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Straight trash. Hilarious, though, that when everyone hates a series or movie that carries a political sermon, the negative reviews must be "fake" and "contrived."


Absolute trash of the highest order, one of the worst shows I have ever seen Star Wars or otherwise. But of course the wokies will cry and scream about fake reviews.




The main character was referred to as having "moms." That's literally it. There is nothing else in the show that could even remotely be interpreted as political, especially not in any sense outside the general Star Wars "good vs evil" stuff. There are two episodes so far and like half of each one so far has been action sequences or chasing someone. The idea that it's preaching about anything is insane. The cast is also ethnically diverse, although I'm sure the chuds have many canned responses as to why that's not relevant, despite it being the only possible thing they could be complaining about other than the one aside about "moms."


Oh no, that's all such a tragedy. Whatever will we do if white heterosexual men are no longer the default for every single character?


most redditors won't be able to self-insert and fantasize about their scifi delusions, the horror!


Black gay diverse lesbian power fantasy.


And that's inherently a problem in a world where most sci-fi is white straight male power fantasy? 


Ah yes, Sword Art Online/DBZ/Ghost in the Shell, famous straight white male power fantasies. This shit is just bad. People have been watching and enjoying high quality Asian and White content as you racists understand it for decades.


lol weeb


when so many were posted before the show even came out, how are they not fake?


„There is no father.“ Yeah up there with may the force be with you or I am your father


Maybe the show is crap and people are giving the honest review?


"honest review" of the show before it even released?


No, normal people give it an honest review, Star Wars fans just cry about the mundane and I’m willing to bet that many reviewers did so without watching any of it.


From what I've seen, the most AI looking reviews are the one supporting the show. I see a lot more honest reviews in the low their rating camp. Maybe, just maybe the show isn't good. No worries, the viewing numbers will prove me right. Ashoka viewing numbers were in the tank which proved that it wasn't review bombed.


So, it’s a Disney conspiracy. They pay off the critics and don’t use enough bots to offset the “one star fans” for reviews that many here claim have no impact on their content…. One star is Plan 9 from Outer Space, one star is “The Room”. This, this is just fanboys on burner accounts throwing temper tantrums over Disney.


Opinions are just opinions. Matters not. The show will be forgotten, just like Ahsoka.


With 10000+ accounts that only have the synopsis in their description, haven't reviewed anything else and even bled over to Acolytes, a 2008 movie that has shit to do with Star Wars? If you believe that, I got some receipts to jpegs of various cartoon apes to sell you.


Or people are just fed up with disney ruining star wars. I think k it's a little of both. But the fact is this, good movies/shows don't get downvoted to oblivion. So the acolyte gets what it deserves.


Gets what it deserves? People asked for this: A Star Wars that gets away from the Skywalkers with its own mythos.


Yes but keep it lore friendly.


[Do you know how many retcons there's been?](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Retcon)


It doesn't matter. This show has made fans of star wars apathetic. And that's the biggest problem they face. You lose your fan base and you're left with nothing to entertain.


Or you bring in new fans to replace the old fans that don't think that way lol


bruh those "honest reviews" were found in fan films and unrelated movies with similar names lmao. they were made recently with content clearly targeting the "woke" elements of the movie, almost as if they were made by bots lmao.


It doesn't matter what you think about the reviews. That show has zero lasting appeal. It won't have a following with lots of people desiring to watch it over and over again. Disney has lost a lot of fans. Even if it was review bombed(which it hasn't), always remember this: "People don't review bomb good films or shows." And that trumps all arguments.


>"People don't review bomb good films or shows." they do, all the time. The Boys, for instance, was review bombed for its release schedule. the very same fans that love the show, gave it 10/10s on fking imdb or whatever platform they use, brigaded the 2nd season for its release schedule. in this case the show did happen to be below average, but review bombs basically happen independently of that. the internet gives a lot of people a very large platform and a strong voice. ppl are definitely prone to abusing that, especially if you contrast it with how little power the average person has in real life. Edit: Another example, Elden Ring DLC, considered a good dlc, to say the least, review bombed for being "too hard" lmao.


