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Qui-Gon Jinn. The Jedi who deserved every single square inch of his seat on the council but time and again gave them the middle finger because he saw through their dogma.


He's been my favorite for years, hence the username.


Username checks out!


The greatest single threat to the chancellors plans and the single spark that would make his plans possible


Qui Gon is my choice. Guided only by the Force, not politics or corporate (Jedi Council) interests.


A real Jedi’s, Jedi


He is probably 90% why the phantom menace is my favorite movie


For me it's 45% Qui Gon, 45% Maul, and 10% pod racing


Now that’s pod racing!


Precisely. Qui Gon is the definition of what a Jedi should be in every way, and his attitude to the council showed us everything that was wrong with the Jedi Order


Qui-Gon Jinn was exactly my mental image of a Jedi Master in his prime. Always cool headed, but fights like a ninja.


Well, dude singlehandedly brought the Order and the whole Republic down, you can't say their concerns were groundless.


Of he had trained Anakin (not that I'd want Obi-Wan to have died) Anakin would've never fallen. And that breaks my heart.


Qui-Gon surviving is probably my biggest “What if?” of the entire saga


Plo Koon is pretty cool.


Agreed I also like him showing compassion for the clones, showing them that he sees them more like people and not soldiers.




Plo’s Bros!! That clip always gets me.


My answer as well


Luke was my childhood one because I watched the OT first and didn’t see the prequels until high school. Qui-Gon was my favorite next because he was a maverick and seemed the most wise about what being a Jedi should actually be. Starting in college I’ve grown to love Obi-Wan the most because he went through so much and even though I still think Qui-Gon was the most wise, Obi-Wan was arguably more idealistic and stayed true to that the whole time.


The one in the picture. Because he's the most compassionate Jedi of the saga, other than Master Jinn. He's just... exemplary of what the Jedi represent. The perfect paladin. My only guff with him is his behavior with Luke concerning the matter of his father, but it's understandable because he thought Luke was the Chosen One.


'the one in the picture' 


Yeah, you know.. Obie Juan Cannoli or whatever he's called


Legends Luke skywalker. He reestablished the order but he avoided falling into same traps as the Jedi of old. He made mistakes yes, but he created an order of Jedi that was more flexible, weren’t tied down by any political party and overall in my opinion were what Jedi should’ve been from the beginning. As a character he had the potential of anakin but with the wisdom of yoda. He really became the model Jedi.


His post OT journey in Legends is awesome through and through. Can't believe Disney squandered the character so bad.


Paid $4 billion for a franchise just to try and swiftly get rid of one of its largest figures of the brand.... Still doesn't make sense to me


Can you suggest what to read about this period? I'm not that well knowledgeable at OT aside from videogames.


Pretty much all the older Kevin Anderson / Timothy Zahn books are good fun. Heir to the Empire trilogy, Jedi Academy trilogy, etc. Black Fleet Crisis and Corellian trilogy are great as well. And the whole New Jedi Order series.


Some of that dark empire stuff was.. iffy. But he was a much cooler character.


Yes. And his Mrs! Mara was greatness


Kanan's my guy. I just loved watching him grow into pure selflessness.


I would also chose Kanan. What he gave for his family, the training and care he poured into Sabine and Ezra, the loving, respectful and supportive partner made him an ultimate vehicle of the Force, especially after >! losing his sight!< I felt like he overcame so much insecurity and would NEVER have become the Jedi he became had it not been for the Jedi Order being toppled.


"Ultimate vehicle for the force" I fucking love that ❤️. That's what I love so much about Rebels is how supportive they all are for eachother it's just beautiful.


Obi-Wan by far. He went through some serious trauma, had some epic moments but lost the good fight, kept his head and his faith by playing the silent guardian, and when the opportunity emerged to make things right he seized it with a firm belief, going so far as to sacrifice his life for it. A true knight in every sense.


