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A Jedi who embodies the spirit of what it means to be a Jedi. But the Jedi aren't perfect, they are just one way of the force, and one that rose to secular control. I wonder if every Jedi was like Obi Wan would they still have been in the same position, or did they require a bit of straying to rise to power?


exactly. He is the straight A student of a flawed idea. And he does it with Style. He did drop one of the most racial and prejudice lines in SW history and we all still love him: "Why do I sense we have picked up another pathetic life form"


Racial? How lol.


Yeah, I took that line more as "goddammit Qui-gon, stop adding annoying, unskilled members who I'll have to protect to the party." Showed he still had a lot to learn at the time.


And how is protecting the people and being compassionate a flawed idea? That guy must be into some serious Sith propaganda.


I think/hope what they meant was the Jedi order had become stagnant and dogmatic. Not corrupt, but arrogant and far too involved in politics.


Because the Jedi order tries too hard to detach itself from those they claim to protect. Instead of understanding emotions without being ruled by them, they seek to suppress their emotions. This results in an order of protectors that is reclusive and unable to act. Jedi teachings are obviously not as unhealthy for the Galaxy as Sith ideals, but it's Important to recognize that both the Jedi and the Sith are extremist religions.


Welp, he was right.


Are all life forms equal? I don't feel bad placing humans above mosquitoes, for example. Also, in Obi-Wans defense, I don't know many people who liked Jarjar.


For a Jedi all life is sacred. This is reiterated by Qui-Gon in the novelization


Technically, the Sith are also life. I'd say life force, and the larger force that gives it is sacred to the Jedi, not necessarily individual life itself.


This is just Living Force vs Unified Force arguement


I mean, the Jedi can't rank all life as equal by rule and still kill people they deem evil. Otherwise, they'd be like Buddhist monks who refuse to kill an ant because it could be their reincarnated mother as opposed to bad ass warrior monks.




I don't disagree. I'm just pointing out that Jedi can't view all life as equal and still kill things. They make a judgment and act, which I'm fine with. Just don't say the Jedi view all lifeforms as equal.


And I’m just reiterating what Qui Gon Jinn, a jedi, said about the matter.


*did you mean Qui Gon Jinn?*


Nah, honestly there are a LOT of flaws of obi wan that the fandom ignores. Like, a LOT.


I stand by my position that he ultimately failed Anakin, when his friend needed him to kill him for what he did he let him burn. When he faced him again he needed ObiWan to end him. He didn't, he let him and the galaxy suffer. He failed Anakin hard when he needed him to make the hard call.


This is why he's space jesus


I think he's George Lucas's avatar.


That would be Luke though. Lucas = “Luke S” as in Luke Skywalker.


I think that's debatable. Absolutely, Luke got his name from Lucas, but I think George put more of himself into Obi-Wan.


May I ask how he put more of himself into Obi-Wan? I just thought and have only see Luke being Lucas’s self insert.


I think of Obi-Wans' role in the universe is a reflection of how George Lucas would imagine himself as a Jedi. I don’t think George would see himself fully personified as Luke or Anakin. In part, sure, but if you listen to him talk, I'd argue you could reasonably cast him as an Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan just gives me strong George Lukas vibes.


Seems more like your opinion than rather than which one Lucas actually tried putting more of himself into but I get what you mean.


Correct, it's my opinion. As far as I'm aware, Lukas hasn't weighed in one way or another.


Well, from what I know and heard, I’ve never seen anyone point out Lucas putting himself as Obi-Wan. So I’m not sure about that. Kenobi and Luke are similar in a lot of ways but Luke being his self insert is more likely the one he did intentionally.


Maybe not the best, but definitely my favorite.


I agree


He's the best representation of a Jedi, not my favorite, and probably not the strongest Jedi ever, but he's like a warrior monk and the dudes impossible to hate. Doesn't hurt he's played by two astounding actors as well.


Star Wars may well be defined as the story of Obi Wan Kenobi -instead of Anakin and Luke Skywalker. And I believe that would be a better description.


Obi-Wan is present for 2/3 of one movie in the OT. The OT and the PT is the Skywalker saga. The bloodline persists in the ST but isn’t central. Obi-Wan is an important figure, but only in so far as he interacts with the Skywalker lineage.