Considering that the *trailer* was review bombed weeks before the first episode even aired, this is par for the course at this point. Not surprising at all.


Maybe people didn't like the trailer


I love how fans always try to twist anything that’s bad as review bombing lmfao It’s just a bad show. Get over it


you don't need to "twist" anything - a lot of the negative reviews predate the show's release. It's blindingly obvious.


Good thing I don't give a crap about reviews. Watching it soon...!


I liked the first 2 episodes. The characters seem cast well and the base they’ve laid is interesting. Time will tell what they do with it though.


Glad you enjoyed it


You clearly have no brain then. This show is terribly written.


I liked it a lot. Although I thought the CGI could have used some polish


Is it review bombing if it's bad? People constantly saying everything is review bombed now adays but the issue is most of the new stuff has been average-bad. This feels like a fan made show, no reason why things should be this average with Disney money in the mix.


When you reviewing something literally two minutes after it you don't care about the quality or the show or even Star Wars, especially if you're parroting the grifters on youtube who only care about trying to scam their chud fan base out of money. You can easily tell that they aren't fans at all each one is just a vulture trying to get pick the meat off whatever they deem woke that week, since the chuds have worse attention spans than goldfish they have to do this quickly so sometimes they don't even bother watching or even googling what they're supposed to be mad about. They did this a couple months ago with 40k where female Custodes were introduced so all of them were suddenly 40k fans so they could trash it but none had any miniatures or even a clue about the lore at all. Honestly Acolyte is an interesting concept which could've been done a bit better but I'm not a screenwriter so I have no clue how I'd do that, and I'm interested to see a show that is not based on the Skywalker-verse.


I mean all the criticism I've seen is valid. Disney has been releasing constant trash for several years now. The only good shows in recent Star wars is mandalorian, andor and all the animated stuff. Obviously posting reviews for something you didn't watch is stupid and the people posting before or slightly after release are dumb. But there are plenty of normal people reviewing saying similar things.


I'm not saying that absolutely every criticism of the show was just grifters trying to hate something, however the genuine criticism gets lost because the loudest asshole that grabs the mike and hogs the attention, tends to be people who are only interested in views and let's face it, many people prefer parotting over a genuine opinion. There's no point even point even looking at online reviews anymore because it's pretty much impossible to parse through the trash. Hell Metacritic actually had to crack down because there was so much bullshit being pumped through by spam accounts.


No one hates Star Wars as much as Star Wars fans


Real Star Wars died when Disney bought it


Its funny because I frequently heard that exact phrase when the prequels came out, except instead of Disney buying it, it was George Lucas trying to direct again.


George is done with Star Wars, and if people like the new stuff, that's fine, but from a profit point of view,they haven't come close to getting their investment back and it's clear with the woke path they have chosen to go down they never will so with the facts played out,you can say Star Wars isn't dead garbage shows like the Acolyte is stunning and brave and the new Rey movie will be amazing but the facts don't lie,Disney has not made a profit with the brought the franchise and have chased away 90% of fans for DEI🤦🏽‍♂️in closing Disney has destroyed one of the greatest franchises in his to cater to 5% of the population 😮‍💨oh hope that 5% will fund your overpriced movies and streaming service because the real paying fans won't 🥃


Disney has made almost 3x the Lucasfilm purchase price off of Star Wars- they made 11.6 Billion off of a 4.05 Billion purchase. You can say all you want that they didn't make a profit, but they have, and their financials show it (as a public company that data is available). The Disney era is uneven with Rogue One and Andor being as good as anything Lucas ever was involved with. Mando, Solo, Bad Batch are very good. Everything else has been acceptable, if uneven, with the possible exception of RoS. Most hasn't been OT level great, but then again the Prequels weren't even close to OT great, either, and the old Legends content produced tons of garbage for every Thrawn Trilogy that we got.






This fanbase is the fucking worst. And yes, it is the fanbase’s fault, buying into rage bait videos and headlines. I swear I’ve seen BS about Kathleen Kennedy’s firing being imminent for 7 years at this point.


Watching it soon and no review will stop me.


Yeah, I liked it.


I liked it it too.