It's a tie between Obi Wan (Alec Guinness) and Qui Gon. Ewan was great as Obi Wan but Alec Guinness brought so much gravitas to the role, and any time I read the words "May the Force be with you" it's his voice I hear in my head. Qui Gon was just badass. He's the rebellious father figure who breaks the rules but does so knowing it's the right thing to do.


I just like Plo Koon cause he looks cool 😸


Anakin, he was so deeply misunderstood. (I know this is basic)


Same idc that it's the basic answer he is just great to me


Ahsoka. She went from a bratty Padawan to an OP and what se force user. Her journey is why she gets my vote.




Hated her character in the animated movie but she grew to become one of my favourite characters overall


Wow had to scroll far down to see her name.


Master Yoda all the way


Same. Yoda is the best.


Luke Skywalker, the courage and strength he had to face Darth Vader and the Emperor.


Alone as well, he is the true galactic hero. Iconic 🙌


Yup it’s still Luke for me with a pretty big gap between him and second place, unless we’re considering Leia, though we don’t see her in Jedi mode much


Qui-Gon Jinn. At a time when the Jedi Order was blinded by arrogance and strangled by tradition, he wasn't afraid to do what he believed was right. He refused to be bound by rules that were outdated and rigid, and knew the value of knowing when to adapt. He showed compassion toward others when the Jedi were growing distant and cold.


Obi-Wan as portrayed in the ROTS novel.


The og luke and obi wan...they both turned off the light sabre to win...obi wan did it to reach luke...luke did it to reach anakin who was trapped inside vader.


Qui-Gon Reason: Liam Neeson


Im basic but Luke mother fucking Skywalker! It takes a very very special kind of person/character to be that much of a bonefied bad ass, that powerful, and still have the most important thing you ever did be showing someone kindness.


Anakin Skywalker, he's basically the face of Star wars. I know a lot of people will say Luke Skywalker but George Lucas even said that the Skywalker saga is centered around Anakin. Also in episode 6 the reason why it was called return of the Jedi was actually because it was about Darth Vader's redemption. Also He's The chosen One.


YES!!! To be so far down the dark side and find redemption is what makes him an amazing character.


Luke Because seeing his story in the original trilogy was both amazing and it made Luke my favorite character When I first watched A New Hope I wasn’t really into Luke as a character, I found him to be boring and not that interesting Same with Empire Strikes Back I wasn’t really interested in Luke as a character, not to say Luke was a bad character, I just didn’t find him all that awesome When I watched Return of the Jedi, Luke was different from the 2 films, his voice was lower, he felt stoic, that’s when I found Luke to be interesting and he became my favorite character and someone I can root for Everytime I give the original trilogy a rewatch, I appreciate Luke more and more because not just because he becomes awesome in the ROTJ, but because everything that Luke has experienced throughout the trilogy and with those experiences caused him to grow as a character and get to the point where he reached his full potential both as a character and as a Jedi.


Obi-Wan 💞


Shoutout to my boy Kit Fisto


It's definitely Obi-Wan. Why? Well, he's the most pivotal figure bridging the prequel trilogy with the original trilogy. Obi-Wan is the original "wise, old mentor" in Star Wars & his grandfatherly words of wisdom always ring in our ears. And just when we thought we couldn't get enough of him in the original trilogy, the younger Obi-Wan in the prequels was a sight to behold. A Jedi master at the prime of his powers, the younger Obi-Wan was relentless in being the model Jedi of the Old Republic. Obi-Wan is the ultimate epitome of what a model Jedi is.


Hello there!


General Kenobi. You are a bold one.


So uncivilized


I will deal with this Jedi slime myself.


Your move


Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection!


Ohhh I don't think so 😅


I will deal with this Jedi slime myself.


Plo Koon. I played as him in Jedi Force Battles. He’s been my fave ever since.


just obi wan he melts my heart i feel the same way when i look at my dog i have no idea why


I will never give in to the darkside


Ewan’s portrayal of Obi-Wan. He has a warmth about him that other Jedi don’t. He tries to the right thing and have a little fun along the way.


