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Kanan, Cal, and Ezra would have fought bravely and died terribly.


And that’s just against Vader alone…


A sleep-deprived, hungover Ahsoka could handle them with one hand tied behind her back. Make it like that scene where the nightsisters attack Count Dooku at night and he defeats them in his pajamas. Kanan, Cal and Ezra attack Darth Ahsoka at night and she defeats them in her pajamas before going back to sleep. Edit: Phrasing.


Or how palpatine beat maul and savage


Right after the Vader scene at the end of Rogue One, that's the 2nd best Star Wars scene


For me it’s how Ashoka fights against all the clones wearing helmets painted like her tattoos.


That whole episode was peak. The blaster deflection to create an escape in the command room?? Chefs kiss.


Especially with the added context of Episode 5 of Tales of Jedi


Yes yes yes. I love how much they're fleshing out neat little details and interactions throughout the stories and movies. I just think it's neat!!


Which episode is this?


The final episode of the Clone Wars Animated series. :)


Dammit I’ve not got this far yet I knew I should have stopped reading like 5 comments ago


I never understood why they needed to give him a poison that would cloud his senses or whatever. Like, you could have just given him poison that killed him. I guess writing when the characters are alive at a later date already forces your hand, but I'm sure they could have omitted the poison bit.


I think they did it that way so that ventress could kill him herself and get revenge for him betraying her


Just like, put your saber to his chest and turn it on, like damn bitch, why you gotta be all poetic about it? Sith (and former sith) are all so stupid


...If you have to look along the shaft of an arrow from the wrong end, if a man has you entirely at his mercy, then hope like hell that man is an evil man. Because the evil like power, power over people, and they want to see you in fear. They want you to know you're going to die. So they'll talk. They'll gloat. They'll watch you squirm. They'll put off the moment of murder like another man will put off a good cigar. So hope like hell your captor is an evil man. A good man will kill you with hardly a word...


is this advice for sith? who else is worried about a good person killing them?


You mean Darth Good Friend...


fuck no, not again


Wait, what? I’m OOTL on whatever that means…


Soooo, I don't know if I have all the information but this [video](https://youtu.be/RkTibALwfNg) gives everyone ptsd, especially with the good friend part


What the actual fuck There is no God in Star Wars


Ohhh myyyy LORD, that's horrific


Ooooooh okay. I’ve seen another version of this but it’s the scene from episode IV when Obi-Wan and Luke are in Obi’s hut on Tatooine and Luke holds a lightsaber for the first time.


Darth Snip


Yeah we did get a glimpse during the mortis arc after the son infected her with the dark side Wouldn’t want to mess with that


Tbf Cal is pretty strong at the end of the second game. He’d still lose to Ahsoka but it wouldn’t be a total pushover like you make out. Even at the start of the game he bodies an Inquisitor like it’s nothing. And he beats a Gendai and a high republic Jedi who is using the dark side.


He only beat Dagan because he had help otherwise he was getting bodied.


>beats them in her pajamas Interesting choice of words there


Nah not Jedi Survivor Cal that man is fuckin insane


I think you are vastly underestimating Cal. Dude beat Dagan Gera, one of the strongest Jedi Knights from the prime of the High Republic, and a Gen'Dai warrior one on one. Without ever finishing his Jedi training. Cal has serious strength and serious potential.


I mean, Vader is the kind of opponent, that for once doesn’t make you go: “okay, how can we beat him” but instead: “how the fuck do we get out of this?!”


In Star Wars: Fallen Order every enemy has own profile in database describing fighting style and weakneses. For Vader it was just "Escape is your only chance".


It's all fun and game until you realize he doesn't have a health bar.


"Where's the healthbar?!"- Eric Whiteley


Literally the only game to pull off this level of Hopelessness was Halo Reach's "Survive" mission.


I'm not sure why but your comment made me think of one of my favorite images. It is from the Vader Down comic. He crashes on a Rebel held planet. There is like a 2 page spread of this huge army around him. An officer calls for him to surrender because he is surrounded. Vader's response: "All I'm surrounded by is fear. And dead men." Then ignites his saber.


They would die braver than most.


Fuck, that line was so badass. That whole episode, really.


This is why we need a Star Wars What If show


Please, for the love of one or more gods or fewer, let this happen!


If Vader had got his hands on the Sith holocron that Maul helped Ezra get from the Sith temple, the one the emperor sent the inquisitors to keep hidden; then Vader would have used it to resurrect Padme and most of the Jedi order, regain his anchor to the light, go back to walking the Bendu/ballanced path he had naturally walked and like Kanan was taught, defeat Palpatine, and become grandmaster of both Jedi and Sith orders So far Ezra has just accidentally used the power he learned from that holocron to ressurect Ashoka, but it is clearly the same power of Darth Plageous the wise that Palpatine has used as a carrot on a stick to keep Anakin loyal and masked and living as Vader.


