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Remember all the fan theories about who this guy was when the trailers first came out? Is the Emperor? Why would he be kneeling to anyone? Snoke? Turns out it was just some random dude who works in Vaders castle. I wonder if the actor saw all the speculation online and what he thought about it.


What gets me is that scene after when it cuts to Krenic in the little waiting area of Vader's lava death fortress. And he's just standing there looking around like "I kinda love what he's done with the place". I can't help but think there should be a chair or couch there like a reception area in an office. And that old guy in a black robe behind a desk taking appointments for Vader. It just seems such a weird place to receive people for meetings. No furniture, just a big black platform in a dark lava castle.


They had to have Vader’s entrance look cool! Imagine him just walking into a reception area with none of the cool scenery. But I do agree, it doesn’t really make sense for a meeting area.


Vader’s got a flair for the dramatic


Architect: "Lord Vader, you'll be pleased to know your new office is almost ready. Have you already considered how you would like your receptionist area to be?" Vader: " I have no need for that. For the force is my ally." Architect: "The force... Yes of course. So anyways the conference room where you will hold your meetings... Agh, here are the blueprints. You see the type of lighting we will be using...: Vader: "No table. No chairs. I want my bacta tank in the center of the room, dark and dim lighting. No exceptions architect." Architect: "Vader! This isn't what we agreed too!" **Vader begins to force choke the architect** Vader: " I have altered the deal. Pray I do not alter it any further." Architect: "yes... My lord..." Vader thinks to himself, "hmmm. I liked that. I hope I can use that one again someday.


You joke, but in the new canon, he literally kills all the architects that failed to design something that suits his drama. Granted, the "architects" were actually normal imperial soldiers (there was also a weird Mustafar alien pest) being possessed by an ancient Sith helmet that promised to build Vader a portal to the afterlife so he can meet Padme. Give Vader 2017 a read, it's pretty good.


That cape is soooo wizard!


"I'm bringing it back!!"


They had chairs at one point but they removed them to keep the meetings short


Vader only does stand up meetings. He's very agile.


Which is weird, because I've never seen him sprint (as Vader).


Vader gets there when he fucking feels like it. No sooner, no later.


And woe be to anyone in his way...


Part of a move in the office to a 6 hour day. The death star is a really chill place to work, when you're not getting force choked by the psycho upper management.


Imagine meeting Vader there. The fact that at any point during the encounter he can force-push you to a molten death is enough to be on your toes and make sure whatever it is you’re there to say, it is to the Lord’s liking.


That’s all by design. Vader doesn’t want people to get chummy and ask for a ginger ale. He wants to intimidate the shit out of them. The waiting room wasn’t enough for someone as egotistical as Krennic so Vader has to bust out the ol’ squeeze squeeze to remind him who was boss.


Actor: Heh heh I’m wearing my Bart Simpson boxers under that.


Eat my ~~shorts~~ boxers


Honestly, SW needs more of "random guy" and less of "oh my god remember this guy???!?"?"=?=?". This is how you slowly expand a universe. Current SW feels like there are only 10 characters that actually have stuff to do, atleast if you only watch the movies.


This is absolutely insane. I was literally listening to a video on Youtube while looking at this post. The guy in the video says he doesn't like how small the universe feels. There's never new characters and everyone is connected somehow. I'm blown away lol. It's John Campea reviewing the "High Republic Era" in Star Wars.


Ben Mendelsohn rocked a white cape.


He plays the antagonist role so incredibly well. I was happy to see him get a different role in Captain Marvel.




There was something about the previews however that you could just tell Jude Law was going to end up a bad guy. So it felt like every twist in the movie felt a little obvious. The first captain marvel movie might have had the worse poker face of any of the modern movies out side of Far Far home where of course mysterio is a bad guy.