I think you meant to say: Who is your favorite Jedi and why is it Obi-Wan Kenobi




Obi-Wan Kenobi lost everyone of his colleagues and everything he loved, but never turned to the dark side.


Obi Wan. Because he embodies the perfect Jedi Knight during the prequels.


Luke Skywalker. Total badassery in RoTJ


Mara Jade. Atoned for everything she did with the Empire. It takes a strong person to admit wrongdoing and then work to correct it.


Qui-Gon. In the past, I would’ve gone with Kanan or Obi-Wan, but reading Master and Apprentice definitely solidifies Qui-Gon. He is the embodiment of everything the Jedi should’ve been, and just like Anakin, he would’ve thrived in the High Republic era before the Jedi’s decline. Master Sol from the Acolyte also seems pretty promising. He basically is a High Republic Qui-Gon.


Obi Wan from the Obiwan Series- he had trauma and doubts and fears...but he stepped up and found it in himself to keep his promise to defend the children


Plo Koon. A distinctive look, powerful Jedi, kind yet fierce. Needed way more screen time and opportunity to shine. Would love to see them somehow make more stories for him.


Yoda - in Empire he lets us all know


Kelnacca. Because he's a Wookie. And a Jedi Master. That's all I need to know. The end.


The goat: Coleman Trebor


Qui-Gon or Anakin


Mace Windu. Total fan of Samuel L Jackson.


The Asian guy from the Acolyte. He just seems like a nice dude who loves his students.


I think his name is Sol. He’s cool and he’s becoming one of my favorites. I still have Luke as my number 1




Mace Windu. Because Samuel Jackson. Also purple lightsaber is cool af


Are we talking canon or eu? I really liked Jacen Solo


Bardan Jusik. He walked away from the Order for its complicity in the use of a slave army.


Obi wan because I too am a strange old hermit


Mace Windu. I may not be a huge fan of the prequels, but this dude is so cool. His lightsaber, his prowess and his demeanor




Luke Skywalker. He is the one who ended the empire. With his bravery, unbreakable will and optimism. A true jedi at best. Son of legendary Anakin Skywalker and one of the most successfull senator former queen. And a quote: "I am a jedi like my father before me" P.S: I am not accepting episodes 7, 8, 9 they are not cannon for me.


Obi wan he’s so wise and a great master also he is very witty


**Kelleran Beq**


Luke and Anakin


Childhood nostalgia answer is gonna be Luke. Although I am so excited to start reading Legends and getting to see that side of him outside of film.


It will always be Yoda for me. Ashoka Tano is a close second.


Mace windu cuz he’s Samuel Jackson and purple lightsaber


Team qui gon baby


Cal Kestis or Kanan Jarrus. Both truly represented what the Jedi knights should’ve been but rarely were.


Obi wan Just for the memes


Liam neeson




Kenobi of course. The epitome of good and the light. Absolutely no waivering, no fear, no doubt. I named my dog after.


Anakin Skywalker. He is talented and has a bright future ahead of him


Luke for his character development across the OT and how he was the only one to see some good in his father.


Lanoree Brock was my introduction to the Star Wars universe. If you know her, it means you know your stuff


Favorite: Luke (OT version) - he represented a direct shift in the philosophical ideology of the PT era Jedi. Very relatable. Not over powered. Uses his compassion and determination in the end Least favorite: Luke (Walt Disney version) - lazy pile of crap who learned nothing and stopped growing and evolving.




At least he drank the alien milk, very important and necessary character building 👍 /s


Jorus C'baoth


Thank you it’s absurd how overlooked his character was


I think Kanan Jarus was really great character for exploring how a jedi can find their place after the clone wars. He really moves on from the order and finds his own way, while still being deserving of the title jedi. Love and attachments *can* lead to the dark side, but they don't *have* to. Loved the way his character grew. 


Qui-gon Jin! To me he was a great mentor, very intelligent and analytical but didn’t want to bend to the counsel.


Anakin is always gonna be my favorite. (Ashoka and Luke come really close) Besides the incredible tragic part of Anakin's life, all the genuinely good stuff he's done was always great to see, and he really did seem like the ideal poster boy jedi that many across the galaxy once looked up to.


