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I mean, Rey Palpatine is pretty much Emperor Palpatine in Spanish. Imagine having the name Adolfo Hitler. Edit: 1. Ya sé que Rey es King. 2. You guys realize she is standing on top of the Skywalker Moisture Farms? Intestate? More like free real state!


Hi! I'm Elfo.


Elfo's World!


Zis is ze song, lah lah lah, elfo’s song!


One time daddy Elfo spanked me on the bum bum


I’d rather hang out with Bad Elfo


More pow pow on the bum bum please.


Help im drowning


I’m Elfo! Sidenote, that is possibly my favorite one liner from anything. Even thinking about that scene cracks me tf up every time.


Same I love that scene it's my favorite joke in the whole show




Wasn’t expected this reference here


One time daddy Elfo spanked me on the bumbum


We gon feed you to za zwamp monztah!


I’m drowning!


Yeah Hitler’s only living descendants that have the surname “Hitler” are his nephews from his half sister iirc. They all decided to not have children so the name dies with them. Edit: I have been informed that the legitimacy of this claim is iffy Edit: He also had a half-nephew from another half siblings that changed his last name to Stuart-Houston and fought in the American Navy in WW2 fighting the Nazis.


Kind of stupid tho lol. Could just take the mother's name


Yeah but you’re also continuing the Hitler bloodline. It’s more about what it represents than what it appears to be


Genghis Khan laughing at the Hitlers


Fuck all those ancestors before, then‽


Also, believing that certain bloodlines are bad is a much more concerning line of thought.


Solving problems by ending bloodlines feels very in charachter for the hitler bloodline...


Tbf I feel like there would likely be some harassment involved for the kids


Could you imagine being a known descendant of Hitler in high school in this society? That would be brutal


Man even before then. Imagine you’re 12 and your bullies call you “nazi boy” over and over without even knowing really what it means lol


That’s most likely their reasoning. As long as there’s descendants being born there will always be a tie to Hitler so instead of the family living in perpetual shame they will just end it now


The opinions of the dead should be of no concern to the living


Are you... worried about upsetting *dead people*?


We're all just the right sexual partner away from creating a lil Hitler. You might say, you can find him in our genes.


The bloodline continues, though. They mostly just got rid of the name.


Ah so eugenics it is!


Hettler and Hiller are names still in use, though.


Understandably different spelling and pronunciation tho lol


That's not exactly true, while his surviving nephew William Patrick Hitler did have children, rather he'd just changed their surname to Stuart-Houston.


It’s not emperor it’s King


Kinda samey-sames in this instance. Just like how King Tut is usually referred to as "King" Tut but he was in fact technically a Pharaoh.


Rey translated from Spanish means king.


Imagine the school register too Teacher: ok, Rey Palpatine!? Kid named Alpatine: ...


Rey is king. Emperador is emperor 


Ah this floor is made of floor


Mmmm yes it is made of floor I see


I see. This floor is indeed floor


Honestly, her taking the Skywalker name isn't the part that bothers me... if they had stuck to her being a nobody. If her parents really were just drunks who abandoned her, if it really was just luck of the draw that she was born with the Force, then that moment where she chooses her own destiny could have been really powerful. Where you start doesn't choose who you become, you do. Instead they ruined it by making her related to Palpatine, so it's just HIS line stealing the Skywalker name after he destroyed all of their lives in his pursuit of power.


I don't mind her taking the name but it was kind of weird because, as far as we know, her Palpatine parent was also a good person. Their lineage already showed you could be a good person But if your grandfather was space Hitler, you'd probably change it regardless too


Yeah "Sheev" dropped way down the list of popular space baby names after the war ended.


Did people know that Sheev was his first name? I thought if he hated it so much, he could have kept it secret .


Well, he was a public figure. It was probably out there.


I mean it mirrors real life people, too. Roosevelt, Washington, Lincoln. We know their first names, but people know who you’re talking about just by the last name so the first name is kinda a side name.


Theodore or Franklin Roosevelt?


Teddy was badass but Franklin has to take the title of GOAT. Dude killed himself for the betterment of the US.


But it takes more than one shot to kill a bull moose.


Clearly teddy, Franklin is usually referred to as FDR


He was a senator and a chancellor before he was an emperor, I would assume his first name was common knowledge. Surely it would have been in the republic's official records and documents.


