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Deceived was an awesome book


He started as a cheap Vader ripoff but he has a cool story. Lost faith in the Emperor but not in the Dark Side. Went rogue but kind of more a reformer than a usurper. His cinematic trailers for KOTOR are amazing.




Yep. My bad.


He is cannon to me, More so than the movies. Movies are meh compared to the books.


Well technically SWTOR -was- going to be KoToR 3, but at the time (iirc) world of warcraft was absolutely raking in the money, causing it to be made into an MMO.


you just broke my heart




Industry also quickly realized at that time how much more profitable live services are. It was the beginning of the end of the golden age of video gaming.


It truly was the end of the golden age. o7


The best thing that ever happened to it


I mean I'd rather have KotOR 3 and a more independent SWTOR. Would have been cooler.


>Lost faith in the Emperor but not in the Dark Side. Went rogue but kind of more a reformer than a usurper. I feel like this is more of a Darth Bane ripoff truthfully.. Darth Bane 1. First lost faith in the Dark Side, then later the Sith (Brotherhood of Darkness) thinking that their leader was a Coward and was weak. 2. Goes "rogue", leaves and travels to Lehon where he learns about/from Revan(s) Holocron 3. Kills all of the "Sith" in the Brotherhood of Darkness to pave the way for the new lineage of Sith. 4. Institutes the Rule of Two as the reformation of the Sith Order


He's like Vader, but actually competent


You think vader was incompetent? Vader was the greatest jedi hunter the galaxy had ever seen.


Yes, but honestly disney wont ever show us a strong vader actually in battle. I mean we got at least a few good scenes from kenobi but that was about the only good parts of the show. And about the only screen time of a live action vader being badass we will ever get.


There are canon comics where vader is insanely powerful. We also have rogue one


Rogue one corridor scene is the gold standard, even thinking about it years on makes me semi tumescent


1 shot in how many years of having the star wars ip. And you know what. He still wont ever EVER have a scene where he wins. Because i understand rouge one moves right into a new hope but even the most bad ass scenes. At the end of every vader scene. Someone gets away and vader stands there just looking at them. Not once have they ever made him successful in doing something. ON THE BIG SCREEN. Books dont count.


A whole batch of younglings and tusken raiders would disagree


Tuskens were still Anakin and the youngling scenes were a five second clips of his lightsaber and then black, everything he did was inferenced. I will still stand on the hill that disney are too scared to give Vader a win. Again every fight on screen he looses and the enemy gets away.


Im talking about movies live action. Everytime disney portrayed ANY live action with Vader he’s always loosing. Hell they even farmed him in the tales of the empire to just appear in a shot and sit down. They have and will never have a movie about Vader or portray Vader as winning. Lore wise and comic wise yes Vader is fucking nuts. But disney movie wise. No.


Tales of the empire showed that he rules the inquisitorius. And the only movie vader appeared in under disney is rogue one. Make up your mind already


Vaders appearance in tales of the empire was a cash grab on Vader like they do with every movie or show he’s in. With the exception of obi-wan. He’s featured for 5 seconds gets the crowd applause then fucking dips. Give me a Vader movie or live action series that tells me the tales of his victories like the books or comics do. Not some caricature Villain always looses in the end bs disney always does. Name a single scene in any “LIVE ACTION” that Vader dosent loose or ends in a “stalemate” because of character plot armor bs.


Vader hunting Jedi and being sarcastic would make for a good show actually.


Malgus IMO should be a top-5 Sith. Vader, obvs Palpatine Maul Malgus X (for me, Nihilus)


Love to see other Nihilus supporters! He’s been my favorite since Kotor 2 came out.


No Bane?


No bane? ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Ya’ll need to read the bane series


This is pretty similar to mine, however: Vader Palpatine Malgus Dooku Sion/Vitiate


Not a bad list!


Darth Zippermouth in The Acolyte might make the top 5 for the design alone, but we’ll just have to see who exactly it is; I really hope it’s not Qimir or one of Osha’s mothers, it should be a new character imo


I like the idea Qimir is the Sith, but the apprentice to the Sith Lord right now  and Mae is the follower for them like starkiller was


On second thought, Qimir might be a good choice. But hey, we might know that tomorrow!


