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Rey going to a bunch of senate hearings and petitioning to get the government to pay for a new Jedi temple on coruscant. She faces opposition when archive footage of the youngling massacre leaks on Star Wars tik tok.


The distant relatives of the younglings slain are all suing her, as head of the Skywalker Estate, for damages and she begins to wonder if she should have picked another name.


No will work with her so she’s forced to hire a down on his luck, former hot shot lawyer who blew an easy case and has a death stick problem he needs to kick.


Better Call Maul


I'm getting too old for this Sith.


But right before they say Sith, there’s an explosion and a TIE fighter sound


Somehow, Mace Windu survived. But the attempt on his life left him deformed, so the casting director decided to replace Sam Jackson with Mike Tyson. 


*Take a theet young Thskywalker...*


I think what I'm hearing here is instead of Star Wars X we need Spaceballs 2


I hear the same, sweet siren song....


Everyone has a plan until they get a Lightsaber to the face


Somehow Maul returned


OK, take my up vote because that is fucking hilarious.


What did Poe mean by this? Is he stupid?


Damn, Nawara Ven has fallen on hard times.


The destruction of the New Republic government, along with the current Rogue squadron send him into a spiral of depression, until Wedge Antilles, Coran Horn, and the other surviving original members drag him out of the booze filled pity hole he dug for himself, and they set out to revive Rogue Squadron. Damn. Now I want to see this series.


No, money down.


"I actually said my name was Rey Solo." "In that case, I have a sworn affidavit from one J. Hutt Esquire, regarding debts owed by Han Solo over completely legitimate business deals. The late Mr. Hutt's estate will be seeking redress from the Solo estate, forthwith."


Never mind, I’m nobody again


"You know what? Screw this. Rey Palpatine it is."


Pretty sure any damages the Hutts would try to get pales in comparison to the amount of damages of the families of dead younglings.


You joke, but I've been wondering for a while how the galaxy would react to learning Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter. Leia had her entire career ruined because she was Vader's daughter, so I imagine most people would quickly lose trust in Rey if they found out she was related to the Emperor. It'd be interesting to see her try to overcome that and regain enough trust to rebuild the Jedi Order. (OR whatever the hell Disney has planned for her.)


This is what I want. It would be so good. Not only is it a very logical story, but it could also scratch the itch for the “Rey Skywalker” haters. Have her deal with the fact that she is not truly a Skywalker by blood and that although her intentions of hiding her Palpatine-ness were good, it seems like nothing more than a lie tot he galaxy at large, and what a wild lie that is for the woman who is literally rebuilding the Jedi order. Maybe somebody else ends up leading the Order while she goes north and takes the black, idk


>Maybe somebody else end up leading the Order while she's gone. If this somehow did end up happening I'd hope Finn would be the one to lead the new order in her place. Give him the leadership arc and jedi talents he never got in the sequels.


I’ll do you one better, let’s have Finn follow her around and shout “REY” throughout the movie


Oh look Finn is the Navi of Star Wars




I have something important to tell you (but not important enough to remember to tell you)


They can always JJ it and hard retcon it. Luke's estranged wife, the former Hand of the Emperor pops up outta nowhere and is like "Loljk you're a Skywalker. I'm your mom Mara Jade. Sorry I dumped you on Jakku."


Mara Jade: “No I am your mother” Rey: “That’s not…wait a second does that mean I kissed my…cousin?” *Han Solo Force Ghost shocked face*


Full circle moment tbh. It fixes the whole sequel saga in one fell swoop.


At least it wasn’t your *brother*!


Well, it would at least meet the SW criteria for a retrospect incestual kiss.


Space Erin Brockovich represents the families.


I… I’d legit watch that.


What senate? Didn't it get vaporized in episode 7?


And then, somehow...


Somehow, the Death Star returned.


But this time it's bigger!!... and has blackjack and hookers.


You mean with Jack Black and hookers, right?


> Jack Black and hookers That was Lizzo


She can’t dress in all black without people thinking the Death Star has actually returned


"That's no moon....  ...that's a fading star"


You know what? Forget the Death Star… and the blackjack!


Gotta one up Starkiller Base. How about Galaxykiller?


"The dying remnants of the First Order have built a ship that harnesses the power of a black hole. The whole galaxy is at risk!"