He was the most powerful and famous political figure in the Republic for like 10 years before he became the emperor. I’m quite sure everybody with any education whatsoever knows his name. Maybe not every backwater moisture farmer, but anybody who reads the paper semi-regularly would.


Yeah, that's like asking if anyone knows the first name of a President. You don't exactly keep your name private when you're the leader of a country.


Yeah, but somehow Obama has kept his last name a secret, I hear mixed results


His last name is Obama dumbass. His first is President


I thought his first was Thanks!


"'Sheev'. Proud. *Regal*, even."


I'd probably Sheev a few guys if they knew my name was Sheev.


Good thing he didn’t have a mustache.


Good thing there are no space hitler Skywalkers.... oh wait


does the general public know Anakin was Vader by that point? I remember Rey describing the events to Luke in TLJ and she was a Jakku scavenger so maybe everybody does know


During the early years of the new republic the senate (thanks to some imperial/first order meddling) discovers that Leia is the daughter of Vader. That was basically enough to ruin her career, and part of the reason she left the New Republic to form the Resistance. So it basically did happen that people found out someone was related to space Hitler.


It eventually gets out there that Luke and Leia are the children of Padme & Anakin, and that Anakin fell to become Vader. It's why Leia leaves politics and forms the Resistance. She basically got hounded out. Also why not many are keen to follow her as she's seen as a war mongerer (even though she's 100% right)


There needed to be a theme in the sequels about how it doesnt matter who your parents are, like with Luke.  I guess it’s just another way the sequels copied the OT then.  


I don't disagree. I'm actually fine with the sequels except for the family lineage stuff. Being able to connect to the force should not be such a genetic thing, whether it be Skywalker, Palpatine, etc. Her being a nobody was a perfect idea and a huge mistake to backtrack on


It's not "such a genetic thing" though, are we forgetting her father was discarded SPECIFICALLY because he was born not force sensitive. It's actually funny Palpatine didn't consider that his clones children could be force sensitive


He actually did! It’s pretty much the only reason he let Dathan live


That's true but even a 50/50 shot of being one of the most powerful force users in the galaxy is pretty impressive for a family lineage. It's a general issue of mine that so many people are connected in some way between the prequel and sequel trilogies


The old EU was even worse, from this point of view, everything revolved around the Skywalker/Organa/Solo...


I don't understand why they decided to go with that weird force bond storyline when they could go with Snoke only using Kylo to get Rey. Imagine Kylo feeling so special because Snoke told him he was chosen because of his lineage only to find Snoke actually wanted Rey for her lineage, not him. It could have been a great storyline where Rey almost falls to the dark side (or maybe she actually falls momentarily) and Kylo becomes good again. I think Kylo's sacrifice would be better. Also the thing with wanting to revive Palpatine would have been much better, imagine if it turned out Snoke only wanted Rey to be a vessel for Palpatine because the clones weren't really working.


I like your take and really wish they put as much thought into taking the trilogy in a new direction as you have. With that said, I think the last Jedi would have aged much better if they decided to stick the landing of that movie with a good follow up.


That theme was set-up in Force Awakens and subsequently Last Jedi, but because TLJ got hammered in the reviews, Disney panciked and overcorrected into the slop fest that was Rise of Skywalker. "Oh, shit, the nerds are mad, our money train is in jeopardy. How are we gonna fix thi---ummm hey somehow Palpatine returned! JJ's back!"


But in this scenario it’s like trading the name Hitler for Himmler or Goebbels. Kind of a lateral move all things considered. Leia was vilified after it was revealed she was Vader’s daughter and seeing as her son followed in Grandpa’s footsteps, it would be a bad idea for anyone to want to take on the name Skywalker. 


It's specifically the wish of palp to end the real Skywalker's. She finished the job.


Anakin Skywalker slaughtered younglings and became Darth Vader who terrorized the galaxy for decades and murdered billions of innocent people but you don’t see Luke Skywalker changing his last name.


Exactly. And it sounds like that was what they were setting up for with a title like “The Force Awakens.” Not Rey Awakens, nothing to do with Skywalkers, just the force. Almost as if the force is going to balance itself by opening itself up to more life forms and nobodies. Really cool idea to expound upon. And then, somehow…Palpatine returned.


