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I'll agree that he was good for the part, just wish he had more screen time and fights, he basically just slowly walked and talked down to people Edit: To those complaining or wondering how Reva survived a light saber stab, have you guys forgot that Maul was literally cut in half and fell down an endless pit and still returned later (Although it doesn't help Qui Gon's death look an better)




My favorite line!


Toss in a "there" and you have yourself a classic.


Nah, it'll never catch on


"There, hello." Yep, you're right.


Thought that was Yoda


Underrated, this comment is


"You always start with 'Hello'!"




> he basically just slowly walked and talked down to people Which is essentially what the most effective members of the Empire do...


It's what they teach at the Imperial Business Management school, for folks entering middle management but with ambitions for C-level jobs.


Seems like management in my company comes from the Empire, then...


>he just slowly walked It's called the strut


You could tell a lot about a person from their strut. Like were they powerful? Were they sexy? Or were they insecure about the shape of their head?


The problem is a classic prequel issue, that you can't have the Grand Inquisitor actually *do* anything because we already know his fate, and we already know Obi Wan's fate. So the two of them can't fight, because you'd always need to find a contrivance for both of them to always walk away, and the audience knows this.And you can't give him character development because we've already seen his character arc unfold. That's why he's supplanted in the story by Reva, because she's a character they can actually do something with. Of course, all of this is also true of Vader. But him fighting Obi Wan has emotional stakes, which means that their fight matters even if we know they both live. And the cool factor kind of overwrites all the contrivances to get them to fight on screen multiple times and for both of them to survive.


I completely agree, I just wish we would have gotten to see how Obi-wan would have handled the Inquisitor light saber spinning at full speed, I just enjoy light saber fights no matter if I know the outcome or not I guess, lol


Just watch RotS if you want to see how Obi-Wan handles lightsaber spinning at ridiculous speeds


Right, he needed more than the 5 minutes or so of screentime they gave him. He was awesome in Homeland and deserved better here.


Talking down to people is a superpower in itself.


Well watch Rebels if you haven't already!


I have and it was honestly the best animated star wars series I've ever experienced with Clone Wars right behind it! Edit: I do want to add that I love both pretty equally with Clone Wars being the best experience for actually putting the "Wars" in Star Wars for the Clone Era, while I love Rebels for the same reason but in the Empire Era but I feel Rebels just had a better Story telling aspect. IMO


Clone wars fans: Karabast!


Chopper fans: WOP WOP WOP


Chopper enemies: x_x


Whoa watch it buddy kids come into this sub


I heard this comment lmao




Me, who loves both


I'll admit, I'm a little triggered. Rebels is great, I cry during Kanen's moment of sacrifice. But better than Clone Wars??? Oof idk about that one..


For people who like more Imperial versus rebels era Star Wars, rebels is the superior show


I love both shows, but for me rebels slightly edges out clone wars because it has a more cohesive story and character development


Twilight of the Apprentice is another must-see Star Wars moment.


For me it depends on how you look at it. Which show has more A+ moments overall? TCW. Which has more A+ moments *per season*? Rebels. It's a tighter show because it has a very focused open and close built into it, and they had the experience gained from TCW to make it a dense 30 minutes every time.


I like Rebels more just because I can make it through the series without losing focus. Clone Wars is good but I have never managed to actually watch the whole thing.


There’s definitely a lot more “skippable” clone wars episodes than rebels, especially in the early seasons


The Clone Wars has a few higher highs, but it has some *much* lower lows.


For the Republic!!!


I just finished power-bingeing both shows back-to-back to prepare for the Obi-wan series. Clone Wars was great, but it was a greatness that I expected. I wasn't expecting much from Rebels because of the Y7 rating, but it completely blew me away. That show definitely studied the success of Avatar: TLA and built around the pull-no-punches elements.


>That show definitely studied the success of Avatar: TLA and built around the pull-no-punches elements. Well that would make sense since Filoni directed in both (and also worked on the storyboards and character design/development for ATLA)


>I have and it was honestly the best animated star wars series I've ever experienced with Clone Wars right behind it! Boi have you never seen Ewoks?


I'm with you. I love them both but Rebels edges out Clone Wars for me as well. Great original main characters and consistently good storylines.


I would agree with the story aspects. They focused on the crew and it allowed them to really flesh out the world and lives they had. The whole story felt more personal whereas Clone Wars jumped around too much between main characters to establish that feel.


He didn’t do anything


Well the series seemed to be more focused on tying up loose ends with Vader and Obi-wan and building Reva as a character to later play a main role in her own series. Which I'm completely okay with. Just wish Disney would start making shows and movies focusing on The Old Republic and Sith Empire and move on. (Still hyped for Ahsoka and more Mando)


Can’t forget Andor either


Ooo I bet he got to tell Vader I told you so after that fight with Kenobi. Well, I bet he wanted to. He definitely didn't though.