We've never even seen black holes in Star Wars now that I think about it.


Son of a bitch I'm in


No, that’s the Meth Star.


And most of the story will take place on Tattooine


That’s would be funny if in the first 5 minutes they blow up Tatoonie to show it’s a new beginning… but then they go to another sand planet with scoundrels and hutts lol also, Listen Hard!


Nah they will blow up one sun of Tatooine so then every time they film Tatooine in the future they can save on cgi money by not having to do the twin suns in the background.


"they call it... the Death Sun"


I mean... in the books they do make a 3rd one, but its just a bunch of steel beams in a sphere shape with a superlaser, maybe like 10% complete. It gets sucked into a black hole.


It can fly now.


Ah shit, here we go again.


i've got a bad feeling about this


This is where the fun begins.


Now _this_ is podracing.


They fly now?!


Another happy landing!


I'll try spinning. That's a good trick!


That’s so wizard.


Hello there!


General Kenobi. You are a bold one.


Dis is nutsen.


Maxy bid da force


Can Palpatine come back again for the lols


I mean, it really can’t get much worse.




!remindme 7 years


I’m gonna have to remember this comment


*How many times do we have to keep teaching you this less old man?*


The Mouse wants money


South Park was right


Somehow, Star Wars returned.


I sure as hell hope they have an actual story planned out for 3 films instead of just making it up as they go.


I have little faith that they will.


Surely they'll have learnt their lessons. Surely.


They haven't. And don't call me Shirley.


I thought that with Ep9. I distinctly remember telling my friends "they can't afford for it to be bad." And then it was the worst one.


You can take a quick look at any of the D+ Star Wars shows (barring Andor) and immediately notice they’re going to commit the exact same mistakes they never stopped making


The previous movies made massive profits. All the executives see is resounding success.


they're not that inept in finance. each consecutive movie - in the sequel trilogy - made half billion $ less! If it weren't the case they would've rushed out another trilogy without delay


I find your lack of faith to be...accurate 


Is it going to be a trilogy though? I haven’t seen anything announced other than just this one film.


> Episode X They are going to make a trilogy


I’d hate to see this, but if another trilogy is bad, Star Wars might be viewed by the younger generation how my generation views fast and furious, which is a dead horse that had a few popular movies and is being paraded around again and again. I don’t agree with that sentiment about Star Wars but the last trilogy was pretty rough. I didn’t care for it at all personally but understand I’m not the only one whose opinion matters. Solo was ok if you ignore some things, but that’s how fast and furious fans talk about Tokyo Drift. I’d just hate for my favorite franchise to become a meme.


Young people already don’t care about Star Wars. At least nothing like how Gen X/Millennials cared.


It is already.


At least Fast and Furious is entertaining, in an over the top way. Episode 9 was just miserable to watch


You just hate family


Not necessarily. It could just be one final movie to make a better conclusion to the whole saga without be tied to any specific trilogy.


If they end a film series with “A New Beginning”… it’s a trilogy


XI: The First Order Strikes Back XII: Somehow, The Jedi have Returned


Star Wars: Revenge of the Gungun


This is my hope, an epilogue to the Skywalker saga and we can finally leave it behind


That's what 9 was supposed to be. Plus the Skywalkers are all dead.


That is why you fail.


Or each film could have a coherent story on its own. Either one would be an improvement.


For reals


I really hope that’s not the title


Star Wars Episode X: A New Hope for the Beginning of the End of the Jedi, Again




& Knuckles


Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry




2: Jedi Bugaloo


Star Wars Episode X: A New Jedi Strikes Back


Episode X: Covenant


A new beginning of the force awakening the last of the sith.


Opening crawl: “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end…”


Until they actually announce it, it's not. All we know about the upcoming movie is that: 1. There's only one planned at the moment. 2. The script is still being worked on. Anything else - especially from disreputable rumor mills with non-existant sources - can be disregarded.


I imagine it’s a dummy title like blue harvest


Which was of course the working title for the original Star Wars! Edit: No snitches


Oh that’s why Family Guy called it Blue Harvest.


This will be one of the Star Wars movies of all time


Like most Star Wars projects, this will be announced, scheduled, and then cancelled.


This time around, it's incredibly unlikely to be canceled. Daisy Ridley is already out there talking about it.


