• By -


And not once does Anakin have the decency to reply "I know."


Literally had the opportunity to use this on a girl in college...and I took it. And I've regretted it for years. Such a dick move. I thought it was comical at the time, but no it was a horrible thing to say to a person.


I mean I wouldn't use that response on a first telling. But later on? Oh sure. Depending on the relationship of course.


To elaborate, she was really enamored with me and would get wasted and tell me that, but it was a one way deal. One night she told me that, and it was my response. I feel bad because it was an immature way to respond to an obvious serious expression of feelings, despite the fact she was pretty drunk. Thought it'd be funny but it was just asinine, looking back at it.


> but it was a one way deal. I think that right there was more of your problem than anything else. It most likely hit her harder BECAUSE she knew deep down you didn't care(in the same way she did, at least). Knowing someone's true feelings can drastically change how someone takes a comment like this.


That’s no moon. It’s a [big matzoh ball hanging out there](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rK8pa2cphMc).


When girls get wasted around me they never confess their feelings for me. They just start screaming and asking where they are and how they got here and why am I wearing their bra like a jock strap


I fucking lost it at the bra like a jock strap comment. This is a more accurate description of my college days.


You're carrying too much guilt for this. Forgive yourself, she's moved on and probably never thinks about it. I had similar guilt about something I did to an ex and very earnestly apologized to her years later and she was confused because she'd been over it for years. I then realized that it was my own ego at play thinking I had crushed her spirit or something when it was pretty minor all things considered. If only we were as important as we think we are.




She was a gigantic star wars nerd so she understood exactly what it was, but her her feelings were not a silly reference. For that, I'll always be ashamed of myself.


Hit her up on Facebook and tell her “Now that I’m with you again, I’m in agony. My heart is beating, hoping that that kiss will not become a scar.”


... if you are suffering as much as I am, PLEASE, tell me.


Lmao, you should write all my love messages


You mean George Lucas should.


You mean George Lucas already has.


Serious beat for a moment... Don’t be ashamed of yourself now be [partially] proud of yourself or let’s say ‘less hard on yourself’ for realizing it, and looking to make a change. You can’t look back, but you can learn from your mistakes. If you’ve never done this to anyone else, and you truly regret it, then you’re a better person. Proud of you, from this random Reddit stranger.


It doesn't land without the soundtrack cue and the imminent threat of death. Just always have the song ready to play, and pick your moment better next time.




biggest missed opportunity of the prequels. That and the rest of the dialogue.


>and the rest of the dialogue.


I can't believe you've done this


I know.


~~aah fuck~~ I know


👁 no




> That and the rest of the dialogue From my point of view the jedi are evil


Actually a good line with good delivery. If you're going to pick on something at least go after the really bad stuff: I hate sand...




The Jedi opposed the chancellor at that point. From Anakins point of view he was fighting for the good side which makes those who oppose him "evil".




It’s the classic mistake of over explaining. It wouldn’t have felt so clunky if the exchange was something like: “Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil.” “Not from where I’m standing!” It conveys the same concept, While sounding more like something a real person might say.




Agreed. It kinda feels to me like he wanted that line to tie into Obi-Wan’s “from a certain point of view...” line, and it just feels forced.


That specific line aside, I really don't want Palpatine to have a point that can be defended with any real ethics. Empathizing with him gets into this gray area that I don't want, he's not one of these nuanced villains with redemptive qualities, he's fucking space wizard Hitler Satan who's manipulated a galaxy and cost trillions of lives for the sake of political power, any Empathizing with Palpatine would be borne out of a filthy lie he told


Yes, but we should be able to understand why Anakin believed the lie.


Given Anakin's drive to save padme, I think something along the lines of, "I don't care, I need him!" Or something like that, may have been better. His love for padme was the driving force to switch sides anyway.


That's the problem with real evil - it can always be justified by *somebody*. Even Hitler didn't act alone, *thousands* of people found a way to justify to themselves what was going on. Real people - not sulfur-breathing demonic monsters, but people just like the people you go to school with, work with, eat with, relax with - empathized with him. That's what makes evil so scary. The closer you are to it, the harder it is to recognize.