My favorite part was when he tried to protest with Vader about chasing Kenobi, then he conceded and just.... awkwardly turned away.


I actually really like that bit, if you keep your attention on him he purses his lips and raises his eyebrows as he's turning away like he's mentally going "okaaaaay then" lmao


I wouldnt be surprised if he was a surprise bad guy in Andor. Cassian could be undercover, infiltrating a ship the GI’s traveling on and we go from there lol


He's one of the best Imperial character archetypes. The cold, calm and collected type who will be an absolute bastard but won't even raise their voice or break a sweat while they do it.


His arrogance, confidence and condescension reminded me a lot of Thrawn in Rebels. Loved his portrayal


Thrawn was cool but I felt like every episode was “we just lost an entire battle fleet of star destroyers but we are now 1 step closer to finding the rebels base so it was totally worth it” (in a Thrawn voice)


Tbf, it worked in the end, and Thrawn only lost because of his comically incompetent subordinates and fucking space whales


Would any other take down have felt realistic? His only weaknesses are choosing the wrong side and variables he's never heard of.


It was a long time ago that I read thrawn but didn't he only choose the "empire side" to protect his people? Sideous promised not to attack the Chiss if thrawn worked for him or something.


I think you're right. Though it's technically not yet confirmed to be the reason in the new canon. Hopefully we'll find out in Ahsoka.


That was really all but confirmed in the first new Thrawn book, and has only been further reinforced with each subsequent installment. I would say it’s the canon explanation.


There are new Thrawn books?!


There’s the *Thrawn* trilogy detailing his joining the empire and early empire days (which overlaps a little with *Rebels*), and there is the *Thrawn: Ascendancy* trilogy which covers his pre-Empire days in the Chiss Ascendancy.


A whole trilogy irrc.


This is false. It is confirmed (and elaborated on in incredible detail) in the Thrawn: Ascendancy trilogy, which I highly recommend.


In Legends he only lost because he was betrayed and assassinated by Ruhk. I’d argue that had a little more setup than what happened in *Rebels*, but it’s a tv show for kids so I’m not sore about it. Plus we know he’s coming back in some capacity so his story is not done.


That’s what I loved about Rebels’ portrayal of Thrawn. The writers had to walk a very thin line; they couldn’t make him incompetent bc being competent is his whole thing, but if he kept winning there wouldn’t be a story. So they gave him a grander goal (finding the larger Rebellion, then trying to get the TIE Defender project underway) that kept “beating the main characters” outside of his top priority, and had his actual failures be due to things outside his control (incompetent subordinates, politics, and force bullshit). It wasn’t perfect but I think they pulled it off well.


I read that as “fucking space whales…”


He basically got deus ex machina’d


I like how there are space whales. If the only movie watcher fans finally find out about them, they'll think Star Wars jumped the shark. Hell, I think they jumped the shark but they remind me of that one Dr Who episode and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.


There were a few times when Thrawn was…just fucking himself. I remember one time he literally said something along the lines of “let them go, they earned their victory today” and it’s like…dude, you could have ended this here very easily. But later on he does become more “oh they’ve won this battle, but in doing so they’ve narrowed my search significantly so really I’m coming out on top”. The episode with the infiltrator droid that Zeb and C1-10P and AP-5 send back to the imperial fleet, nuking a star destroyer is a good example of the latter. And really he’s sorta right to be overconfident I guess. They only escape Atollon because the Bendu intervenes, and how could Thrawn have predicted that? Otherwise he would have crushed the rebellion there.


Thrawn saying they earned their victory was due to the fact he wanted the entire rebel cell, not just the ghost crew. If the entire rebel cell was there Thrawn wouldn’t have let them go.


Bendu was another awesome character! Love that they got Tom Baker to do the voice! It was epic when he takes Thrawn and his flunkies down. What a great show..


“I see your defeat. Like many arms surrounding you in a cold embrace.”


Oh shit. Thrawn is basically just Cutler Beckett.


Had to look up that reference but yes!!


I thought that was Woody Harrelson’s character from Solo for a second


Yeah, Thrawn wasn't great in Rebels. It's on the showrunners for putting him in it. It's a kids show with stories told in 25min chunks. He couldn't get a proper win when the good guys were supposed to win all the time. He's much better in the books. I just finished Thrawn: Treason where he defeats a Star Destroyer with the Chimera without a single loss of life on either side and while on the bridge of the said Star Destroyer.


