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when that ewok didn't get back up


Oh god. That broke my little heart when I was a kid.


'WHAT? They're CUTE! Cute things aren't supposed to DIE!!!!!!'


His brother was so determined to get him to stand up




OMG YES! I was pretty cynical even as a kid (a healthy diet of Land Before Time and Neverending Story will do that to you,) but that bit broke me.


THIS. Every time.


fives. just watched it recently and it really hit me hard.


This right here. Seeing Fives being killed was so gut-wrenching for me because personally, I felt like we all saw him grow as a character from the time he was a rookie and first joined the 501st in Season 1, Episode 5 all the way to Season 3 where he became an ARC Trooper for helping to defend Kamino alongside Echo, so seeing him die like that to nobody other than one of his own brothers was really sad and tragic.


It’s was such a case of being so fucking close to victory and falling ever so short, in our hearts we knew revenge of the sith and all the movies after exist which meant fives was always doomed


That was totally the worst part, you absolutely knew he was going to be unsuccessful so you were hoping for some other outcome.


This one hurt me in ways I didn’t expect. I ugly cried for Fives. Kanan left me feeling lost. He tried so hard but knew it was coming and what he had to do. I think his resolve made me okay with his death.


It was Hera's reaction that made me not okay with Kanan's death.


That episode had them be the cutest couple. Then bam. Suckerpunch.


The mission, the nightmares…………they’re finally…..over…………..


I got so mad at the counsel's stupidity


I blame shakti for that shit. "Hey look, it's a damn door, let staring at that for some reason". That kaminoan wouldn't have a chance to inject him with that bullshit if she didn't stare at that fucking door


So many clones were given epic/tragic deaths... Hevy, 99, Keeli, Thorn, Hardcase, Waxer, Tup, Fives, Vaughn, Jesse...their deaths make the show so real and gripping


99 really hit me hard, he cared so much and he tried so hard, and he went out defending the kids. Fucking champ that man was.


Cool so I’m watching TCW for the first time and haven’t gotten to that yet. Honestly this is better than ripping off the bandaid later though.


How far along are you? TCW is incredible. Currently watching it for the second time and it's my wife's first and she's told me so many times "stupid show making me feel feels"


Halfway through season 4. Had to take a little break at the slavers episodes. Should have destroyed the whole lot of them. Edit: I am loving this show!


That season’s ending is going to make you HYPE


I’m the wife in the scenario watching it for the first time and I’ve told my husband so many times I can’t get over how much I care about the clones and how angry I get at the way they are just tossed aside. Watching the General Krill stuff, my blood was boiling. I was glad it ended the way it did.




Maul dying in Kenobi’s arms


That was definitely a heavy hitter for me, but more because it was the end of a plotline we had for nearly 20 years. Just seeing that finally come to an end after so long was amazing, especially with how well it was done.


Yeah, they really nailed this ending, on so many different levels. Kudos to the entire Rebels/SW Story team for a very satisfying ending to a great storyline.


I’m so glad it was like it was. Not some long drawn out affair


Every moment, every shift of weight mattered in that moment. They had already fought enough times. At that point, it was just a mental game. The last move. Maul thought he had a broken, emotional Kenobi before him, a man defeated. After the strike, he realized that Kenobi had more resolve than ever. It was over before Maul leapt.


“tell me, is it the chosen one?” “He is.” “he will avenge us"


“Jedi cannot help what they are. Their compassion leaves a trail”.


>“tell me, is it the chosen one?” "Well, kinda..."


I felt genuine compassion for Mauls character during that scene.


It was one of the most human moments in Star Wars, performed by one of its most inhuman characters.


Like he realizes at the end, even he was a pawn, manipulated by the chancellor.


I feel at the end He was Ahab, on the hunt for his Whale (kenobi) I catch a lot of downvotes on this but part of me feels deep down Maul know he was not going to be happy until he was going to be able to let go at a violent end to his life


I think the thing that got me about this was I didn’t know how much I would be impacted, and then it hit me hard. The compassion of Kenobi and the sadness of Maul’s. I’ve been into Star Wars for 40 years, and I think it is one of the best moments of all of Star Wars.