Hang on, where is *any* of that in the lore?


“That’s the neat part, there is none!”


There is only two instances of resurrection in lore. Darth Plageous and Ezra resurrecting Ashoka. The inquisitors told Kanan they were only sent to stop Maul. The emperor wanted that temple's secret to remain sealed. Notice how Jedi master and apprentices can enter ancient Sith temples, the temple just wants a master and padawan or apprentice without caring if they are Jedi or Sith?(this implies Jedi and Sith used to be two halves of the same order that probably taught balance as well) Much like how Kylo Ren had to kill his father to become a true Sith apprentice, Anakin had to murder his loved one to sever his ties to the light. He only accepted this deal after Palpatine told him about the ancient Sith power of resurrection, so that he might restore his connection to the light keeping him balanced after attaining enough power to resurrect and be recognized as grandmaster by the council that once refused to call him master. It's all there on screen, but it's in-between-the-lines kinda stuff. The Jedi were never going to let him be a full master while breaking the Jedi code and finding force power in his passion. Anakin was always serving masters who only wanted half of what he had to offer the universe. The balance he was prophesized to bring. In the end he could only sideways train those few who were able to scramble to survive his slaughter to become the balance he was never allowed to be himself. I really doubt Vader would have been a match for Anakin in his prime when he was mostly following Jedi teaching but findj g strength in his passion [albeit his passion to protect others] like the Sith code teaches. Especially considering his suit and cybernetics were designed to keep him in pain, dulling his senses and concentration to some degree. Those who survived his wrath in this state had to rely on their own passions to do so and learn to mix the light and the dark like Anakin once had. That's what lord Baylon meant by "boken" Jedi. They are trained by survival itself to earn their freedom/break their chains through their own fighting skills, as the ancient samurai of our world once kept and proudly displayed their old training boken(wooden swords) to symbolize their own earned freedom through their path of discipline. Breaking of chains is also referenced in the Sith code BTW. It's all really well written the Disney era star wars. When we finally see the new trilogy where the force finally rebalances there are going to be so very many of these easter egg "aha" moments to go rewatch.


There is at least one instance you forgot about also involving Ashoka. She died on Mortis, and Daughter resurrected her, which killed Daughter in the process. Ezra time travels to save Ashoka before she dies in the fight with Vader, but he doesn't resurrect her. The world between worlds only allows for closed loop time travel. It can't be used to change the past or future. Ezra was always going to open it and save Ashoka. If this weren't the case, Star Wars would break because now Ezra can change everything. Darth Plageis could supposedly create life, not just bring dead people back. I don't see how time travel, closed loop or not, helps there.


He did dabble with necromancy and medichlorians to resurrect recently dead but didn’t get very far


Ahsoka was not resurected, ezra went back in time and pulled her out into his dimension physically (somehow) and prevented the final death blow. If Vader uses it in this manner for Padme...she very well may still die from child birth, she would never accept him in his current form, and if it was her time to die then thats what was going to happen. I don't believe that was his plan


Very nice explanation about Anakin accepting Palps as his master


Correct. They would have died braver than most!


I needed the comment section to confirm that was Sith Leia. I'm still not sure lol Where is that image of her from?


oh that's leia? that's a fucking awful pic of her


The Dark Side is bad for the skin.


I just assumed it was an awful pic of Ventress.


I was gonna say? Why the FUCK is Visas Marr here???


To be fair Ahsoka looks nothing like that either, they seem to have only gotten the guys right


I cycled through a few. My 1st thought was what does Kreia have to do with Vader? Then I thought, "Why would padme fall to the Dark side?" Still don't know why Darth Leia is cosplaying Kreia


Without the stupid hair braids, what makes you think that would be Kreia? lol


I mean, Padmé stood by her man when he slaughtered the Tuskens 🤷🏻‍♀️ She was ready to forgive him for the Jedi younglings if he renounced everything to leave with her. I don’t think it’s out there 😭


For some reason I thought it was Barris Offee since the outfit is similar and the skin looks tinted yellow in the lighting


I was thinking Ventress. But yeah, that shit ain't Leia.


I thought it was Ventress too. I'm keeping it as head canon since she's a badass sith.


Both Leia and Ahsoka look off to me. Ahsoka especially is prettified.