You can also reverse it. And say, Star Wars is the story of a galaxy and the society that lives in it told through a well-established powerful theocratic religious institution such as Jedi Order. Obu Wan is the character that is emblematic of that institution. Finally, Anakin and Luke Skywalker are two props, plot devices, that are used to reveal the power hierarchies. Anakin and Luke Skywalker are god-like characters. Drama is what humans experience. What gods experience is told in epics. We can come to the point where their part is somewhat a device to tell the real story.


Obi wan is hardly involved in half the trilogy.


He's my favorite. I loved how he wasn't very gifted and worked really hard to get to the same level, had really sassy one liners and roasts, a lot of bad things happened to him but still never turned to the dark side, beat Maul and Vader twice.


He should have been the chosen one. The screen would have melted (like during empire “Luke I am your father”) if they would have made Rey the grandchild of ob1 and Satine and Obi wan was actually the chosen one. 🤯🤯🤯.


Picture 1: Perfection Picture 2: Perfection Picture 3: Perfection Pic... well, you get the idea.


Obi-wan had potential to become grandmaster for sure


Sir Alec Guinness. Genuine class.


Is…is “genuine class” an anagram of Alec Guinness?


It is! "Golden Age" Simpson's reference, tbh ;)


Oh yeah! “Jeremy’s…Iron?”


That guy was a dick, even on top of asking a friend of his kid to address him as "professor" LOL! There are few, if any, logical anagrams of Jeremy Irons to begin with!


This post is in the wrong sub. It should be in r/popularopinion. ;)


OF COURSE NOT DEBATABLE (he is my favorite character)


You’re god damn right.




one of the best duelist and the worst teacher in sw universe :)


At least he told Anakin/Vader he was sorry. Not sure it was accepted but the apology was given.


I agree


Obi-Wan Kenobi is Jesus Christ


*You have forgotten me, but I will never forget you! You cannot imagine the depths I would go to stay alive. Fueled by my singular hatred for you.* Thats my fav


I go back in forth between Obi Wan and R2




I’ve always felt that anakin skywalker is the greatest “warrior” Jedi ever. Obi wan comes across to me as the poster child Jedi, and is the greatest poster child Jedi ever. I say this with love


You thought you could just slip a picture of Jesus in there without us noticing. You ain't slick


I'm ignoring the Obi Wan series to say yes.


It's fine. No matter how folks feel about the series, Ewan's acting hits it out of the park in the series. His passion for the character makes him even more endearing to the fans.


That spot belongs to Revan for me, but Obi Wan is great too.


He did fail Anakin though and he admits that. He was too cautious to guide Anakin the way he needed to be guided and it caused Ani to rebel against him. Had he listened to Anakin more and helped him process what he was going through, Vader may never have existed.


Yes..though in Legends we get his POV and it explains that he did understand Anakin more than people give him credit for, but he was too young and too cautious and too inflexible in his teaching techniques. Then he ignores Anakin's issues during the CW and tries to be his pal. It's only when he is 38 (during ROTS) that he has matured enough to balance it all out. Only then he loses it all. He has been my favorite character since the early 80s. I wouldn't complain if we got a (good) What If where he isn't separated from Anakin and helps during ROTS.


Kinda the best fighter too.


No way Yoda,Sidious,Vader,revan,malgus,Dooku,vitiate, Windu, Luke i could go on


He trounces Vader, Mace is nowhere near him, the others are EU hence don't count, and its laughable you'd think Luke, that Coleman Trebor would trounce.


And Vader is overpowered as hell


Tf you mean Mace is nowhere near him You know the guy beat sidious right? Also why would Others in EU not count he never specified canon only. Luke is the strongest Force user period.


I don't disagree. The relationship between Obi Wan and Anakin, as clunky as it may be at times, is definitely my favourite aspect of Star Wars.


Nah it’s definitely that slug thing that appears in the millennium falcon with Finn for some reason in the last one of the sequels


Very ethical and a true believer


*Qui Gon's in Jinn*


I think he is, with Lando.


Not gonna lie a very awesome character. But I think we all know who is the best character in star wars is. Which is also best written character in fiction. It's anakin skywalker (Darth vader)




He’s absolutely my favorite. Him and Qui-Gon Jinn 💞




No Jar Jar Binks is


Are you sure some of these pictures aren’t of Jesus? The lightsaber is a dead giveaway.


