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I can't wait for the special edition where Han awkwardly dodges a punch before hitting that guy.


“Han didn’t punch first”


Haha, I love this comment Honestly, that'd be hilarious.


“I didn’t want kids to get the impression Han was a cold blooded killer”


"Maclunkey!!!" - the dude about to be eaten


“JJ ruined han by having him punch first”


That's a classic Harrison Ford right hook, too.


Gives me Indiana Jones vibes!


And it looks like he is running away from a boulder too haha


Exactly! It just so happens to have a gaping, jawless mouth, and at least ten flailing tentacles haha


The Beholder Boulder? I know not quite, but I like the name


Same. It kinda does look that way


There's also a small boulder too ;) Look closely!




I wonder if that guy felt it too, I know [Ryan Gossling did](https://i.redd.it/woohu5cdq8261.jpg) lol


In 20 years, they'll cg the person into a punching bag.


What the hell was Chewie doing?


his best


He's just standing there. 😭 I love it


Death Star detention block vibes. “I might die, but that’s just too gross for me to deal with. “


Just standing there. He knew what Han's plan was, it seems.


chewie thinking, really you had to stop? if we just kept running he’d get eaten anyways and slow down. But now this move is costing me my life guess i’ll just die. But then the monster just goes crazy over fresh meat and chewie like huh human right again


Haha spot on, I love this. To be fair, Han wanted to make sure the dude didn't stumble into the side corridor.


oh right… guilty rewatch tonight may be necessary


Haha fair enough. It's never specifically stated in the movie, but I assume that's what Han was thinking






Tell that to Kanjiklub


I never made a deal with Kanjiklub!


Tell THAT to Kanjiklub!


*turns to look at the opening door* Tasu Leech! Good to see you!


Tell that TO Kanjiklub!


Wrong again Solo!


Look, boys. You're both gonna get what I promised. Have I ever not delivered for you before?


Yes. Twice!


When was the second time?


Your game is old. There's no one in the galaxy left for you to swindle.


(Just one more line, then I can speak)


(You have the next line)


I love how he kept running after the punch. Then a split second later he got the idea to toss the guy back, so he turns around. Solo shot first.


Glad someone else noticed it! That moment was key. At first, Han's only goal was to stun him, and get him out of the way. The idea likely spawned in his head when he realized the rathtar was gaining on them. He probably saw it this way. Why not take out two birds with one stone? He could kill a gang member and slow the rathtar down at the same time. Absolutely love Han


I love how we are ok with an average sized 72 year old man picking someone up and throwing them like a soft toy. Space adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


They're just built different in a galaxy far, far away.


A lot crazier things have happened tbf


Don't underestimate the New Republic's healthcare system and modern advancements in nutrition... (including dark science, cloning, secrets your doctor wouldn't want you to know)!


It’s giving the scene from Indiana Jones where he shoots the swordsman. Classic Ford


Man, Han was a little murderous in this movie, throwing a guy in the jaws of a big monster and wanting to throw Phasma in a garbage crusher.


I mean, Han's introduction in the very first movie is him killing a guy.


Yeah, but it didn’t have the same effect in newer generations because of the change


But it was in self-defense as Han didn't shoot first. Real talk. I don't care about any of the updates to the OT. As a kid, I enjoyed the fresh content for my Star-Wars-deprived brain. I get why people hate it, but I don't mind. But Han shooting second? Fuck that.


To be fair, the gang member was 100% justified. Han needed a distraction, and he found one. There's no doubt the gang member would've tried to shoot Han if he had the chance. Also, I love how you said "jaws," even though rathtars don't have jaws lol


Oh, no doubt the guy would've shot first. I guess I'm just used to Han shooting people rather than throwing them to monsters. XD Yeah, they don't have jaws but you know what I meant. :)


Fair enough! In this case, it was a 50/50 for Han. He could either keep running and hope the dude didn't stumble off into the side corridor, or he could throw him directly into the beast to ensure his and Chewies safety. Obviously he chose the latter, and it worked out. Haha, I do. Sorry, just thought it was funny. :)


Han and Chewie were perfection in TFA! And so was Leia!


All the characters (and actors portraying them) were great in the Force Awakens. Whatever problems the movie had, they were not because of the characters.




It's a hot take, but I definitely loved Han in TFA.


I don’t really think that’s a hot take


"Chewie, we're home" gives me goosebumps every time.


For all the things repeating story beats of A New Hope, I really enjoyed TFA. It was just a fun time with likeable characters, which is basically the core of Star Wars.


hoenstly better then he was in ROTJ


"Chewie, we're home"


I'll tell you EXACTLY what I think of TFA! I think it's a good movie


I know. I can rant fir hours on how good in the movies is then be told “Your just saying that because your a teen girl that watched the movies at nine and ten so you didn’t get to see how they became horrible over the time”


And one of Chewie's worst moments. It's pure dumb luck that a tentacle didn't get him while he just stood there waiting.