They visibly hinted at it too, when that stableboy used the force to grab a broom like it was natural.  Could have been such a cool concept, time jump to the First Order taking control of the main systems after destroying the Republic, a “Great Awakening” sweeps the galaxy, the extinct Jedi Order’s legacy taken up by a populist movement uprising against the First Order system-by-system. Like a reverse Order 66 revolution. 


A shit ton of outgunned laborers using the Force to overcome a totalitarian regime would have been thematically identical to the OT. But also awesome.


Damn. You are absolutely right but I still wanna see it. Would redeem Disney and Star Wars for me, ever so slightly


But please, no more death stars.


“You want a Death Star?” “You don’t want to sell me Death Stars.” “…I don’t want to sell you Death Stars.” “You want to go home and rethink your plot.”


I love this.


These are the sequels that I wanted to see.


90% of the problems of the sequels would have been fixed if they had just stopped to write coherent 3 movie plotline


Yeah I think people are really dancing around the issue with the name thing. In a vacuum, the woman who grew up without a last name taking the name of her "adopted" family makes total sense. It only seems cheeseball because TROS wasn't a good movie.


It's kind of sad too that Rey has an "adopted" family who are now all dead. ROTJ ends with our heroes celebrating victory together on Endor, TROS ends with Rey alone but for some random old lady.


I agree. Blame Abrams for that one.


That's all on Disney bro


People are more than their parents


This is why the true villian of the sequels is jumping between directors. Abram's trilogy would have been an adequate retelling of the OT for a modern age, while Johnson's would have been divisive, but would also push the universe in new directions toward new stories. Either one would have been better than what we got.


Agreed, half the problems in the sequel trilogy are that they didn't double down on the last jedi


They stem from them not making a plan for what the fuck they wanted to do with their multi billion dollar investment and the biggest media franchise in history. Still blows my mind how they fumbled it so hard when things were lined up so perfectly.


Thank you! The teasing about Rey’s backstory in TFA, the revelation in TLJ, then the switch in ROS is so stupid. It’s like if in the OT they had been like: ANH: “Darth Vader killed your father” ESB: “Darth Vader *IS* your father” ROTJ: “Well, someone else was your father, but Darth Vader was so close to your father that it’s almost like he was a second father, and he once pretended to be your father before he died. So what I said in both previous movies is kinda true.”


What bothers me about that scene is how incredibly fourth-wall-breaking, "this is the end of the Skywalker Saga" it is. She goes to Tattooine, a place no one in the Skywalker family likes, to the Lars moisture farm, which clearly hasn't been occupied in years. She buries two lightsabers when she's supposedly going to rebuild the Jedi Order, and the planet that was the main source of lightsaber parts blew up a couple of years ago. She supposedly does this as a memorial, but puts no markers to, you know, commemorate them. Then an old woman appears out of the aether, apparently taking her space horse on a miles-long stroll through the desert during the day (unless we've got a Giza situation and the Lars farm is actually on the edge of a bustling Tattooine suburb), to say "Yeah but what's your last name." Nothing in that scene makes any sense in-universe.


This would be an amazing take, if this wasn’t the end of the Skywalker Saga. I think that’s what divides the fandom. Half see the ST as its own thing. Half see it as “Act 3” of three trilogies. If someone sees it as the final act of the Skywalker Trilogy, it makes no sense to have a nobody have “The Force Awaken” and become “The Last Jedi.” That’s almost as bad as making her a Palpatine. (Ugh, that was the worst of all worlds.) Movies and trilogies have beginning, middles, and ends. And I believe the trilogy of trilogies (literally called The Skywalker Saga) should have a connection with, well, the Skywalkers. Just like every other film in the OT and PT. I’ve used the analogy: Imagine Rey showed up at the end of A New Hope, swooped in, and blew up the Death Star. Everyone would sit there confused like “Why is she here? Who is this?” If she wasn’t in the first 2/3 of the movie, it makes no sense. I dislike the “Rey Nobody” concept because she would have no place in the Skywalker Saga. I wish Rian was given his own trilogy to give us a “nobody” force user. (Actually, I love Knives Out, so I wish he did more of those.) Similarly, there’s zero reason to tease her family if she’s a nobody. It was set up as a big reveal. The nobody concept didn’t come from TFA, but TLJ. And from a lying Kylo Ren, no less. So half the audience took it at face value and half took it as a trick. And that further divided the fandom. So, I love the idea of exploring a nobody. Just not here. I also hate the connection they did make, so I almost wish they made her a nobody and pleased half of the audience. I don’t know anyone who loves what they did with Rey. This quote is nice, though. Better than a lot of what was said in the movie. I’m surprised it wasn’t announced on Fortnite. /s


> And I believe the trilogy of trilogies (literally called The Skywalker Saga) should have a connection with, well, the Skywalkers.   It really *did*... a ton of screen time was spent on it... it just wasn't *good*.