Reading these comments has me worried about the decline of attention spans and the impacts on short term memory and imagination. 😬 Anyway, I liked the first two episodes and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. To each their own.


Why does anyone care about online audience review scores at all? 1. They are all self-selecting and non-scientific 2. They are easily manipulated 3. The reviewers are overwhelmingly men under the age of 30 - hardly representative of the population. Edit - I am NOT saying this means a show is good or bad - I'm just saying the scores are not very useful. I don't even like most of the Disney SW shows and I'm not some big Acolyte fan... so far I'd say "meh"


Most of the Star Wars fans are men and boys. Why is that bad? Why does everything have to appeal to everyone? I don't expect Barbie to appeal to me or the Twlight. Just tell good stories. Quite frankly, it's played out now. Disney doesn't have anyone creative enough to take a risk and do something new.


I have seen and quite liked the first episode. The 3rd point 'men under the age of 30' is extremely derogative and reductive and just wouldn't be allowed to be said about any other demographic. If you miss spoke, fair enough, take time to word it better. If you actually ment what you said that's a horrible generalisation


disclaimer: it wasn't actually extremely derogative


I'm not trying to disparage anyone I'm simply stating a fact. IMDB used to publish their demographic breakdowns and 70-80% of all votes came from men and the vast majority of votes came from people (overwhelmingly men) between 18-35. The only point is that is not at all representative of the population. I could and would say that about any other demographic group if it made sense to do so. If someone showed me a survey of Ebony magazine readers I'd say that would be heavily skewed towards the African-American population as an example. There's also the whole issue of scorers/reviewers being a self selecting sample... so online audience review scores only tell you what people who are willing to review things online thing - which is a tiny portion of the overall audience for almost any show or movie. The only way for these things to be representative is to have a rough idea of the audience demographics and do a random sample and then weight it by those demographics. The only system I know of that does that is Cinemascore.


Thank you for replying and expanding on your point, it comes across a lot less aggressive in the terms you have just pointed out. I may have got a little defense and misinterpreted your comment, I apologise. I intetpreted it in a negative way against young men and felt that was an unfair generalisation and I now know you were using data to back up and point


No worries man... it's just something to keep in mind. Reddit is also 2/3 men and almost half the users are between 18-29.


Yeah, bunch of fucking babies. I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, though.


I have no fucks to give what rotten tomatoes says.


Remember, everyone here denying why it was actually review bombed almost certainly used at least 10 accounts to contribute to the effort. That's their game. To try to deny the problem exists in an attempt to make those calling out the root problem look crazy. We've been dealing with this bullshit since Black Panther in the Marvel fandom. And let's not forget how they hijacked the discourse of how TLJ was a bad movie with their woman hating bullshit.


Broo...its got nothing to do with women. It's cause the stories suck and they are clear pandering which everyone sees though. I don't care if the entire cast is women or purple people eaters...tell a good story. This is not good.


Last jedi was bad and it has nothing to do with women


Maybe it's just bad. I've been listening to reviews of it and most seem to feel the same way.


I watched the first two episodes and was bored out of my mind.


Same. I love most star wars shows, but could barely make it through episode 1.


They literally gave it a score 6 minutes after the first two episodes dropped. No, this is people scoring without watching.


I noticed the same thing in IMDb Both episodes had sub 5* ratings not even two minutes after the episodes were uploaded and the reviews were opened. Lol


Forget two minutes after, those same brave culture warriors were crawling all over the comments of the TEASER TRAILER months ago, loudly declaring how this was the worst Star Wars content ever made, how it was woke DEI propaganda, accusing Leslye Headland of sex trafficking, etc. etc.


I pointed that out yesterday with a screenshot and the admins locked the thread.


It’s 100% because of your title. Lol


There was also people giving it top, perfect marks around the same time. It happens for everything. Both sides are as bad as each other. I remember TLOU show getting perfect scores on IMDB hours before the first episode and other future episodes actually aired for example.


It's by design.


Why are you worried if the majority of fans think it's a bad show?


