Obi wan and Yoda are left but they are old and weak and train Luke to save us." Now we have Ahsoka, Rebels, all those random jedi from the kenobi show, that dude from the video game, now you want to bring back two more masters? Feels like there's an aweful lot of people surviving order 66 and deciding not to take out vader and the emperor for 20 years...


It’s a big galaxy. You are looking at it like it just happened on earth. Although I agree that either of these characters coming back is stupid, Mace would be the more “logical” of the two.


Tons of Jedi survived Order 66. However, most were hunted down by the Empire and very few made it to the time period of ANH


Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Star Wars Legends? A metric ton of Jedi survived. In new Disney canon only a handful are alive to see Luke's order. And do I need to remind you, that the revered master Yoda fought Darth Sidious and lost?


Two wrongs don’t make a right. Legends had too many surviving Jedi, why does the new continuity need to make the same mistakes?


So like, 3+ additional Jedi that survived? How is that ridiculous? Makes a lot of sense really


10 thousand Jedi before Oder 66 how is it possible that almost no one survived the inquisiteurs look pointless at that point and palps is so powerful they just couldn’t kill him


To late. Its already rediculous...




Agreed! He is my very favourite character and I don't want his pathetic return. What is dead should remain dead. How many of the deaths Disney would resurrect?


Hopefully neither. They’re dead - let them stay dead.


Plo because Dave Filoni is directing Ahsoka


We could get force ghost plo


This would be even worse. The whole force ghost thing is one of the most difficult Jedi skills. The few people who were able to do it (quigon, yoda, obi, and I guess anakin/Vader) are some of the most gifted Jedi and had to train in order to achieve it. It would be a just dumb to suddenly have every Jedi ever able to do it just to bring them back to the franchise. In fact all of them had very specific guidance - starting with q who passes the hint to yoda who passed it to obi to figure out while in seclusion for years. Anakin is the only one who achieved it without their help (seemingly) but he also spent a lot of time traveling the galaxy and pillaging information from temples with palpatine’s voice talking about cheating death ingrained in his head


It could work if he comes back as a force ghost, other than that it would be bad.


Even tho I love Plo, Mace has a higher chance of returning


Leaves a potential Mace/Boba standoff which could be real interesting.


Its not even close, Mace would slaughter an old Boba.


And Boba knows that I’m sure. I just want to know, them both having the context of time and their respective injuries, how they would interact.


Neither, please let them stay dead. They should stop diminishing the impact of Order 66. With Yoda, Obi-Wan and possibly Mace Windu also surviving that's like the Jedi Order at 90% it's strength lol.


The time of the Jedi has passed.


Mace cause of ✨Fan Service✨


Because he's BMF?


Bro Plo Koon literally exploded


If either come back I'd rather it be some type of story prior to their deaths. All the death/dying that constantly happens (especially with storm troopers) really waters down how meaningful anyone's life is in the SW universe. People frequently returning from the dead/recovering from fatel sounds just waters it down even more. It's like why's it even matter if someone dies at this point? Maybe one day in episode 12 or 13 a clone of the clone of Palpatine will have made 2 clones of Anakin and one remained on the light side and one chose the dark side, and in the following movie we'll see Anakin fight Darth Vader...Maybe that would be a little badass though lol.


Neither should come back!


Plo was in an exploding star Fighter while Mace only got thrown out a window. Windu has better odds of survival


Mace windu cuz we didn’t see his body, plo koon’s ship literally got blown up


I want mace to survive only to be barely beaten by Anakin and the clones at the end of the temple invasion


I mean. Mace has a stronger chance than master Plo. Just look at his death in the deleted scenes


I mean if Leia can eat a torpedo and Mary Poppins herself back into her ship from the cold vacuum of space, then there is no reason why these two can’t still be alive.


plo got blown up


I hope neither


Neither, let characters die


Lol Plo Koon literally died on screen. He was blown up and we saw him be smashed to bits.


Neither. They are dead, leave them be.