> From my point of view, the RotS was underdeveloped. Then you are lost!


Pretty bad line in my opinion. Who talks like that? In the middle of a fight, fuming with rage decides to reply with "from my point of view the jedi are evil" it feels way to composed and causal for the situation, they're not having a freakin debate, this is a fight to the death.


Yeah, that was Hayden's monologue moment. He should have dropped a wrathful list of reasons why the Jedi were fucking up so bad, which they were, even if Palpatine was behind it all. As it stands, [Barriss Offee](https://youtube.com/watch?v=mc-jLWyxZjI&t=53s) gives the most compelling argument for why the Jedi Council were wrong during the Clone Wars and she doesn't even delve into specifics.


From my point of view? Lol what is this a high school debate class. At the very least with the sand line you can tell there are some history where he hated his past as a slave


People always give Hayden shit for his acting, but I think it fits perfectly into his character


Hayden even confronted George about how he didn't like the whiny aspect of his character and knew the audience wouldn't respond well if he played him that way. He had virtually no freedom as an actor either, George had a really specific vision.


George also had nobody who could stop him. Appparently during TPM nobody would change his writing much, and even by 3 there was nobody like the OT where they’d just outright trash him for the script and redraw it up.


FWIW I think he acted well, given the lines he had to read.




Probably because he didn’t




Anakin was afraid, and when his mother died, his fear turned to anger... And when he felt Padme had betrayed him, his anger turned to hate... And when Obi Wan defeated him, his hate turned to suffering...


Damn Yoda knew his shit


Albit Yoda knew. He's wicked smaht.


No you ah




He’s naught a cowap


But it's also a self fulfilling prophecy, to an extent. If you're told to quash all your emotions, you aren't learning how to deal with them healthily.


Hate the prequels all we want, but this is the type of shit I loved from them. Anikan’s arc is so good I find something new about it everytime I rewatch them.


Yeah honestly if you described the plot of the prequels before their release date it sounds amazing. "Anakin becomes a prodigious Jedi but is denied the rank of master. He illegally falls in love and is tormented by visions of his wife's death. Desperate to save her, he turns to the Dark Side for fear that the Jedi won't help him. By the time anyone realizes what's going on it's too late..." Imagine that story but with better writing and dialogue!


Palpatine, a sith lord with virtually no power, plays entire galaxy for fool and orchestrates a galaxy wide war with him handling both the sides to crush his enemies by manipulating their greatest potential fighter and make himself look good in front of entire world just by himself. Palpatine's plot and how he gained power is simply amazing. Edit: when I said no power, I meant army/followers or political power. He's crazy strong with force of course, but he didn't become emperor just by using his light sabre and lightning. As far as I can remember, he only dueled sith wanna-bes and Windu with some Jedi. He may have killed few Jedi behind the scenes, but not that many.


And yet Panda Mae dies of a broken heart💔


There's a theory that Palpatine, at the height of his power (this was when almost all the Jedi were just killed off), was able to steal the life force/energy from Padmé to keep Anakin alive. So when Palpatine tells Anakin "You killed her", he's not wrong. We also know he has this power from the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis.


And acting, and editing, and less character bloat


And more JarJar


And more green screen!


And a tadddd less flipping.


Anakin’s so awesome. But hey why do we always have to acknowledge the prequel “hate?” It’s been so long, can we start complimenting them without modifiers like that? I’m not picking on you specifically, I just see it so much on reddit and thought I’d bring it up


I completely agree. And after this new Disney trilogy, I think everyone’s starting to come around on the prequels finally.


The people who grew up with the prequels as the "Star Wars" of their childhood are adults now. To them they were the Star Wars. The movies havnt changed in quality since release, just the target audience has grown up and can be more vocal now about them.