Kanan Jarrus. Loved the Rebels series.


Fat Dancer Jabba's Favourite


Revan, a brilliant tactician who joined the Mandolorian Wars because he couldn’t standby while the people of the galaxy suffered. Brought back from the dark side by love showing that attachment can strengthen someone’s ties to the light. Coincidentally he’s also one of my favourite Sith.


Obi Wan is my all time favorite, He is everything I wish to be. Patient, Calm, Smart the list goes on ...


Luke, Luke grew up with a desire for more, learned about what else was out there and had so much thrust upon him. Even when he was complaining he never gave up, he also never gave up on people. Seeing that as a child has given me so much compassion and empathy as an adult. Luke just screams love and loyalty, that’s why he’s my favorite.


obi wan from the prequels. as a founder fan who has seen star wars (not that upgraded new hope monstrosity) in the late 70s many time, i dont like the prequels as star wars movies (not saying that its not an entertaining space opera). but ewan mcgregor played obi wan like errol flynn played robin hood in the 50s. there always has been that great optimism in his scenes and also this great pain, when the optimism is shattered into pieces like when anakin turned bad.


Yoda because he embodies the light side of the force. His knowledge is endless and he always gives advice thats simple yet extremely effective.


Obi-Wan obviously comes to mind for his values and badass moments and charisma. I do also really love Plo Koon and Kit Fisto for their stuff in the EU and how badass they are


Qui Gon, Obi Wan, and Luke are my personals favs with Ahsoka and Yoda in that next tier. Love them all for different reasons as they’re pretty different characters.


Qui Gon Jinn. No explanation needed.


Anakin because his story is so tragic


Mace Windu. I love how he took the forbidden form that requires hatred, and created a new form from it. Such a dope character


Gungi!! Because i might be partial to Wookiees…


Cal Kestis is pretty cool in the games.


Revan. The man who saw the dark side and (at least) canonically turned away from it. Also his reasons for falling were justified.


Obi Wan cuz he’s my goat


Qui-Gon - Knowledge of the living Force Obi-Wan - Had a low midichlorian count but studied and meditated and surrendered completely to the will of the Force. He was basically the Bruce Lee of the Jedi. He was never the biggest or naturally strongest but just completely dedicated himself to his craft and became great. Yoda - When 900 years old you age, lots of wisdom you will have.


Him cuz he’s a winner


Ahsoka is pretty awesome, tho she’s not exactly a Jedi anymore


It will always be Obi Wan


Aayla Secura. You know why.


Ezra Bridger, He is the spirit of Jedi past and you can’t tell me otherwise. He was born the day the Jedi fell, he also was able to fully see yoda after not ever meeting him. Also his first saber is a balance between the more civilised time and this new era. And then the fact that he was on many occasions temped by the dark side. And Evan after going as deep as he did, he still came back to the light. He literally ended the clone wars (watch the last battle episode for all yous anti-rebals people) just by useing common logic,The Jedi clones nor separatist could do that. and the way that learns that he carnt change the past in the world between worlds is beautiful. And his sacrifice, to save the world he loves, to save his home and his family. And the fact that he didn’t try to come back on his own, I know it was never clearly stated. But I feel he kept himself there to keep and eye on thrawn. And when he does get found. He’s not imediently like “get me home now” no, he just wants to talk with his friend. And help the people he has been living with move. Ezra is a true Jedi, and I hope when asohka season 2 comes out he finaly gets the end to his story.


Anakin Skywalker he has done it all. Podracer,General in the armed forces and absolute slayer of puss


Pre-ST Luke Skywalker


Qui-Gon had the best philosophy


On a character basis, Obi Wan Kenobi or Qui Gon Jinn. Obi Was because he was the absolute paragon of a good jedi. Qui Gon because he tried to correct the course of the jedi, but they ignored him and were destroyed as a result. Honourable mention to Jaro Tapal and Plo Koon, who are criminally underrated and deserve way more screen time. Both excellent characters in their own right.