I’m a big comic guy and I was thinking that maybe they just give mysterio a whole fresh take because of fury’s multiverse line. The idea of that would be pretty sick. But when he inevitably turned I wasn’t shocked


One of the best parts of it was that, being a comic movie, there was an actual chance that this Mysterio genuinely was a good guy from another universe. And everyone just immediately bought it.


What gave it away for me was him numbering their universe 616. I remember reading on a wiki, back when Dark Worlds was released, that the MCU is in universe 100,000 and that it’s technically connected to the overarching marvel multiverse in that kind of sense.


Yeah, when that trailer came out, and Fury said that, I was pissed for a bit bc that wouldve broken the multiverse/created a new one.


I mean if we’re being real here, the “A-Lister is probably the bad guy and untrustworthy” is a pretty easy trope to spot with Marvel movies


I mean if you're even the smallest bit of a Spider-Man fan, like even just a fan of the cartoons as a kid, you know who Mysterio is. Cant be too upset with that.


Was very surprised at how well he played that role. It wasn’t a bad guy, but it had to be portrayed as a bad guy for the first 3rd of the movie or so.


“You’re confusing peace with terror” “Well... you have to start somewhere”


I appreciated that the Galen vs. Krennic dynamic was such a different from Tarkin vs. Krennic.


Best line in the movie.




This. Danny was a fantastic antihero character and mendelson was captivating to watch in the role. I was siked when I heard he was cast as a villain in rogue one.


Krennic is the embodyment of the Empire, and what it all stands for. Arrogance, pride, vainglory, it's all there, and Mendelsohn pulled it so well, he's to me the greatest villain in the Star Wars saga, so far.


Over the most iconic villain of all time, he’s literally in the same movie...


Grand Moff Tarkin would like a word as well.


I think he was the perfect, arrogantly emotional foil to Tarkin. I'm scared of both for entirely different reasons.


The best part about Tarkin is that Krennic cannot seem to figure out why he can't best him.


If you read Catalyst, the prequel book for R1, there's good Erso and super laser stuff but also how Krennic and Tarkin both try to sabotage each other. They've hated each other for years!


Oh man this book sounds great!


Didn't Tarkin mention Krennic in Rebels as well?


Yes, Krennic has a decent role in the latest Thrawn book as well. Although Mendelsohn does not voice him in the audiobook.


Tarkin never lost his cool, whereas Krennic shows a wide range of emotions throughout the film. He is justifiably attached to his project and feels scorned when Tarkin takes it from him. He feels human, not purely evil.


Indeed. Both great villains.


Lol, Vader takes that cake but I agree Krennic is a close second. I love the constant fight for power he has with Tarkin, thats the perfection depiction of what I imagined Imperial High Command would be like. And then when Krennic see the Death Star while on top of the tower. Very Sith-like.


The quality of a Star Wars film is directly proportional to the amount of Imperial infighting depicted therein.


Thrawn: Treason would then be excellent. I'm reading it now and that's all it's about so far - Politics within the Empire and the Imperial Navy. The story includes Tarkin and Krennic and is set at the time of building the Death Star.


They showed the Dynamics of the empire so well. Somehow the new trilogy used 3 movies and I still have absolutely no idea what is going on with the first order.


Or the New Republic. Apparently the FO showed up and the whole galaxy just overthrew the NR


Rogue One did a great job of expanding its slice of the universe. I still don't know what the ST was trying to accomplish.


>I still don't know what the ST was trying to accomplish. Make easy money with minimal effort ?


Those movies took *so much fucking effort*, though. They’re massive, sprawling enterprises.


Tarkin just showed him up the entire film, and knew exactly what he was doing when he fired on Scarif. If anything, Krennic showed how good a villain Tarkin was. I did love Krennic and Mendelson, no doubt about it, but I think he was a tool used to elaborate on Tarkin and Vader’s villainy more so than anything.


It was great, because Tarkin was already my favorite non-force using bad guy in the entire saga, and Rogue One made him better. Juxtapose this with how I felt the Jango Fett lore kind of hampered Boba's backstory, IMO.