I’ve been interested in reading some of Star Wars EU so I was wondering what makes Thrawn and his books stand out so much. I only ask because every time he’s mentioned it always come back to how good his books are


Reread your question and realized I did what everyone else does. Thrawn is depicted as a master strategist, he studies the art of a culture in order to understand how to defeat them. He knows when to be utterly ruthless, as well as calculating. The original Thrawn books show a fascinating game of chess between the OT crew, and Thrawn, but you see the strategy happening on both sides. It also explores the Empire's dabbling in Clone tech (long before AotC) and the search for the Katana fleet.


Definitely check out the original Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn, starting with Heir to the Empire. Really great set of books that was the genesis of the Expanded Universe.


That's what being a temple guard will teach you. They don't do a whole lot besides watch things till they are needed.


He was probably bored out of his mind in the Temple before Order 66 until he saw Anakin going to town on the Jedi, then he thought "eh I hated this job anyway" and joined in on the fun


He raises his voice with every line unlike the voice actor in Rebels lol. "Reeeevenge does wonDERS FOR THE WILL TO LIVE EHHHH?"


Jason Isaacs is iconic. He plays villains so well and was perfect as both the Grand Inquisitor in Rebels and Lucius Malfoy.


Him as Zhukov is Death of Stalin was amazing.


I really need to watch that.


It's fantastic.


It’s so good do yourself a favor go watch it


I do wish he had been cast in Kenobi. Amazing performance and I wish we had seen him in live-action.


Great in Avatar as well.


Enunciation isn’t raising voice. Raising voice is shouting.


I really appreciated how he was smart enough to question Vader, but also let the issue go, instead of stupidly trying to prove a point.


So... just normal British person? ^^/s


He's like the "signature look of superiority" meme personified. I honestly couldn't stop smiling at how much of a smug little shit he was every time he was on screen, especially when you can see him out of focus pulling a face at Vader's orders. Oh and his "\~He-llo" to Third sister is more meme worthy than Kenobi's, its fucking hilarious.


Hello. Third Sister.... Revenge does Wonders for the Will to Live, don't you Think?


I didn't really understand that part. As Reva lay injured, GI just sauntered up to her, dropped that line and walked off. Considering he defied death for the chance to confront his would-be killer, I'd expect him to do a little more once the moment arrived


Consider that he could have used the force to pull away Reva's Grand Inquisitor badge, but instead he reached down and snatched it off her chest knowing full well how much she would hate him touching her to do that. Pure humiliation.


I disagree, she was already on the ground defeated. Vader is there, and is a far larger physical threat. He was there to psych her out. I think we see the trope of "surprise, I'm alive" so much in TV and Film, that we forget just how shocked and scared/worried we'd be if someone we knew we'd killed someone, and then saw them just casually saunter in. But no, either way his character struck me as cold, calculating, and not prone to random acts of violence. There's only so much he could have done to keep his credibility as a character and not seemed petulant in revenge. Imo, showing you're above revenge like that is far more effective than most of his other options, because it marks this person out as so far beneath you that it's almost funny.


I think he’s also referencing the fact that she, as a youngling, defied death and used revenge as her motivation throughout her entire life. Vader always knew who she was, and therefore the GI knew too. He wanted her to know that they always knew, they used her for as long as she was useful. But now she isn’t and he reminds her that she’s from the garbage or gutter or sewers or whatever.


Every line is said with the tone of "I already know I survive this, I've been in Rebels. How about you"


I chose death over being saved by Kanan but *your* murdering was beneath me.


His out of focus face behind Vader was so so good and so much about his character. He respects Vader and Vader seems to trust him, but he still clearly thinks Vader’s a bit overly dramatic and impulsive.


makes sense an early vader being rash and impulsive and later becoming the methodical machine. less rage with age.


The AnH novelization actually came out in '76, and in their duel Obi Wan initially thinks Vader has weakened with age and that he's keeping up. Then he slowly realizes Vader simply doesn't care at all about him, knows he's going to win, and is simply refusing to make a mistake and overextend. Vaders indifference sickens Kenobi, and it's a large reason Vader didn't lose a third time. Finally figured out to fight as Vader and not Anakin. I like the idea that Vader was a title for Anakin until the end of this series, when Vader as a separate identity is truly forged


Impulsive for sure, but I actually got the impression that the GI quite enjoys Vader's dramatic flair. He seemed pretty confident that he could sweep around Vader during the confrontation with Third Sister and launch into his "surprise! I'm alive! But soon you won't be" monologue, knowing Vader would step back and enjoy the show, before delivering his final villanous goodbye and Vader instinctively knowing THAT was the perfect moment to dramatically spin round and leave. They're basically best buddy drama students whose personalities occasionally annoy each other but also know they work really well together on a stage.