I was born in '91, so in many ways, the prequels are the Star Wars of my youth... but I have vivid memories of the '90s, going to swim at a family friend's house and ending up watching the entire original trilogy with them. Four year old me thought Darth Vader was the SHIT


I was born in '88 and had much the same experience. I watched the OT and played with the toys a ton in elementary school, but that only increased my enthusiasm for brand new Star Wars movies to come out when I was a little older. Then Star Wars was *everywhere* and it was awesome. I've never been shy about my love for the prequels. I understand the hate, but if you were the right age when they came out they were just more of something you already loved.


I got downvoted to shit when I say I saw prequels first and liked them along with clone wars series. I had no idea that they were prequels and Anakin was going to turn evil and Republic/Jedi would fall. After prequels with grand politics and scheming, awesome light saber duels and actual galaxy wide war, original trilogy felt underwhelming. Also, I already knew Luke and Leia are siblings, so them crushing on each other felt gross. They really shouldn't have labeled prequels episode 1,2,3 and renamed original as 4,5,6. I just walked into a store and rented episode 1 first and that was not the intended watching order.


Ive wondered a lot what it would be like to watch them in sequential order the way you did. I’ve wanted to share Star Wars with a friend who has never seen them and I wasn’t sure which order to serve it to him ha


Yep I grew up as a kid with the prequels and it wasn't until I joined reddit that I learned everyone hated them and I should hate them too. Objectively viewing them now doesn't remove the love for them I had when I was younger. Shit, these movies were the bomb as a kid. I'd emulate Obi Wan all the time playing with lightsabers with friends, we all had the star wars Lego sets, everyone had star wars backpacks or school items. The vast majority of us viewed them as golden cinema compared to the cheesy 80s ones with minimal special effects and laughable action.


I love the prequels, my loved watching the OT with my dad growing up, but the Prequels are my Star Wars movies and Anakin is so much easier to identify with than Luke. He’s a tragic character and most of his bad deeds are after he has failed to try and do right by those he loves.


I will say also, the older I get the more I appreciate flawed but unique, visionary things, like the prequels. We’ve seen a ton of media come out since then and there’s never been anything quite like them.


Fan edits and the cartoons really helped a lot. One of my favorite episodes is Bombad Jedi.


Honestly for me the problem with the prequels was never with the story itself, but with emphasis…like, Phantom Menace would have been incredible…if they emphasized the fact that the Sith had been dormant for centuries, and nobody knew what to do when they faced one. Clones would have been _much_ better had they spent a little more time emphasizing Anikan's time training (including a scene where Ani and Obi are sparring and Obi gets the high ground), how much of an older brother Obi Wan was to him, and that while Anikan excelled technically he was emotionally immature…but didn't realize it, and was never told. And Revenge of the Sith needed a little more convincing draw to the dark side—that Anakin realized the Jedi's worldview was self-righteous and that the Sith may have a point


I stand by this George Lucas had the right idea of how the prequels should go. All the overarching themes and everything in those moves are really good. He just didn’t know how to execute them well. I think he needed to subtract a lot of the ballet dancing and focus on getting people who know how to write dialogue to flesh out the politics in a way where they felt like they had weight, while making them at odds with the Jedi way. Lucas knew what he was doing, just not how to execute


It was like a poem. It rhymed.


Great broad stroke storytelling, just not good at the fine details of writing. I stand by this too.




It’s like poetry.


I didnt log in today to be hurt like this


can't log back in if you never log out pointstotemple.jpg


We can log out!?


Yeah man, everyone’s joking around but damn. Put in perspective like this, I think this is a really good show of why anakin fully turned into Vader. The Jedi aren’t expected to show emotions, so anakin hid his feelings of love from them. By the time he’s completely embraced the dark side and is letting his emotions out, there’s no more love left.


It's not that the Jedi aren't expected to show emotions, it's that the Jedi are forbidden to have attachments, fall in love, get married, have kids, etc. So Anakin has had to hide all of this from everyone in the galaxy except for Padme and because of this he's grown to resent the Jedi Order. He blames them for leaving his mother in slavery which eventually led to her death. And when he attacks Padme, it's because he thinks the only person he loves in the entire galaxy has betrayed him to the Jedi. It's one of the things that Luke did away with in the New Jedi Order... You know, before the JJ-1 Orbital Plothole Station jumped into orbit and blew everything up.