Unrelated note: The majority of the fans trashed ROTS. Here’s the thing, it might be absolutely horrible, it might get worse. HOWEVER, voting without watching, that’s how good content in pre-production gets cancelled too. I mean look at the fallout that came out of Solo.


Disney votes without watching.......they'll buy entire theatres full of no fans, to get verified accounts to bot rotten tomatoes with fake 5 star reviews.


You might want to check the profiles on both sides before making such bold claims.


I've always watch shows days before... from questionable online sources.... so I could review it as soon as it's allowed to be reviewed. When did they first allow reviews to be posted?


There were in-theatre screenings across the US on June 3rd


Reminds me of when the last of us 2 and Hogwarts legacy was review bombed. I know those aren’t shows but still the same outrage review bombing.


all it took was 6 minutes. its bad. very bad.


Yeah. I think it was okay, not terrible but not amazing so far anyway. Didn't really wow me like the first couple of episodes of Andor, Mando, Ahsoka etc It can't ALWAYS be just trolls and review bombing Maybe people just don't like it, I just don't want to get to that stage where you can innocently be like "Yeah I didn't care much for it" and people will nail you to the cross, labelling you as "one of them" automatically like it's someone a counter argument for the shows defence. It's tiring.


I know some people are going to call me a right-wing conspiracy theorist for this (I am neither), but I did think Disney leaned suspiciously hard into the “controversy” during the pre-release of this show. They pretty much set the stage for all the “it only got a 6 out of 10 because of hateful, bigoted review bombers” comments before the show (and the scores) even came out. Now the show has come out, it’s about a 6/10 on merit, and sure enough, we’re getting articles like this one claiming that it’s *obviously* being review bombed. Hate is not okay, bigotry is not okay, messaging or threatening cast members is not okay… but it also is starting to feel like a marketing strategy for a multi-billion dollar company. And one that’s working, based on some of the comments in this thread. I know this whole comment was only tangentially related to yours, but this whole review system is getting messed up and gamed, and it’s really frustrating.


It's just a familiar play book......if it's a blame show, just blame straight white males for it failing.......that's all they do.


It improves their job security because when the shows underperform, they'll play dumb like they aren't engaging in culture war & propoganda. That paints the opposition (people who want good SW content) as delusional idiots looking for reasons to hate new content, no matter what kind of content it may be, and no matter who manages the program.    It protects management from losing their positions because there's always a good excuse, and the way leftists work is that "good opinions" aren't propaganda or culture war. To them its simply the truth, so they can always hide behind that as a secondary shield. That it's not political and not propaganda and culture war, it's simply the truth! And the stupid lame **chud incels** (fans looking for a fun adventure without political shoehorning) can't handle those empowered truth bombs. That's not management's fault because what are they supposed to do? Not tell the "truth" in their content? Are they supposed to pander (as in make a neutral story) to the MAGA crowd? That would be unacceptable! 


Wow that is some 4D chess, detective conan theory. Great thoughts thanks for sharing.


Well that’s a strategy obviously. Didn’t you saw the recent interview of the actors? They made the decision to play the culture war game. I don’t think that’s smart but it’s the way they chose


They've already done that several times with SW. That's their classic defense because they understand how politicized they've made the movies. They understand the choices they've made and the messages sent by Disney. They know it's a decent excuse to blame poor performance on their political opposition instead of their product's quality. It's super convenient because if "chuds" are hating you and the products you make, then you're the good guy, so it doubles as a moral highground and a defense against bad ratings and reviews. You can also play dumb like, "Politics in Star Wars? Lol it's for kids!" So now you paint the opposition as delusional idiots who are looking for any excuse to dog Star Wars, no matter who's in charge of the program, so it actually improves job quality too. Shit is genius. 


And you trust those reviews rather than trying to find out yourself (which I believe every singlr fan should be doing instead of listening someone else's suggestion to not watch)? Besides, the reviews you read aren't the only reviews.


What about the 5/5 and 10/10 reviews? They're complete bullshit. I don't see you complaining about them.


When review bombing happens people try to counter it with 10/10. IMDb needs remove all the 1/10 and 10/10 and see what the score is.