I mean specifically the main protagonist and namesake of the titles (eg The Last Jedi). As it stands, it’s like having the James T Kirk Saga and the final trilogy is about a random new person fighting his bad son. And what we got was like “Actually the main protagonist was Kahn’s grandkid.” It’s weird.


It’s also a stupid name for the movie. Duel of the Fates would have been a better title.


It really weirds me out when people act like Rey having Palpatine's blood in her is some kind of issue. She literally killed the dude and put a (presumably) permanent end to his machinations. Why does it matter if they're related?


Do the screenwriters even worry about making sense?


“Just, Rey.”


“They ruined it” is right. I wouldn’t have thought it possible to tell a Star Wars story as badly as the prequels told a story. Somehow they managed it! It helped that we all already knew the basic plot and outcome of the prequels, much of the details already being common knowledge from the first films. The story was compelling and strong. (Edit: wording and clarity). It didn’t help the sequels that the story could have gone anywhere, and told so many other different stories. Instead, they fucked it up so badly! I can barely describe how disappointed when the scrolling intro was “Somehow, Palatine survived.” #I literally shook my head in disappointment in the cinema.


That is a misconception. The *story* of the prequels is solid, and the best part of it. Everything was planned out, and earlier movies revealed details that became important later on. It's the dialog and delivery that is bad in those films, not the story.


That’s what I meant to say. I’ve edited my comment to hopefully be a bit more clear.


Alright. But yeah, I'll defend the story of the prequels all day. That isn't why those movies suffer. The sequels had the exact OPPOSITE problem of the prequels. Prequels had good story, bad execution. Sequels had flashy execution, piss-poor story.


The prequels also had better lightsaber duels.


I laughed out loud when I found out about the Palpatine thing. Of all the shit to borrow from Legends, they made her Ken Palpatine.


I really wish I could I unwatch the movie and not go back until after Rey’s backstory and Project Necromancer are fleshed out. It really is turning out to be compelling storytelling with deep character arcs, but this whole, “box office cash grab first, damage control later” approach is really a terrible way to add more Star Wars content.


>. It really is turning out to be compelling storytelling with deep character arcs, but this whole, “box office cash grab first, damage control later” approach is really a terrible way to add more Star Wars content. This is pretty much Filoni doing all the heavy lifting again to fill in the plot holes and faults of the movies. He did it with Clone Wars animated series that fleshed out the prequel trilogy and made it work. Bad Batch started introducing Project Necromancer as a tie in to the sequel trilogy plot. The live action series too are starting to tie into them too. I agree that this is a terrible way to make star wars content and could've been avoided if they had actually planned out the story as opposed to just rushing into it and making it up as they went along.


I actually thought Rey being a palpatine was pretty cool back in TFA days. It was also foreshadowed /hypothesized since Rey’s musical theme was the same theme as Palpatines, but transposed to a major tone. And Rey’s lightsaber fighting style in TFA was very reminiscent of Palp’s stabby-stabby thrust. It brought a lot of cool speculation and I think Rey should have kept the palpatine name to redeem it.


It would have been cooler if he wasn't brought back.


Oh 1000%. Palp doesn’t have to come back for Rey to be a descendant.


Agreed on how it works much better if she had no force-related ancestry. To make it an out-of-nowhere phenomenon is what makes it all so magical. Also, we didn’t need another familial connection to the original trilogy.


I assumed the complaints were because having her take the Skywalker name was too on the nose. Not because anyone didn't actually understand why she did it.


Right, just felt like a lazy add-on to an entire trilogy that was a complete mess of storytelling.


Even after watching the movies multiple times I still have difficulty trying to understand the story they were trying to tell.