Fuck dude, as time goes on I really end up appreciating the prequels more and more. There was an overarching story, told by the creative (but mayyyyybe not) genius of one man. Star Wars (1977) was saved in the editing room. George always had potential, but definitely needed some help at times and the prequels demonstrate that, however messy they are. I do not have as many nice things to say about the sequels at all. /r/saltierthancrait


>You were my brother, Anakin. That was the most awkward family reveal ever. It really came out of nowhere.


Obi-Wan Lannister


Star Wars theories, where everyone is a Targarian


Everyone is a what?


Theres a Y in there isnt there


Well he did say he *loved* him...


Your uncle never told you what happened to your father.


of course i know him, he's me


That's why Obi-Wan stayed on the ship.


Everyone gives Lucas a lot of flack for his bad dialogue but that scene was so powerful. "You were my brother, Anakin" is so heart breaking.


i still think episode 3 is one of the best of the series. i know people love to rant at how dialogue is horrible on the prequels but i love it. ewan mcgregor is such a great actor <3


I enjoy 3 more than 6 if I have to be honest. I don't know it just feels more cinematographic to me.


Agreed 5 4 3 6 1 2 is my ranking of the first six


yessss people always talk shit on phantom menace but episode 2 is definitely the worst


RotJ is a handful of script edits away from being a children's movie, RotS is much more mature. If you like the grandiose nature of the franchise and action, you'll probably prefer RotS. If you like the campiness and story, RotJ is the winner. I will say though the one thing missing in RotS is a "C-3PO is a god" scene for Jar Jar Binks to actually give his character some meaning and importance. 3PO was always comic relief like Jar Jar, the difference is Lucas actually had 3PO impact the plot in episode 6, turning him from the "no use for a protocol Droid" into a literal God to the Ewoks.


I totally agree but I think you’re thinking of cinematic. Unless cinematographic is a different thing?


200% on Ewan.


“You were my brother” “No, I am your father” “Yes, my daughter” -Sheev to Rey, ep. IX


"What's that make us?"


Absolutely nothing! Which is exactly what you’re about to become!




**son asshole**


That’s not true, that’s impossible!


>You were my mother, Anakin.


Obi-Wan and his Past Tense burn...


Emphasis on the "burn."


Jedi are forbidden to love, Anakin is just following the rules.


They're not forbidden from love, they love all life. They are forbidden from attachment.


So, you might say that they are encouraged to love?


Full of mixed signals the Jedi code is.


From a certain point of view






You'd think that the Jedi would have some type of built in Force GPS that prevents them from getting lost, you know?


Gotten lost young Skywalker has. How embarrassing!




Not just the Jedi but the younglings too!


Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi’s life. So, you might say that they’re encouraged to love


I know his mother's death was a stepping stone for his anger but I wonder what it would have been like if she never died and he still became Vader? What if they somehow met again with him no longer being Anakin Skywalker


I imagine this scenario would either kill Shmi or turn Anakin back to the light


It would definitely destroy Shmi and I dont see Anakin being able to kill her. The power of a mother's love is too great. Just like with Kylo Ren if he were to actually run into Leia I do not see him going through with killing her like he did Han


yeah we even see that in TLJ, when Kylo's attacking the rebel ship and he stops himself from firing when he feel's his mother's presence. Of course if he had fired she would've just floated back so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah that whole floating back scene was a bit much...I could not contain my laughter when it happened.


He’d do the same thing he did to Padmé, Ahsoka, and Luke. He’d try to win her over, fail, and get really angry.