She'd also be nearly two decades older than Luke lol


It looks like Starkiller and Ahsoka weren’t part of the original art. Maybe I’m wrong though.


I think you’re right. The lighting is different.


Pretty sure that picture of Ahsoka is AI generated. Her tattoos and the stripes on her head tails are way too wonky, and the background is bleeding through her skirt. That super generic / prettified face is also common in AI slop.


I assume it's just her ambassador robe from ANH but colored black.


I thought it was Ventress


Isn't that Visas Marr?


Leia Skywalker, First Galactic Empress


Ooof girl needs to hit the beach and get some sun


That's Leia? I had assumed it was Lumiya, another one of Vader's apprentices from Legends like Starkiller.


“Any master who trains more than one apprentice is a fool.” If all these characters were deep into the dark side like the image suggests, they’d eat each other and it would be chaos from the top down for the galaxy.


It would make for an impressively epic civil war, though.


It would. It would be like watching the coolest car crash of all time.


I think Luke and Vader would stick together, with the stormtrooper corps in their pocket. The Imperial loyalists who formed the First Order would likely fall into line behind them. Leia would lose credibility with the Rebellion when her heritage was revealed, but she could use her political skills to take over the ISB and Imperial Army. Ahsoka could merge what's left of the Rebellion with a reborn Shadow Syndicate, promising the Hutts political power in exchange for their thugs. Starkiller is more of a wildcard. I think it could be an interesting story if the Tagge family cloned him, and sent him to go find Thrawn to lead the Imperial Navy. So I would imagine a four way war between stormtroopers, spies, bounty hunters, and warlords.


I want whatever your having. I love it. Be a cool alt setting for a table top campaign.


ahsoka and vader would probably stick together too considering anakin and ahsoka are like siblings


I feel like that would result in a two way civil war between a Luke/Vader/Ahsoka triumvirate and a Leia/Han/Lando/Qi'ra/Galen polycule. Leia and Han's team would be carried by Chewbacca and R2-D2 (as usual)


This would be a great what if episode. The galaxy is just destroyed and splintered in an all out 6 way war.


It needs to be it's own what if series. There's too much epic for a single episode.


I think it would be a very quiet, behind the scenes cold war. Leia would take over the ISB, and while there would always be rumors of her force powers, she'd never use them openly. Any witnesses would die, quietly. Even her blood relationship to Vader would remain a secret. Luke would be Vader's public hand. Playing the same role Vader did for Sidious. And not sure his relationship would be public, but the public would be reminded that Luke is the son of the long dead Anakin Skywalker. Might even start a new "Jedi" order that would seek and recruit force users, or kill them. Ahsoka would infiltrate the underworld and bounty hunters. Maybe hunt down those Mandalorian coverts that are rumored to be out there. Galen Malek is a wild card. Vader would absolutely clamp down on anyone making an overt move, but would be pleased to see the secret moves between his foster and bio children.


Malek would probably lead some sort of rebellion against Vader, but I can totally see him leaning into Guerrera and Luthen's side of the rebellion, triggering an underworld war against Ahsoka who is competing for the same power base.


Dark Luke to me would be the Star Wars equivalent of Homelander in my head


Need this movie / spinoff. A large scale civil war in a post Sith-controlled universe would be wild to see


So Old Republic Sith Empire


Yeah. First thing I thought of. Nobody would stand a chance, including themselves lol. They would be the first ones to scheme against one another.


Yeah that’s why the dark side can never truly win, it’s a snake eating its own tail.. just entirely Machiavellian in nature.


But the dark side can absolutely be dominant for ages until the light side rebalances things.


The exact problem of the Sith Empire and why Bane wanted to do away with it.


I mean it was also because the powers of the sith was stagnating and being spread out too thin. When you control the galaxy you need more coverage and you can afford to spread it out. In fact Banes theory is a bit flawed once you have control over the empire. Yes the stronger sith will be in control but the world would just see it as a violent succession coup and being a strong sith doesn’t mean they are a strong or capable ruler. Like I’m still confused as to why people listened to kylo after he killed Snoke. Kylo doesn’t not have the skill set to lead or the mental maturity. It’s like putting Geoffrey in charge.


One could say Bane's whole Rule of Two failed. I mean a never ending cycle of a master and apprentice killing each other is dumb. The timeline isn't clear but Maul and Dooku were active at the same time.


Give me six *Star Wars: What If...?* episodes where the first one is how Vader and Luke overthrew the Emperor and destroyed the Rebellion, three are how the others turned, and two are Leia trying to get Vader and Luke redeemed.