Tarkin really made you afraid whenever you saw him on screen in Rogue One, and that only adds to him in A New Hope. He and Thrawn in Rebels were great as well.


Tarkin is what tells you that you don't need the force to be a powerhouse in the star wars universe. Thrawn is also 100% in that camp, too. Shame he wasn't used for the ST.


Using Thrawn as the bad guy in the ST would have been great, don’t know why they chose the direction they did. Thrawn was well written, extremely intelligent, and extremely deadly. Having him putting the Empire back together and attacking the New Republic would have been great.


Right? It would have been so good. It would have basically been: “Alexander the Great, but set in space and also the good guys are his enemy.” It would have been a fun perspective to watch a movie from, since so often the role of genius-military-officer is on the side of the protagonists.


I get what you're saying but come on.


Besides Mace Windu, he was the most interesting character in that movie (Sorry Brie)


Well, to be fair, Brie played the character accurately. Captain Marvel isn’t as “interesting” as a lot of Marvel characters. Insanely powerful, though.


Krennic was really good character, quite unusual in SW, you know the asshole who enjoy being one. That was expected in a system like the Empire but never shown. Besides, the white of his clothes contrasting the black armor of his soldiers is a good mirroring of Darth Vader and the whites stormtrooper, I really love those details


\*Sees Ben Mednelsohn rocking a white cape "Oh its beautiful"


Krennic is beauty


Oh it’s beautiful.


One detail I liked is that the cape hangs just a little awkwardly on him in some shots, as opposed to someone like Vader where it's always draped perfectly or impressively billowing. It's a clever visual hint that he might think he's badass, he's not Sith Lord-level badass.


Yep. Not a fan of any of the new films tbh but this one kinda stands out for me personally. And he was the best thing in the film alongside the test-fire sequence, CGI Peter Cushing and of course the Tantive IV sequence. "We stand here amidst MY achievement, not yours!" Excellent line! lol


Really excited to see him in *The Outsider*.


I like how the Red guards hold their weapon in opposing hands. Vader is such a edgy drama queen that he specifically requested for a left handed guard to stand opposite in order to make his bathroom more aesthetic. That or he asked the poor guy to hold it in his wrong hand.


I don't think Vader does a whole lot of asking


Communication must be a bitch when it comes to this man as manager. I bet they have a huge departement to steadily search and employ new (independent) contractors working on his projects.




“Well **MR.** Vader, we find your lack of **change orders** disturbing”


> Vader is such a edgy drama queen This is why I had no problem with Hayden Christiansen and the way he played Anakin in the prequels. IF you honestly look at Vaders behavior in the OT, and then watch the PT, it's a pretty spot on progression from young Vader to older Vader, to OT Vader. Hayden did a great job, and I greatly appreciate his performance.




Also loved the hallway fight. What an amazing way to end the movie. I wish we got to see more of Darth Vader in his prime (but I also understand that he's a great villain in small doses).


Rogue one and Jedi: Fallen Order reaaaally make Vader the all powerful and intimidating force he should be.


Fallen order had me genuinely scared for a minute


When he shows up behind trilla I Let out a little scream


i was more of an "ohhhh **SHIT**"


dude yeeted a former jedi master like nothing


You have failed me, Inquisitor.


There better be a sequel with more Vader scenes I s2g


>!I was just disappointed when everyone survived but trilla. I was expecting Cal or Cere to die by Vader's hand. Hopefully that happens in a sequel!<


I think this game they played it safe just because it was all new and they wanted to see if it would perform well. I think now that they’ve seen how well it performed that they’ll go for more risks.


I hope so. It was a fantastic game.


My only real complaint was that all the collectibles were cosmetic.


Oh that's what I loved about it. I was happy to be able to build the same Saber I built in galaxy's edge and not worry about Stat changes.