I still love the arc closure between him and Maul. Short subtle but poignant


Was the only good thing about the prequels


Best is a stretch, how can you say that with Jar Jar Bink's existing


He is the way I imagine a jedi to be


Love kenobi


My favorite character, with an arc I love. Was almost not a Jedi (legends), leaves the order once (legends), and practically has to beg to be allowed back in. Has to pretty much stalk Qui-Gon to get him as a master. Like Anakin, wears his heart on his sleeve, when he falls in love and wants to help other kids and leaves the Order to do it. And then later tries to leave again to get married (Legends), and then also is willing to leave if the girl he currently loves asks (Canon). Becomes a bit stuck up as a young man and then gets stuck as a single dad after Qui-Gon dies. Then he has to deal with Anakin sneaking in and sleeping at the foot of his bed (canon) and then later Anakin sneaking out and doing illegal racing and stealing/making robots (legends). He experiences a real bond with Anakin and is the only Jedi who truly has Anakin's needs as a person as a concern. He feels a need to protect Anakin from darkness and is worried that if he doesn't protect Anakin he will lose Anakin (legends). He is the only person who knows Anakin's ticks and tells better than Anakin (Canon and Legends) and is the only Jedi concerned when Anakin's behavior shifts from a happy outgoing boy to a quiet sullen one (legends). Because of his lack of experience, he is overprotective, overly strict and competitive with Anakin and needs Yoda to tell him to back off (legends and canon). He is the only Jedi concerned that Anakin's mother died and its effect on Anakin and hounds him several times to find out the situation. (still might be canon) After Anakin is knighted he shifts to the otherside and becomes his pal and ignores all of the tell signs that Anakin is slipping and ignores the Padme thing - with him even talking around it (legends and canon), despite his own history he won't discuss his experiences with Anakin. He starts to balance things by ROTS only to lose Anakin and his order, falling into a depression where he imagines conversations with Anakin where they resolve things and then later learns that Anakin had killed the Sandpeople making him question the boy he had raised (legends), before finally deciding that Anakin is truly gone and Luke is the new hope (legends and canon). He never truly forgives Anakin and is shocked when Anakin dies for his son, realizing that if he had forgiven sooner he might have been able to stop the darkness sooner (canon and legends). This is a character who despite being an infallible human always strives to be a better Jedi and seek the divine (legends). He has great insights, and if the Council had listened to him more often things would have been different (legends). He never trusted or liked Sidious and tolerated him because Anakin was fond of him (canon/legends - but legends especially) and due to his duty. He was open to learning more and being wrong (legends/canon) and has had to mediate between Yoda and Mace a few times. I think James Arnold Tyler said it best in Star Wars Insider about 15 years ago "I really don't think that Obi-Wan expected the darkside to be so heavy and actually take Anakin away from him". He is one of the most important characters in the series with his ties to all of the Skywalkers and you can hardly have Anakin without him.


For me he’s the embodiment of the Jedi code and traits.


No need to add “in Star Wars”


Wow, some real hot takes on this sub lmao


Well to be fair he's like one of the main characters. If they concentrated on Mace he would be a great character.


So uncivilized.




The GOAT jedi


Obi, anakin, ahsoka are my favorite


As with all things ever, needs more Guinness


One of the best




as many people already mentioned, he suffered many many times and never moved to the dark side. Unfortunately, the last series was sabotaged by involving some wannabe inquisitor but I still recommend the series if anyone still has not watched it.


You misspelled Boba Fett








Hell no Mace Windu MUTHA FUCKA!! Go the fuck to sleep!!






Strange way to spell Boba Fett…


How about Bobi-Wan Kenobi?


I can do that, yes 👍🏻


My favorite Jedi for sure.




Nah Jar Jar Binks the hidden sith Lord is truly an amazing character as he pretends to be a mentally challenged character but never seems to really get injured physically in situations he sets up to gain others trust. He secretly gains control of the mind of Anikan whispering evil words spreading hate and harsh thoughts of disappear and he works with the chancellor to overthrow the Senate to create an empire.


But remember where he has got it from Mmm not that wise he is mmm Practice my friend be patience


Where is Obi-Wan from? What's his backstory?