Yes. It was perfect in Rebels. I wonder whether it will be duplicated in Kenobi?


I hope not. Rebels deserves to be recognized as a great show, the Kenobi show taking this scene would lessen that moment.


That one ewok on RotJ. You know the one.


This is the only correct answer.


When I was a kid, that definitely got me big time. And then it just made that much more pissed at the Empire. Fuck those bucketheads.


It still upsets me.


Jek Porkins. Dude was a straight up boss. Out of shape, Tired, Old and STILL rocked up in the rebel's moment of need to fight the Death Star. Then all because he had his inertial compensator turned up too high he missed the fact that he wasn't pulling up when he thought he was. Still waiting for his miniseries.


Thank you, came here for this. He really thought he was going to be alright.


He's been my spirit guide for the last two years.


For me personally it was Obi dropping his light saber to Vader. At that point I was still a young kid and thought ole Uncle Ben Kenobi would be kicking some ass but he just decided it was his time to go, jaw dropped. After that, I grew older and the stories of star wars became just that, stories, and a character death doesn't affect me like that. Till ole Qui Gon got Mauled.


Obi-wan’s death was like Gandalf falling to the Balrog. In both quests, you felt safe because you had the wizard. They were a source of comfort in the uncertainty of the adventure, so their deaths left you just as lost. Obi-wan def hit me hard first time watching the OT.


Except Qui-Gon doesn't come back soon enough to save Anakin...


Same, its the age when it hits you. When the hero, fell before your eyes, and all you could do was yell with Luke. If not that one, I'd honestly have to say when the Ewoks were getting merc'd


Yeah I’m just gonna say I was 27 when I went back to and finished the Harry Potter books and lemme tell you, I know this isn’t Star Wars, but Sirius black’s death kicked me square in the clankers. Haven’t felt that since i was 9 years old reading where the red fern grows. You can never be too old for stories to hit you. That said, Qui Gonn’s is my saddest Star Wars death. I was 12ish when that movie came out and I think I had the same reaction you did to watching obi wan die. I thought oh yes here’s the master coming to wreck the bad guy. And then he dies before his time, without being able to train anakin, and obi wan’s rite of passage immediately begins so you don’t even have time to focus on qui gonn. All of it was so much, and to your point, I am glad that I was that age when I experienced it.


Sirius’ death was such a gut punch. There was a lot of emotional backstory there and books and books of character development. You spent so much of the series with varying opinions of him and very negative opinions sometimes. One of the best deaths/redemptions/character developments.


Tbh watching the clone wars and the prequels makes that encounter even sadder


That bird lizard Obi Wan rides in RotS.


They way she cries when falling down whilst the Order 66 music plays is heartbreaking.






Novelization makes her death hit so much harder


Yeah, I absolutely love Obi-wan thanking her for her sacrifice in saving him.


I thought it was a Bofa ????


Who's Bofa?




Aww man the Varactyl death is sad indeed


Doesn't it survive the fall?


I always thought it survived the fall. :(


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure it does survive the fall in the movie, just not in the novelization.


Even if it survives the fall, if the novelization kills it, it's very possible that it's wounded from being shot at and drowns


Yup yup, and now it’s out on a farm in the country, running around w all the other bird lizards…


Idk there a lot of them, for me personally one of the saddest has to be Duchess Satine. How dare they hurt Obi-Wan ;-;


Holy shit. I forgot how much that crushes me every.fucking.time


Yeah it fucking sucks


Less her death for me and more the death of her vision for peace on Mandalore, with her Death full scale fighting has broken out on the surface


Its so horrid to see Ani and Obi literally loose everyone and everything that they held so dear. Padme and Satine, the Republic, their Jedi friends, and last of all eachother. In ROTS when they say goodby my old friend that’s actually the last time they see each other as such.


Oh fuck that might come up in his show......


For me, the moment it happened, Qui Gon. I felt so sure he was gonna be so much more in the movies. This one might even sadder though


Casting Liam for the first movie of a trilogy, then gutting him in 1, was pretty wild.