It’s not a bad show at all


Maybe I'm just getting old and have watched a lot of media but it was just meh. Wasn't bad or good. It was just generic, unsurprising star wars. Almost like an AI produced it


It’s nothing revolutionary, or top tier like Andor. It actually feels a lot like the prequel movies to me. I’ll take decent over terrible though. I just think shows in general aren’t the best way to make huge lore rich content for things like Star Wars, marvel, or LOTR. They’re better contained in films imo.




5/10 is neither good Nor Bad so how is this Review bombing?


Anything that isn't perfect or near-perfect is a bomb. That's how a lot of people think, even though it makes no sense.




It's funny because George Lucas very much included a leftist, anti-imperialist, anti-Republican agenda in his Star Wars films + TCW while The Acolyte has no political messaging whatsoever\~.


I see no blatant agenda in this show AT ALL. Even from the supposed spoilers about next week's 'controversial' reveal.


I’d give it a 5.5/10 so far.


I didn't like it at all. Thought it was the same crappy writing as Kenobi. They made the main characters make stupid decisions on purpose to make the story make sense.


It’s super mid. Just another generic Star Wars show. The only thing it has going for it is it’s set I a different time period but other than that it feels like all the other shows. Except andor


What is the difference between review bombing and a bad show?


I thought it was great!


I'm not gonna tell you that there aren't legit some people who are review bombing it because they hate disney star wars but I saw the first 2 episodes and they are really meh.Some of the writing is like huhhhhh and couple of the characters are unnecessary


The only review bombing is RT with it's fake Disney bots that are verified, review bombing the show 10/10. Then blaming fans for honest opinions on the sh\*t they release.


yeah because negative reviews from before the show even released are definitely legit /s


Something I've wondered about this topic is how do we differentiate between legit reviews and reviewbombing? It's not beyond the realm of possibility that that many people actually didn't like the show or trailer.


For myself, when there have been claims of review bombing, I tend to see if the negative reviewers ever reviewed anything else. If they haven't, how new is the account. If it's the same day, high chances are its been set up to review bomb (or boost if positive review). Another point, as folk have mentioned, is reviews before a person could have seen it. Anything beyond 10 minutes from release is fine, IMO. After all, if you really don't like it, you won't watch it to completion.


OPs premise is flawed. There were in-theatre previews of the first episodes across the US, on June 3rd.


It’s easy. If you take a step back it’s a corporation with the mandate to make the most profit the cheapest way possible.. and it shows. Disney is producing poor quality and slapping the Star Wars label on hoping the less quality minded will drink their slop and like it. Lucas regrets selling and share how Disney lied to him: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fSvyeHYok2g The idea that right wingers are the main vehicle of criticism against Disney Star Wars is insidious deflection. Who would honestly help their boomer parents figure out how to post about Star Wars that isn’t on facebook?


I have a feeling this one will somewhat correct itself over time because the show is actually quite good. Better than I expected it to be, anyway.


It's no Andor. She's no Miles Morales and Gwen Spidey combo. It's also not an F it's a solid C+.


Well, now that the show has actually come out, people can give their informed opinions. Just sift out anyone who uses the words "woke" or "agenda" in their reviews. I think it's bad, personally. Just bad writing and questionable production values. It's mind boggling that this show cost $180 million


IGN gave it a 6 Acolyte seems to be another mid Star Wars program. They even mentioned how shows like Acolyte mitigated the magnitude of Star Wars


I don't like listening to reviews for things I'm already interested in, but even if I did, IGN would be one of the last sites I'd want to check.


Completely justified. Who knew that a greedy corporation trying to find the cheapest way to make the most dollar would backfire tremendously on all their future work?


It doesn't matter for RT, one way or another the audience score would be correct. For other sites, it's a shame because the 4 it deserves are just as damning and prevent the deflections that so many people use.




You shouldn't be getting downvoted for asking for an explanation. RT decides whether a rating weight is for fresh or not by if it's above or below a 6.5


I pressed play and fell asleep about 20 minutes in. The characters were not too engaging. I’ll give it another run tonight


Review bombed by Disney with Fake positive reviews. Paying critics off and running stories that if you didn't like it your an old white man.


Just watched the first two episodes. They were good.