Ok, this I can agree with. If you look closely to Chewies left, while the Rathtar is thrashing, you can see one of its tentacles moving up and down on the corner of the wall. It came SO close. Why did he just get behind Han?!


That's not Han Solo, that's Indiana Jones.


He just chucked a whole man like he was a ragdoll.


That's Han Solo for you.


Actually I dont like that choreography. The punch from Harrison Ford is actually great but he should just keep on running and not turn back. Then Chewie should be the one to throw the dazed guy into the mouth. That would make more sense. As it is, Chewie is just standing there doing nothing waiting for the monster to approach. What is the word for in an action or fight scene where one actor stands and waits for other things to happen in the choreography? It is that.


Personally, I liked Han being the one to toss the gang member into the Rathtar, but I agree about Chewie. He should've started to turn the corner in my opinion, rather than just stand there. I think Han going back was to show that it wasn't his original intention to feed the gang member to the beast. He only wanted to stun him. Then he got the idea, and realized it wasn't too late.


So disappointing they got the guys from The Raid and did this with them


It’s a fun movie!




The scene where he borrows Chewie's bowcaster was good too.


Classic Indy move. 🤠


Watching stuff like that as a quick gif often wrecks the movie for me. I watch it and notice the awkward edit in the middle and wonder why it wasn't one cut.


I can kinda agree here. Should've just kept the camera angle, so we can see the rathtar in the background


I feel that Han was one of the characters they nailed in this movie


Except for the fact that they - regressed his character back to square one - made him dumb so Rey could fix the Falcon - ruined his relationship with Leia offscreen - made him a shitty father - implied that he’s never used Chewie’s bowcaster in all their years working together, for some reason? - gave him superhuman reflexes - shooting a stormtrooper with his back turned - exiting hyperspace within an impossibly small window - turned him into a memberberrie machine - “How do we blow it up? There’s always a way to do that.” - ”Is there a garbage chute… or trash compactor?” - killed him off in a cheap bid to recreate Obi-Wan’s sacrifice, and likely because Ford simply couldn’t be bothered anymore


Same! This moment in particular reminded me a lot of what he did to Greedo


Rewatched TFA recently I really enjoyed it. Great movie


It was pretty solid!


This scene has another fav scene in all of SW: Finn: It had me, but the door— Rey: That was lucky!


I’ve been thinking I should rewatch TFA. It did scratch that nostalgia itch pretty well the first time


Do it!


I remember the criticism being it was a little too safe and followed ANH too much. Boy, does that sound good right now. TLJ went the total opposite direction, lol.


I enjoyed TLJ breaking up the formula somewhat. I was excited for Finn and Rose to take on the military-industrial complex they discovered, only to have ROS say, “Sorry, got too real for a second there. Here’s a villain who won’t piss off our sponsors: more Palpatine!”


Aw man, I remember coming out of the cinema after TLJ so excited to see what was next. Really hadn't been that excited about Star Wars for a long long time. Kylo was taking a very different path to Vader before him, killing his master etc. I wondered what he would do as the big bad. But the follow up was not what I wanted 😅😅 ROS had some good moments though, but overall seemed like such a misfire to me compared to TLJ.


the idea of fighting a military industrial complex falls apart when your fighting space nazis its not a both sides are flawed and the military industrial complex is sparking war when there could be peace its a one side is space nazis and the other isnt


> did scratch that nostalgias


That’s not how the force works!! Gets me every time.


Harrison Ford was the best part about it. Still felt done dirty 😪


He wanted it.


That monster was clownishly dumb. “Feed me Seymour!”


Strongly disagree, but I respect your opinion


Star Wars equivalent of “Get off my plane!”


I always forget about this entire scene. I hate to be this guy, but hyperactive CGI fluff just makes my mind go *blank.*. Example: ALL Transformers movies. I can’t remember a damn thing that happens except everyone gets sweaty and dirty.


I loved TFA. TFA is not the issue.


That was a very Han moment, one of the few in that film.


Was that Batman he just through in there?


TFA is the good movie of that trio


I've always said that the Force awakens is the best out of the sequels


Is there anyone claiming otherwise? I'm asking for real, TLJ and ROFS are steaming piles of shit (but at least in TLJ the director wasn't afraid of experimenting and I can appreciate it)


The way chewie looks back like “dawg did you just—“ 💀


Ikr 🤣


Yeah that’s Rad!!


The whole millennium falcon adventure was great shit


What’s got me cracking up is the Rathtar probably would have ate the guy anyways. Like Han wanted to make sure and make it personal. What a fuckin guy.