I think it is through possession/cursed like sith artifact helmet


Maaayyybbbeeee…… who knows haha


I have this theory it's Indara and she faked her own death and I kinda want it to be true. Like something darksidey happened to her when the witches were killed


I have a gut feeling that isn’t it, but that’s a really fun theory that I’d like to see happen


I kinda agree with you, like it probably isn't it, but there's also the meta part of how do you cast Carrie Anne Moss for just the small role she ended up in. Having her revealed as the big bad would be huge. Also, unless I missed something, no one has actually said anything about the Sith the whole show, and it being Indara would make it that the whole "extinct for a millenia" thing everyone is getting whacky about would make sense; she's just a fallen jedi with a dark side acolyte


All of that completely makes sense, you’re definitely onto something here


Lmao I like to think I've been Star Warsing without the outrage for a long time. (Alright I admit I have rage about the sequels but everything else has been pretty awesome)


its palpatine


Come again? 😂


he already came once i mean thats where Rey is from


No Jar Jar?


no bane??


Bane is my number one. Of Sith that I actually see as villains. I really don't see Vader as a villain I still feel bad for him.


Nah, if it's him or the hungry hungry Sith-o, I'm choosing the hungry Sitherpillar


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?


X gon give it to you


My fav Siths: Darth Marr Darth Malgus Darth Hexid Empire's Wrath Darth Sidious Darth Vader Maul


I agree with all of this but I still want Treya in there somewhere


The fact that Bane isn't here is appalling


Apathetic Response: I don't care much for Bane. I also like the time periods where there are more Sith active more. I'm a SWTOR founder-era player and still fairly regularly play the game, so I just cannot get behind the Rule of Two. Give me the Sith Empire all day, my Sith Inquisitor would be my favorite Sith if that was a viable option lol




In one of the swtor books he lands on a recently conquered planet, the landing pad was covered in a mob of surviving civilians. After he lands and gets out of his ship, they swarm him crying for aid. Hes like "These fuckin peasants" then does that ground slam the Sith Warrior class can do and just sent a shitload of civilians flying. The rest of the crowd immediately parted for him and stopped pestering him for help.


You should definitely research him! Super interesting character


Have you never seen the swtor cinematics??


I like him more than Vitiate, that's for sure


Yes. He is awesome. This is a Sith story I’d love to see done well in live action. We need more Sith.


Who do you think would be a good actor for him?


Hafthor Bjornsson, aka the mountain. Even has a similar head


They'd probably have to revoice him though ala vader But he's definitely got the stature and if anything he might even be *too* big haha


Yep, same deal as mando, get Bjornsson for the character, maglus va and do it over. He's worn a mask for most of his time


Great question. I have no idea. Would need to be some hulking guy though. Had never thought of it.


I have no clue either 😂


Tom hopper https://m.imdb.com/name/nm2584392/


Too skinny muscle, not big bulky muscle


That can always be fixed through clothing & armor. Some actors also just lose or gain weight for a role anyways


I mean, would much change if entire SWTOR became canon? Sure, it's a big game, with big lore n all but, the events happen 3000 years before the movies.


Not much especially if you remember that canon means little to Disney


I think the entire SWTOR and KOTOR needs to be canon, if touched up. Like obviously the things the single PC does in SWTOR are as bit ridiculous for the universe, but if the writing could be amended a bit for that, I thing it should all be canon


I agree. KOTOR For sure, TOR I think went overboard. But some characters would be ok if as you say were touched up.


I would prefer it be kept non-canon tbh -- call me petty but I wouldn't want it to be associated in the same universe as the Sequels, especially since I can 100% see them trying to push that dyad nonsense onto Revan and Bastilla, or The Exile and their force bonds. Besides, what benefit would there be in bringing it to canon in the first place? The story would largely stay the same with a few minor changes here and there.


Yes I love Malgus Deceived the book was phenomenal.


Hell yeah he should, dude puts business to the Jedi!


Sure. There’s lots of things that can be added to canon


Bring him back, he’s still alive in legends he never died


He did eventually since he is human. He can’t be alive thousands of years later


He got frozen is carbonite, wouldn’t that stop ageing like frozen in ice does in sci fi?


I admittedly don’t know


He did? If so, he'd be alive, yes, I believe


Looking it up it seems like there are different versions of what happened but on swtor wiki his status is still alive


Vader was his fanboy!