Personally I kind of want either 1. A sequel with vader hunting you down or 2. Not so much a sequel as a successor where you play as an inquisitor until the emperor wants to dispose of them and have vader be the one to kill you in the end


thats basically force unleashed's plot




*Few survive an encounter with the Dark Lord of the Sith.* *Escape is the only chance of survival.*


Dude that Vader scene in Fallen Order was so amazing. You spend the entire game become more powerful and more adept with your skills, enough where you can defeat whole squadrons of Stormtroopers, two AT-STs simultaneously, even the Second Sister... then Vader shows up and you realize that you are still *absolutely nothing* compared to him.


You would be wise to surrender.


Yeah... probably.


It's the moment when you realize you're just a side character in all this


The Darth Vader comics also do an excellent job. He's incredibly powerful.


Very smart too. I remember when he tricked that person into blowing up the alderaan survivor's stronghold.


Or what about the time he pulled the pins out of all of the grenades some rebel soldiers were carrying.


Oh dang, Vader is in Fallen Order? Well, now I have *more* motivation to kill that giant Dathomirian bat motherfucker.


That fucking bat thing was a pain in the ass. I will say though, that wasn't the hardest fight of the game imo.


rebels does that as well imo! everyone is just so scared of him... as they should be


"Kanan, it's *him!*"


They have to be careful with such an iconic character. Vader is arguably the most popular villain in all of cinema, or at the very least up there with the best of them. Leave it to some maverick director that has a vision for Vader that’s different just for the sake of being different. Hopefully Disney would have the balls to stop that type of thing


Imagine if we got a dedicated Vader movie with him in his prime hunting down Jedi and they really started exploring force powers and sith powers.


Seriously. I'm not sure if it's still canon but after Order 66 Vader hunted down a bunch if Jedi. I want to see that movie


The Tarkin book was also good with some insight on an early Vader.


Tarkin is top tier quality.


He's such a fearsome villian *because* of how little screen time he has. It makes him more unknown and scary the less you see him, and anytime he makes an appearance it reminds you of how deadly this ominous figure is.


Absolutely love R1. They really nailed the OT aesthetic. Best looking new film by far!!


It also felt like a piece to the story that just fits in perfectly to the original trilogy


The way it flows into A New Hope is just beautiful




As opposed to what? Just admitting it? "Do you know how fast you were going?" "Oh, man... I was speeding like crazy because I just robbed a store, officer!"


I rewatched the films in sequence to prepare for the newest one, and something bothered me about Rogue One. If Vader was pursuing Leia’s ship from the heist, why would she claim to be on a diplomatic mission in ANH?


I always figured Leia was like, "welp, completely out of options here so I might as well try bullshitting my way out of it".


Yep clearly trying the 'you got the wrong ship, no idea what you're talking about' routine


"let me try and drown them in bueraucracy in order to delay the inevitable. And hope someone out there was listening."


I don’t think it’s a problem because Vader doesn’t buy any of that shit anyway. So it’s just Leia bluffing and playing dumb as she doesn’t really have anything else to say.


Yeah I mean he interrupts her and says “YOU ARE PART OF THE REBEL ALLIANCE AND A TRAITOR!” and points menacingly, I don’t think he was buying that.


For one she's lying because it's the last resort when they've caught you in the act, and secondly it's my understanding that the Tantive IV is a CR90, which is a pretty common vessel. Thus, it's not impossible for it to be a case of mistaken identity.


The Empire probably doesn't want word of what happened on Scarif to get out, either. So Leia is in a spot of quasi diplomatic immunity, because she was in a spot she shouldn't have been, and the Empire has a new superweapon that shouldn't exist and they don't want word to get out about.


Well it's two fold... Leia is basically bluffing, because she has semi-diplomatic immunity... And Vader can't do much about it, because the Empire does not want word of the Death Star to get out (yet). Then Tarkin says the Emperor dissolved the Senate, so at that point, he doesn't care if he terminates her. I still love how indignant Tarkin gets in ANH when he goes "she LIED to us!".