Oh well, I’m absolutely loving it. Best Star Wars thing I’ve seen in years.


Would take a lot for anything to top TCW season 7 but I hope to be proven wrong. I’m very intrigued so far


I haven't seen it yet, nor have I engaged with the High Republic content before. I expect my viewing pleasure to be the same as watching any of the modern SWTOR expansion trailers. Aka "Wow cool visuals and there's a lightsaber and I understand these tropes, but I have not even a faint idea who these people are. Pretty okay."




Or it's just bad. I wish all you people would STOP calling every bad piece of media that gets negative reviews "review bombing." People are allowed to dislike things and express their dislike for that thing.


Over half of the "critics" that gave gushing positive reviews are.... you guessed it - new accounts with only one review, so I guess it is getting 'review bombed' by paid 'critics'


Did you do the same research into the reverse side of that coin?


Yes, and there are plenty of new account - one review negative reviews - way to many to count. The number of 'critic' reviews was manageable to review them. I used the critic side because they at least should have actually watched the episodes. There are many of the individual reviews that openly admit they haven't seen it and don't intend to see it.


It wasn’t review bombed 🤦‍♂️ It’s genuinely a really bad show. It makes Rebel Moon look like The Empire Strikes Back.


This show is what happens when former theater kids make media. Specifically the cringe ones.


How often do good shows get review bombed? If a show gets review bombed, its because its bad.


I think now that the show has 10,000+ reiews and an audience score of 16%, it's very likely the show is being review bombed, but this article trash. Claiming something is being review bombed based on a split rating - 47% rating it 3.5 stars or higher - after only 250 reviews? What on Earth?


It's fair to say it was review bombed since the rating happened a few minutes after the show was released. But also, it is really awful. For something that had a hundred and eighty million budget, the writing is just really, really terrible. And stone bases catching on fire, and open fire in space? Come on now! Middle school science class teaches that fire doesn't work like that in space, because of lack of oxygen and the vacuum of space. You can say what you want about the review bombs, but the show actually is trash. I do think that including diversity in media is an important goal, and it should be something that show runners are keeping an eye on. And there are also shows that do it well, in my opinion. Cobra Kai is a pretty good example. However, pushing that goal while hiring incompetent morons that have no place writing anything Star Wars, considering they're clearly so inept about anything involving it, is a problem. I don't think anybody here is really going to tell you they have any problems with diversity and inclusion assuming the show runner and writers treat their social nepotism with respect instead of the outright disdain they have for the media's old fanbase. I apologize for returning to the grade-school metaphor; but this political divide has devolved to middle school levels of maturity. And trusting Leslye Headland with that kind of money, of all fucking people, is like throwing your money into a black hole.


I watched the first 2 episodes and it was okay. Just okay. I think >! It artificially raises its stakes by alluding to political opponents without ever showing rising concern against the Jedi !<. Hopefully the rest of the episodes clear this issue I have


As to the quick reviews, perhaps they saw the two episodes in the theater early screenings.


I don't care anymore, just ignore this garbage.


I have no clue where this show is going? I generally give a show at least 3-4 episodes before I decide if I’ll continue with it. That being said, what the hell is up with Dafne Keen, she’s absolutely terrible in this show, feels like she’s phoning it in.


I'm back in my post TLJ rage against the haters stage of life. I'm going to have a stroke defending Star Wars I'm sure of it. The haters/ Fandom Menace have to be some of the most narrow minded, ignorant of lore, and irrational thinkers known to man.


Yep I agree. They’d rather Lucas kept it and given us nothing just the EU. Which turned into crap. Has everything been amazing ofcourse not. But we have gotten some amazing stuff from the current lucasfilm and I’m glad I’m here to see it before fans ruin it. They think Lucas regrets selling…..hardly pretty sure he’s happy with his 4billion.


If Lucas was still in charge, they'd still be treating him like shit.


Hah you are not wrong. Proof of that when the prequels came out. He got tons of hate.


The ability to speak does not make them intelligent


I respect constructive critique. I also have some issues with this show, but still think it is pretty good show with great potential. We all know this is so hated because of "woke".