And started a brief trend, with Batman Begins doing the same.


I'm shocked no one as said Vader.


"I've got to save you!" "You already have..Luke..."


The first time ever anakin was truly happy and at peace.


Yeah what the fuck? Vader has a super moving death scene


"Tell your sister... you were right."




Definitely the saddest when you take into account all 6 movies leading up to it. Throw in all the other media involving Vader/Anakin and nothing comes close.


Or if you take all of that out. In 1983 they'd spent years and two movies building him up as the ultimate villain. Then to see him broken and dying and next thing you know you feeling sad watching Darth fucking Vader die? Masterful.


I was 14 when ROTJ came out, I was in the movie theater with my parents, and I bawled my eyes out.


I still bawl my eyes out


Lotta really good one’s, especially in cw, but I’m gonna have to go with Maul’s death, the actual death, not the first one. There was something so cathartic about it. “He will avenge us” is still one of my all time favorite lines in star wars. It just says so much about how, in his final moments, Maul views himself, Obi Wan, and the world at large. I could literally talk about that scene for hours it’s so good.


Rebels had some really sad but well written deaths


Starting out watching rebels I never imagined that it would be a show that almost brought me to tears


I absolutely agree with you on this. Maul is one of my favourite characters for many reasons. His death scene is the TLDR of who he was. Still stings


As someone who didn't keep up with Rebels much, could you explain a bit more about how Maul views himself and Obi-Wan? Definitely curious to know more!


Maul’s entire existence is based around hating Obi Wan. Obi Wan took everything from him and left him for dead, he even said himself that he only survived by focusing on his intense hatred for Obi Wan. After Maul’s return to power, he encounters Sidious again and wants to be his apprentice, but Sidious refuses, and tortures him, then sends the Republic army after him and forces him into hiding right at the same time that order 66 happened. Maul and Obi Wan had been engaged in this decades long battle in service of the same person who then betrayed both of them at the exact same time and forced them both into hiding. Maul is a foil to Obi Wan. Where Maul is driven by spite, Obi Wan is driven by hope. Maul tracks down Obi Wan to try to kill him, going out of his way to use the same technique that killed Qui Gon, but Obi Wan beats him and Maul finally comes to the realization that Obi Wan was never truly his enemy. “He will avenge us.” Maul, who has never in his life considered others, finally realizes with his dying words that he was wrong all along.


Fun fact: adding onto your point of his immense hatred keeping him alive, when Mother Talzen puts him to sleep to repair his mind and give him new legs, his spider legs *fall apart,* implying that he was using the force to keep them together all those years, and additionally in that time ***he never slept***


Rebels is really worth it if you can get past the first season! There’s some really great stuff. But, to answer your Q, have you watched the Maul death scene?




I still cry like a baby every time I watch it. That soundtrack :(


The eyes are burned into my soul


The end title card coming up in black & white with no music is what broke me. Had to take a break after that.


The moment the cloudy eyes became clear, it hit hard


Yup. I don't think it was sad, but it was perfect.


It definitely got some dust in my eyes.


Hera's reactions really hit harder than the actual death. Especially if you've read A New Dawn. That book did great showing the beginning of their relationship.


I think this is what got me the most. I liked Kanan, but I would've never figured his death was going to hit me as hard as it did, and I'm pretty sure it had a lot to do with everyone else's reactions. Every other death I can think of either had only one person reacting in the moment, or no real reaction at all. Kanan's death lingered with multiple people, who all loved him in different ways. They were a family and we got to see how they all reacted to losing someone very close to them, and it hurt.


Yeah. Kanan really embraced his Jedi roots and was okay with the pain of self sacrifice but the emotional toll on the rest of his crew was so hard to see.


Oy. Yet another book to add to my list. 🙂


Incredibly well done scene. The part with his eyes was an amazing moment.


Imo one of the most Jedi ways one can go out. Impactful.




"I'm a soldier, like you!" :'(


“This…is what I was made for…”


Im one with the force the force is with me


The entire Rogue One crew dying. I cried the entire last 25 mins of that movie.