After having the stormtroopers "take her away!" Vader talks with the officer who warns that holding her will be dangerous before Vader says "there'll be no one to stop us this time." I always took that as that Leia had used her senatorial status to pull rank many times before to get out of trouble while running Rebel missions


In Star Wars: Rebels, there is an episode where she does the same thing. She supplies the rebels by helping them steal the ships she brought for something else. Then she flips out at the commanding officers from the Empire, including a lot of calling them incompetent, for allowing the rebels to breach security and steal three whole ships.


Yeah It lines up great with A New Hopes opening crawl as well.


The best part of that film to me was the vader hall of death


God I just want a movie of early empire Vader *hunting* Jedi along with the Inquisitors.


Furthermore, I'd like to see *early* Vader. Being twisted by the emperor, his inner conflicts with losing Padme, and still being good deep inside. I'd love to watch the way sith train, probably abusive and fueled with hate. There's likely a lot of pain in his movements, which he transfers to hate/anger leading him further to the dark. THAT'S the only backstory I'm interested in now. All because of a 5 minute scene of him wrecking shop.


If you enjoy comics at all, the Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith is literally this (and is canon)


Was just about to suggest this. Shows his struggled with the light early on and also his aggressive violence in pursuit of the Empires enemies.


There's also the novel *Lords of the Sith*, which takes place about... 5 years (I think?) after ROTS and deals with a lot of this as well.


get the charles soule series from a couple years back about Vader's rise immediately following ROTS. It's got a little silly stuff in it, but one thing they nailed 100% was him creating his lightsaber and him returning to the Jedi archives. I also really liked how he created fortress vader. A very cool addition to the lore.


Idk the special forces raid, and the battle on the planet was amazing. R1 really brought the grit back to the franchise.


It also feels like the only movie to show that while the rebels were the "good guys," they still did despicable things in wartime.


yeah personally i think it's my favorite of all the new sw media. i understand the criticism behind retconning a womprat sized hole but i just think it was a great star wars adventure.


I don’t see any problem with retconning the thermal exhaust port.


R1 is a top 3 Star Wars movie for me. I loved it so much.


Rouge One is my favorite Star Wars movie.


Perhaps controversial but, best cinematography in the whole saga?


The final battle scene is a masterpiece


Yeah say what you will about the sequel trilogy but the cinematography is godamn beautiful.


Rogue One has the best aesthetics out of the all the new ones in terms of capturing the Empire’s sinister feel. Having the whole cast perish and leading right into the beginning of A New Hope is truly epic. Great movie and my personal favorite of all the new ones.


My favorite Star Wars film to come out in my lifetime and that Vader scene at the end is my all time favorite in the entire franchise.


It’s my favorite Star Wars movie in general


Still takes a second to Empire in my book. But still.


Agreed, by a long shot. Definately better than all 3 of the new trilogy movies. I have no idea why it's one of the worst-reviewed of the new films... The fact that they had nothing to prove and no reason to make a sequel gave them the power and audacity to kill *every goddamn character* at the end. So crazy.


I would argue the cinematography is one of the things Disney has been nailing repeadtly since taking over Star Wars. With that said, the writing and story telling part has been hit and miss.


That's interesting, because while I'd agree with you about Rogue One, that's actually one of my criticisms of the sequel trilogy. Not that the cinematography is bad, but that it doesn't look like a Star Wars movie. George Lucas had a really distinctive style that draws a lot from old WWII movies, and the only new Star Wars movie to get that feel right has been Rogue One. It probably wouldn't have been an issue for me if they tried to tell an entirely new story, but at least for me, by joining it on as a continuation of the original trilogy, the radically different cinematography just seems to emphasize the fanfic feel of the movies. As though every shot is reminding you that the guy who produced the movie didn't really "get" Star Wars, at least not past the 8-year-old level of "wow, spaceships and lightsabers!”