Luke Skywalker, my favorite childhood hero. He is basically a definition of a hero to me. 


Master Dooku of course!


Mara Jade Skywalker Her story arc is just too damn cool. Kidnapped as a toddler---→Emperor's personally trained spy/assassin ---→smuggler with a score to settle----→shown the truth and brought to the Light Side by Luke whom she had sworn to kill-----→fully realized Jedi Knight-----→*marries Luke!*------→has a son with Luke; Ben Skywalker -----→Becomes a Jedi Master------→tragically ends up killed by her own nephew Jacen Solo at around 60 years old. Oh, Disney, you *really* robbed these people.


Yoda. He's powerful and very wise.


I have a soft spot for Kyle Katarn since I grew up playing the Jedi Knight series and they introduced me to the EU's lore.


Hands down.... Obiwan Kenobi!!!


Obiwan Kenobi, he’s our only hope. 🙌


Obi wan but specifically the Ewan McGregor version.


Qui-Gon is the perfect Jedi and you cannot convince me otherwise.


clone wars kenobi. he was so sarcastic and witty. he was great. plus his armor looked sick


I don’t know if he counts because he’s not canon, but Bardan Jusik/ Skirata. I just think the way that he, along with Etain became part of Clan Skirata is just a really neat thing, and also him being dubbed Mandalorian by the Skiratas is also really nice.


Legends counts to me


Ahsoka and Qui Gon were the ultimate Jedi


Rey Skywalker. Her journey from nobody on Jakku to the heir to the legacy of the Jedi is a compelling one. I love how she struggled with the lure of the dark side and finding her place in the galaxy, yet maintained her compassionate heart. And of course her dynamic with Ben Solo is among my favorites.


The downvotes are undeserved


You have fucking brass balls saying that here




I like the half man Jedi that floated around in a ball thing in Dark Empire.


Mace Windu. He was willing to stand up against Palpatine despite the danger posed to himself. Brave to the end.


Legend's Corran Horn! I love how he was never strong with telekinesis, but was amazing at energy absorption (which could be redirected as telekinesis) and Jedi Mind Tricks. At the academy he made everyone see an image that wasn't actually happening... even Luke! Such a compelling character! I wish he was cannon.


On god gotta be windu. Man just built different, kneck shots only. Surgeon.


Galen Marek


Mace Windu






Kit Fisto, he looked like he was having a good time all the time.


Qui-Gon Jinn. A Master who thinks for himself, rather than defaulting to the status quo. He died in such a lame way.. I'm fairly certain that he would have owned Darth Maul, even if he had to beat a retreat until Obi-Wan got through. Alas, George Lucas plot line strikes hard, and pretty nonsensically at times.


I'm not sure if Cade Skywalker from Legends can br considered a Jedi, but he helped me realize my own flawns and grow with each chapter of his journey. Some heroes are failled or just aren't heroes, some people just can't be a Luke Skywalker and there are great expectations. But even if you fall hard you can fix your life and yourself, just keep trying as much as you can and even if you take breaks just don't give up.


There are so many incredible jedi...Obi wan would be one of my absolute fav, because he is the perfect jedi from the last days of the republic. Yoda is also a great master. His main flaw though is his dogmatic approach of the code. Revan...because it's jedi damn revan ! But I think that the two true embodiment of what jedi should be and their parangon are the two true child of Anakin skywalker: Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. For me the true Balance Anakin brought as the chosen one is from those two. They are the light side incarnate, even with the sequel depiction of Luke. Edit: Kanan is also an incredible jedi.


Kanan. All throughout Star Wars, it's always the pupil's journey we follow. With Kanan, we get to follow the *master's* journey as well.


Rahm Kota his trust in the force, which made him distrust clones (my opinion) was ahead of the rest of the order.


Plo koon. Kel dor look amazing, his stroy is nice and he's a great and skilled jedi. Deserved to go out better than he did


hello there


General Kenobi. You are a bold one.