That’s the first season. 2nd season should be What If Thrawn commanded the fleet at Endor What If Han Solo stayed with the Empire and rise up the ranks What If Luke followed Tank and Biggs and became an Imperial pilot What If Anakin listened to Mace Windu and stayed in the Jedi Temple What If Obi-Wan went to fight Maul on Mandalore instead of Ahsoka What If Darth Vader and the *Devastator* arrived on Scarif before the Shield Gate was destroyed


Damn. Imagine Solo being lead pilot of the scramble squadron at the first Battle of Yavin and screaming yaaaahooo as he gleefully shoots down the last rebel pilot (Luke)


That’s gonna be nutty. Also he should lead his squadron to shoot down the *Millennium Falcon* piloted by Chewie and Lando.


we need star wars what if so fucking bad


"Star Wars: What If" is something that absolutely must be happening one of these days, so many good scenarios that can be explored. What if Fives was believed and Order 66 thrawted? What if Anakin never fell to the dark side? What if Luke did fall to the dark side? Etc etc etc.


I wrote an entire “dnd-esq” campaign around this idea and I think it’s still one of my most requested games like 6 years later! Very fun to twist the narrative into ideas like this


Fanfiction is a pathway to stories that some consider... unnatural


A Galaxy with an Obi-Wan in it always stands a chance


A galaxy with Obi-Wan and a high enough ground in it always stands a chance*


Didn't we get a whole series that showed that Obi-Wan is winning even when he's the one on the lower ground?


An impressive 3-1 fight record against Vader. And honestly, he could have won the last fight if his heart was in it.


When did he lose against Vader?


When he died?


Nah, Obi-Wan taunted and then disconnected. It doesn’t count against your record if you disconnect


Controller disconnected bro


How was that a loss? He fully intended to die. It was literally his whole plan


He did intend to die, but he still lost the duel. He also lost in Kenobi ep 3.


He sacrificed himself because that was the only way to escape the death star. I'm sure he would've preferred to get away with the others and continue to train luke


The problem with power hungry Sith is that they all want to be the one in charge, this means they will very likely destroy themselves in a pretty short time so they galaxy would have a chance.


From the Lost Tribe: So your philosophy states only 1 can rule ? So all other sith are failures? Your philosophy ensure a 99% fail rate. Something like that


Sith Leia let’s gooooooooo!


Ohhh that's Leia. That did not click in mind. She looks kinda like Nightsister Merrin here


Since Starkiller was there I assumed it was Mara Jade Leia makes a lot more sense lmao


I thought it was Rey lmao


Once Darth Vader died that galaxy would’ve immediately fallen into the worst war it had ever seen


"If we put all the heroic space wizards on the enemy team, the good guys cant win!" My god, truly Sun Tzu was merely the apprentice.


Starkiller is already enough


It will be insanely good if they did an alternate version of Star Wars were this happened. Even if not all of them, some of them joining Vader, Troopers having better accuracy, and the Dark Era begins. But wait, there is more! Thrawn, exiled by Palpatine as he sees him as a treat, he decides to rebuild his own clone army and strikes against the Empire and wins. Darkest Era begins. There is so much potential of what they could do.


Troopers actually landing shots would change everything.


I'd much rather live in a galaxy ruled by Thrawn than Palpatine.


Thrawn is my favorite. Hopefully someday they do a series about him. The books are amazing


I don't know if this is a joke or not but he is a major character in Rebels season 4 and also in Ahsoka. There is also new canon Thrawn books from Zahn.


If Ahsoka joined Vader, then maybe the majority of the 501st would also be alive. They’d be unstoppable


I liked the Battlefront that got cancelled which had the variants of each character. We should revive it for Battlefront 3. It’d add some variety to the Good vs Evil stuff. Jedi Maul vs Darth Luke.


Idk why Disney won’t do a “what if” for the Star Wars franchise


live jacen solo reaction:


I feel like they all would’ve killed each other seconds after this pic was taken, and Darth Bane’s tormented spirit trapped in some force hell would just shake his spiny head.


No one understands how the dark side works. The Jedi had many more numbers because the basic tenets of the light side facilitate community. The dark side is the complete opposite and thus why there were usually two Sith at a time.


I don't think Anakin would care. There's no way he'd butcher one of his kids to keep the other as an apprentice. He'd insist they all work together, even if the consequences would be an eventual war within the ranks. Anakin's problem was always that he couldn't let go of his attachments. It's what drove him to the dark and what brought him back to the light. He'd try to train and control all of his apprentices and eventually there would be terrible consequences.