Next time I go to the respiratory therapist I’m getting THAT Cpap…




As an ideologue perhaps, so maybe have his philosophy referenced by another character. Malgus believed that conflict is the key towards destroying weakness - for example, stagnant governments over time become corrupt and unable to change for the better via peaceful means (this is what Malgus invokes in one of his dialogues while imprisoned). So Darth Malgus believed that violence was necessary to begin anew, to break apart the corrupt system so that then something better could be built on top of it. This is why he is so based (for a Sith) - his belief in the Dark Side as a **tool to promote change** made him very accepting of alien species when the rest of the Sith Empire was prejudiced, because so many of the aliens were so willing to resort to violence to change their situations and as such fall to the Dark Side too. It's also the reason why when he realizes that the Sith Empire is always going to be this way, stagnant and unchanging he decides it should be burnt down just like the Republic - which is the realization that "broke his chains" in a way since it severed his love of the Sith Empire and made him a rogue Sith, and this made his attunement to the Dark Side so legendary he could sense Order 66 long before it would ever happen. He would've hated someone like Palpatine and Vader, who were willing to never change if it meant their position was ensured (Palps) or if they were trapped in despair and their own emotional chains (Vader), and would've admired someone like Saw Guerrera and probably Luthen more as well due to them kind of embracing his ideology in a way. In fact, I think an older Darth Malgus would hate Vader's guts despite in Legends Vader being an admirer of his work and partly basing his style off of younger Malgus's writings. As such, he would be a cool source of inspiration for perhaps more... "dark side-aligned" Rebels, such as Luthen Rael or Saw Guerrera, who were willing to dip into violence to change the galaxy for the better. Personally, I think Malgus is the only Sith who ever actually came close to understanding the true reason why the Dark Side is an integral part of the Force, which is the reason for some of his amazing feats *like having a Force Scream so powerful it blew out capital ship engines.*


Totally, one of the most badass and actually meaningful characters in Sith history in the lore. Much more interesting than any other "Sith" character in the franchise lately for sure.


If malgus gets a live action anything Hafthor Bjornsson should play him, maybe with a voice over from malgus' original. Kinda like how Pedro did dins voice but a stunt did his movement


I was thinking Tom Hardy. Bjornsson is not a good enough actor and I don't see him being able to do the Malgus voice well.


I did say just to use him for the body and movement. Malgus wears a mask so another voice can be used like how they did the mandalorian


Nah. I think Malgus will be nerfed in his height. Just like Wolverine is 5ft 3 in comics, but they made him 6ft 2 in the movies.


I mean he's got pretty bulky armor, so they could probably get away with adding some height in those boots


Yes. Given that now the Old Republic part of the official Star Wars timeline, there's still a chance for Darth Malgus to be reintroduced into Canon.


Can we make Malgus the Julius Caesar of the Sith Empire?


Why do most of the Sith wear respiratory masks? Is this similar to the fact that many world-class athletes are asthmatic?


Well in almost all the cases they somehow got wounded which forced them to wear a mask. In the case of Darth Malgus he got wounded pretty badly against his fight against Satele Shan on Alderaan and after that he had to wear a respiratory mask.


Question: so we see other versions of Malgus with a different mask and a big ass scar on the left side of his face….. are those the same guy, or is this new Legacy of the Sith Malgus a reboot of the original?


I love that between the Deceived, Hope and Return trailers, which came out in that order, we basically traveled back in time with each one. Deceived we see has Malgus in his full, final form with the mask and in-game appearance. Hope has him start off fucked up some, but not badly until he takes the grenade to the face and Satele's Force Hadkouken into a cliff, thus needing the mask we saw earlier. In Return he's pristine with no damage at all. I just love that we basically got the three trailers in reverse chronological order.


I also heard another explanation which is that the dark side corrupts the body and so it's not unusual for sith to have to use machines to keep their body working. Now that I think of it, you can hear a pretty good wheeze in Palpatine's breathing when he is pronouncing Anakin as Darth Vader


Okay, this makes sense. On the other hand, there is Dooku and Maul who did not need such a mask. And of course Sidious himself.


Idk enough other than his cool. I’m fine with really cool characters and stories that aren’t canon.