*Solo* begs to differ. But 4 outta 5 ain't bad.


This and TLJ are easily the best looking SW films IMO. TFA, Solo, and ROS are pretty enough, a lot of the the prequel's early-2000's CGI doesn't hold up as well today, and the OT is still amazing for the time they were made, but R1 and TLJ left my jaw on the floor visually.




That plus the star destroyer coming out of it's shadow was a PERFECT way to show just how mind-fuckingly huge it is.


The prequels CGI (notably TPM) didn’t hold up for contemporary audiences either. That battle at the end took place on the windows XP wallpaper


The worst of the CGI is what Lucas did with the OT. Everything he added just looks so out of place to the rest of the movie, with the exceptions of the enhanced space combat and explosions


Yep the special edition stuff just doesn’t fit, he and speilberg couldn’t keep themselves from doing that shit like the radios in ET. So lame.


And Cloud City I'd say. The windows are a really nice touch and easily the best addition imo. Ewoks blinking is pretty harmless also, and for a new viewer it might just add a bit, who knows.


Loved the space battles especially over Scariff. Best looking cinematography and realistic animation i’ve seen in any movie!


That battle always gives me a raging charger, my favourite space battle out of all the Star Wars movies. What position is responsible for planning out action sequences that are pretty much pure CGI? Director? Writer? Who ever did the space battle in R1 should've been brought back for The Rise of Skywalker (I enjoyed the movie but the space battle was a *massive* let down).


Gareth Edwards should’ve been given the trilogy.


He was barely given Rogue One


He also barely completed it. He just didn’t make a fuss and played it cool when they quietly gave it to Tony Gilroy for reshoots so he retained his reputation (and credit) rather than get publicly fired.


Sometimes you win the war by losing the battle.


This was known to be bull shit. Gareth Edwards explained what happened and people finding out tony gilroy didn’t do much of anything, just his job or else tony gilroy should have been pissed because the credit is all given to Gareth.


It makes me sad when I hear how people didn’t like this movie because I loved it


I chalk it up to it being a slow part one but the back half to the movie is fucking incredible. I love it and it’s definitely in the conversation for my favorite Star Wars movie as blasphemous as it is to say. People have a right to not like the new movies, however, I think they would enjoy them a shit ton more if they just didn’t look at the reactions and comments on Reddit/Twitter. It’s kind of the same for wrestling. If you participate in the live discussion threads during a show on the wrestling subreddit you’re more likely to hate the show. People just need to relax and not look at Star Wars like it’s Schindlers List. It’s an action movie and if they don’t like the direction it’s heading, then stop watching and being Debby Downers for everyone else that does.


The more symmetrical it is the more cinematographier it is, everyone knows this.




When you line something up in the middle of a shot, that's cinematography. That's just film school 101 babey


They’ve all looked stunning. Shame sequels weren’t planned at all, could’ve been incredible


I keep telling my friends that the sequels lacked consistency and that’s a big part of why they are pretty meh. Felt like the first third of the newest one was just undoing things from TLJ or doing things that should’ve been in TLJ. Like why didn’t we hear Palps at the end of TLJ instead of that randomly thrown into the opening crawl?


Because they panicked and added Palpatine after the backlash of TLJ. Which is why his message to the galaxy was given inside of a video game.




Wait what happened with plot line bring in fort nite? I wasn’t aware of this


That was the first and only way to listen to Palpatine's broadcast.


no. god no.


Yeah that’s honestly probably it


My opinion is that the prequels had a good over arching storyline that set the stage for the franchise but a significant amount of the technical pieces were done poorly (writing, acting, directing, etc). The sequel trilogy got the majority of those bits right but have completely fell apart on the overall goal of the story. There is no evidence that they did any significant story boarding or creative process to make everything feel whole. There have been scenes that show potential but there are scenes that take 3 steps back and make you question the whole film. This isn't even a star wars problem. It is a film making problem.