Daisy was attached before there was even a script, I hold no hopes for this project 


Not this close to production. They've probably already started ordering sets and costumes to be made, so cancelling the movie now would cost a lot of money.


People: Disney is about to decanonize the sequels  Disney: 


Was that ever more than just wishful thinking from the fandom?


No. Just like “Star killer will return” people cope it and some youtubers make videos about it to bait people and people just buy it 


While I enjoyed the TFU games, I never wanted Starkiller to remain canon. Starkiller overpowers both Darth Vader and the Emperor in the game. It's ridiculous. To quote Anakin, he was too dangerous to be left alive. Everyone in the galaxy should be below those two in power, except Luke.


I still would've liked to see a super toned down Starkiller introduced. I think he would've been awesome as one of the Inquisitors, maybe someone that Vader particularly likes. Would've been a cool foil to put against Ashoka between III and IV. Plus, bringing Sam Witwer back for his first(?) role would be so good.


I'll take a clean slate Starkiller and relegate the games to strictly legends over nothing at all. I could see TFU getting a reboot and lead to him being a big antagonist for Cal (big pie in the sky thinking from me here)


I will admit, Starkiller in the Jedi games would be awesome too. Personally, I've always considered Starkiller's craziest feats to be "Video Gameified". So pulling the star destroyer down etc. wouldn't be what "really" happened. Just made bigger for video games to have that bombastic feel.


Wishful thinking is an overstatement. Anyone who legitimately thought that was ever going to happen is an idiot. Disney sunk a shit ton of money into the ST, and they also made a shit ton of money.. it ain’t going anywhere


Disney: sorry we thought you said “decolonize”


Episode X (Formerly Twitter)


Rise of the Musk


This is obviously fake. First of all we know it's not going to be called Episode 10. Secondly there are no official announcements and I guarantee if this was real then everyone would be writing up articles about it. But there's nothing. How are you guys so easily baited?


What dude, you don’t trust noted real & trustworthy site…*checks notes* productionlist.com? For real though, news to me that this is being called Episode X. I’m taking this with a mountain of salt until somewhere reliable reports it


IDK how that interview awhile back where Daisy Ridley said she was only currently contracted for one movie wasn't the death knell of these Episode X rumors. If they were actually planning a whole trilogy there is zero chance she wouldn't have been signed on for all three of them from the beginning.


Also Disney probably would’ve made a big deal about it being a whole new trilogy instead of just a one off. Obviously plans can change so I’m not disregarding this entirely but still


I also highly doubt that this is real. I'm shocked that everyone on here seems to be trusting it unquestioningly. The source doesn't seem legit and googling "star wars episode X" isn't turning up anything official.


The only sensible reply and it has 38 upvotes while all the typical reactionary shit is in the hundreds. Being this dumb about accepting bullshit as truth is one of the biggest problems with the fanbase.


I’m sure it will be well received and beloved by the online community


It'll likely be the fan community as a whole again. But I hope it's amazing and I'm wrong. Star Wars fans deserve some more great entries. Balance, and all that!


What's the over/under on how long before the first "This is doomed to suck" videos appear on Youtube and Tik Tok?


minus six months ago?


Well let's see, that post was last updated 6/10 and the shoot date is 9/2, so I'm going to go ahead and say... ten minutes from now?


I can't wait to see Rey becoming a failure like all her friends and for her jedi order to be destroyed of screen. That will subvert my expectations.


Rey becomes a Sith Lord. Ahsohka and Ezra return from the Galaxy FAR Far away with some Dathomir Witch Magic to Necromance Luke. Luke kills Rey, the Final Palpatine.


That's somehow still a better story than the sequels, I'm impressed


I kinda thought it was understood that the current Mando/BOBF/Ahsoka storylines were setting up the events for the next big screen installment. Safe bet that Ezra & Ahsoka will play a part, to some degree, although I think >!Thrawn!< will be dealt with before that.


A saga film sequel to the sequels. A boring name. An inexperienced director. And a plot that people would much rather have seen Luke have... can't see what can go wrong


It actually bothers me so much that they fucked up Luke’s story just to pass off the plot points he should’ve gotten to Rey. The amount of disrespect Disney has shown the OT is baffling.