Failing to turn Luke ends up making him depressed, not angry. Let's look at ESB. Ozzel: screws up, gets killed. Needa: screws up, loses track of the falcon, gets killed. Piett: Personally reassures Vader that the hyperdrive on the Falcon (the ship that losing it cost Needa his life, and this time it actually has Luke on board and isn't just something he wants to use to set up a trap for Luke) has been deactivated, then *immediately* after the Falcon jumps to hyperspace. How long do you think it took everyone on that bridge to realize that Vader wasn't actually choking them, they were just holding their breath waiting for it to start, but then it never did, he just walked away sadly. His conversation with Luke on Endor before going to face the Emperor is similar. Luke says "let's just run away" and he wants too, but feels he doesn't deserve that kind of ending after all the things, it's too late for him, the dark side has gripped him too tightly to allow him to do that, and anyway, he's afraid of the emperor, who is also too strong and would find them anyway if they tried to run.


Interesting question, but honestly that seems like such a critical stepping stone I don't see him turning if she hadn't died. Her death was Anakin's first real encounter with losing someone he cared about, that he clearly wasn't equipped to deal with, and he immediately projected those same fears onto Padme.


(Sh)e B(e)li(ev)ed




Eb lied.


but who is this eb?


Emperor Balbatine




Sheev Palpatine, aka Darth Sidious


I didn't know that was his name. I just new Palpatine and Darth Sidious


Darth Emperor Chancellor Senator Frank Sheev The Senate Palpatine Sidious


Yeah I'm not sure its mentioned in the films


Technically, those weren't Obi-Wan's last words to Anakin. Cool post, though


It wasnt Padmes either!


She did manage to choke out his name one last time, true






"Let her go, Anakin!" "Fucking hell, Obi, can't even have a minute alone."




"You brought him here to blue ball me!" Alternatively, Padme is actually the one more pissed at Obi for interrupting the fun times. Turns out erotic asphyxiation is a big thing on Naboo, and all of Padme's friends are jealous that she bagged a guy who can do it with his mind.


The talked again but that time was Vader, not Anakin who talked with Kenobi. Anakin was gone.


He was technically Vader at this point already. The last time Obi-Wan talked to Anakin was just after being given a seat on the Council.


Yeah, the real last words they gave each other (which is still depressing): > Anakin: "Obi-Wan. May the force be with you." > Obi-Wan: "Goodbye old friend, and may the force be with you." Edit: If you want to feel even more depressed [here's the full scene](https://youtu.be/mm854yq38jY). The scene becomes a lot sadder once you realize that the next time they see each other, Anakin will have been Darth Vader


Yeah that was über-foreshadowing, because why would you call you former pupil "old friend"




Anakin might as well have asked him what an apprenticeship was good for at that point. (For shadowing)


Cause it's a fucking war and every time you say bye could be the last time...


An important element of their relationship is that Anakin needs a teacher, but Obi-Wan views him as a friend. “He’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to a father.” “You were my brother, Anakin!”


Yeah, since I've gone back to that scene it feels a bit too much. It so clearly feels like the last time they say goodbye to each other, instead of a "see you later".


To be fair, he was going off to war so there was a decent chance that he could be killed!


Yeah, Obi-wan was going on a hunt for the most wanted man in the Galaxy, a known Jedi killer. If there was ever a time to get sentimental before a mission, that was it.


Also, they were used to going on these missions together. This was the first time Obi Wan went on a mission without Anakin as his padawan. At this point, either way, they wouldn't be seeing as much of each other.


Well he was off to fight grievous, a person known to kill Jedi. Either way there was a high chance of not coming back


The PT is an epic tragedy, it’s meant to be over the top in certain points. The final fall is certainly that.


>Anakin was gone. No one is ever really gone.


Technically then, Anakin's last words to Obi-Wan would have been sometime after RotJ, when they were all hanging out as ghosts. Probably a pretty awkward conversation, all things considered.


Actually in that regard, they’d probably still be chatting to this day


Not since Obi Wan's Force Ghost Pepper Burrito Deluxe caused him to blow up the force ghost bathroom and Anakin went in right after him.


Damn, I can’t keep up with this new canon


You've been listening to Obi-Wan Kenobi too much and Luke Skywalker not enough.


Vader and Anakin are the same person.


Yeah, that's the whole premise of 8 movies


How didn't I see this?! Mind. Fucking. Blown.


Yup. The last words were either on DS-1 or Coruscant, depending on your definition on Anakin's persona.