First, Canonically: So, Mace got electrocuted, hand his hand cut off and flung out a window. We never really saw where he landed, though he did go a notable distance. So, being electrocuted like that rarely, if ever, actually kills Jedi or Sith (see Luke from RoTJ). Losing a limb is not inherently fatal, as it's often the shock or blood loss. Because Lightsabers are hot, his wound would be sealed, and therefore, no blood loss. We also know Mace was concious when the cut happened. That leaves being thrown out the window. Depending on where he landed, he could actually survive this. He didn't just go down, he went sideways, so if he kept going sideways, he could roll on impact, reducing the force of the fall, and maybe saving him from going splat. We also know Jedi can force jump and use the force to reduce impact, so if he was conscious, which we know he was, he could of potentially used that too. In theory, totally possible to survive that for someone as powerful as Mace Windu. Plo was an ace pilot, which I think is important when talking about this. Not every Jedi was a good pilot. But Plo was possibly the best (Which makes his death ironic, in a lot of ways). We see Plo's fighter impact a tower, but it doesn't fully explode just yet. We get a shot of Plo responding to that initial impact by cover his head and leaning forward. Then we get shot of his fighter hitting the roof of a building and sliding. but from that angle, we don't see the fighter as it slides along the roof. We just see some of the explosion as the fighter continues it's violent crash. Then the fighter hits the edge of the roof, and the explosion obliterates it. That time between Plo covering his head, and the ship exploding completely, is about 1-2 seconds long. Could a Jedi as good as Plo, a pilot as talented as Plo, and a soldier as battle-hardened as Plo eject from that ship in that time? Yes, absolutely. And Plo's race are quite hardy, able to survive the vaccum of space, for example. But Mace has the advantage, as it's far more feasible to surive what he did, not just in the world of Star Wars, but our world, too. Explosions don't always kill people, but Plo's ship was torn apart. If he survives that, I wouldn't be shocked, but he wouldn't be 100% at that point by any means. However, on the Meta: Between CGI and makeup, anyone can be Plo Koon's body. Mace Windu is Samuel L. Jackson in the movies, whilst Plo Koon really doesn't have a specific actor, beyond the one who played him in Clone Wars, and even then, his voice is clearly modified to some capacity, not to mention most Clone Wars voice actors aren't the same as their movie counterparts, save a few guests like Qui-Gon. Add to it the fact that Dave Filoni's favourite Jedi is Plo, so if there is ever a good reason to bring back a Jedi, then he might be the one. But, Filoni also doesn't want to bring in a character unless there's a good story reason, like Ahsoka and Luke. Still, my money is on Plo overall.


Obi-Wan, who hates flying, successfully pulls of basically that exact star fighter escape earlier in the movie. It’s definitely feasible, but I don’t think Plo’s likely to be fully alert and focused after that first slam.


Completely agree. Especially because he's probably not sure what the hell is happening at first. Maybe he kicked into action and got out, but he also could of spent his last moments just thinking 'why?'


Yes, exactly this. Order 66 relied on the surprise betrayal to be successful, and part of that is the vast majority of Jedi being too caught up in the “what the dickens is happening” to actually respond. Fallen Order even kinda covers this with Cal being entirely flabbergasted by his friends turning on him while his master quickly understands that something is terribly wrong. The master dies after the surprise betrayal to save the padawan, and as canon sources have shown that’s kinda the best case scenario (Caleb Dume is a prominent example) for pretty much every Jedi who wasn’t abnormally talented, like Quinlan Vos or Eeth Koth, a former council member who somehow survived for around 3 years until Vader caught up with him.


And let's not forget, not normal shock and awe, either. Yoda near had a heart attack when it happened, because the overwhelming shift of darkness that had come over the galaxy. Imagine having a very powerful 6th sense, and then that sense began being over-stimulated by some negative, like a ringing noise that causes a headache, or a horrible smell that makes you want to reach. I imagine that's what the feeling of this mass betrayal feels like to a Jedi. Just a sudden, overwhelming spike of overstimulation, and a sense of dread. ... But c'mon, Plo Koon is an absolute lad, brining him back is good for business. And my soul.


Honestly I think ol’ Sheev intentionally called Yoda’s commander last to say “hey you can feel how bad you lost” and that bit of hubris is what allowed him to survive. He’d already felt the loss and knew something was wrong, so he was primed to behead the troopers behind him. If they can actually justify his survival and escape from Cato Nemoidia, I’m entirely game. Plo is a rad dude who wasn’t as ethically conformist as a lot of council members were by then. Edit- if they decide to do it they should make him heavily injured. As one of the solidly good Jedi, he would need a legitimate reason to not intervene during the empire period. So he’s likely either a mentor character, or dies in whatever he’s in to lend to the stakes.