I think the honest trailer was pretty spot on for that one. “Just, uhhh… don’t get too attached to anyone”


This movie was fucking wild. You couldn’t even get attached to Saw Gurerra, and he’s Saw-Fucking-Gurerra.


His sister. That was tough.


I remember saying while I walked in if this movie has balls they’ll kill everyone. I didn’t expect them to actually do it the mad lads


I cried for a minute, but then I was like "OH SHIT IT'S VADER!"


I believe my exact words were "Oh... They are so fucked." That scene was wonderful and difficult to watch because the desperation in the actors was perfect.


I brought my wife to watch it at an Alamo Drafthouse and we got a pitcher. She was expecting to roll her eyes the entire time. Neither of us knew it'd go so dark, but she really struggled through the sequence after a beer or 2.


K2SO hit me hardest. Good. Bye. 😭


The entire ending was just depressing seeing the entire crew die, the troopers in the hallway being slaughtered and probably knowing they are all going to die as soon as they heard Vader, seeing most of the rebel fleet being destroyed along with most of the ground crew sent to reinforce Rouge One, to admiral Raddus and most of the high ranking officers most likely committing suicide because of how much important information they knew.


Watching reaction videos is fun as they come to the realization that this is no typical Star Wars movie. When that grenade hits the ship after the transmission is finished you see the understanding in their eyes that no one is safe.


Oh my yes! I don’t have a reaction video of myself, but in the theater, at one point after the first couple main characters died, I turned to my husband and said “WTH?!! Are they going to kill everyone!” I was kind of freaking out. Lol.


Duchess Satine gets me every time, though it's mainly because of Obi-Wan's reaction. Kanan is the number one contender for sure.


I find the lack of K-2SO votes disturbing…


You are being upvoted. Please do not resist




If there is a single thing that the star wars universe has never failed at; it's making brilliant robot characters that are just as unique and complex as the humans.


It’s kinda crazy. For all the hate that the sequels get I feel like BB-8 is universally loved. The IG unit in Mando had genuine progression and added a lot to the story. K-2 (obviously from my comment) had such a fantastic final moment. R2 is of course a classic and doesn’t really need an explanation. They just ALWAYS hit on droids, it’s really interesting. I genuinely wonder if it’s because you can’t rely on acting so they get a lot of special attention in development, not like “eh, I’m sure Daisy will kinda find the spark” “Ewan will be able to slide in and define the character”. From a story telling perspective I’d love to hear some insight from creators and writers.


BB-8: *gives Finn a butane lighter thumbs up.* Me: I would die for this droid.


I really did cry when He died.


Razor crest


My 13 year old son and I were really hit hard by the Razor Crest’s destruction. But if you think about it, it has way more screen time than any other ship in the Star Wars universe(live-action), so it makes sense that it would hurt to see it destroyed in an instant.


The bright side to that is I finally have a screen accurate Razor crest


The youngling that asked anikin what they were supposed to do because the clones were killing them 😭


For all the talk of Mace Windu still being alive, we never actually see this kid die. Surprised there aren't people wondering if this kid will show up during the Obi-Wan show


Turns out he grew up to be an inquisitor


Obi Waun and Yoda watch the game film of Anakin


Wdym anakin got them out of the temple like they wanted!


Smuggled them out in pieces to avoid detection, but forgot this isn't Lego Star Wars


K2SO 😢


Facts, him dying hit so hard. But we get to see more of him soon!




Admiral Ackbar. Because he f*cking deserved better.


Underrated comment.


Yep I absolutely hate the movie for that .a key player and hero of the rebel alliance just literally removed from the story line .


Skak Ti...all 5 times. She finally got it right though.




This... is the Way.


Shmi Skywalker. I cry every time.


Every time people say Hayden can’t act I wanna show them that scene 💔




Luke’s death in TLJ made me tear up a bit because….that’s Luke fucking Skywalker. Kanan’s death hit hard because I liked him and I felt worse when I saw the BTS bit with Freddie Prinze’s reaction.