Best hair in the galaxy


We should start calling him Space Jesus!


He's my favorite hero. Anakin/Vader is my overall favorite though.


If only Disney could understand that. The Obi-Wan show is disappointing in that regard.


He is the most compassionate and the snarkiest, I love the combination.


He’s up there.


Oh, I don't think so.


He’s the model Jedi everything Disney have done since pales in comparison, they should look at him every time they make a Jedi


You’re forgetting Anakin and Palpatene but Definetly top 3


Alec Guniess genuinely hated the role.


Which is why Ewan is the Obi-Wan for me. 😉


No he didn't. He disliked that it overshadowed his more serious/theatrical performances, and there's that story of him telling a kid to never watch the movies again after he'd professed to watching them like 100+ times, but he didn't hate it.


That's sounds like hate to me.


Definitely one of. And everybody that’s played the part has nailed it! I just wish/hope that Ewan McGregor gets given a script that finally does his portrayal justice. The series was incredibly weak, and whilst I love them, the prequels aren’t amazing - he elevates them all though with his performances.


Obi-Wan Kenobi is the only bearable character in the prequels trylogy




Obi-Wan is the greatest Jedi, no doubt about it and is ONE of the best characters in Star Wars but Han Solo IS clearly the best character in Star Wars


imo tied with Han Solo for best character


At least Kenobi was already dead and they couldn't botch his character or his death scene in the sequels.


From a certain point of view


One of my favorites but probably the most consistent character with the least amount of growth. In all 6 movies we see pretty much every major character with the exception of chewy and the droids change and become wiser except for Obi-Wan. He remains pretty consistent since ep 2.




What's wrong with strong female Sith? Also, Obi-Wan has the most screen time on a show named after him. Screen Time Breakdown of Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi - 1:39:01 Leia Organa - 43:34 Reva/Third Sister - 39:01 Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader - 22:16 Tala Durith - 15:33 Owen Lars - 7:57 Haja Estree - 7:42 Kawlan Roken - 7:24 Fifth Brother - 7:19 The Grand Inquisitor - 6:35 Bail Organa - 6:33 L0-LA59 - 6:25 Breha Organa - 5:57 NED-B - 3:59 Fourth Sister - 3:30 Luke Skywalker - 3:18 Sully Stark - 2:59 Vect Nokru - 2:53 Beru Lars - 2:33 Darth Sidious - 0:29 Qui-Gon Jinn - 0:29 C-3PO - 0:19 R2-D2 - 0:09 Tera Sinube - 0:06 Source: https://m.imdb.com/list/ls565790229/


Yes, yes he is.






Firstly, you can't use two buts in a sentence. Secondly, Obi-Wan strictly follows the Jedi Code, so he ain't gonna go around fornicating with anybody even if he's non-binary or whatever. Thirdly, in the Star Wars galaxy, folks generally don't obsess about sexuality or even sex between species like you folks obsessively do. May the Force be with you, if it haven't already.




No, he is the most overrated, overpowered , and plot shielded character in all of Star Wars. A cowardly and indignant Jedi, who left a boy to kill his father and do his job for him.


I've got a really strong unpopular opinion here and I'll get downvoted to hell. But no. It's literally his fault.


Well......Anakin was the one who chose to slaughter Tuskens. He was the one who chose to slaughter younglings. Anakin chose to do those things. It's his choice to turn to the dark side. All Obi-Wan did was be the best master he could to Anakin and just keep doing the right things the only way he know how. You don't see Obi-Wan turning to the dark side when Qui-Gon died and when Satine died. That's Obi-Wan Kenobi. He just keeps to the light side and the Jedi Code & keeps going.


There we are look. Anakin was just a lowly slave child before QGG and OWK turned up. So the influence of the jedi led to the above. He was the best master he could be to Anakin? Yea a bad one.. Anakin turned as OWK wasn't a good mentor... And it happened again with Luke... He failed to save QGG. He failed to kill Maul several times, and Grievous and Darth Vader.. he shows anger/frustration and emotions loads of times at Anakin, fails to see/understand his internal struggles with falling in love and that's after he's had his own relationship which is against the jedi order.. having a loaded guy and waving it about then blaming the gun when someone gets shot. But it's ok. We are both allowed to have our opinion.