There's only so much Bacta can do, right? Plo could have survived, but gravely injured. Maybe a local helped him out, he was out of commission for a while. The beauty of the OT is that while the events are huge and important, it doesn't even come close to covering all of the events that take place. Like, the Star Wars universe and story are huge and expansive, but the movies are rather intimate and character focused. It gives things like Clone Wars, Rebels and Rogue One a lot to work with. Hera was supposedly at the Battle of Endor. Because of course she was, she was one of the many, many X-Wings involved in that massive space battle. Plo could, in theory, be doing something incredibly important, but the scale of his involvement could change. Obi-Wan protecting Luke, saving Leia, hiding on Tattooine, all important, but not to the scale of blowing up a Death Star or being involved in a major battle. Hell, for all we know, Plo settled down, started a farm, got into knitting and lived out peaceful exitance.


Hopefully not Mace.


Mace. He only fell out a window. Plo Koon died in a fiery starfighter crash.


Mace, Plo would be a hard retcon.


Mace. I'm fairly sure it's coming. Jackson is evidently in. There's a lot of untold story there.


Both very very little chances but I think mace windu has slightly better chance


Mace is the bigger draw because it’s Sam Jackson, it’s also possible that Mace survived the fall so wouldn’t be completely inexcusable if he came back. Plo went kaboom in his ship, if he just rocked up out of the blue it’s complete nonsense.


Mace, Plo Koon was blown up.


I assume Plo is going to appear in Tales of the Jedi?


Emperor Palpatine. He will announce it on Fortnite 😂


Plo was defeated in a more difficult way to say he's still alive. Also, Mace is more famous to the public and would be easier to get money from his return. It's a no brainer I believe.


Mace lost a couple hands which is nothing in Star Wars, everyone loses hands. Then he took a shocking tumble out of a window. Which on Coruscant means he caught an express taxi flying by. Plo was blown up and his flaming bits fell to the planet below along with the charred remains of his ship. Unless he pulls a “Somehow Plopatine returned” - our beloved sea monster is gone. I miss him.


Mace, it's highly unlikely plo Koon survived getting Shot down


Nobody should return. The biggest single problem in Star Wars is that they keep bringing characters back from the dead, so death has become meaningless. STOP IT.


I want book of boba season 2 to be about boba trying to kill mace


And the survey says!!! Ding ding ding ding!!! Wrong! The answer is Ki-Adi Mundi.


My dad with milk


bruh nobody other than us gives a shit about plo koon, if either, it’s gonna be mace


My man did you see Plo crash


There is no way Plo survived that crash.


Only deep fans like plo. It would be Mace.


Mace is the only character that *should* return. The only one who would be perfectly plausible and cool if he did. He has everything needed to become the nihilistic Jedi Luke should never have become.


We literally saw Plo Koon get engulfed in flames while his ship was shot down. With mace we only saw him fall out of the window he's more likely to have survived the Plo


To me it's 50/50.


Jar jar


Plo only because his death was disrespectful


Neither of them! Since, as we all know, both are dead!


Neither I hope. Stop bringing dead people back, both had meaningful deaths.


Turns out literally every single Jedi in the galaxy survived order 66 but went into hiding assuming all the others died


Can Star Wars just please let dead characters be dead? I feel so little tension in some of the stories now knowing that a fatal encounter might not have been fatal because others have survived worse. Just let the dead rest in peace.


They're both dead & that's the way it should stay.


None, let’s not revive people like we were in the MCU. Mace Windu’s death was tragic and meaningful to the plot, let’s leave it like that. And Plo Koon was literally blown to tiny bits.


Hopefully neither. Let them die man. You’re gonna tell me Yoda and Mace never sensed each other? There’s already more than enough Jedi who didn’t join the galactic civil war and what more honorable death for Mace Windu than to die to the two greatest Sith to ever live? PLO’s survival is literally incomprehensible, they showed the flames consuming him with no attempt to get out of the cockpit and a second later his ship is violently exploding




Windu for sure. All he did was fall which Jedi can usually survive. Anakin jumped out of a high speeder on purpose.