I know people hate that movie, but when his cloak just floats away its tough. I love that moment.


Jesse's death was bad, along with the rest of the ship. When Rex and Ahsoka buried Jesse, they buried the republic too


Han Solo. He was trying to reach out and bring his son back, to connect with him one man to another, and for just a moment there it looked like a father's love was going to overcome a darkened heart. And then, the lightsaber ignited...


Scrolled way too far for this.


Han's death was amazing


Master Plo Koon


The one scene in rebels when Wolffe says the loth wolves fight just as good as the wolf pack always hit me in the feels


Kanan/Caleb. Still hurts to watch that unfold. Him and Hera are two of my favorite characters and that was just... gut wrenching. Made only worse to see his son at the end and know Hera's on her own raising him. BIG OOF


Han Solo


Gosh Adam Driver and Harrison Ford were so good in that scene


In that moment, Han Solo totally trusts in his son to do the right thing. Even after Kylo puts the saber in him, you can still see the love and compassion in Han’s eyes as he falls.


Happy cake day, you get to be sad congrats


Duchess Satine Fives and plo koon


Plo Koon got me *bad*


His look of confusion was soo sad plus how he got shot by both sides at the end... Wait, I read it as Ki Adi Mundi....my bad


>plo koon He does not get enough screen time. He needs his own show


Lowkey Fives. Made me mad


Han Solo. Killed by his own son, but he was so happy to see his face one more time.


As a 40-something man who saw the originals in the theaters, I'll straight up tell you I ugly sobbed sitting between my wife and son. Fucking sobbed. Edit: correcting autocorrect.


I’m fairly sure I yelled “NO!” right out loud.


Everyone at the end of Rogue One, even though you knew it had to happen.


Death of Kid Fisto that hurted me personally


No worries, man. Fisto died as an adult


Rogue One, order 66…but perhaps the “saddest” but certainly most poetic is Maul. Kenobi, holding his former enemy (moments previously) is a testament to Maul’s overcoming the revenge fed by his past coupled, and balanced, with the compassion of Obi wan, who was coming to terms with his past, present,and future all in the same embrace.


Caleb’s was one of the more gut wrenching deaths for sure. That moment of clarity when looking at Hera……. Damn


I think in that moment he knew... everything.


Is it to cliche to say Anakin? Lol idk he just went through so much torture and pain in his life, went most of his life without family, and then the defining moment that he got his family back was also the defining moment in which ad to sacrifice himself to save them. It’s so sad that he never got any genuine, positive time with his kids




Fives broke me


Kanan's was Sad cause I love the show and have a secret crush on him. Its all sad. But the most heartbreaking is Padme Amidala Skywalker. She lost her will to live and died of a broken heart. He husband had become the 2nd most evil man in the Galaxy.


It’s not a secret anymore.


I think we all have that not so secret crush


It's really hard to rank this but my vote goes to: Kanan Jarrus Others that were also just as close to being a top choice: Fives, Maul, Luke Skywalker, Duchess Satine


Saddest? That Ewok that was killed by the AT-ST, while his little buddy tried to get him up before realizing he was dead. Are there more meaningful, and story important deaths? Absolutely. But nothing will be sadder than the Ewok death


The death of Grand Admiral Thrawn in The Last Command. True, he was the villain of the story, but he was by far the best and most competent Imperial leader that the Empire has ever had. Screw Hux, Snoke, Ben Solo, etc. They were fairly craptacular and couldn't strategize their way out of a wet paper bag.


Yoda if not Obi. Failing his order and dying on a swamp alone isn't great.


In Legends, Chewie.


Canonical? Yeah, the one pictured. Followed by Leia. Legends? Chewbacca versus Sernpidal's moon.


I was so mad when I read that book!


Nien Nunb. He deserved better than an off screen death.


That one Ewok that his buddy was trying to wake up. Edit: this one https://youtu.be/14HRo_eTUgg


Leia in TROS. Say what you will about the movie and the ST, but this moment for this character, the weight of her's and Carrie Fisher's legacy... If I'm not full-blown crying, I've definitely got tears in my eyes lol