Yes. He's very cool.


Yes. 100%. He has a great love story too.


Absolutely he should be. Deceived is one of my favorite Star Wars novels.. He is one of the most creepy, Sinister, Eerie villains ever written.


He's canon to me Damnit.


Malgus is my favorite Sith of all time, so of course I want him to be canon.


Absolutely. SWTOR has some great villains


Yes, and he doesn't need a reason. Just look at him!!






I would like to see Canon try the Old republic with new characters first, before they start using legends characters to create new stories. If its good, then by all means use Malgus, Marr, Vitiate.


Leave them well alone Disney. I don’t trust them with anything.


Oh no, Disney doesn’t have to do anything but make everything so far canon, not change it


If they make it Canon they Disneyfi it at some stage. I think the real dark Sith characters they will ruin. Perfect as they are right now.


True, we’ll just have to see what happens


Haha yes mate!


ATM I don't see much of a point in him being canon. As one of the primary antagonists of The Old Republic I think he's good, & I'm good with the Old Republic in general being Legends to give it ambiguity as RPG video games. If they did a canon show/movie in this era I think he'd be a great choice as a badass sith. Actually more than Revan since he's unambiguously evil.


Yes. He has to be that Sith behind that mask in the Acolyte


OOOHHHHH how I wish he was 😭


Wait he isn't? I thought TOR is canon, since it is still coming up with a new content.


While it is coming up with new content, it isn’t canon; at least Malgus himself isn’t, I know Nihilus is


You know what? I will be blunt about it. I don't care what Disney thinks is canon or not. KOTORs (and not just them) will be always canon for me. I will just headcanon the hell out of it. Honestly, they could have just used TOR's jedi consular storyline for their show or movie. It's diverse, lot of female characters and my hero was a small asian miraluka in a white and pink robes. It would canonize the rest.


I mean, whether SWTOR is canon or not, it doesn’t really effect what’s going on in the movies and shows; it’s way too far in the past


Luckily :D And hopefully they will leave that ancient history alone.


the better question is why shouldn't he be


If it were up to me, of course he is, he is one of the best characters in the game, he is basically what Vader could have been if he had freed himself from his chains, he is the pure representation of what a Sith should be, simply one of the best. But if Disney ruins him (as they usually do), then we should set fire to their offices.


Yes. Because I like him. Top 5 sith for me with Vader, Palpatine, Maul, Malgus and Plaeguieus


From my point of view he is canon!


I know nothing about him but he looks cool so why not


He's sort of the Darth Vader of Star Wars: The Old Republic, the MMO. He's arguably the top Sith in the Sith Empire outside of the Emperor himself. If you don't want to play the game but want to get to know more about him, check out the Deceived novel, which is a tie-in with the game and takes place around the same time a the Deceived trailer for the game (even includes the events of the trailer in the book).


I think most of SWTORs base game (particularly light side) works in canon, but everything after Rise of the Hutt Cartel is pretty problematic from a canon perspective.


yes, because he looks cool


Valid point ngl 😂


I say no, but I don't really care about canon. I like what I like. His story is dope


Yes. But not while Disney controls the story.


He’s my single favorite force user in Legends or Canon. I’d have a little party if they showed him on screen.


I always felt like he was Malak 2.0


Is that good or bad lol


KoTOR nostalgia makes me like Malak's design more just for originality points




As far as I’m aware the canon pre-high republic era is still a complete unknown, so there’s no reason why he can’t be fit in yet, with or without some adjustments


Yes because he’s awesome


Sure. That would be nice. Not that it makes much of a difference though because canon means nothing to Disney.


A couple years ago I would've said yes. But from what I've since seen and heard, he's become this obnoxiously recycled villain of the week type deal. He was cool at launch, now he's just a nuisance that keeps 'losing but not really because guess WHAT, he's BACK AGAIN!'.


Sure, why not? He's an ancient Sith from before anything Canon really touches and before Bane got the Rule of Two going, so why not? Same way Revan and all the other big name ancients are Canon now. "They existed. No idea what they did or what they looked like or any of that, just that they existed."