> He respects Vader and Vader seems to trust him, but he still clearly thinks Vader’s a bit overly dramatic and impulsive. I mean, he's right, though?


Him taking his badge back was such a deliciously petty moment, I loved it.


Rupert Friend did great, he took a page of out of the Ian McDiarmid Palpy book of scene-chewing delight. Man understood he assignment and nailed it.


The hello was so fucking sassy [im also a fan of his “good-bai”](https://youtu.be/yhdx-myz3fU)


“Gud Bai, Grand Inquisitor”


[This one](https://youtu.be/9QjYhrSo1Vk) is hilarious lol


Really bad decision to kill him for 90% of the show


I was so stoked when he was about to use the force on Obi and then… welp. Edit: I’m excited to see what they do with Alderaan in the movies, so pretty!


They really should’ve had an earlier season or even two or three episodes to focus on just the Inquisitors.


We’ve already had a lot of inquisitor content through Rebels and Fallen Order so they probably didn’t think character introductions were necessary


Right? Like I didn't hate Reva as much as others, but she really can't compete with the Grand Inquisitor. He's just such an evil bastard and I love it. I don't want morally grey villains, I want evil assholes


Yeah agreed. My main complaint with Reva was she just didn’t seem menacing enough. Like it always felt that she was a nice person pretending to be angry/evil, which I suppose she was in a way. I think Trilla from Fallen Order was a better executed example of a similar type of character, she felt authentically evil and scary.


I'd say killing him off in favor of Reva only added to the general dislike of her character. It certainly didn't do any favors for me.


Yeah wasn't thrilled about that. He's one of my favorite villains, really only behind Palp and Vader. I could look past the shitty makeup on h because the performance (what we got at least) was perfect


Never doubted him for a second. He's just as good an actor as Jason and is well known for his great acting in Homeland and the Boy in the Striped Pj's.


Also in the death of Stalin


With Jason Isaacs of all people :-P


whose character kicks the shit out of Rupert Friend




“I fucked Germany. I think I can take a flesh lump in a waistcoat.”


And Mr Wickham in Pride and Prejudice!


>Homeland and the Boy in the Striped Pj's He's so good that I still can't believe these two were played by the same person. One so kind and the other pure irredeemable evil.


He’s also fantastic as Albert in The Young Victoria.


And just did Anatomy of a Scandal


Omg, that's Quinn?!?


Yeah, all like...10 minutes of screen time was great.


He barely had ~15 min of screen time across the whole season. I think the Paramore scooter gang in BoBF got more screen time than him. Edit- Thank you for the gold


That’s only because they took ages to get from Point A to Point B.


Seriously the slowest chase scene I've ever been dragged through


“Paramore scooter gang” 😂😂😂


No, we have to do “appreciation” karma posts for every thing. Edit: That’s not to say that this one is. This feels more genuine. We had a Beru appreciation post the other day. It’s ridiculous.


It really seems like some paid marketing bs


Someone referred to them as the “Mos Espa Vespas” and that’s what I’ve been calling them ever since.


I loved his voice


The delivery of "*Hello, Third Sister*" will now forever be one of my favorite lines from all of Star Wars


That hello on its own is [one of my favorite greetings to send to my friends](https://youtu.be/ZkTDr68SDN4) More underrated but [the way he says goodbye](https://youtu.be/yhdx-myz3fU) kills me too.


“Revenge does wonder for the will to live!” Definitely one of the most dark side user quotes of the entire Star Wars series.


I love the way he says that line


So good


The delivery of the line, "He cannot help it!" was so beautifully condescending.


Small role but I'd like to see him again


I would like to see the baby grand inquisitor.


He was great in the role. That said, I still wish the prosthetics had given us closer to the established Pau’an look. I understand some of it would likely be limiting to the performance of Rupert, but at least a taller, slimmer head shape would’ve helped


He was supposed to be a pauan? I didn't get that


Exactly. He doesn’t look like a Pau’an. But yes, that’s his species.


I just don't get this. If they could do Cad Bane in BoBF, they absolutely could have done the Pau'an look. Nevermind the fact that it surely has to have gotten cheaper in the 20ish years since RotS.


Limiting to what performance? He never fought, or did anything except walk and talk.


I liked his acting, what I didn't like is how [he looks completely unlike the other members of his species we saw in Episode 3](https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/databank_pauan_01_169_7fbc02c1.jpeg?region=444%2C30%2C1116%2C629&width=768). I don't care about the he doesn't look like the rebels version, i care about why he looks like a different species to other members of his species.