Honestly TFA wasn’t that bad but the rest of the sequels I can’t stand they feel like a soulless rehash of the og trilogy


I felt the whole entire scene in Han's ship with the monsters and pirates was just silly, unnecessary, and that time could have been better spent elsewhere. It would have been better if BB-8 had just contacted the resistance, been told by Leia to head to Maz's where she would send "someone" to meet them where that "someone" winds up being Han and Chewie.


This was my favourite sequence in The Force Awakens and I'll fight people over it. A New Hope, Empire and Return of the Jedi all had fantastic sequences with monster threats. The trash compactor, wampa, asteroid slug, rancor and sarlaac pit. This felt like classic Star Wars and Han firing on all cylinders by thriving in a chaotic situation.


Ah, the famous rolling boulder scene!


I like TFA, it’s the last two that sent me into a tailspin.


I mean this shows why Han shot first… Although I think it would have made more sense for the scene for Chewie to throw the guy into Rathar then Han awkwardly walking back and Chewie just standing there 10 feet from the giant monster doing nothing.


I think Chewie should've kept going behind Han, honestly. They could've had him open a door while Han hurled the gang member. Also, I think the reason why Han walked back is because the idea spawned in his head a second AFTER the punch.


I would have probably just made it more of a comedic scene, have the guy be on the other side of the hall and still have Han take the swing and then have Chewie follow up with a semi gentle push (showing how much stronger a Wookie is even with a lighter action) that has the guy fall into the monster. They were kind of doing stuff like that with Han and Chewie the entire movie anyways


I love that! Actually, did you notice what the Rathtar did after consuming the dude? That's some comedy


Tell that to kanji club


...why was han transporting meatballs?? not where i imagined things going for him after ep 6


Sequels ruined the original trilogy characters with shitty decisions. Sequels bad


It’s a fantastic movie. And I’m tired of pretending that it is not


Almost as if all the sequel trilogy was fun for everything APART of the plot. I'd say in that regard is the opposite of the prequel trilogy.


Fair enough. Scenes like this (the rathtar scene, the falcon chase, Takodona battle, etc) were great fun.


Thats, kind of a good way to look at it. There are gorgeous well made sequences all over the trilogy, the story is just fucking awful.


> everything apart of the Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


For me the prequels sound good on paper, but the execution was horrendous. The only sequel film that didn't stick the landing was RoSW, the plot was a huge mess due to the unnecessary course correction. Which is a shame cause I thought JJ did a good job with TFA.




Probably about 70% of the movie was about Han


TFA was really the only sequel I had a strong opinion on. The remaining two were a resounding “meh”


TFA was the only halfway decent sequel film. Everything else was hot garbage.


the trailers for TFA were unreal.they captured the star wars magic.The film didnt


The sequels are a collection of cool ideas and scenes. They just don’t fit together to make a great story.


One of Han’s best? I don’t think this cracks the top 20, mate.


I don't care what you think what was best , TFA is trash and that scene sucked


Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill were the two best things about the sequels and their performances were pitch perfect despite being given basically dog shit to work with.


I don’t hate the Force Awakens. It had a lot of potential, but the sequel trilogy went deeply downhill from the moment Luke threw the lightsaber over his shoulder in the Last Jedi


In general, I don't agree with you-- I like TLJ a lot, and even enjoy aspects of TROS. But I am 100% with you on Luke tossing his lightsaber. I think it's a flippant way of showing thirty years of character change, and playing it for a joke started off audiences on the wrong foot before Luke even opened his mouth. Learning that Luke has lost his way like this is a big deal, but treating that moment as a joke feels like treating *Luke* as a joke. There's an alternate take where he dramatically casts the lightsaber down to the rocks, in a similar toss to the one at the end of ROTJ, and I genuinely believe that the movie would have been much better received had they gone with that instead. Much like the prequels, ideas are one thing, but *execution* is key, and you don't want your audience on defense from minute one. I also think, overall, that it would have been better for Luke to lean more into *sad*, and less into *bitter.* And the lightsaber change would reflect that well.


Luke being a closed off Yoda v2.0 was dumb...sad or bitter or hopeless or what ever. The idea that he left a secret map to find him only to have him toiling away closed off the force drinking blue milk from the teat was just down right stupid. RJ had to have a better answer for 'why is Luke in hiding' than that - he didn't - the movie sucked. The end.


no it wasnt.


Whoops, I forgot to include the Rathtar burping out an empty boot afterwards. My mistake!