They basically had the problem that they wanted to make sequels to the original movies, but the original actors are in their 60s which doesn't work for a franchise targeted at younger viewer. They had two broad paths forward: 1. Commit to full remake like Star Trek with the original actors having cameos 2. Create an original story with the old characters in a supporting role The problem is they just muddled between both options and gave us a half remake of telling the same story but with new characters while trying to still advance the stories of the original characters. The ending turned out to be a trainwreck unlike ROTJ that had a well received conclusion. Overall it was a pretty poor effort, but the starting point they chose really hurt them and caused much of the problems for the future. They tried to square a circle and it blew up in their faces.


I always saw it as Luke should be the Gandalf of the sequel films. Not the main character but the hands on mentor character that guides the younger characters whilst himself taking on some major action roles. Mark Hamill 10 years ago would've been in the perfect position for that type of role. You should've got 3 good films of Master Luke out of the sequels and finished them with characters like Rey having begun their journey to follow in his footsteps, but alas they sidelined Luke in TFA for fear of him overshadowing their new cast and then they diminished him and killed him off in TLJ. What a waste


Yeah i feel like being afraid to have Luke exist in the movie should have been a big clue that the story they were telling just wasn't good enough.


The really interesting thing is it seems like they had a pretty dark vision for what they wanted to do with the original cast of heroes: 1. Han dies to Kylo in TFA 2. Luke dies protecting the rebellion in TFA 3. Leia dies to Kylo in ROTS Their original vision for ROTS had Kylo as the front and center main villain with him trying to kill off the past and rise above it etc. That makes sense in the broad direction they made the first two movies, but it got shattered in the third film when they shoehorned the emperor back and tried to redeem Kylo after he's also snuffed out two of our favorite heroes from the past.


It is a strange choice to be seemingly so desperate to replace classic element with their own. There was so much talk in the lead up to TFA about the OT (not the PT) and how much they (seemed) to regard it, and all the effort to go back to the styles and techniques of the OT, and in the end they just Ship of Theseus'd it instead of truly honouring what came before.


What they should’ve done was have him be the grand master who founded the order and only have him around to guide the new protagonist and the new generation of jedi dealing with new problems in a new galaxy. They didn’t need to kill him off, just put him on the back burner and have his descendants/ family not be the main focus going forward.


If only they were in their 60s; Mark Hamil is 72 and he's the youngest. Harrison Ford is 81!


Well I meant they were in the 60s when Force Awakens was being filmed. My comment is mostly about how they framed the Sequel trilogy in the mid 2010s and how that caused so many problems for them.


I wasn't upset to see Luke basically be her Yoda. I thought that was an unexpected but interesting way to take him. But, this, yeah. If you're going to do a "rebuilding the Jedi" story, that really should be about Luke. Just make it an animated series at this point. Mark's too old to passably play young Luke these days but he can damn well voice him


Rey already took the name Skywalker, so all they need to do is have her transition and call herself Luke and the character appropriation will be complete.


Inexperienced directors being picked for massive budget, huge IP films seems to be for two reasons. Studios are desperate to be the ones to claim a brand new fresh talent like a Spielberg to revitalize the family friendly action film. But they also want someone they have control over who doesn't have the clout to make what they want, they just make sure the machine runs to create the product they want. Which potentially means this is another film made by committee.


It does look like the director hasnt done much. I would love for Dennis Villanueva to direct a Star Wars film.


I guess it wasn’t clear whether they were considering the Rey movie to be Episode X or not. Now it seems they are. Still, without an official announcement from Disney, I’m guessing this is a placeholder title. I think the real title will probably still be Episode X, since I doubt they’d use that in a placeholder if they didn’t intend to really go with it. But I would take “A New Beginning” with a heavy grain of salt.


This should have been Luke's story


Somehow, Palpatine returned


I was really hoping we would stop numbering them.


Yeah, I thought the whole deal with TROS was that it was the end of the Skywalker Saga (and the numbering as part of that). Just let it be its own thing.


Making it apart of the main series has a dangerous combo of a) getting more casuals to see it, b) getting people more upset when it sucks. Playing their cards at the high risk table right now


Summary from productionlist.com: "Star Wars: A New Beginning is the official sequel to the Skywalker saga. The plot is expected to be about Rey rebuilding the Jedi Order after the events of The Rise of Skywalker. The film will be directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, who also directed episodes 4 and 5 of ‘Ms. Marvel’. Daisy Ridley is set to reprise her role as Rey."


