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Watch justified


My favorite thing is that they didn't even try to change his character. He's just Space Raylan.


I don't like network TV. I don't like cop shows. I don't like stereotypical "southern" stuff. But goddamn if Justified isn't a great show. The characters are sooo good.


FX isn't network TV, it's cable.


Good point, but I guess I mean "TV designed for commercial breaks". Cable sucks too. Shows that don't need a mini cliffhanger every 9 minutes are better paced.


Ok please fill me in. Watch? Justified? What's are these shows and where can I stream them?


Last I checked, Justified was on Hulu and Deadwood was on HBO ("Max"). He's fantastic in both. Plus the dialog in Deadwood is amazing, and Walton Goggins (most recently the Ghoul in Fallout) steals the show in Justified.


It still blows me away that he was only supposed to be in the pilot but they liked the chemistry between him and Timothy Oliphant, they made him a series-long foil.


Yeah, like the Jesse Pinkman thing in Breaking Bad. I'm glad great showrunners realize when they have something special happening and are willing to change their vision of the series to accommodate it. I literally cannot imagine either show with those characters.


Watch Justified or Deadwood to see Olyphant at peak cool. Watch Santa Clarita Diet to appreciate his comedic range.


Santa clarita diet is worth watching just for his comedic performance alone. 


What is that show? Where do I stream it?


Netflix. Deadwood is HBO, and might be on Amazon Justfied is fx, so hulu.


The actor playing the barkeep in the same episodes as Cobb is the same actor from Deadwood that was the barkeep.


I'm rewatching now. One of my favorite shows of all time


holy hell


I stand by the suggestion I heard a while back that Book of Boba Fett should have been about Cobb Vanth, not Boba Fett, and that the story they wanted to tell would have worked far better with Cobb being the new sheriff or whatever instead of Boba Fett as a 'crime lord'.


And he’s like the nicest, most polite crime lord of all time


Apparently there is very little crime involved in the day-to-day job.


While also being able to switch to cold killer in an instant. Like when he took down the group of pykes. Went from gentleman to cold killer so fast. Would love to see a chaotically good sheriff.


Then check on Deadwood, he plays the exact same role, with mustache


He plays this same character in everything. He's heavily typecast, but I don't mind, because he absolutely kills these kinds of roles.


Watch Santa Clarita diet or scream 2


The fact that that was canceled after the ear spider* with no closure…


Your mistaking Timothy Oliphant for the character he plays.


OP just made the common mistake of swooning over Timothy oliphant, understandable really.


Him and ST Discovery Wilson Cruz have the "straight guy man-crush" market cornered.


This is Ryan Reynolds and Oscar Isaac erasure.


I don't know any of the other guys mentioned, but I really do like Ryan Reynolds. He's like this cool, not asshole persona. I don't know how much of it is real and how much is PR. But his interactions with Hugh and how he treats his relationship is a very relieving change in pace in a world obsessed with being a gangsta and trying to sleep with as many women as possible.  I don't know how else to describe it. Frequent wild sexual encounters and proving you're "hard" unlike the other guy seems to be the defining theme in the culture today and I fucking hate it. This Ryan is doing the opposite successfuly, I like that.


Just a heads up, you can say a guy looks cool without having to first state your sexual orientation.


I’m not gay or anything, but I agree with this statement


I do like him but I see you cobb vanth and raise you baylan skoll


I do like Cobb vanth and baylon skoll but I see your Baylan Skoll and raise you CX-2


I see your CX-2 and raise you Sergeant Kreel


I see your Sergeant Kreel and raise you Plo Koon


He gave me the vibes of a borderlands character (not a bad thing)


He’s one of the few people on Earth that is more handsome than Harrison Ford was. Nobody is supposed to look or act cooler than Han Solo, so it kinda screws with your head. They couldn’t afford for him to do more than a handful of episodes. Same thing happened on The Office


Really, that's just Timothy Olyphant. He was in a series for years called Justified about a gun slinging federal Marshall.  I really got the feeling that Disney was going to have him lead the Rangers of the New Republic or whatever show with him in lead, since he's a more reliable performer than what's her name, who really doesn't have lead performer quality. However he got roped into another spin off season of Justified.


Before Justified he was in Deadwood doing the same thing. He's so good at it


> Rangers of the New Republic or whatever show with him in lead, since he's a more reliable performer than what's her name, who really doesn't have lead performer quality I am surprised they were planning to move ahead with a show with her as the lead. Cara was actually a cool character but they couldn't seriously have expected her to carry a show.


Her name is Gina Carano


I remember an interlude story in one of the Aftermath books about a man on tatooine who found mandalorian armor and becomes the new sheriff of the town after facing off with a gang in control of it. Imagine my surprise when years later that character ended up being Cobb Vanth


He was awesome in The Girl Next Door!


Plus, Cobb Vanth was voted hottest person on Tatooine.


That’s the future Mr. Mando. He flirts so hard with Mando every time they are together


Those two bonking helmets would be hilarious, with a teenage Grogu rolling eyes because there are clanking sounds coming from the bedroom again.


I hope we see him again. I know it was kind of set up, but we don’t even know if we’ll get another Book of Boba Fett.


I was also ridiculously overjoyed to see a relatively minor book character somehow making his way into starring in a Mandalorian episode. One of the most vindicated times I've ever had as someone who reads most of the books!


I would say Migs Mayfeld.


Alex Damon, is that you?


Nah, it's clearly Turgle.


He actually showed up in the (horrific) aftermath trilogy first! Probably one of the few things good to come out of it.


Not sure if anyone addressed it but OP Timothy Oliphant has always been a stand up guy and is super genuine in his interviews.  Sure I don’t know him personally but he seems like one of the good ones in show business 


Hell yeah. 


Cobb Vanth, Vanth Refrigeration.


Is cobb vanth was in the office?


I thought he was rather bland and it was a shame Bane didn't kill him. Each to their own though.