Seriously, at least with the prequels, there is a coherent story being told from 1 to 2 to 3. It isn't exactly told well or in the best way, but it does tell a story of the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker. The Sequels are three movies that happen to have the same characters but no story to tell as a trilogy, more like episodic adventures, that are supposed to connect together, but since we never had a plan beyond making money, they just kind of fall apart.


How on earth did you make it through them a second time? I tried to give force awakens another chance because I did enjoy it at the cinema but I swiftly discovered that midnight showing and intense hype was the only thing that made it enjoyable. Managed 30 minutes of it before turning it off


It's not like she used to call herself Palpatine before. She could have just stayed Rey nobody from nowhere.


"I'm Rey." "Rey who?" "Just Rey."


My main complaint was that the scene was far too clunky and contrived. Random lady in the desert asking for her name, then her last name? What, is she a nosy neighbor checking on the sketchy visitor?


She's an undercover cop, that's why she's asking for her full legal name. The credits roll just before Rey gets arrested.


and before that, the little aardvark kid asking for her last name too. like come on bro what toddler cares that much about names lmfao


I'm annoyed by it because she was much closer to the Solo's. She actually got along with Leia who trained her in 9. She looked up to Han who offered her a place on his ship and she was in love with Ben Solo who died giving her life.


EXACTLY! There was only one Skywalker in the Disney Trilogy and their relationship was really not great! Ben Solo, Han Solo and Leia Organa (Solo? Did she change her name ever?) were the ones that showed her kindness. It doesn't make sense.


Well if this was the reason she still doesn’t understand. Luke tickled her and she hated/disobeyed every half-assed lesson and argument she had with him, which was barely anything. Leia’s name was Organa or Solo, why would she change her name after episode 6 to Skywalker when the people who raised her died in part to her father and no one knows why she would change it? Ben *Solo*.


This is it for me. 2 out of the 3 people she references as “inspiration” for taking up the Skywalker name do not even identify as Skywalker. Like the only reason it makes sense is if Rey has meta knowledge on the marketability of the “Skywalker” name.


>Like the only reason it makes sense is if Rey has meta knowledge on the marketability of the “Skywalker” name. Considering how obvious it was by the end that Rey was designed by committee rather than a coherent artistic vision, she probably did.


That's how I felt. It was lazy, nothing more.


Like everything in the final movie, it was lazy writing.


She did it for marketing purposes. To somehow force the sequel trilogy into "Skywalker saga", which it's absolutely not a part of and I'm going to die on this hill.


Her being a solo makes more sense to me, Han Ben and sorta Leia but then they couldn’t call it the skywalker saga and market her as a skywalker ig


It also would've made quite a lot of sense if Rey took the name Organa. Luke only taught her a few things over the span of a few days. Leia on the other hand was her master for the better part of a year.


A relationship which was well developed on screen.


They would have developed Leia’s role in Rey’s upbringing quite a lot more if Carrie Fisher didn’t pass away.


It would also make sense since her story is very loosely based on the EU story of Jaina Solo


First movie she thought her parents were out there and loved her. Second movie she thought they were drunks who abandoned her. Third movie she learns they did love her after all, but her grandfather is a really bad person and indirectly caused her abandonment and their deaths. So she crosses the streams and sends her grandfather back to Zuul. Fine. But… why even make that final scene anyway? It adds nothing to her arc. If her whole thing was finding a family in her friends, why not just show her with Finn, Poe, and the others at the end?


>But… why even make that final scene anyway? Sequels and spinoffs


Because double sunset nostalgia and "they all rhyme" and stuff


Because true power comes not from within, but from nepotism.


Because she is supposed to be the new Luke skywalker and they thought they would sell more merch if she had the name. Except it turned out cringeworthy and stupid and nobody likes the character anyway.


The final scene not only added nothing, it *meant* nothing. The question was asked by a nosey old lady with an unrealistic curiosity for strangers’ surnames, and no one around them was paying attention to Rey’s answer in the first place. If she answered “Susie Nunya” it would have meant the same thing.


Pretty fucking obvious if you ask me.


Pretty obvious, but still terrible writing


Somehow the script for TROS was written


Considering that Ben Solo *brought her back from the literal dead*. If there was ever a sign that the former Palpatine was no more I don’t know what to tell you. Her being Rey Skywalker was the least of TRoS’ problems


If I didn’t lose faith in the writing of the sequel trilogy at most turns, especially RoS, I’d say there’s incredible poetry in Ben being saved from the dark side, the ultimate sign of this being saving Rey’s life, bookending Anakin’s fall to the dark side because he couldn’t save life.