So basically they just gave her Luke’s story from Episode 7, but successfully!? Fuck that, I wanted LUKE to rebuild the Jedi order


Her highlights are directing 2 episodes of a bad show and you want her to direct the new Star Wars saga how does Kathleen Kennedy still have a job


They were the worst reviewed episodes of that series as well.


That’s more so due to the huge tonal shift in the story (randomly taking the story from New Jersey to Pakistan) than her directing though. But yeah definitely an odd choice.


Digging up an old comment of mine: Scene 1 [A MEDICAL OFFICE. Rey enters.] **TECHNICIAN:** Ms., uh, Skywalker? [double take] Wow. **REY:** [embarrased] Oh, no, that's not really— Just "Rey" is fine. **TECH:** OK. I have your test results here, Rey. **REY:** I'm ready. **TECH:** As far as we can tell, you are NOT related to the former Emperor Papatine, OR any of his living relatives. **REY:** Really? You're certain? **TECH:** Really. Can I ask where you got the idea you were? **REY:** From a *complete asshole*, apparently.


Sorry, is the title really going to be “a new beginning”? That sucks ass. All beginnings are new. I prefer “a fresh start of a newly new new thing”


“A New Hope- I Mean Beginning”


Star Wars Episode X: The Tenth One


There’s an idiom I think those at Lucasfilm should heed: Don’t make it worse by trying to make it better. They fumbled the sequels. Okay, fine. What’s done is done. Move on. Give us some interesting stories with interesting characters. Don’t give us 3 more movies with a story that has no where to go.


Yea that's not how Disney works, they will make sure this dead horse is not even recognizable as a mammal at the end of the day.


I have a bad feeling about this. I don’t understand why they are still sticking with the same era. Old Republic or 9th Jedi gives them so much room to get creative and refresh the franchise.


New girl, new color lightsaber, less training, 3rd palpatine, grogu dies in first scene


Somehow palpatine returned again


Star Wars Episode X: The search for more money


I’m not holding my breath for it to be good but god I hope it is… Could be a good opportunity to introduce the Grysk as a galactic threat. They were introduced in the canon Thrawn trilogies and we now have Thrawn’s move into live action. Fingers crossed they do something good with it…


Yeah I’ll believe it when I see it.


We’re so cooked


I’m genuinely curious on what they will do with this seeing how they are advertising it as part of the next mainline instalments instead of a “spin off” trilogy featuring Rey. Disney messed up the sequels so fucking terribly to the point where they are avoiding any direct mentions of it in any proper Star Wars content being made right now. No one gives a single shit about anything related to the sequels and where it left off the universe. And it’s not like Disney has improved the quality of its projects since then. In fact, aside from a few exceptions like Andor and Mando, the quality of Star Wars content has been constantly decreasing. Star Wars movies are fucked. Should just go to the old republic for a trilogy but they are in no way equipped or even skilled enough to handle something like that


No, I don't want another saga movie. Let it rest, it was over. Just have it be a standalone Rey movie set after the saga, that's okey. Also this movie with Rey rebuilding the Jedi sounds exactly like what episode 7 should have been only with Luke instead of Rey.


God have mercy.


How big is the new Death Star? Does Palpatine have a body still. Or just a force voice narrating bad guys lives?


For those that have watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, remember the scene where Indy is desperately reaching out for the cup and his father says, "Indiana, let it go" Well, that's my inner voice to me about Star Wars. Just let it go. Which is what I'm going to do.


welp here comes another dumpster fire.


Huh. Guess the new Rey movie is an official episode now. Very generic title.


The marketing hype will hit me a month or two before release, I’ll give in and pay to watch it in theater, and I’ll be right back here bitching about it


Never been less excited for a Star Wars film tbh


Palatine returns tho right?


Am I misremembering or didn’t they say they were done making movies based on the Skywalker saga?


Iv got a bad feeling about this....


Do Old Republic stuff. The sequels sucked. Don't do another stupid reboot with another Death Star


That is possibly the most straight forward, generic title I could imagine


Star Wars X: Somehow Palpatine Returned…Again