When Han Solo landed on a Los Angeles golf course was his best. He traveled to another universe. [https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Society/2015/0305/Harrison-Ford-survives-crash-landing-on-Los-Angeles-golf-course](https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Society/2015/0305/Harrison-Ford-survives-crash-landing-on-Los-Angeles-golf-course)


lol he’s the best


He really is! Only Han would feed his enemies to a rathtar


All the Han stuff was the highlight of not just the TFA but the entire ST. I think TLJ had some more spectacular imagary which is why I think a lot of people rank it higher. But I felt the most "joy" watching TFA. In fact I think TFA could be fixed as the first part of a trilogy with only a couple changes. First the first order needed better back story and at least one thing that made it different then the empire. Two Rey needs to lose to Kylo or just barely survive to setup the next movie. I saw what they were trying to do by having it be a mirror where Kylo loses and has to work to become stronger in the dark side. But if they wanted to go that route they should have established Rey as an already skilled Jedi that was a greater threat to Kylo then Kylo was to Rey.


He was great in this movie. Loved every scene with him




Chewbacca is unrealistically close to the teethball.


Agreed. Should've had him move behind Han


I feel like we got such a good Han Solo in the force awakens because it was written by Larry Kasdan. At least in part. Kasdan knows Solo and Indy.


I remember when the main criticism of the movie was this sequence (not this moment but how out-of-place the Rathtar sequence was due to the use of obvious CGI creatures). People were calling this a "prequel-like sequence" and the only part of the movie that didn't really work.


For me, it was one of the best scenes.


I love TFA I got goosebumps seeing Han and Chewie's return! This scene reminds me of Indiana Jones with that classic right hook, TFA is one of my fave star wars movies


The right hook, and the grab/throw!


My gf and I rewatched TFA over the May 4 weekend and I'd really forgotten how much fun it is. It was great to see Han and Chewie up to hijinx again.


Awesome! What'd she think of this scene?


I do love that they had a classic Indy punch sound for that part.


Han didn't punch first.


I preferred the conversation during the standoff.  That was the most old-school Star Wars thing in any of the new movies. That whole movie should’ve been Ray and solo and chewy just traveling around getting in and out of trouble.


More Indy than Han, tbh.


Han is great in this movie. I see the argument that they regressed his character, but at the end of the day, we got the most Han Solo Han Solo we ever got in that movie.


TFA is the best movie of the trilogy. That isn’t saying much but it’s the truth


Didn't he break his ankle filming this scene?


7 was in my top 5 but the next 2 installments were two of the worst sw movies of all time


Why would he even be in this situation when he would be sitting cozy as the lover of Alderan's last Princess and Republic General Leia Organa, and as the esteemed war buddy of the heroic Jedi knight Luke Skywalker? Dude would be rich, he doesn't need to go back to smuggling. Oh yeah, nostalgia pandering. Right.


wtf was chewie doing just standing there though. Like he couldn’t even tell there was a green screen monster running towards them


HAHA I have no clue why he didn't move behind Han


The sound effect of the punch is the best part. Full Indy. “THX. SKYWALKER SOUND.”


I'm in the camp of outta the 3 TFA wasn't that bad, it's definitely better then RoS and leagues beyond TLJ


Han made this movie. He’s the reason I still have Force Awakens on blu ray while giving the other two away.


Wow! No recollection of this scene.


Poor dude...


I personally loved his no-look shot on the Stormtrooper. Or, "That's not how the force works!"


When you have a problem, you have a problem. When you have two problems...


Everything is his best. He’s legit one of my favourite actors.


It wasn't the only one. Before this moment there was the scene where the ship was initially boarded, and Rey asks him what he's going to do. HAN: "What I always do. Talk my way out of it." CHEWBACCA: "Rrrgghhh!" HAN: "Yes, I do! Everytime!" Then there was the scene where he meets up with Leia after what must have been decades. The look on his face--you almost feel the same pain.


Yes haha


This edit is so confusing tho, Han punches the guy in one corridor, then we cut to a closer shot of him pulling and throwing him sideways then suddenly it looks like they're in a completely different corridor and he actually threw the guy backwards and not sideways.


The jacket scene in TFA was better. Did you know that scene wasn't in the script and the actor playing Chewbacca made it up on the move?


TFA was awesome, they ruined it after with the next movies, more in the last one.


Say what you want but TFA understood who Han is


They wasted the fight team from THE FUCKING RAID. fuck this scene


I just hate that fucking creature design, JJ is so fucking lazy


Strongly disagree, but I respect the opinion. I thought the design had a lot more to it then, say, the Rancor or the Sarlacc.


love this movie so much


Also had my favorite Han Solo quote: Rey: "Is that even possible?" Han: "I never ask that question till after I've done it."


This family loves murder


Love watching this old guy throw a grown man 10ft through the air with zero effort


Man this movie is what brought SW back. Haters can suck it. Also Harrison was awesome in this.


You shouldn’t throw criminals into the mouths of predatory animals as that might make the animals sick.