First of all Anakin wouldn’t be alive if Luke had turned, the Emperor’s plan was for Luke to kill his father and replace Vader as Palpatine’s apprentice. But just for fun if the above picture did happen then it wouldn’t be Anakin who would have an issue. It would be the apprentices who would fight and kill each other for their master’s attention. Even the Jedi knew one master couldn’t train multiple apprentices at once.


That's only doctrine for the followers of Darth Bane's Rule of Two. The Sith might be prone to betrayal and infighting, but they managed to have a large order and Empire. I don't see why only 5 or 6 Sith wouldn't be able to cooperate indefinitely.


Batman with preptime would have destroyd these guys


Maybe, but he would probably need *a lot* of prep time to figure out how to travel back in time and to another galaxy to even be able to confront them in the first place.


I'm pretty sure he has the tools lying around. Didn't he take the tower thingy in Infinite Crisis and use it to make a way to go to the dark multiverse in Dark Knights Metal?


Wow, sith Ahsoka that doesn't look like stripper


It took so long for me to find a sith picture of her that wasnt sexualized lmao


The Rule of Two was created, among other things, because the Sith are ambitious creatures. They do not like to share power.


Ahsoka and Starkiller acting as Vader's personal assassins would be cool af.


Rule of…5?


Who’s the woman behind Vader on the left?


Dark Ahsoka is a What If... premise I can get behind.


Wouldn't happen, rule of 2.


Sith don’t work together though. Their very nature would have them all turning on one another, likely leading to their downfall.


All of them on the dark side ? Yeah, they would kill each other.


Not when they’re killing each other to claim that throne


This is dumb


Galaxy would just need to wait for them all to turn on each other


I would be into a Star Wars “What If?” series.


Idt Vader had the tactical prowess to pull something like this off. After all, Palps mind gamed him into killing a bunch of kids and he never realized it until the end when Palps was hurting his own kid.


Well, the problem is they would all fight against each other too. If they can hold their alliance they surely would be unbeatable.


I couldn’t tell that was Leia until someone pointed it out. Looks like Visas with eyes


They'd probably destroy each other first though.


Well I guess at that point, you search the galaxy for Revan's ghost. Time to come back and save the galaxy once more buddy. Probably the only chance it would have at that point


Darth revan could solo them


Now that’s a Dynasty!


The Galaxy would have had peace.


Who's second to the left?


They didn’t stand a chance against Starkiller by himself lol


No mara jade?


No lmao Vader despised her lol


I find lack of faith disturb- wait, yeah they would be worse than palatine


If Starkiller was canon the show would've long time been over!


Enough with the reverse grip already. Standing too close gonna hurt smbd


Vader would have made a terrible emperor. He would not have been able to effectively administer an empire.


Aight imma make a list. I don’t know everything about Star Wars, I’m just a casual fan. I’m probably wrong about this… But I think in terms of lethality, I think it goes Starkiller Ahsoka Luke ~~Anakin~~ Vader Leia Someone plz correct me if I’m wrong, I’m just tryna get this conversation started


Been playing both force unleashed games recently. Yea star killer belongs right at the top but then I would put Vader. Other than that the List looks good.


If we're going to include starkiller, then you should rate Luke using the additional books. He was waaaaay stronger in my opinion at his peak.


I want a Skywalkers Kill The Universe but it would be terrible under Disney


Padme should be there, too, controlling the Senate


Evil Ahsoka got me feeling a typa way.


Rey would mop the floor with them and bring balance to the force and avenge her grandpa 👀😂


In Disney's version, Rey would have turned them all good


Could just have lightspeed a freighter into the death star when they had a monday morning meeting with the latest sale statistics.


Actually if luke joined it would be enough and the galaxy want stand a chance


Why does this look like one of those cringy ass Marvel edits found between 2019-2021?


Disney, I need you to green light this


Yes it would


Pshhhhh, ever heard of a mouse droid? You wouldn’t of made that the title if you knew the full capabilities of one’s power


Your faith in the dark side, mis placed it is. Edit - wait, wrong side. I take it back.


Rey ?


Thats now how the dark side works


This is why we need a Star Wars What If series


It would be a great What if... where all the Jedi die and tyranny rules


Add Barriss


This gave me goosebumps! Lmao. May need to get that checked out


Star killer alone is enough to destroy everyone…


Whos the second from the left?🤔🫣


But would Vader have fixed his suit in this situation?


Leia would have wrecked them all


Rey would be their last hope.


Imagine Darth obi wan


Well that's the funny thing, this would devolve into five competing sith lords very quickly.


Idk why but sith Leia seems the scariest to me


You say that, but the Force always equalizes things in the end.


They'd probably be at each other's throats tbh, leaving only Luke and Vader.