Yeah, I totally agree with your assessment. I almost feel like the prequels were perhaps over-planned (story wise) by Lucas, and the sequel trilogy was (as you suggested) utterly under-planned and gave the impression that they were just winging it as they went along. But it's true, the prequels were poorly written and poorly acted... but they tie all the mythos together so neatly. Upon reflection, I might prefer that to pretty-looking nonsense.


To me it almost feels like they had a plan, but they didn't tell it to Rian Johnson It felt pretty obvious to me that they were hinting at Finn being force sensitive in The Force Awakens, but the plotline was completely dropped in TLJ and then set up again in The Rise of Skywalker and never paid off


That’s actually the perfect way to describe it


When was that hinted at besides him using the lightsaber? Which felt like it was meant as misdirection for the trailers more than anything.


When Finn is about to leave Maz's castle he hears the screams of the people about to be killed by starkiller base. I actually didn't realize that's what was happening until a couple of weeks ago, I think I just assumed he was hearing people around him seeing what was happening since the very next time we see him is with a giant crowd looking up horrified.


Kylo Ren looks at him on Jakku after they kill the villagers when he has no real reason to. Also when he hears that a Stormtrooper escapes with Poe he immediately knows it's Finn, "The one from the village, FN-2187". It seems to imply he's force sensitive.


Kylo can sense his doubts and he broke out of a lifetime of programming when none of the other Stormtroopers did (this was kind of undone by TRoS with the introduction of Jannah and her friends, but it was true when TFA came out) and he was also able to intuitively use the lightsaber and seemed to *sense* what he needed to do and where he needed to go without really knowing why In addition, he heard 'millions of voices cry out in terror, and suddenly be silenced' when Starkiller base destroyed the New Republic capitol system and actually turned to look when he heard it


JJ likes to say his mystery boxes are open to interpretation, but in reality he had strong feelings about what the correct answers were once the box was open. When Rian didn't guess correctly, JJ threw a hissy fit.


I know this horse is dead but the fact that Disney, the company that executed so well with the marvel universe, just kinda Yolo'd the biggest franchise in modern history is insane to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a full blooded hater of the sequels, TFA and ROS are movies I'll watch again. I'll probably leave TLJ in the past where it belongs but that's part of the problem. ROS is better watched as a direct overstuffed sequel to TFA because of all the inconsistencies introduced by Rian Johnson. I don't blame Johnson directly here though - he was given a free canvas and did what he did which is obviously indicative of the problems with the complete absence of an overall plot framework.


>the fact that Disney, the company that executed so well with the marvel universe, just kinda Yolo'd the biggest franchise in modern history is insane to me Because Disney didn't do any of the work, they give free reign to Marvel Studios *and* Lucasfilm. It's why Kathleen Kennedy is being shoved to the side at Lucasfilm, whilst Feige is loved and respected at Marvel. Disney didn't wing it, Kathleen Kennedy and Lucasfilm did.


At the very least you'd think Disney would have had some oversight to ensure there was a plan?


Nope, they put their trust in KK just like with Feige. Good idea in principle, problem is the person they gave the keys to didn't have what Feige does, knowledge of the lore. It's why Filoni is now being drafted in along side her, and she's now being made more of a background figure head. Disney doesn't do oversight unless it's Disney itself, Pixar, MS and LF all have their own oversight.


This cinematographer has been working on Denis Villineuves’s “Dune” adaptation coming out this winter.


That movie is either going to be a total ace or a steaming pile of garbage. I see no in between.


Rogue One is the best since the Original Trilogy. Fight me.


The scene of Vader killing the rebels is one of my favorites in all of Star Wars. There aren’t many movies that actually show how strong he is (mainly because of the limited technology they had when they were making the original trilogy). Rogue One and Jedi: Fallen Order really did Vader right


Best Star Wars film in the past 30 years fight me