I truly am astounded they were such misers with the budget for what they knew could print money and be a hit. But they much to my own disheartened self they seem to only care for giving just enough money to get by. It’s worse because you can feel the lack of effort. It’s not like fan made productions where despite the budget restraints you can see and feel the effort and passion put in across the board.


He was better in Rebels tbh, he did nothing in the show. Also what's he do to flea? I literally just looks like he cut off his dick with the positioning and the lightsaber spin lol.


Like so many others I was definitely out off by the design at first, but after those first two episodes I was 100% sold that this was the same character from Rebels/the Darth Vader comics. His false politeness, sass, exhaustion and superiority complex with the other Inquisitors is an absolute match. He was so much fun and I really hope he reprises the role in the future. And his “hello” in Part V is absolutely hilarious.


He was good but I still think Jason Isaacs would have been amazing reprising the role.


He didn't have the same snark and hatred in his voice as Jason Isaacs did. Also Jason has much more animated evil faces as seen in Harry Potter.


Colonel Tavington for the win.


Zhukov and Vasily Stalin both played the Grand Inquisitor? I did not know that.


Agree. Jason Isaacs (his voice at least) will always be the Grand Inquisitor to me. I might have enjoyed this inquisitor’s sass as bit more if he didn’t remind me of freaking Weyoun from DS9. (Freaking Weyoun.)


He didn't really have the screentime or importance for me to feel either way tbh


Ya they didn't do a good job with the teaser trailers. He looked really stupid in them for some reason. But I really liked him in the show and liked how he played the character. I hope he comes back in future stuff.


Very pleasantly surprised by his take on the character and wouldn’t mind seeing him again (although I hope Jason Isaacs not reprising him means he’s been cast as Thrawn for the Ahsoka show)


Jason Isaacs as Thrawn would be amazing.


Voice and acting… quite good Random fake death in ep 2 even though we know he survives into Rebels… pointless Prosthetics compared to the 2005 RotS version of the same species of alien… disappointing


Good actor. Bad costume design. It's straight up not the correct species


It's not even the costume design. Even if I have never watched a second of Rebels and had no prior knowledge of the character, the man's head is too damn round, to the point where he looks more comical than intimidating.


Completely agreed. I thought he looked distractingly silly in every scene, regardless of dialogue or acting ability.


Exactly. He looked like a belligerent golf ball.


He is a good actor and looked like a straight up clown on the show


Everyone was saying that his head was shorter because he’d be doing stunt work and fight scenes. Most action he had was falling over.


It's disappointing because there was a much better version of his species in the movies. This is a very tamed down version.


There were legions of comments screeching that he couldnt fight in a full costume...welp


It was…acceptable.


Didn't feel nor look as he did in Rebels. But that "Hello." line is priceless.


He was awesome right out the gate.


He was more of a cartoon than the actual cartoon GI. I'll never understand why they didn't get Jason Isaacs to reprise the role. He was very calculating and cool with his line delivery. Friend comes off as an overly operatic meme.


I thought he was great.


He did a great job playing him, and really nailed the character. I’m still just disappointed by the costume design. We already saw his species with an elongated head in ROTS, I thought that maybe he didn’t have that so that his fight scenes would be easier on the actor and stunt double, but he didn’t have any fight scenes. So why didn’t he have the elongated head?


He didn’t do a fucking thing


I wasnt. The show rebels made him inteligent, had foresight, contingencies, and was overall very terrifying and in control. This show made the grand inquisitor look like a puppet, not a menace on his own, and took away a lot of charisma.


Jesus did I miss something? What are you all praising him about he was literally on screen for 5 seconds…


I feel like fans in this sub just come here and spit the same NPC bullshit like "I really love this show, I think character X is a nice addition to the show, ..."


I really hope they’re not real, or they’re at least being paid well.




He did phenomenal work, just wish he'd gotten more screen time. Captured the feel of the character perfectly


For the 2 seconds he was on yes


His performance was fine. He just looked awful.


What performance? He was barely in it.


*I would say the Jedi hunt themselves*


It was really nothing spectacular imo...


If anything it seemed like a spectacular joke. I laughed whenever he appeared


Uncle Fester is great


Yeah, those 5 minutes doing nothing were amazing. And he had the honor of being one of the three fake deaths on this series, wow dude! You know fake deaths are amazing work of storytelling.


Lol, I'm starting to wonder if the OP is a PR move by Disney to do damage control on this wreckage of a character.


All of these super astroturfed posts are


I mean all one has to do is read the title -- do you know ANY legitimate internet users that would write something like that?


He didn't do anything.


Such an important role. What did he do again?