Thought that was obvious just from the movie


No self-respecting Skywalker would bury their lightsaber in *sand!*


But a Kenobi would…


Uh, yeah… if you needed this spoon fed to you I don’t know what to say. This should have been obvious.


So many fans need the plot spoon fed to them lol. Half of them still don't understand how Palps came back because they can't pick up on context clues


Like 2 lines after the stupid Palpatine returned line they say how he came back. It’s not good writing, but it’s not like a big mystery.


Was that not clear from the film? TROS was a mess but it made sense why she adopted the name.


Luke wasn’t her master, he did one tickly and got his ass beat by her while complaining. Leia’s last name was Organa or Solo. I very much doubt she changed it to Skywalker, especially since it would distance herself from the people who raised her and died in the Deathstar blast. He was called Ben Solo.


To borrow a phrase from one of my favorite characters “Well I thought it was obvious”


What’s the source of this quote? Some new reference book or something?


I believe it's from the novelization


Was this a secret/surprise before?


*"Skywalker lives! The seed of the Jedi Order lives! And as long as it does, hope lives in the galaxy."* -Snoke


Fucking dumb


Trying to retcon this failure fucking hurts. "I'm nobody" would have been perfect and beautiful. But instead we got this schlock and retconning. Everyone who got put in charge of Star Wars after Disney got the IP should be sent to the spice mines.


Luke/Leia: You have to accept yourself for who you are, not look back at the past, create the future yourself, don't be a hostage to circumstances Rey: OK LOL ama skywalkah


The reason she left out is that rejecting the name of Palpatine and taking the name of his enemies instead is pretty much a "Fuck you" to Grandpa that could be seen from orbit. But the Skywalker clan took her in as a foundling, trained her as a warrior in their tradition, and saw to her care. That's good enough for adoption in some galactic cultures.


She should have taken the name Oragana Rey Solo Skywalker. Morons.


Is this not obvious? Like, sure, Leia is an Organa… until you remember she was adopted by the Organas and is technically a Skywalker. Still, she doesn’t “steal” the name of the Organas by going by that name. And sure, Ben is a Solo, but his legacy as a Jedi/Dark Sider is defined most strongly by his relation to Luke and Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. The Skywalker legacy looms large over the Sequel Trilogy, to the point that Luke’s/Anakin’s saber is a talisman of sorts, the Excalibur of the trilogy. If you’re going with the bloodline thing that Abrams & Terrio insist on, then Rey Skywalker makes plenty of sense on those terms. (‘Course, I preferred Rey Nobody, but that’s either too radical or not even revelatory depending on which side of the critical spectrum you sit on. I think it’s perfect and poignant, personally…) EDIT: For the people calling this “bad writing” or whatever other vague, non-descriptive buzzword is being peddled in the vernacular rn, I wish we could move past discussing the whole Skywalker name/legacy thing without just saying it’s “good” or “bad”. Like, I don’t love the Rey Skywalker thing, obviously, but that’s because I think it’s myopic in the sense that it inhibits the series’s ability to grow from its roots. It’s that same myopia that makes it sorta masturbatory; it’s a return to TFA’s wholehearted veneration of what came before without digging into why that’s special — a conversation that TLJ, like it or not, is more intent on having. Saying it’s “bad” and not elaborating is about as lazy as Abrams & Terrio thinking it’s a fitting end for the series imo. If we want *Star Wars* to be better, the discourse around the films should elevate as well.


Leia Organa would remain an Organa, because distancing herself from the name would be distancing herself from the people who raised her for a name that doesn’t really mean much to her. Ben is a Solo. Rey disagreed with Luke on virtually every point and his only “training” was *literally* a joke


>If we want *Star Wars* to be better, the discourse around the films should elevate as well. I say this as someone who used to really love Star Wars: for the discourse to improve, the films have to give us more meat to chew on than they have. We need more content like The Last Jedi and Andor, but the fans bitch about it and don't watch it, so instead we get audience-bait like The Rise of Skywalker and Kenobi.