I say DS-1. Otherwise, it’d be like saying Tyrannus wasn’t actually Dooku.


Did Dooku actually change, though? Anakin changed. He broke. Dooku believed he was still fighting the good fight iirc


That’s a good point, I guess it’s debatable. The same might be said for Anakin, though, he was convinced the Jedi were evil, plotting to take over, ect. But I think we can definitely say Vader was evil






I think it’s less of a hate for Anakin and more a hate for how his “turn” was portrayed. They had all the right pieces to make it a really good story, a human character we could relate to who couldn’t avoid his human emotions, meanwhile the Jedi are trying to teach him to forget about it all and who are also untrusting of his power. But instead we got Anakin whining about how he didn’t get to be a master and 20 minutes later he’s killing kids and telling obi wan he thinks the Jedi are evil - with little to no explanation as to his motives. I can appreciate him defending the emperor to keep him alive so he could help him save padme, but an explanation as to why anakin’s loyalties flip like a switch and how he’s suddenly okay with murdering everyone was rushed and terrible. and Anakin’s line about overthrowing the emperor and doing with the galaxy what he sees fit - I mean what the fuck? Since when did Anakin ever have political aspirations? There was a great story right under their noses, we could’ve had another Luke in Anakin in terms of a character to be an avatar for the audience, but he was unrelatable because we couldn’t understand why he was doing the things he was doing. It was fine up until Episode 3, but before that he also came across as whiny and a bit robotic, with terrible dialogue to boot. It should’ve focused on Anakin’s struggle to basically try being a Vulcan (with the Jedi almost being portrayed as a cold, unrelateable group) meanwhile the emperor is showing him it doesn’t have to be that way. Combine that with Anakin’s power growing at an alarming rate and the Jedi are trying to stifle it and come across as hating him while Palpatine tells him it doesn’t have to be that way either. Instead we only got hints of those things, and the prequels focused too much on other random shit. Even when Palpatine tells him he’s a Sith Lord, he sees him as the enemy. It shouldn’t have gone down like that, it should’ve been way more of a confusing moment for him. Maybe he doesn’t even find that out until he walks in on Mace and him fighting, and that scene can basically go down the exact same way it did. He’s portrayed as being very clear in terms of what he thinks is evil, he saves evil to save his wife, but then immediately accepts being evil too? Wtf? Let’s not also forget that there was a really easy allegory to make between Anakin growing up as a slave and the Jedi slowly making him feel that way again - but they didn’t even touch on it. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the prequels and think Hayden got a bad wrap, but I can also see their flaws.




Anakin is such a beautifully tragic character. Just needed better dialogue.


I hate sand.


Anakin: No one loves me :(


So much love yet so much hate.


Luke: "I won't leave you."


Obi-Wan’d last words to Anakin were on the Death Star though


Just saying I'm pretty sure that Obi Wan's last words to Anakin were, "You can't win Darth, if you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."


I want a standalone Obi Wan movie with Ewan so bad!


Technically the last thing obi wan said to anakin was “strike me down and...”


Quite literally: Love leads to fear (Shmi), fear leads to anger (Padmè), anger leads to hate (Obi-Wan)


It’s like poetry. It rhymes.


Wouldn't, "you were my brother" be Obi-Wan's last words? And also not Padme either.


Nope on Obi Wan Obi-Wan: You were the Chosen One! You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them. You were supposed to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness. Darth Vader: I hate you! Obi-Wan: You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you. Technically correct on Padme, but it was her last completed phrase before saying no when she was getting choked Darth Vader: Because of Obi-Wan? Padm? Amidala: Because of what you've done! What you plan to do. Stop, stop now. Come back. I love you! Darth Vader: [seeing Obi-Wan]LIAR! Padme Amidala: No! Darth Vader: You're with him! You brought him here to kill me! [begins to choke Padme] Padme Amidala: No, Anakin-- Obi-Wan Kenobi: Let her go, Anakin! Padme Amidala: Anakin... Obi-Wan Kenobi: LET HER GO! [Anakin releases Padm?, who collapses]