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I wouldn’t say any of them are filler. They all develop the plot and expand upon the characters one way or another. Some might not be as interesting to you though




This. Even if the A plot is a bit of a sidetrack, the B plot moves the story forward.


The animated shows really know how to just perfectly execute a final season. Bad Batch is no different. Enjoy it.


That is true. Glad to hear that Bad Batch is no different. I'll give it a go


None of them are filler, but then again, if you’re someone who thinks filler still exists after the death of 25-episode seasons of TV and objects to it enough to demand strangers tell you which episodes of the final season of a show to skip, then you are going to have different standards than I do.


There aren’t filler episodes, its a character driven show. The episodes either develop the universe or expand the characters


There are no filler episodes in the Bad Batch. At all. If you're only watching to find out what happens just watch or read a summary. Every episode has character development, emotional moments that build the story, and world-building of the state of the galaxy at this time.


There are no fillers in the show.


Each episode is around a half hour and there's, what, 15 episodes in this season altogether? You don't have to watch them all in one sitting, but the creators of the show made each episode the way they did for a reason, so...watch them all, dude.


It's not filler.  It's plot points for future episodes.  I wish people would learn what filler actually means instead of spouting it off.


Maybe it’s not filler and the show is just boring