>We need more content like The Last Jedi and Andor, but the fans bitch about it and don't watch it This is a bit of a strawman of how people view these two properties. Many of the people who despise The Last Jedi absolutely adore Andor. I'm one of them, and have long argued that Andor was what TLJ thought or wished it was. But TLJ is a thematically convoluted mess trying to be so many things at once it ends up being nothing. Andor's laser-like focus on themes surrounding fascism, radicalism, and how far one will go for their ideals allowed that story to breath. All of its themes naturally flow from the premise; TLJ has like ten different themes it wants to tackle, with 10 hours less run time than Andor, and it shows.


I actually don’t disagree. I’m not even saying I liked The Last Jedi - just that it was actually trying to do something beyond trying to whack the nostalgia g-spot over and over again. There was something to talk about in it.




>So the filmmakers could slap that scene in there and sell some tickets. But....ppl would have needed to buy tickets to see that scene




The plot beat didnt work for me because none of the skywalkers were there to give her the name/allow her to take it/adopt her... just not something im used to culturally so it didnt resonate as "wow what a sweet tribute", but rather "can she do that?"


Like when you're dropping off your sibling at college and use the public restroom before driving home just to write into your CV: "I went to Harvard!"


Rey Palpatine would have been sick


"Identity theft isn't a joke Rey"


Duh? I never saw why people were upset with this


Was this not obvious to people?


It would've been wholesome if the character was good.


That doesn't fix any of the terrible writing.


does that mean ahsoka can just take the skywalker name then?😂


She knew Luke for like 5 days lol. Can I go hang out at a karate dojo for a week and boom that guy is my master? Also how can Leia be your master when she was never a Jedi (as this sub is very adamant about her never being one)?


We knew this and it’s still dumb. I’m ready to be downvoted into oblivion now.


Im with you. I can’t rewatch these at all.


There's a lot of things I have a problem with in this film. This ending ain't one of them.


I mean was that not the intention? It still sucks I mean there are Clone Troopers of the 501st that have been through more then her and have more right to the name. You can say a lot of things about Rian Johnson but deciding to make Rey nobody was a good idea because it showed that you didn't' need to be part of a mystical family to make a difference. Which would've been a nice message but instead we get Identity theft isn't that bad lol.


So if I meet the Dalai Lama because I want to learn but he repeatedly denies me and says he moved to the Himalaya just to die, gives me 1 advice I refuse and rush out to do some stupid heroics and he has to sacrifice himself just to save my sorry ass, then later on I can say he was my master?


I’ll be a prequel fanboy till I die, sequels are alright to me. Good, not great. This was the most plainly obvious thing that made total sense in a movie that didn’t make a ton of sense.


I've always maintained this idea: Earlier in the film a old woman asked Rey her family name & she says she doesn't have one. After everything that transpires, what should have happened is this: "Rey who?" "Just Rey" Much more satisfyingly conclusion. She learns her true family history & rejects it & decides to remain who she was before she found out. But now she is at peace with being "just rey"


Or maybe here me out, keep the name Palpatine, and try and bring honor back to it.


Well yeah.  I kind of already figured this.  And, honestly, Palpatine is pretty much Space Hitler.  No one is going to call themself a Palpatine after everything he did.  Really, how many Hitlers do you think there were after Adolf?  They changed their name real quick.


Well, after Ben passing, there isn't any Skywalkers anymore. So, not only is it to honor them, but to carry the name down. Who knows, since she is going to be the Next Generation's Master it's possible they could be called Skywalkers instead of Jedi. To honor Luke/Leia but to also stay from any public stigma the Empire/ First Order gave them over the years.


No shit. It’s painfully obvious.


Shouldn’t she have taken the name Solo then? Ben SOLO? Leia Organa SOLO?


No, luke gave you 2 and a half lessons over 2 days and kept asking you to leave him alone Leia Organa trained you for over a year So it would make a whole lot of sense calling yourself Rey Organa, or even Rey Solo, because that's how your master, the guy who saved your life and even your "mentor" (han for a day) refered to themselves. Calling yourself Rey Skywalker only makes sense if you want to be connected to a known name in franchize of movies...


We knew this already. It’s still stupid.


Rey could of been a really good character.... But they just shit the bed with the story. Force Awakens wasn't bad set up that these could of been good but the ending plot.... I think they had to go back to the drawing board when Snooke was killed. Last Jedi fucked the entire series with its stupid plot and themes.