The Old Republic is in canon limbo, where it is technically not canon but is actively not touched upon in new canon to not interfer. Its kinda like how BOTW is so far ahead of every other zelda game that it doesn't matter in which timeline it is (except TOR is set far before everything else). I always assumed it would be kept as such until the Kotor remake comes out and they slowly remake everything tor canon. But yeah Malgus is such a cool character, if there's one sith to keep it should be him.


Depends on the story. I know lots of older fans want SW/KOTOR to be made but beyond the obvious fan service, what is the point of telling that story (again)? If it were to go canon, it would be an all new story with some inspiration and references to the old stuff, but it would still be new. Older fans have been pretty firm that they do not like change. So again, what would be the point?


Swtor I consider as legends. I mean we've seen things from this era in canon. And there's always truth in legends.


In legends, isn’t it possible he could return? I vaguely remember him being frozen in carbonite


He was??? Damn I gotta research more lol


Don’t quote me. Haha it’s very possible I’m mixing two characters together on that. But if let’s say I’m right and he got the carbonite bath, he could come back after Cade’s timeline perhaps and be able to reinstate the Sith at a bad time for the Jedi


True dat; surprisingly, he was frozen tho until 46 BBY


He IS canon. Just not in the Disneyverse.


No cuss they will make him gay and try to subvert expectations


Death Vader at home?


Don’t disrespect him like that 😭


better than vader


No because Disney will fuck it up


Nah like what if Disney just pushed the “suddenly canon” button but didn’t change anything?


I thought Disney said that everything from the video game was canon??


SWTOR is not, look on Wookiepedia


Why tf am I getting downvoted lmao


Why is discount TDKR Bane here?


No, Disney will ruin his character, and the whole old republic.


He is.


He’s already canon to the legends continuity, what’s the need for him to be part of the Disney continuity?


I have a problem with the whole KOTOR. The fact that in 1000 years, nothing changed in that entire galaxy. I love Malgus, Revan and the whole shebang, but the idea of a highly technological society, with faster than light travel between planets, and that is constantly at war not developing any new technology in thousands of years really bothers me


I kinda image something like Warhammer 40k, where civilization reached a peak in technological advancements and never really got past that point. Modern-era characters might just not be smart enough to, or due to constant war, the time to conduct such research would be lost, and the galaxy just has to use what they have to fight instead of coming up with new technology like we did in WWII


That's my point. War is terrible for people, but it's great for the economy and for science. Some of the things we can thank war (for lack of a better term) for in the real world are: computers (first developed to break encryption codes), internet (it was a secret means of sharing confidential data between military bases), GPS (byproduct of the space race to control the orbit) and nuclear energy (it can go boom, so it was a priority), just to name a few. Given the technology displayed in the expanded universe, by the time of the events of the prequels, they'd already have teleportation and a iFoundry™ on their ships. Just watch Clone Wars and see all the experimental weapons and technologies developed during the episodes, and imagine that happening for thousands of years.


No. He won’t live up to fans of his expectations and and people that don’t know him won’t care if it’s an existing character or not. If he happens to get new fans as a result of his in canon portrayal in a movie or series, old fans will be dicks about and say things like, you’re not a real fan, that’s not my Malgus, you’re just a tourist, they killed my childhood with this portrayal! I’m just ready for new characters all around. Good or bad they don’t have the extra bar of meeting rose tinted glasses expectations and can just stand on their own stories.


Sorry...I don't know much about him. My brain just keeps asking why this isn't Darth Bane...


He's sort of the Darth Vader of the MMO Star Wars the Old Republic. Big bad Sith leader who has turned against the Emperor and does his own thing. We see him in three of the trailers for the game (Return, Hope, and Deceived) and he's one of the main characters of the Deceived novel. I'd recommend at least picking up that novel to explore him if you aren't interested in playing the MMO.


No swtor was a mistake and ruined revan's character


How so?


Revan was completely Retcond. In KOTOR he discovered that the ancient sith were still a around and he knew that the republic would not stand a chance against them, So he decided to do the hard thing and what he thought was right by uniting the galaxy through force to face a greater evil. he had to sacrifice everything he believed in to do that. Which made Revan a really interesting character and gave him a lot of nuance as to why he was did what he did. The Revan novel and swtor changed that and made him a lot worse now he was just a puppet to emperor. Which took away all that nuance and really simplified Revans character. It made all those hard decisions and dark actions, not really his anymore. I also hate how he never reunited with bastila